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The Maid, the Island & the Dragon

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She doesn’t realize the dragon is in love with her…
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He watched her from the shadows of the willows at the far side of the pool. She eased slowly to the edge of the water and waded a few feet in. He knew why she sought its comfort; with his heightened sense of smell, he had known her menses was imminent hours before she herself had realized. He had also seen the red on her tunic and knew she would be wanting to wash herself of the unsightly stains, as well as, seek some relief from the pain caused by the monthly affliction Mother Nature had bestowed upon her, simply because she had been born a woman.

He closed his eyes, concentrating slightly on her pain and discomfort, and allowed the heat of the dragon to slowly heat the water around him; then willed it to move directly toward her--slowly enough that she would not become aware of his presence--but quickly enough to ensure that she would be warmed sufficiently and perhaps even relieve some of her pain.

Talesia carefully made her way deeper into the pool. She didn't want to slip on the moss-covered rocks, and the water was cool to the touch. She knew to move slowly enough to ensure she would be able to acclimate to the chill of the water. Ahhhh, but thankfully, it was getting warmer already. Her tunic billowed around her as she became waist deep in the water, and she looked down in dismay at the bright red stains on the front of her tunic. She felt the cramp in her womb, the rush from between her legs, and knew that her flow was still in full force.

She grunted slightly in pain, and began to slide her arms through the sleeves of her tunic, pulling it over her head and bunching it under one arm. She knelt carefully, and with the other hand reaching down to steady herself, sank into the depths of the pool. She was grateful that the water was warm and inviting, and that her pain was already subsiding.

She settled onto a flat mossy rock underneath the water, and began to relax. Leaning back slightly and closing her eyes, she rested; lulled by the moving edges of the stream, as well as the warmth of the water. She breathed in and out slowly, and willed the cramping of her womb to ease.

He watched quietly, hardly daring to breathe, as she leaned back to absorb the warmth of the water. Her breasts partially exposed, round and white in the sunlight, her nipples hardened from the cooler air, but already slipping under the water as she sighed and relaxed into the heat. He leaned forward quickly, his curiosity gaining the better of him--then immediately looked down, ashamed of himself, that he would be so willing to take advantage of her discomfort, for a glimpse of her naked beauty.

Instead, he began to focus on her with his other senses, the sounds of her slowed breathing as she relaxed and the pain from her womb began to subside; the floral smell of her hair as it pooled around her face and neck. All while trying NOT to let his mind wander... to how smooth and clean her skin would feel to his touch, or how tempting her body would look underneath the surface of the water. Or, gods forbid, how she would taste if he dared go there with his lips and tongue...

After a time, Talesia began to feel revived and wondered at how the water could be so warm? She took her tunic, and folding it in half, began rubbing the two halves together, causing enough friction to remove some of the stains. After it was sufficiently rinsed, she hung it from a stone outcropping above her head so that it could dry in the sun.

She decided to stay longer in the pool...she was loathe to leave the warmth and comfort, as well as, she wanted to think more on the strange young man, Roman, who inhabited the other side of the island. He was so different from any person she'd ever known before... his conversation was deep and thoughtful; his eyes sad, and he did not wish her to come near him or touch him in any way. It was almost as if he had already lived an eternity of grief, longing, loneliness... She wanted to offer him the solace and comfort of a friend; for it seemed that, for a very long time, he'd had no one with which to share his troubles. But he'd startled--backing away abruptly the few times she had reached out to touch him--when she'd simply wanted to offer him a kind touch of friendship and acceptance. And always, she'd felt a void around him...

There was also the matter of the dragon that inhabited the island... Talesia was terrified of its fire and rage, and the never knowing of when it would next appear. The dragon always seemed to appear when Roman was nowhere to be found, and she wished that Roman was around more, in order to offer some friendly alliance when the dragon did appear.

She shivered involuntarily, and looked around fearfully, wondering when the dragon would next appear, and hoping that she had not inadvertently brought it to life simply by thinking it into being. After a little while, she sighed and relaxed again, feeling she was safer in the water. She'd seen no signs of the dragon, and the birdsong continued in the trees surrounding the pool, so she contented herself in the knowledge that, at least for the moment, she was safe.

Roman watched with concern as Talesia stiffened and looked up at the sky with alarm. He relaxed as he saw her grow calm, and settled himself back into the willows to continue his covert observations. With every fiber of his being, he wanted to approach her in the water, but he lived in terror that the dragon would emerge, and that he would inadvertently harm her while he was in his dragon form. Thankfully, the water was cooler, safer, and it kept him from transforming as quickly. He used the water to calm himself whenever the dragon began to surface and before he could lose control.

Roman caught his breath as Talesia suddenly sat straight up, water splashing around and off of her. The water came only to her waist now; her breasts bouncing slightly as she scooted forward, slid off her perch, and began swimming across the surface of the pool. She was a good swimmer, and he felt relief knowing that she was safer in the water and that her pain must be relieved that she felt well enough to swim. He also did not mind watching her lithe form move through the water with even strokes, her chest moving back and forth as she swam, her flat stomach clenched in effort, her long legs pushing her along powerfully, underneath the surface of the water.

He was so enamored of watching her that he was not aware until it was too late, that she was almost upon him. He quickly sank beneath the depths of the water and moved slowly aside from her oncoming path.

But it was a mistake. Because he had no need to breathe air and could breathe as well as any fish--when he submerged himself beneath the surface, he realized his view of her had drastically improved--he could see every curve, shape, and movement of her naked body.

Her breasts moved gently in the waves, her nipples pink and round against the light reflected in the water. In sharp relief, were the taught muscles of her thighs and calves as she moved in slow motion through the water. Roman felt his heartbeat quicken, felt a warm rush to his groin, and he took a deep breath--he couldn't turn away any longer, and simply allowed himself to enjoy the unfettered view of Talesia's loveliness.

As he watched, a red flow appeared between her legs and seemed to come from the dark triangle at the juncture of her thighs. With a start, he realized that her flow was still present and it served to help him remember to think of her comfort, rather than his pleasure. His mind grew calmer and his heart returned to normal, and he simply watched as she swam the length of the pool and back, several times.

He thought back to their conversations, of the times she had reached out to touch him, endeavoring to offer him the comfort of a friend. With his heightened senses, he felt her emotions were true and that she sincerely saw him as a friend. Many times...he'd wanted to share his secret, the source of his grief and misery, but something always held him back.

Roman wondered if Talesia HAD puzzled it out--the secret that he, in fact, WAS the dragon. But he lived in fear of what she would think, say, do--if he admitted it out loud. So he kept his silence, knowing that, in his long life, no one had ever come as close as Talesia, to guessing his secret. And because of this, he realized she had become his most trusted friend.

He longed to reach out to her, to touch her...and while he watched her from the depths of the water, an idea slowly began to reveal itself to him...

What if he touched her only while he was in the water? The water was his safest place as a dragon, and it was easiest to fight the transformation--stay in his human form--while he was submerged in the pool. Once the idea took hold, Roman could not let it go...his heart quickened again, and in seconds he had devised a plan. He would surface at the edge of the pool, near the willows, as if he'd only just entered the water from the far shore. He would slowly swim toward her, make his presence known, and see how she responded. If her response was favorable, he would continue along that path, letting come what may...and if she wasn't amenable...well...Roman wouldn't allow himself to even THINK of the consequences if THAT happened...

Shaking his head with resolve, he quickly swam back toward the far shore and allowed himself to resurface. He checked behind him--good, she was still swimming in the opposite direction. Roman breathed deeply, strengthened his resolve, and before he could change his mind, began swimming slowly towards her, calmly, so as not to cause her fear when she first realized he was there.

Lost in her thoughts of Roman and his mystery, Talesia was unaware of her surroundings as she continued to glide through the water. She opened her eyes momentarily and gasped aloud as she realized she was not alone. She stopped abruptly, and unexpectedly took in a breath of water as she sank beneath its surface--her mind registering that Roman, only yards away, was swimming towards her, his gaze on her intense and unrelenting.

Too late, Roman realized he had startled her. As if in slow motion, he watched her gasp, and sink beneath the depths of the water. He immediately dove into the water and began swimming at full speed towards her, in order to get Talesia above the surface as quickly as possible. Within a split second, he reached her, and with both arms, grasped her around the waist and pulled her above the water. She coughed and sputtered, gasping--trying in vain to draw real breath.

In a low calm voice, Roman held her in his arms, trying to sooth her. "It's all right. I've got you. Breathe. Slowly, that's it...take a breath...breathe..."

Gradually Talesia began to breathe again, and she slumped against him. Roman could feel her heart skittering against his chest; and as he held her close; he stroked her head, the side of her face, her back; all while trying to soothe her, and while she struggled to calm herself and breathe.

"I'm s-s-sorrrrrry..." Talesia's teeth chattered. "You startled me...I-I-I ttttthought I was alone..." Talesia began to hiccup and gods! She began to cry...! Roman felt helpless and responsible for her distress... this had not played out as he'd intended. In consternation at himself, he held her as gently as he could, and swam slowly backwards toward the far shore, to a cliff that he knew of, deep in the water.

He settled himself with one foot on the deeply submerged rock, and then drew the other leg up, pulling Talesia close to himself so that she straddled his thigh while he perched on the rock. He reached around her, close on the other side, and with his hand against the small of her back, pulled her hips to his, holding her close.

Leaning his face to hers, he began to kiss her...small, comforting kisses--on her eyelids, cheeks, chin--while murmuring apologies and little reassurances, trying to convey to her how terrible he felt in this moment--knowing he had almost caused her to drown, and at a loss as to how to help her now.

With his free hand, he caressed the side of her face, and drew his thumb over her lower lip...She looked up at him with lips slightly parted, tears on her lashes, and a new awareness began to creep over her expression. She took a slow deep breath, and time seemed to stand still... Roman's own awareness suddenly reared itself, and he felt blood rush to a very important part of his anatomy.

His own face began to warm, and before he could tell himself no, he leaned down again, this time to touch her lips with his own. He felt, rather than heard, her quiet exclamation "oh!" and then she leaned into his kiss, her hands coming to rest on his chest. Roman needed no further encouragement. To hell with the dragon...he was in over his head and not about to come back to reality.

He pulled her even closer to himself, as gently as he could, and, cuddling her against his chest, began to kiss her again, this time with far different purpose...

He licked the seam of her lips, and she parted them, allowing his tongue entry to her mouth, while her hips bucked slightly against his, as her whole body responded to his kisses... He moaned and told himself to slow down before he crushed her.

After a few moments, he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, panting slightly--she just as winded. Before he could stop himself, he leaned down again...this time to catch her bottom lip between his teeth, and then Roman began at her jaw, plying her with small kisses down her neck, to the hollow under her ear. Talesia gasped with pleasure and leaned her head back slightly to give him better access. Roman needed no encouragement--for as she leaned back, it afforded him full view of her breasts, beautiful and round, her nipples emerging from the water and taut with desire.

With a small groan, he held her gently and reached to cup her full breast with his hand. She closed her eyes and gasped, and then let out a small moan of pleasure as he leaned down, and, bringing her nipple to his mouth, licked it with his warm, wet tongue; and then gently suckled.

By this time, Roman's engorgement was almost too much to be contained and he felt it stir and throb against Talesia's leg. He could feel the heat between her legs as she straddled his thigh. He bucked his hips gently, trying to relieve some of the tension, and groaned in pleasure as Talesia reached with her free hand, under the water, to touch his hardness. He returned to her lips, groaning as he kissed her more forcefully and struggled to clear the sexual fog from his brain and remind himself to slow down.

Talesia seemed equal to the task however, as she gently grasped him, stroking him up and down under the water, and he moaned and gasped, stilling himself so that he could completely focus on the pleasure of her grasping his cock. "If you don't stop...ahhhh....going...to...spend..." he groaned through clenched teeth, as Talesia continued to pleasure him.

He breathed in heavily as she leaned forward and kissed him with lips and tongue...she was in charge of the dragon, and his pleasure was her pleasure as well. Suddenly, Roman reached the pinnacle, and with her hands on him, he leaned his head back and with a loud groan, bucked his hips as hot liquid spurted from his cock and into the water around them. His orgasm seemed to go on for several moments, and Talesia continued to stroke him gently, easing him back to reality.

Roman leaned forward and moaned quietly, coming back to earth as Talesia encircled him around the waist, embracing him with both arms. He gathered her close and kissed her again, nuzzling her face with his lips, covering her with small kisses, thanking her for the gift she had just given him.

She smiled up at him and wonderingly stroked his lips with her fingers. She placed her hands on both sides of his face, leaned up, and tenderly returned his kisses.

Later, after some moments of this enchanting post-orgasmic affection... she tipped back to look up at him, cupped his face with both hands, and quietly remarked, "You're the dragon, aren't you?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was so lovely. Would love to read more in about them

NovaMNovaMalmost 2 years ago

Happ1lyEv3rAft3r, you did it. This was well done, without it being overdone.

You surprised us with the way the story turned out, with the real HAPPY ENDING (reality, right?). 😁

We would not be against the exposure to more of your stories. Don’t forget us, please.

Love and Peace ✌️ 💜


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