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The Making of an Office Slut

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One mistake leads to Lisa's punishment and gangbang.
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Over the last one week, I've gone from being a woman who bordered on being conservative to someone who had no qualms in stripping at the drop of a hat and spreading myself out to be used.

It all started when I got a job at a company a few months ago. I was one of two women in that office. Everything was going well until in one of the contract proposals I was working on, I made a huge blunder which led to our clients on the verge of suffering losses. Fortunately, my immediate senior was able to rectify the situation and bring everything back to normal. However, he was furious with me and had decided to sack me, but wanted to know how and why I had made that mistake.

Now, I needed this job desperately and when he called me in to his office for an explanation, I was absolutely prepared to be laid off after an earful.

As I walked into his office, trembling, I was trying to think up of all kinds of explanations for why I had made that mistake, but somehow my mind was an absolute blank and when he asked me for the explanation, I couldn't say anything.

My mind finally started working when he said that he was going to let go of me and that I had till the end of the day to clear out my desk and get out of his office. I fell down on my knees and begged him to not sack me and that I would do anything to keep the job.

"Anything? Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, anything," I said, without really thinking about what I was saying.

"Fine, go back to your desk. But before you leave for the day, come and see me," he said.

Wiping my tears, I went back to my desk and sat down, still trembling. I had no idea what he had in mind. I sat there unable to do anything. No one from the office came and spoke to me. I was left alone to wallow in my torments. A little later, I saw the other girl pack her bags and leave. On her way out, she said that she'd just been given an all expenses paid vacation for 10 days and that the boss had told her to leave immediately.

I wondered what she had done that she'd got that vacation.

About half an hour later, I got a mail from my boss asking me to come see him.

Inside his office, I stood there head bowed as he looked me over from top to bottom.

"You always dress like this. From tomorrow that will change," he said.

I looked at myself and wondered what was wrong with my trousers and shirt.

"From tomorrow, you will wear something like this," he said turning his laptop around to show me a photograph of a woman wearing a micro-mini skirt and a top that barely covered her breasts. She had fishnet stockings on her legs and a pair of skin-coloured high-heels.

I had never worn anything like that and had never even bought anything like this. I told him that.

"If you want to keep this job, you will do this. On your way home, buy some such clothes," he said.

"O... okay," I replied.

"Office opens at 9 am. I want you in here at 845 am every day for the next one week wearing such clothes. Priya is on vacation, so you will be the only girl here. Every morning, before the rest of the staff starts walking in, you will raise your skirt around your waist and bend over and invite every man who walks past you to slap your ass. You will do this three times a day. In the morning, when the office opens. At lunch time, both times when the staff is going to the canteen and returning and closing time. I will inspect your ass every evening to make sure it has been properly reddened," he said.

I stood there in shock wondering if I should just resign and leave right away or bear this humiliation. But I needed this job and had got this well-paying job after a lot of struggles. I didn't want to give it up, so I agreed reluctantly.

On my way home, I stopped off at some malls and picked out what according to me were the sluttiest clothes I had ever tried or worn. One set was somewhat similar to the photograph that my boss had shown me. While I was at it, I thought I'll buy some make up as well. If I was going to do it right, I might as well do it properly.

I bought five mini-skirts, a bunch of tops, two pairs of fishnet leggings and a couple of pairs of high-heels. Finding the skirts and tops was a mammoth task since I measure 36D-27-40, yes, I am bottom heavy, but my ass is nice and firm thanks to years of sports and regular squats.

Back home, I took off my clothes and began trying on the new dresses to see if they fit me well enough. As I tried on the dresses, I found that my pubic hair was peeking out from between my thighs. I realised that if I had to wear those slutty clothes, I would have to clean up my pubic hair. Taking off my clothes, I walked to the bathroom buck naked and looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what the men would think tomorrow when they see me bending over in front of them asking them to slap my ass.

The whole idea was beginning to look dreary. There were at least 30 men in the office and I knew some of them were absolute leches and that they would not let go of this opportunity to feel me up. At the same time, there were a couple of guys who I liked and had thought of asking them out. The prospect of them feeling me up was exciting.

All these conflicting thoughts ran through my head as I shaved off my pubic hair and looked at my now clean groin. I had never realised that my pussy lips were very nicely shaped and looked like butterfly wings with them being wide on top and narrow at the bottom. I made sure not a single hair was visible around my pussy lips or around my asshole since everything was going to be on display the next day.

Having cleaned myself properly down there, I took a bath, had my dinner and went off to sleep, drearing what was going to happen in office the next day. I couldn't sleep.

I tossed and turned and sometime in the middle of the night, fell asleep only to wake up with a start when the alarm rang at 7am. Groggy, I arose from the bed and after my morning ablutions and bath began getting dressed. I picked out a black mini-skirt and a white top. I rolled on the fishnet stockings and wearing my high-heels, walked over to the mirror to see if I looked ok.

There was too much skin showing and I didn't like it. I wanted to change my clothes. But if I wanted to keep my job, I had to go through this humiliation.

I found myself a thin long coat and putting that on, I stepped out of home and headed to office.

I was there at 835 am, ten minutes before the allotted time and as I prepared for the men to start walking in, I had mixed feelings about it. Keeping my coat and bag on my table, I headed for the main corridor which every one had to take to get to their seats.

I kept pulling my skirt down as I walked up and down the corridor waiting for the first of the men to turn up.

At 846, two men arrived first.

I stood as if I had been caught out. Then one of them asked me what I was doing in so early.

Without replying, I turned around, raised my skirt and bent over and looking back at them, I told them to come slap my ass before they went to their seats. I could see them looking at each other before grinning and walking up to me and slapping my ass. Both the men were gentle but had nice firm slaps.

I stayed in that position and every time any one would walk in, they would be greeted by my panty covered ass and me asking them to slap it before heading to their desk.

The last one to arrive was my boss, who had given me this punishment.

"Why are you wearing panties? Take them off," he said.

As I started to protest, he told me to shut up and do as told.

I took off my panties right there in front of him and threw them at his feet.

"Now bend over," he said.

Keeping his hand on my bare ass, he called out to every one to pay attention.

"Lisa's been a bad girl. She almost lost us a client yesterday and as punishment, she should ideally be sacked. But in order to redeem herself and keep her job, she has agreed to this punishment. From today onwards for the next one week, she will greet you like this every morning. She will also be greeting you when you go for lunch and return from lunch. She will also bid you good bye when the day ends. As you pass her, you will slap her ass every time. And now, since she was wearing panties when you all came in, please make a line and come and slap her bare ass all over again. Make sure your slaps are hard and that she moans every time you slap it," he said.

Turning to me, he said, "Better get ready. Catch hold of your ankles. And if a slap is particularly hard, I want to hear you moan. Don't suppress it."

He proceeded to give my ass an absolute beast of a slap and elicited and loud yelp from me. With that stepped backwards and let the men come and slap my ass. By the time they finished, my ass cheeks were stinging and I could feel the blood rushing to them turning them red.

When all of them were done, my boss told me to stand up and go to my desk and begin work.

I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I walked to my desk. I hadn't realised that my skirt was still hoicked up to my waist and that as I walked to my desk, I was putting on quite a show with my swinging hips. It was only when I sat down on my chair that I realised that I was still bare assed.

As I stood up to pull it down, my boss walked up to me and said, let it be up only. Or even better, take it off and hang it from the partition. I could wear it when the day was done.

I begged with him to let me have some semblance of modesty to which he agreed. I lowered my skirt and tried to cover my red ass cheeks as much as possible.

Unfortunately, only the right side of my ass was turning red since most of the men had slapped me on the right. I wondered what would happen at lunch time and if I would be able to sit after that round of slaps or not.

Five minutes before lunch hour rolled around, I stood up and once again took my position. This elicited loud catcalls from the men who quickly picked up their tiffins and began walking past me. The only difference was that I looked behind me and asked them to slap me on the left side. The men obliged. I could feel the sensations between my loins rising and a weird build up taking place within my pussy lips. A few minutes later, all the men had had slapped my ass and had left me standing in that bent over position with my head between my knees and my ass in the air.

I turned as much as I could to see the condition of my poor asscheeks.

Both sides had turned red alright. I could make out some fingerprints as well on the soft flesh of my ass.

An hour later, the end of the lunch hour found me standing again in the corridor. I was tired of having bent over and stood leaning against a cubicle partition with my ass out in the open for everyone to slap as they passed by.

Each slap on my ass elicited a loud yelp from me as it had now begun to sting and hurt. There were some who wanted to use both their hands and ended up slapping both my ass cheeks at once and then kneading my ass.

When everyone had had their fill, I walked back to my cubicle and sat down to complete the day's work before my last humiliation was to take place at the end of the work day.

Around 545 in the evening, when people usually started leaving for home, I stood up and took up my position again in the corridor. This time, I was bent over once again. As the men started walking past, and slapping my ass, it was beginning to hurt a lot, so, I reached behind me and spread my ass cheeks to maybe alleviate or maybe even reduce the pain a little. The only thing it did was provide the men with a new target to slap -- the crack between my ass cheeks and my asshole. It also opened up a part of my pussy to feel and slap.

I let go of my ass cheeks after the initial few slaps hit my asshole.

"Spread it again, Lisa," my boss said from behind me.

Trembling, I reached behind me and spread open my ass cheeks.

Next, my boss put his arm around my waist and catching hold of me in like that, he first spit on my ass crack and then proceeded to slap it and rub it around all over my ass and asshole.

This was the cue for the remaining men who proceeded to copy my boss and slapped my ass crack and asshole.

By 615 pm, my ass had received more than a 100 slaps and was turning red. As I stood up, I saw my boss standing there and looking at me.

"Take off your skirt and lie down on the floor," he ordered me.

I was completely out of my mind when he said that. Without thinking, I took off my skirt and lay down on the cool floor. It felt nice, the coldness of the floor.

"Lie down on your belly and spread your legs," he said.

I turned and lay down on my belly and spread my legs.

I could hear my boss walk up behind me.

"Your ass has turned a beautiful red. I am going to take a photograph of it," he said.

"No, please don't."

"Shut up. Your face won't be in it. That tight ass of yours is looking very beautiful in this red colour," he said even as I heard his phone camera begin taking pictures of my spreadeagled ass.

"Tomorrow, you will allow all the men to suck on your tits. All the while, your ass will be naked. So, wear something appropriate," he said as he walked away from me.

Allow the men to suck on my tits? Was he mad? I had allowed them to slap my ass, I wasn't going to let them suck on my tits.

"I won't let them do that," I called out behind him.

"If you want this job, you will do as told. If you don't turn up tomorrow, you won't have a job here," he said.

Holding on to my skirt, I stood up and walked over to my cubicle, where I wore it and then put on my long coat and walked out of the office. Tears were welling in my eyes as I stepped out. Every step I took, my ass cheeks rubbed against the fabric of the skirt and irritated the soreness.

Back home, I couldn't wait to get out of my skirt and rub some lotion on to my now sore ass. Luckily for me, I had a couple of nice cooling, soothing lotions which I applied liberally all over my ass, asshole and pussy lips and lay down on my belly to let the lotions be absorbed. At one point, while applying the lotion I had pushed my index finger into my asshole too. It had felt good and had sent a tingling sensation through my loins.

I reflected over the day that had passed and wondered what kind of a photograph my boss had taken. Reaching over to my phone, I messaged my boss asking him if he would send to me the photos he had taken of me.

In response, I got the photos he had taken of me. In those brief couple of minutes while he was taking my photos, he'd managed to take photos me lying on the floor as well as a couple of close ups of my ass and a couple of pics from between my spread legs that showed my pussy lips as well.

Looking at the pics, I realised that for a 28-year-old woman, I had a nice, firm ass and body.

The photos were turning me on. I remembered how my finger had felt in my asshole. Still looking at those pics, I reached behind me and began feeling up my asshole and then gently inserted my index finger into my asshole and began moving it in and out. All that lotion had lubricated my asshole nicely and I ended up pushing three fingers in my ass, the third one went in with some difficulty.

I kept fingering my asshole and a few minutes later, began feeling a heady sensation as an orgasm built up deep in my groins and began rising upwards, ready to burst. A few more strokes with my fingers resulted in me driving myself to a climax where I moaned and could feel my pussy lips leaking some fluid. The sensation passed a few minutes later even as I struggled to catch my breath.

Pulling out my fingers from my nether hole, I pushed myself off my bed and went and washed my hands and wondered what had gotten into me. Still naked, I turned my mind to what was going to happen tomorrow when I would have to stand there and let each man suck on my tits.

I needed an attire that would allow me to easily provide access to my tits as well as keep my ass bare.

That would mean only my belly was to remain covered.

Then I wondered as to what was the need for that either? I realised that I was to spend the entire day in office before and after my tits were sucked on and needed to wear something.

So, I pulled out a beige skirt and matching top. The skirt was nothing more than a strip of cloth that had to be zipped up from hem to waist and the top was a front open shoulder-less top. Had it been any smaller, it would have been a strapless bra.

The next morning, I reached office around 830 am again and by 845, I was in position, bare-assed, bare-titted with my nipples hard and pointing at the roof when the first of the men walked in.

He had a silly grin on his face as he saw me standing there wearing nothing but my fishnet stockings and a pair of high heels.

"No slaps today?" he asked.

"No, today you get to suck on my tits," I said.

"But I also want to slap your ass. I like your ass," he said.

Sighing, I turned around and let him first feel my ass and then slap it.

"Now, I'll suck on your tits," he said, as he turned me around and latched on to my right nipple and began sucking and biting on it.

"Hey, not so hard," I said pushing him back.

This was repeated numerous times. I didn't know that my ass had a huge fan following in office. My tits meanwhile had been mauled and given numerous love bites.

When all the men were in office, I stood there in the corridor and began putting on my clothes.

I could see everyone standing at their cubicles and looking at me.

"You seem to have built a fan following," I heard my boss say behind me.

"Some of them like my ass, others like my tits," I said, smiling a shy smile.

"Let's find out if your ass is more popular or your tits," he said.

"Who all like Lisa's ass?" he asked in a raised voice.

Promptly more than half the men raised their hands.

"Now, who all like Lisa's tits," the remaining men raised their hands with some overlapping.

"Oh, so your ass is more popular," he said grinning as he slapped my ass and walked with me to my cubicle.

"How is that red ass of yours today? I didn't get a good look at it. Lift that skirt up, and let's see it," he said.

Turning around, I obliged and pulled my skirt up over my ass cheeks. The previous day's redness had subsided a little but it still felt sore thanks to the recent few slaps.

"Take off your clothes and stay like that the whole day. Also, text me your measurements and height," he said, looking at my ass.

"Take off my clothes and stay like that the whole day?" I asked incredulously. What was I to him? Agreed it was to be my punishment, but this was going a bit too far. But then I remembered that it was do what I was told or lose my job.

Sighing, I took off my clothes and still wearing my high heels, I went to my cubicle, sat down and started working.

The rest of the day was more or less a repeat of the morning with me being felt up, my tits being sucked on and my ass being slapped and mauled many times by anyone who felt like doing so.

I had texted my boss my measurements and height as he had asked.

Back home, I applied lotion all over my tits and ass and once again turned back to the photos my boss had taken of me. Looking at my own photos I was beginning to get horny and in that frame of mind, I texted my boss.

"I am looking at the pics you took of me. I look good naked. Send me a dick pic."

Normally he would respond within seconds of receiving any message, but this time, he left me on read for nearly two hours before replying with one word: "Why?"

"Because you've seen what I am like naked, I want to see what you hide in your pants."

He didn't respond, even though he read the message.

The next morning, I wondered what to wear to work considering that I would end up spending the day naked only. So, I decided that I would just wear a pair of high heels and put on a long summer coat and head to work. That way, I wouldn't dirty any clothes and managing the coat would be easier.


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