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The Long Ride Pt. 03

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A single father meets his adelfí̱ psychí̱.
16.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/01/2020
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The Long Ride part three



Thanks to WAA01 for the edits


Chapter Nine.

A month had passed since that night, and ever since Itzel and Callum have grown closer and closer. When Shari wasn't with her father, Cal would be at her house christening every room, every surface, in their love, among other things. However, when Shari was with him, Itzel could be found puttering around Cal's home, playing with Shari and her dolls on the floor. Loving how Callum would look at her when she did. She also enjoyed how Shari would crawl into her lap when they were relaxing on his couch. The way they would snuggle one another throughout the night as they enjoyed the quiet evening together. Nonetheless, she wasn't prepared for what she saw as she slowly rolled past Callum's home on her bike.

"What the hell?!" Itzel's voice was muffled by her helmet as she watched Shari hugging a woman she's never seen at Callum's house before as she knelt on the stoop. Her anger quickly rose thinking Callum was stepping out on her. She was not going to put up with that ever again! Speeding off, her rear tire smoked as her left foot was planted on the asphalt as her anger burned in her veins. Revving her engine as her fingers flexed along the handle bars waiting for that woman to leave. Releasing the clutch, the tire smoked as first gear was caught once she saw the dark blue BMW pulling out of Callum's driveway. Leaving a trail of rubber as she flew into the vacant space that Vanessa's car once occupied.

"Hey Itzel, I didn't think you would be coming over..." Callum began to say only to stop as he noted the furious look in her eyes.

"Don't you hey me you lying piece of shit!" Itzel yelled tossing her helmet at Callum's head, which he ducked. Her rage burned in her steely blue eyes as Callum's hand covered her mouth.

"Shari go inside," Callum said, sternly. His dark honey brown eyes held their own anger in them. Did she not see Shari in the yard before she started yelling?! "Now Shari!"

Itzel's eyes followed Shari as she ran into Callum's home slamming the door as she did. She was not prepared for the bluster that came from him.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Did you not see Shari standing there before you started yelling?! Well?!" Callum growled growing red in the face.

"I'm not the one cheating now am I you bastard!"

"Cheating?!" Callum's head shot back in confusion. "Itzel, I have never cheated on you, nor would I ever! How can you think that?!"

"Then who was the bitch all over Shari?! Huh!" Itzel said, shoving Callum backwards.

"That was Vanessa, you know, Shari's mother?" Callum said, coldly.


"I think you need to go, like now." Callum had seen a glimpse of this side of her a month ago. It would seem it was finally showing itself. "Thanks for making Shari cry," he said, as he turned back to her after noting his daughter standing in the window. "Why don't you go home, out, do whatever the fuck you want, and just forget about us. Obviously, you have something you're dealing with, and I don't want that affecting my daughter."

"Please Cal, I'm sorry. I overreacted!" Itzel called out as Callum stomped towards his home as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"I'll say, stay away for a while!" Were Callum's last words as the door closed behind him.

Itzel caught herself on the bed of his truck as her knees gave out. "What have I done?!" Itzel muttered to herself as her eyes fell upon her rocking helmet. She stared longingly at his home, wanting only to rush in there and tell him how sorry she was that she'd thought the worst of him. To tell him why she jumped to that conclusion. Yet she knew she couldn't, Callum wouldn't hear a word of it not in his state of mind. Wiping her tears away as she picked up her helmet. Praying that she could salvage this, she wasn't about to allow this to be the end of them. Waving sadly at Shari before remounting her bike, looking back one last time swearing she could see Callum peeking out from the edge of the curtain before she pulled out.


Two days later...

Disturbed's 'The Night' was playing loudly in Callum's shop as the air ratchet retorted as he worked to remove the header from a client's car. For the past two days he's been trying to figure out why Itzel acted the way she did. Okay. He should have introduce her to Vanessa when he knew his ex-girlfriend would be around anytime Shari got home from school. He might have dropped the ball on that, yet he didn't think she would accuse him of cheating. Vanessa had even asked about his mood when she was over the other day. Not something he was going to discuss with her, no matter how good Vanessa thought the counseling was helping. The air hose popped as Callum disconnected the line to the ratchet and allowing it to be rolled back up onto the wheel that hung from the ceiling to save on space.

Callum's ears perked as he heard the engine of a sports bike approaching. He wondered if it was Itzel. They hadn't spoken since that day, not that he didn't want to, yet he wasn't the one in the wrong. Still, he missed her company, her laughter, her very presence in his life. Sighing, wondering when Itzel became such a huge part of his waking mind. He dared not look as he stood in front of his tool chest getting the grinding wheel attachment to grind the old broken gasket off the part before he reattached the header cover. Picking up the remote for the stereo that was wrapped in cellophane to keep it clean without constantly having to clean his hands to lower the volume or change the channel.

"Something I can help you with?" Callum asked, keeping his back to her. He knew the sound of that bike from anywhere.

"Cal... Callum look at me... please," Itzel pleaded as she stood in the doorway of the left bay. She kept her lip from trembling as she noted the sadness, the loneliness in his eyes that she had caused.

"What are you doing here Itzel?" Callum asked, keeping his voice placid.

"I want... No," shaking her head, "I need to tell you how sorry I am and why I flipped out like that on you. I swear I thought you were cheating on me and I've gone through that enough that I don't want to ever experience that again."

"Do what?!" Callum muttered. He couldn't believe anyone would willingly cheat on a woman as beautiful as Itzel was.

"You see," bowing her head, wondering how Callum would take the news, "my mother runs one of the largest modeling agencies in LA, and my father is a producer, so for all of my life I've been around the industry. Going to whichever event my parents were invited to. As I grew my mother groomed me to be a model," Itzel said, seeing the shock in his eyes.

"Yeah, I can see that," Callum uttered as his eyes ran down her body. "So what does that have to do with how you went off on me the other day?"

"I'm getting to that, let me finish, please?" Itzel replied with a small smile and a pleading look in her eyes. "You see," taking a step, then another, towards him, "I was very good at being a model. I was at the top of my game; I had the world in the palm of my hand. And yet every man I ever dated would use me, either to sleep around on me or use me to get close to my father so they could get into movies and whatnot. I felt so dirty, so alone, so distraught when I would learn the truth of their true selves that I meant nothing to them. So when I saw Shari's mother," unable to bring herself to speak Vanessa's name, "in front of your house, the past came rushing back threatening to end this relationship. I swore the day I left LA I would never again put up with the disrespect that I've had to endure by their acts. So when I saw V-Vanessa... it felt like I was losing you. The man that's been so wonderful, the man that I've..."

"You what?!" Callum spoke as he wiped the grease from his hands.

"I'm in love with you Callum! I love the nights sitting on the couch with Shari, the nights we spend at my house, the meals we share, the places we go to. I love it all! When I saw her hugging Shari I thought the life I saw before me was being taken away from me," rushing up to him, her hands curling around his shirt, "say something damn it!" Itzel said, nearly shouting, her nerves were on edge.

"So... you're in love with me huh? Want to know something?" Callum asked, with a sly smirk as Itzel nodded. "I love you too, Itzel."

Itzel's eyes began to water as Callum returned her affection. She didn't want to think about what life would be like if he wasn't as well. "I am so sorry that I accused you of cheating Cal, can you ever forgive me?"

"Now that I know what caused that outburst, yeah, after you make it up to Shari, she was really upset Itzel. This is why I haven't dated; because anyone I bring into my life will also have to realize I have to think of Shari before even myself."

"I understand, and I promise I'll do my best to make it up to her. I'm sorry I let my jealousy get the best of me, I can't help when it comes to you Callum. The first day I saw you, something just told me you were the one," Itzel said sweetly, as she slid her arms around him. "So you truly haven't been tempted?"

"Not on your life, why would I look at other women when I have the prettiest woman in town," Callum stated bringing his arms around Itzel while keeping his greasy hands from marring her shirt. "And didn't I tell you, you are far prettier than Vanessa is?"

"You did," Itzel agreed feeling her smile forming. For two nights, two long, dreadful nights she had lain in her bed crying her eyes out at the empty space in her bed where Callum would have been if she didn't blow her top. Those two days showed her what life would be like without Callum or Shari in them, something she never, ever wanted to experience ever again; nor did she want to go through another chewing out by Regina.

"So... sorry about not introducing you to Vanessa. I honestly didn't think the two of you would ever meet unless..."


"We got to the point of moving in together," Callum said, a little bashful as her eyes glistened.

"Cal, have you thought about what that would be like?" Itzel asked. Seeing his nod her heart fluttered at the knowledge that he too was thinking of a future for the two of them. "What's that?" she asked, as an alarm went off.

"Means it's time to go meet Shari at the bus stop," Callum said, lightly kissing her lips before stepping out of their hug so he could clean his hands.

"I got this baby, you keep working," Itzel said, with a stout nod to which Callum arched an eyebrow. "So which way am I going?" she asked, letting him know she wasn't going to back down. "I want to hear you working by the time we get home," Itzel said, getting a quick kiss in before Callum could stop her.

Itzel stood, patiently, waiting for Shari's bus to arrive. The wind lightly lifted her hair as she felt the eyes of the women who were there. She wondered why she felt their burning hatred searing into her skin. Shaking it off, she had to be ready to face Shari. She was what mattered not the looks from the other women there waiting just like she was. Seeing how she was normally off around 2:30 it gave her plenty of time to get to Callum's home to be there when Shari got home; and she planned on making sure she was always there to greet Shari. She wasn't about to give up Callum, or Shari, not without a fight! Turning her head as she heard the air brakes of the bus before it pulled through the intersection.

"Itzel!" Shari's voice could be heard from deep within the bus. "Itzel!" Shari's dark blonde hair flew through the air as she raced down the aisle. Itzel braced herself as Shari threw herself into her waiting arms. "I've missed you," Shari whispered into Itzel's neck as her arms held tightly to Itzel's neck.

"I've missed you too, Shari," Itzel said, softly. Holding back her tears, placing a kiss on Shari's right cheek before rising to her full height.

"Is Daddy not home?" Shari asked, looking up at Itzel as she slid her hand into Itzel's right hand.

"Your dad was a tad busy, so I thought I'd come get you. I hope that's okay?"

"Yeah!" How that single word tugged at her heart strings.

"Shari?" Itzel spoke when they were well away from all the other mothers.

"Hmm?" Shari hummed as she peered up.

"I'm sorry for what you had to hear and see. I did not mean for you to see any of that. I allowed my anger to get the better of me and I hope that you can forgive me," Itzel said, gazing lovingly down at her.

"Are you and Daddy fighting?" Shari asked, innocently.

"No," shaking her head, "what happened that day was my own misunderstanding. I thought the woman I saw you hugging was going to take you and your dad way..."

"Why?" Shari asked, confused.

"Because... I love you and your dad so much, and it tore at me that she was going to take you away from me," Itzel said, wiping away a tear.

"Itzel, no one's going to take us away," Shari said, hugging Itzel. "I love you too," she stated in that child-like innocence.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" Itzel asked, her hand lightly brushed along the back of Shari's head as she nodded.

Callum had heard their approach; a smile was on his lips as he cleaned his hands so he could properly hug his daughter. Squatting down, the corners of his mouth stretched from ear to ear at Shari's 'Daddy!' Holding out his arms as Shari ran into his shop. Holding his daughter tightly, giving her a little rock as he did.

"Did you have a good day?" Callum asked, running his index finger down the bridge of Shari's nose as she nodded. "Did you learn lots of new things?" Again, Shari nodded. "Did you make any new friends?"

"Mmmhmm, but he's a boy, and they're sticky?!" Shari stated crinkling her nose in that adorable fashion.

"That they are Shari, you stay away from them until you're older," Itzel said, in a motherly voice. Blushing hard as Callum's eyes flickered up to her hoping she hadn't overstepped her bounds.

"Be friendly, but I have to agree, no boys until your eighteen," Callum said, teasingly. "Honey, how would you like to go to Nana's for supper?"

"Would I?!" Shari squealed as she danced in place. "What about Itzel? She needs supper too?"

"I don't know Shari, I'm not sure she's ready to eat Nana's delicious food," Callum said, trying to keep a straight face at Itzel's wide eyes. "We don't even know if she wants to meet my parents," he said, drawing out the last word.

"I so do!" Itzel hastily said, without thinking.

"Oh?! Do you now, interesting," Callum mused with a guileful grin. Watching how his daughter ran over to Itzel's side, taking hold on Itzel's left hand, and giving him that stubborn look that she had gotten from him.

"Itzel coming with us to Nana's," Shari said, firmly. "Aren't you?!"

"I'd love to join you and your father at your grandparent's house, only if your dad thinks it's okay," Itzel said, looking right at Callum.

"Then I think you need to head home," Callum said, as he rose. "I don't think that outfit is appropriate to meet the folks in," he said, with a coy smile. "And you little lady," wagging his finger at Shari, "need to clean that mess you call a room," Callum said, sternly. Chuckling as his daughter raced towards the house, watching how Itzel's hips swayed as she neared.

"Cal, do you mean it?" Itzel cooed running her hands up his chest standing so close not a sliver of light could pass between them.

"Yeah, but if it's too early, I'll understand," Callum said, loving how she felt in his arms as his hands rested on her ass.

"No," shaking her head, "I want to meet them, to see the place you raised Shari, and hopefully, impress your parents," Itzel said, with a sly grin.

"Oh? Getting my parents in your back pocket, sneaky," Callum said, watching her cheeks heat as he squeezed her ass.

"When are you planning on going?"

"In an hour," Callum answered.

"Okay, I'll run home, get a quick shower, put on something nice, and bring the car. I'll let you drive it, this once," Itzel teased getting a quick kiss in before dashing to her bike. "Cal?!" Lifting the visor of her helmet, "I love you."

"Love you too," Callum said, as he leaned against the metal post. Blowing her a kiss as she started up her bike.


"That's so cool!" Shari cried out as Itzel pulled up in her car.

"I know, it is a cool car," Callum agreed as Itzel lowered the hard top.

"Look at it Daddy!" Shari jumped in excitement as the roof retracted into the trunk.

"I know, you want to go for a ride?!" Callum asked, smiling down at his little girl.

"Can we?!" Shari inquired, with wide eyes.

"You most certainly can Shari," Itzel said, as she walked around the front of her car. Holding open the passenger door, leaning the front seat forward, gesturing for her to get in. Her eyes glanced down to Callum's pocket as she heard his phone ring. Nodding when he gestured to give him a minute.

"Yes Vanessa?"

"Cal, can we come over?"

"Not tonight, we have plans," Callum said, matter-of-factly.

"Maybe Henry and I can join you and Shari."

"No. Tonight is strictly a family affair," Callum stated firmly.

"I am..."

"My family, Vanessa. Understand?"

"Okay Cal, but can Shari spend the night tomorrow?"

"Friday, Shari has a test tomorrow and I know how you kind of sucked at studying," Callum said, smirking at her annoyed huff. Peering out of the corner of his eye as Itzel gazed at him.

"Friday?! Does that mean she can stay until Sunday?" Vanessa asked, hopefully.

"Let me think about it," Callum said, aloofly. "Now if you don't mind we kind of have to get on the road."

"Can I just speak with Shari for a moment?"

"Sure, hold on," walking over to Itzel's car, smiling warmly at his daughter as she was poking through all the nifty things that were within reach, "here honey, your mother wants to talk to you," Callum said, handing Shari the phone.

"Hi Mommy!" Shari said, happily into the phone. "Guess what?!"

"What's that baby?" Vanessa asked, loving the sound of her mirth in her voice.

"Itzel's car doesn't have a roof!" Shari shouted throwing her free arm into the air as Callum started the car.

"What do you mean Itzel's car? Are you alone with her?"

"No, Daddy's driving, we're going to Nana's," Shari said, truthfully.

"Oh, I see, that's what he meant," Vanessa muttered.


"Nothing Shari, behave for your Nana, okay?"

"Yes Mommy."

"I'll see you Friday, Shari. Let me speak with your father."

"Hello?" Itzel took the phone to keep Callum's attention on the road.

"Who's this?"

"I take it you're Vanessa," Itzel spoke into the phone.

"Yes, and you are?" Vanessa asked, growing agitated at how smooth the woman's voice sounded.

"I'm Itzel, I'm sure you've heard of me," she said, pride edging into her voice at the sight of Callum's smirk.

"Oh, so you're her, huh?"

"That would be me, is there something I can pass along to Callum. He's kind of driving at the moment."

"Yes, I can hear the wind. I want you to keep your distance from my Shari."

"I don't think you have a say in the matter? Do you?" Smirking at the silence on the line, "I don't want us to fight. Shari wouldn't like it if we did, after all me and her dad... well, I'm sure you can connect the dots," Itzel said, containing her chuckle. Leaning over the console, snapping a picture of her kissing Callum on the cheek, and another of her doing a pose from her modeling days before texting them to Vanessa. Casting Callum a glance at all the nude pictures of her on his phone. "Now you know what I look like, and I know what you look like too." Giggling as she heard Vanessa curse. "Is something wrong?

"No," Vanessa sighed. "You better tell Cal not to lose you, otherwise I don't think he'll find someone as beautiful as you," she said, hating every word she spoke.

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