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The Majors Lady

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Sparks fly when these hearts and minds meet.
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The Majors Lady

The Major sat at his usual table on that fateful Friday night. It was the gunfighters seat, at the back of the bistro and out of the way. As he sat at this table with his back to the wall, he could survey the entire eatery and the door at a glance. He looked at his watch and continued to work at the laptop computer in front of him.

He knew she may be late, as her time off work varied a little bit from time to time. It was of little consequence to him as he worked while he sat and waited for her to appear. Each time the door opened, he took mental note of who came or went, and played with a laptop in front of him. Then, the door finally opened, and there she was with her friends from her work.

"Wow, she is gorgeous," he thought as he watched her mingle with her friends, talking and laughing. "But, she's too young and too beautiful interested in an old geezer like me," he lamented. His interest in her had begun the first time they met as did his self denial. It was out in the parking lot of the very bistro where he now sat. Her car had refused to start for her; so, being a gentleman, he tinkered with it and managed to get it running. He neither expected nor accepted anything for his kindness. That ultrabright smile flashing across her face and beaming out of her brown eyes was enough for him. The pair talked for hours and, after that she sought his company whenever she could.

Her eyes had traveled to find his and they met for a moment. He tipped his head and smiled at her. Her smile flashed back conveyed the message that she would soon be there with him. He switched off his cell phone and hurriedly finished his business on the laptop. He didn't want that to be an interruption during their dinner.

Presently, her friends left the Bistro, and she walked to the table where he was sitting. "Good evening, Major!" came her friendly sing song voice calling him by his rank as she approached and slid into the booth seat across from him. "How are things with you this evening?" She stood above him for a moment looking down to admire the chiseled features, cropped salt and pepper hair, and granite chin of the man she had come to know as Major Ed Havoc. "He seems interested, but there are just so many mixed signals," she thought. "I wonder if he could really love me or if he just considers me like a niece," she wondered as she approached.

"Hi Kelly!" he replied as he smiled and looked up at her in his ever affable way. "I'm doing well this evening, thank you! And you?"

"I'm doing great!" she beamed. "I've had a great day and, considering the company, the night is looking good too," she giggled. As she looked, she thought she could detect the hint of a blush coming to the old soldiers weathered face.

"You guys finished up early tonight," he mentioned to redirect the topic of conversation. "It seems your team is starting to gel. That's good to see," stated the Major as he nodded his approval.

She giggled and beamed at his observance. "Thank you very much for noticing, Major! Not much escapes your gaze. Yes, they are really coming together quite nicely," she smiled while getting comfortable in the booth seat across from him. "Productions are becoming smoother. It's really quite satisfying being their team leader."

"Would you like a glass of wine to celebrate?" he inquired as he signaled the waiter to bring menus. The waiter brought a bottle of Chablis to the table, knowing Kellys drinking habits well and poured out two glasses for his guests then bustled off into the busy bistro.

She graciously accepted the gift from him as he handed her a glass and the pair passed the time very pleasantly chatting. She just loved listening to his voice and watching his movements. How animated his hands and eyes became and how the inflections in his bass tones were when he was describing some historical event or other. She noted how he patiently listened to her questions and concerns, always giving her clear answers. "He knows more than all of my other friends put together," she mentally marveled as she rode into battles with him, borne on the sound of his voice.

Dinner was ordered and the repast was enjoyed with more and more wine. After the meal had been eaten, she excused herself from the table for a moment, got up and wobbled somewhat. The Major was on his feet in an instant and prepared to steady her lest she fall. He dared to put his strong hands about her waist to help to steady her. He felt her form beneath her clothes and already knew that he craved more.

"Are you all right?" he asked in a concerned voice as he mentally commanded his hands to release their prize, a command which was bitterly disputed. "I think that maybe some of that wine may have gone to your head."

Her head swooned as she felt his hands make contact with her. She knew then that her desire and yearning would outweigh any trepidation she may have had before. Tonight, she decided, she would go for her own prize. "Yes, I'll be fine I think," she replied, "You may be right, though. I do feel a little light headed. Would you please give me a lift home tonight, Major? I can't drive like this," she finished, playing the damsel in distress card which she already knew was irresistible to him.

"Of course!" was his immediate reply. He helped her with her coat and paid the bill. Always the gentleman, the Major was. Little did she suspect the sea of passion that lurked just below the surface of his veneer of civility. He then smiled, tucked his arm around her and felt her relax into his side. The sensation thrilled him and he very nearly fell out of step as she put her head on his chest while walking toward his car. The Major tightened his grip a little, luxuriating in the scent of her hair as they marched onward. They arrived at his vehicle where he opened the door to admit her. He closed the door and climbed into the drivers seat beside her, started the old Willies and drove off into the night.

Presently, they arrived in the parking lot of her apartment building. "I'm still feeling a little wobbly," Kelly said in a slightly shaky voice. "Would you walk me up to my condo this time, please Ed?" she asked , using his first name for the first time since they had met. She had known his name since their introduction, but preferred to call him by his rank. That had been fine with him, until now. Hearing his name spoken in her light and wonderful voice made him inwardly crave for her to say it again and again.

Every time he had previously driven her home, he had always politely declined her invitation to come up to her apartment for one reason or other. He would tell her that he was tired, or had a headache, but always asked for a raincheck. His desire and longing for her overpowered his standard response on this evening. "Yes," was all he managed to hoarsely stammer as she tucked her arm in his and they began to walk toward the front doors of her building.

She inserted the key into the lock, turned it until there was an audible click that signaled that the door was unlocked. He put some weight against the glass structure and it swung open, admitting the two of them to the lobby. They walked into the elevator where she pressed the button for her floor then turned to throw both arms about his torso to snuggle into him as she had when they left the bistro. She looked up at him with a sultry, come hither look in her beautiful brown eyes. "Thank you for dinner, Ed," she said somewhat dreamily, "and for always helping me in my times of distress."

His mind fairly raced and thrilled with excitement upon hearing his name spoken through her lips once again. It was like she had read his mind and found his secret want, the longing in his heart he had felt for her since their introduction. He put his masculine arms around her shoulders as he looked down upon her. "You're always welcome, Kelly. You know that," he replied in his softened deep bass tone that made her almost shiver in anticipation.

They arrived at her floor where he followed her as they made their way to her front door. She quickly unlocked it, turned on the hallway light inside, then turned and fixed her chocolate brown eyes on him. "A late night cappuccino perhaps, Ed?" she asked with a glitter in her beautiful brown eyes. The Majors expansive smile and equally glittering emerald green eyes told her all she needed to know.

"Yes, please! That would be wonderful," answered the Major in his quiet, ever polite way. "Thank you very much, Kelly!" he smiled. His heart was beating loud as a drum and he was sure that she could hear it as she watched him cross the threshold and close the door behind him.

"I can't believe this is happening!" he thought excitedly. Long had he held this woman in high regard, and now he was free to accepting her invitation into her apartment for after dinner drinks. He thought of her as a gorgeous person in all aspects, but had always been too unsure, too shy and ironed spined to say anything about it to her. He had no idea that his feelings could or would be reciprocated.

He followed her lead as she walked deeper into her dwelling. She turned on some lights and he helped her with her coat. After he had shed and hung his outerwear she showed him into the living room, then busied herself in the kitchen making the drinks. He sat down on a well appointed couch within sight of her to continue the conversation. He watched ever move with pure delight, and glanced at the artwork on the walls.

Presently, she brought over the steaming hot drinks, handed him his and sat down next to him with her own drink in hand. She was so close now and he could virtually feel her pulse. His heart sounded as loud as cannon fire in his ears, beating steadily but quickly. His pulse rate, he was sure, was through the roof. He looked into her deep brown eyes as they made small talked, almost afraid of the feelings welling up in his breast and the cooling sensation in his feet. He tried to make small talk in order to avoid frightening his beautiful companion.

It now occurred to her that if she wanted to fulfill her fantasy of making love with this man she knew as Major Ed Havoc, she would have to make the first move and the timing was right now. She had sensed the deep emotional scars he bore, and would have to tread lightly to avoid frightening him off. Her eyes softened, features demurred and her head assumed a particular tilt. He then realized that she wanted to kiss HIM! He graciously accepted and bent to brush her lovely lips with his own. The experience electrified him. Her lips were soft and supple to the point of having an almost magical quality about them as they connected with his. His tongue gently touched her lips, gingerly sampling and tasting her mouth while she virtually purred under his touch. His arms instinctively found their way to her waist, as her arms wrapped themselves around is neck to continue this hot and wonderful embrace. He could barely contain himself now. He knew now that this stunning woman, for whom he had carried a secret crush for so long but could not act, wanted him too.

She had now cracked through his veneer of civility, finding herself in deep and uncharted waters. There was no going back now, so she surged ahead. She had sensed over the time that she had known him that there was a lot more to Major Ed Havoc than he was willing to let on. Now, she stood at least a chance to sail his inner seas and find out more about this secretive but wonderful man.

The Major was on the verge of disbelief as he continued to kiss this woman in his arms. Smoldering passion ignited by her lips suddenly burst into flame inside him and was now leading his actions. He became convinced that within her sweetness, desire and passion lay the Passage to Paradise.

They sat on the couch feeling their kisses becoming more and more fervent and inflamed as time went on. He gently touched her magnificent breasts through the fabric of her shirt and bra as she stroked his rock hard member through the cloth of his slacks. Both of them were delighted to finally be in the company of the other.

"Why don't we adjourn to somewhere more comfortable?" she invited in a low, sultry voice as she began to rise and entwine his fingers in hers. He rose off the couch a little unsteadily and followed her down the short hallway to her sleeping chamber. Her bed chamber was dimly lit, almost dark inside as she led him through the portal, but he was with her. She stopped short of the bed and turned to face him, her features flush with excitement. She put her arms around him again to help him off his sweater. She felt his racing pulse and knew that he wanted her, badly. This served to just excite her more.

"He's really excited!" she thought as she felt this autonomous response in him. She pulled his sweater over his head, and he discarded the garment to the floor as he gathered her to his chest in his powerful arms. His manly scent filled her nostrils as he gathered her to him and her mind raced. She touched and kissed his hard, scared, work sculpted body, marveling at the physique of the man she had for so long and so desperately wanted to know in the Biblical sense. She shed a silent tear for each one of the scars as she discovered them, quietly wondering how they got there and the pain he must have endured as they were administered. The emotional scars would take more time and delicacy, but she was sure that she could heal those too.

He slid his hands down her back in preparation to take of her blouse. He smoothly pulled it up and barely interrupted her self appointed task. With a snap of nimble fingers, her chest was free of its cloth and wire prison. As she continued, he cupped each of her gorgeous breasts in his hands, thoroughly enamored of her magnificent chest. He kneaded both in his hard hands, overjoyed at what he felt was one of the sexiest feelings in the world. Her nipples began to come alive under his touch and dance to the magic in his hands.

Her fingers found the button and zipper of his slacks and busied themselves undoing them in order to slide the fabric over his hips. As she slid his trousers down, her fingertips ran across a fist sized scar on his right leg and stopped.

"Picked up an ounce or two of Taliban steel in Afghanistan," murmured the Major by way of explanation.

She let go of the waistband of his pants and dropped them to his feet. Hooking her thumbs into the elastic of his briefs she tugged them down to exposed his eight inch prong as it sprang free of material, and stood up proudly. She dropped the fabric of his underpants to the floor and took his huge phallus in her hands. It was rock hard, smooth and pulsated slightly under her touch. As she ran her fingers over the tip, she noted the dampness of pre-cum oozing from him and knew she'd caused this flood. It thrilled her to keep going. She bent at the waist and gently licked his mushrooming head while drinking in his manly scent and flavor. They were intoxicating as she moistened and parted her lips to accept his cock into her warm, wet mouth. He groaned with delight as his hands gently fell to the back of her head, entwining in her hair and riding up and down as she delighted in his company.

He disentangled his fingers from her hair, leaned forward and slid them down her back leaving electric trails in their wake. His hands reached her skirt, and deftly undid the zipper, gently sliding it over her hips to let it fall to the floor, exposing the emerald thong she was wearing. His work worn and hardened hands touched her soft flesh with amazing gentility. He leaned forward, pressing his massive member deeper into her mouth and slid her thong from its resting place over her perfectly shaped, smooth ass and down to the floor to join the growing pile of clothing resting there. She then curled her graceful, red tipped fingers about the base of his huge cock and sank to her knees to enjoy and be enjoyed.

She disengaged her mouth from him and looked up into his eyes through the twilight of the room as she ran her delicate hand up and down on his gorgeous shaft and over the mushroom head of his cock. Even in the dim light, they shone with excitement and anticipation. She looked back at his glorious rod, noting the pre-cum leaking from the tip. A thrill ran down her spine as she bent forward to sample his delicious nectar again. An exhilarating bass tone emanated from somewhere deep inside his being as she slipped her lips back over the head of his thoroughly excited wang. His hands came to rest on her head once more and his fingers began to tangle and disentangle themselves from her hair seemingly of their own accord.

Pressing and relaxing to the rhythm that she had adopted and peering down at her in the dim light, he noted gradual increased of her pace as she bobbed up and down. His body jumped and spasmed as though hooked up to and electric generator in his growing excitement as she lavished her attentions upon him. His hands were becoming ever more frantic, his moans ever so slightly more shrill and his member growing even harder still as she continued. She felt him brush the back of her throat and stifled her own gag reflex. She thoroughly relaxed her throat and prepared to swallow his enormous, pulsating prong. With each successive thrust she took him a little deeper. His moan and groans of ecstasy and satisfaction excited her yet further. Her lips were now firmly pressed around the base of his prick with her nose nuzzling his soft pubic hair. To add to his excitement, she began to hum when his delicious cock was not blocking her throat. His hands clenched and unclenched in her hair, pressing and relaxing in time with her rhythm and delivering unspoken direction directly to her. He groaned deeply as she accepted him all the way into her soft, inviting throat again and again.

She felt him swell slightly larger and grip her hair ever tighter. She knew moment she had been waiting for was at hand as his enervated body tensed and danced before her. One final swell and a deep groan released a flood of liquid magic into her mouth. As she sucked and swallowed, the musty, salty/ sweet flavor engulfed her being. Above her in the dim light of the room, he was panting and moaning as he offered her his everything. His hands were still clenched in her hair and the veins stood out on his sculpted arms as he wound down. Three, four, five big blasts into her willing mouth and then aftershocks to cool down. She hungrily sucked the last drops out of him before releasing to beam up toward his face. His glassy eyed stare as he focused on her and heavy panting for air told her that she had done her job well, very well, indeed! His hands relaxed in her hair, and she even felt him go a little unsteady. She stood up and helped him sit down on her bed.

"Oh, my GAWD', panted the Major as she sat beside him and put her hands on his heaving, chiseled chest. His arm came around her shoulders and she felt herself gently pulled toward him. She leaned in and gently put her head on his chest, looking down at his half hard rod, hoping for so much more this evening.

"I take it you enjoyed that?" she coyly asked as she slowly ran a finger around the head of his prong to watch his softening member twitch and play.

"Oh YES!" he managed while struggling to re-control his breathing. "THAT was MAGNIFICENT! Where on earth did you learn to do that?"

"The same place everyone else learns it from: Pornhub!" she laughingly replied and he joined her in her mirth.

She stretched up to kiss him as he bent to meet her luscious lips. They sat and gently kissed and fondled each other while his composure returned. He then put a roughened but gentle hand on her buxom chest and bade her to lay back with it. Their lips parted a moment as she brought her legs up to acquiesce to his request, then rejoined as soon as her legs were clear.

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