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The Love Bite - Ch. 03

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All their taboo dreams come true.
7.1k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/28/2023
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Ashley awoke glued to Josie. He extricated himself with a gentle 'shhthwickk' as their stuck flesh parted and he eased himself out from under her sleeping body. His mind was reeling as he padded naked along the hall to the bathroom to relieve his bulging bladder. He peed and took a shower like an automaton as his brain focussed entirely on the puzzle of what his girlfriend was up to.

Under the warm, reassuring shower, he pondered and assessed and pondered some more about the reason she kept bringing up how attractive his mom was. A lightbulb moment happened after about ten minutes and he knew the conversation he'd need to have with his calculating, manipulating compañera.

He turned off the shower and stepped out and realised he'd forgotten to grab a towel from the hall closet. He opened the bathroom door and came face-to-face with his mother waiting impatiently. She was wearing only a long tee-shirt and her hair was all mussed up but Ashley thought she looked just about the prettiest middle-aged woman in the world. Her smoky, sleepy eyes seemed to capture him effortlessly.

"Took your damn time," Julianne said.

"I, er, didn't know you were waiting."

"Do you, by any chance, need a towel?"

Ashley quickly covered his genitals with both his hands and blushed. Julianne reached into the closet, brought out a towel and held it out for him to take. He shuffled his cock and balls into one cupped hand and seized it but she didn't let go. They played a game of 'tug of war' until he grabbed both hands and yanked it from her grip. Julianne giggled as he swore and dropped it. She observed him bend over hastily and then wrap it around his waist. Frowning with frustration, he stomped away.

"Tight buns," Julianne said to herself.

Ashley froze at his bedroom door and looked back with a shocked expression, "Mom!"

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes! Yes you did."

She took a couple of towels from the closet and walked into the bathroom with a strange smile on her lips. Ashley heard the door lock.

"What the fucketty-fuck is going on around here!?"

Already exasperated, he entered his bedroom to discover Josie writhing on his bed, masturbating and holding his mother's dirty pantyhose to her nose and mouth. He dried himself off watching her fingers flash in and out of her furry wet slit. He dick grew involuntarily and stuck out at ninety degrees from his crotch.

Josie acknowledged his return and said, through a muffle of nylon, "You were gone ages. I woke up horny."

"I've had an epiphany," Ashley announced.

"Did it hurt?"

Josie gave up on her fingerfucking, took the bunched up tights away from her face and leaned on her elbows.

"Shush." Ashley said, aloofly, "I have had an epiphany in the shower-"

"I hope you washed it away. Dirty boy."

"I've worked it out. I think. Maybe."

"Dazzle me, Einstein."

"You want to get with my mother. All this talk about her, it's not just fantasy. You want a... a sexual relationship with my mom."

Josie pouted, suddenly serious, then nodded.

"And you think she wants to be with you, in that way too?"

"I do."

Ashley and Josie looked at each other as this unspoken taboo was finally broken. Ashley's prick throbbed to a perpendicular point.

"How do you feel about it?" Josie asked softly, ignoring the obvious visual evidence of how he felt about it.

"I'm okay with it."

"You are!?"

Josie sat up and cocked her head to the side like a perplexed puppy.

"I love you," Ashley explained, "And I love her. If you two start loving each other, I can't see the harm in that."

Josie stood and embraced him, his prick squished upwards between their bellies.

"You're just too fucking cool," she said, kissing him, "You're THE best boyfriend!"

They kissed for a long time then Josie sat down on the bed and took his proud erection in her hands. She flashed him a coy smile then rubbed her gorgeous lips along his shaft and up around the swollen, round, shiny dark-red head.

"Ooooh," he groaned.

"You like?"

Josie slowly mashed her lips on his cockhead.

"Mmm. One word from Mom and suddenly you're a cock-gobbler?"

Josie raised her eyebrows, "You want me to stop?"


"Anyway, I ain't sucking on it, just rubbing on it."

Josie moved her mouth all along and around until the soft friction was causing a pain in the young man's stomach.

Then she said the magic words, "I'll suck it, if you tell me to."

"Suck on me. Put me in your mouth."

She shook her head, smiling, "Say 'Suck it, Mom.'"


"Say it."

Ashley closed his eyes and shook his head but said, "Suck it, Mom."

He felt her warm, wet mouth engulf the head. He felt the brush of her teeth. She gobbled and licked and noisily sucked hard on him. He leaned back, tilted his head and let out a wild moan of ecstasy.

"Say it again," she purred.

"Why are you pushing this? We established that you want Mom but why do you think I want her like you do?"

"I've (slurp) seen the way you (slurp, slurp) look at her. When she wears her yoga-pants around the house."

"Goddamnit, her ass does look fine in those tight pants!"


Josie wanked his dick while lapping at his pee-hole and looking up to gauge his reaction. Ashley let out a long, breathy string of swearwords in response.

"Is this making you wanna come?" she asked.

"Oh, hell yeah!"

"Then I'd better stop."

Josie released him and he looked forlorn and abandoned.

"I got plans for this monster," she playfully thwapped his stiff cock and he laughed.

She opened a bedside drawer and brought out a well-squeezed tube of lubricant jelly. Ashley instantly grasped her meaning. The tube belched out cold goo on to her palm and she worked it all over his dick. She flipped around on to her knees on the bed and wiped the remains of the lube up her arsecrack. Ashley was trembling with anticipation. He seized her hips, dragged her back to meet his pulsating prong and pushed the head of his cock just inside her slimed asshole.

"Mom just said I have tight buns," he said, knowing that she'd love to hear about his mother's indecent observation.

"No manches!? Well, you do, my sexy honeybuns."

Josie whimpered as he pushed slowly deeper inside her butthole. Ashley couldn't help but imagine he was sliding into his mother's butt; images of her wide, curvaceous ass in skin-tight yogo-pants flooded his mind. This shameless girl seemed to know exactly the depraved things to say to drive him wild. He pushed harder until he was fully embedded in her clenching brown sphincter. Josie gritted her teeth with the pressure.


Josie replied with a tight-lipped grunt. Ashley withdrew to the point where his helmet caught on the exit of her butthole then pushed, withdrew and pushed, slow and steady. Josie cried out with the feeling of having her air-tight bunghole filled so completely. He sped up a little, steadying his stance, finding his rhythm. Soon they were both moaning with reciprocal pleasure. Julianne, having finished her shower and wrapped in a towel, passed by their door and paused to listen to their growling groans and moans and murmurs.

"Lucky little bitch," she said.


The day of the family party came around, and Ashley's taxi swung by Josie's parents' place on the way to the hotel. He jumped out, ran up the steps and rang the doorbell. Josie's mother opened the door and already her staccato rápida Spanish was in full flow, incomprehensible to Ashley's smattering of understanding. She stood aside to reveal Josie in the hallway, bashfully glowing in electric blue.

"Wow," said Ashley as her mother continued her stream of praise for her daughter; she span Josie around and pointed out various facets of her new, frizzly hair-do, her sculpted cheekbones, her elegant velvet dress, her spiked heels and her own pair of patterned chocolate-brown, sheer pantyhose.

Josie's mother finally took a breath and Ashley felt it weighed upon him to agree.

"Josefina se, um, ve muy bien, Señora Alonzo."

He'd tried his best to get the emphases in the right places but she gave him a look that said his attempt was dogshit. Josie grabbed her purse and said her goodbyes with many kisses and exclamations. In the backseat of the taxi cab, she let out a string of curses and sighs. Ashley thought about Josie's short, dumpy mom; was that a foreshadow of how Josie would look in thirty years' time? He looked over at the stunningly charming Aphrodite sat next to him, currently frowning and pouting, and he was grateful for being allowed to be her boyfriend, for however long it lasted. He'd never get bored of adoring her. She relaxed under the beam of his admiring smile.

"You look so... what's the Spanish for indescribably gorgeous?"

Josie didn't normally wear make-up and dresses and she was feeling oddly conspicuous, like a rodeo clown in a flouncy blue toga.

"You think she will like me?"

It took a minute for Ashley to comprehend she was asking about Julianne.

"You know your date is with me, right?"

"Shut up, bozo," Josie pouted again, "I just want her to like mi attuenda, I want her to be impressed. Her opinion matters to me."

"I'm sure she'll love you," Ashley grinned.

The taxi driver adjusted the rear-view mirror and gruffly contributed, "Te ves impresionante, devastadoramente bella, Señorita!"

Ashley lowered his voice, "Ey, tipo, ojos en el camino."

Josie hugged his arm but said to the driver, "Gracias, Señor."

The Fairmont Hotel overlooked the harbour and was a luxury spa resort. The event was for the birthday of some distant, sainted aunt and Julianne's family was travelling from all sorts of remote places. Ashley knew a lot of the younger congregates would be wearing swimming costumes under their glad-rags so they could ditch the festivities and head to the pools and jacuzzis as soon as politely possible. When he paid the fare, Josie insisted Ashley give the driver a healthy tip. She held on to his arm as they entered the ornate entrance and followed fellow party-goers to the hired ballroom.

"Ay! Santa Maria!" Josie said when she saw the stranger-filled room. They spotted Julianne amidst a throng of chatterers and drinkers and they threaded their way over to her.

"Oh my gosh, Josie, look at you!" Julianne reached out both hands on to Josie's shoulders and examined the nervous girl.

Josie simpered at the blatant approval.

"And you," Josie said, "You look like a goddess!"

"Aw shush," Julianne kissed Josie's cheek and turned to her son, "So, does your old lady scrub up okay?"

His mother looked exceptionally beautiful; smoky eye-shadow made her light eyes sparkle, her dress was a figure-hugging black satin number with a golden flowers motif and was short enough to reveal that her charcoal grey stockings were hold-ups (some of the aunts and grandmothers had visibly disapproved of her hemline but there were no uncles or grandfathers complaining) and she'd opted for the comfort of flats rather than heels. She was wearing her hair up in an elaborately pinned fashion which displayed her elegant neck marred only slightly by the ghost of Ashley's love-bite.

Ashley resisted the undeniable desire to press his lips once more on to her flesh; he swallowed, lost for words, and could only echo the taxi driver's earlier sentiment, "Devastadoramente bella, Mom."

Unluckily a nearby ancient relative was conversant in Spanish and said in surprise, "Did you hear that!? Called his own mother a devastating beauty?"

Julianne leaned close and kissed his cheek, "Thank you, Ash, but perhaps we'd better keep that kinda talk for when we're alone?"

Her delicate perfume and her close presence made his head swim.

Julianne stepped back and said loudly, "And don't you look handsome!"

Ashley 'ahemmed' and suavely adjusted the knot of his tie.

"Can I have a drink, Ash?" Josie asked, looking flustered.

Julianne drained her champagne flute and held it out for him to take, "Me too."

Ashley accepted his mission and wandered off to find the bar.

Josie looked around the room that was still filling with family groups, "There're so many people here!"

"It's okay, sugar," Julianne held Josie's hand, "You stick with me and you'll be okay."

Ashley was young enough to be bossed around by the family elders but old enough to be held responsible, and so he was increasingly given jobs to do throughout the evening; ushering aged relatives to the bathroom, keeping racing and yelling youngsters in line, herding the teenagers back from where they'd sneaked off to watch videos on their phones. Occasionally he would catch a glimpse of Julianne and Josie and they didn't appear to be missing him very much. Eventually, though, he lost sight of them altogether.

Later, walking arm-in-arm with a limping grandmother down a long, plushly-carpeted corridor, Ashley caught a glimpse through a window of Josie and his mother out in the hedge-encircled gardens; they'd found a private niche for themselves. He deposited the venerable relative carefully in her room then strolled back along the corridor, happily humming the antiquated pop tunes he'd been forced to endure all night. He reached the window and looked down.

Julianne and Josie were sitting on a stone bench among potted trees and beds of sleeping flowers as dusk descended. He leaned on the sill and spied as they talked smilingly and intimately. Julianne reached out and tucked a stray frizzle of Josie's hair back behind her ear. Josie nuzzled her cheek against the older woman's hand. They leaned closer, chatting. Their lips only centimetres apart. Ashley's name was called and he turned to find he was beckoned by a gaggle of antique aunts. He sighed and switched on his fake smile then went to see what they wanted.

When his familial tasks were complete, Ashley headed out into the hotel's luxuriant gardens. It took him some time to worm his way around the maze of hedges until he came upon the scene of his girlfriend and his mother engaged in a sensual kiss. Josie's hands were tenderly touching Julianne's stockinged thigh. Julianne was stroking Josie's hair.

Ashley had been imagining little else lately but still he was dazzled by the stunning, loin-stirring spectacle. His jaw dropped as Josie gently eased down Julianne's dress to expose her substantial breasts almost toppling out of a pretty, silvery-grey bra. Josie helped them to topple free and Ashley was unprepared for the sight of his girl lowering her head to suckle on each fatly engorged nipple of his mother.

Julianne's eyes were closed in an angelic rapture but, eventually, she opened them to see her dumb-struck son observing and her face was immediately misshapen with wretched guilt. She pushed Josie away and hastily fumbled her dress back up over her naked boobs. Ashley, thinking he'd spoiled their affectionate assignation, apologised and stepped away quickly.


It was fully night-time when Josie walked up behind Ashley who was standing by a sprinkling fountain.

"I was looking all over for you," she said.

She wondered what he was thinking. He looked thunderstruck. He tilted back his head and stared at the twinkling stars.

"Are you mad at me?" Josie said quietly, "Do you hate me? Say something!"

He put his arm around her and resumed his study of the stars, "Why would I be mad, Jojo?"

"You look..."

"I was just thinking. Sorting things out in my head."

"Have you come to any conclusions?"

"That I should ask you, what it is you really want."

Josie put her arms around his waist and snuggled in close, "I want you. And I want Julianne. I want you both. At the same time, together."

Ashley chuckled, "Greedy."

"Does this... upset you?"

"No. No, that's not what I was thinking. I was just coming to terms with something."

"Tell me!"

Ashley blushed, "When I saw you and Mom, making out like horny teenagers... I..."


"My dick got so hard! I was really, really turned on."

"We gotta go!" Josie yanked the bewildered boy down the gravel path.

"Go? Go where?"

Josie said, "We have to find a cab, now! The woman we both love has gone home in a terrible state, upset and grief-stricken. She thinks she's ruined everything. She looked so sad when she left!"

"Excremento!" Ashley said and picked up the pace.


The house was darkly silent when they entered. Josie motioned upstairs and they crept up in an eerie quiet. They held hands as they walked along the hall to Julianne's bedroom; the door was open and from the shadowy room came the muffled noises of miserable blubbering. Josie entered and switched on a bedside lamp. Julianne sat up in bed and immediately started to protest with recriminations and accusations; she shook her head from side to side and waved her hands and asked her to think of Ashley.

Josie gestured her thumb behind her, "He's right here, Mama."

Ashley stepped through the door and Julianne fell to pieces. He crossed to the bed and took her in his arms, cradling her, reassuring her. She babbled and blubbled and apologised profusely. Ashley noticed his mother had removed her dress and he couldn't help admiring her heaving bosom trying to escape from her pretty, silvery-grey bra. Her lipstick and mascara were smeared.

"What must you think of me?!" Julianne pleaded.

"Well, I think you're a big bubble of snot and tears at the moment."

He felt Josie's sharp elbow in his ribs.

"You're the prettiest bubble of snot there is!" Josie said and gave her some tissues from the dresser.

As Julianne blew her nose and cleaned her face Ashley cuddled her tighter and told her it was all his fault and when she shook with a violent disbelief, he explained, "I noticed you two were growing closer, and I should've said something earlier about how I don't mind, in fact I welcome it."

He then went on to explain even further, in a noble and selfless manner, until eventually Julianne had to interrupt him.

"I'm sorry, son, I can't really focus on what you're saying. She's eating me."

Ashley was confused so Julianne threw back the bedcovers to expose that between her legs, decorated still by charcoal-grey stockings, Josie was licking away happily at his mother's muff. Josie froze in mid-lick and looked up, wearing Julianne's wispy bush as a moustache. She appeared like a naughty puppy who'd been caught chewing the corner of a coffee-table.

"I've waited so long," she said, "I just couldn't wait any longer!"

Ashley and Julianne laughed and Josie resumed her dining. Julianne closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Ashley watched again her large breasts rise and fall, they seemed to swell with each breath. He could see hardening nipples prodding through the soft, silvery-grey fabric. He wanted so badly to touch her.

"Perhaps I'd better leave you two alone for a while," he said, taking his arm from around his mother and standing up.

"No, no, no," Josie jerked up from her slurping and whined, "Don't go! Please?"

Ashley looked at his mother, who shrugged in an 'It's not up to me.' kind of way, and then back at Josie.

His girlfriend frowned, almost angry, "I want you."

She was kneeling on the bed between Julianne's long nylon-clad legs. Her mouth glistened juicily. She ruffled up her velvet party dress to reveal her ample behind encased invitingly in chocolate-coloured pantyhose and that was the clincher for Ashley. In a second he was stripped off and behind her, fondling, groping, massaging, sniffing and kissing. Josie couldn't keep the lurid smirk from her face as she closed her eyes and pressed her lips once more to Julianne's hot, wet slit.

She'd wanted to taste this woman for so long and she wasn't going to waste a moment nor a drop of her warm nectar. Julianne writhed and they sang to each other a symphony of sighs and erotic moans.

Ashley was merrily lapping away at her nylon-covered arsecrack and enjoying the subtle mish-mash of fantastically dirty flavours and aromas that a nervous, sweaty woman will amass during an long evening and his fingers were sawing mechanically at her gushing, pulsating twat. He was just thinking, as his fingers slid easily against the come-sodden crotch that he'd never known Josie be this wet before, when the thought struck him that he'd also never felt his dick get so hard before.

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