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The Making of Anna

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From trampy slut, to regal Princess.
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Chapter One, Discovery

Such a fine example of pure beauty was Anna, I had to have her as the premier model for my designer line of lingerie. She had everything a man could want in a woman and so much more, with a slim waistline and simply perfect breasts and the most provacative legs I've ever seen before.

My name is Derek Le Blanc, and I discovered Anna as she strolled down the streets of Milan with a mere whisp of a red dress upon her petite, yet delightfully portioned body. Naturally full, cherry red lips and a swagger to her gait that sent shivers down my spine. Then I saw her eyes. Like pools of radiance, sparkling crystalline rays of shimmering light as purity emanated from her aura.

It was on a crisp and clear Milanese morn that seemed like yesterday, that I instructed my driver to inconspicuously follow her to wherever she went, and when we had her address, a dozen fully bloomed white roses to be delivered to this address. I'll do the rest. I paid the aged, withered and wrinkled hag a six pence with a handful of shillings to admit me into her building and asked her while I was there,

"Perchance a curious question if I may? Does a Madam of unequal quality and utmost beauty abide in this brownstone?"

The wretched witch said,

"Eh, yar bloomin' trallop do she keep a strange hours until a dawn a comes and when she sleeps ner a soul to know. But she do pay her wayer to stay in the loft and ner' be a problem to meself. Bleedin' whore's wat she's, thats' wat I methinks a her scandalous tramp!"

I graciously thanked Madam witch and slipped a five pound note into her cloak as I crept up the stairs, one by creaky one. With a brisk knock at her door, I announced myself as a deliveryman with an urgent message for the resident of 1205 Tremontaine Place. Only that person can sign for it.

I heard a commotion and a crack appeared in her door as she slowly opened up just enough to see her immaculate face.

"I'm not dressed yet. What do you want?"

In my best King's English, I said,

"If Madam would be so gracious to allow me a moment of her time to entertain a propostion of extraordinary interest to her, perhaps a small token of my gratitude is appropriate."

A period of eternal silence ensued before she actually decided to let me in.

"I'll be right there as soon as I've got some clothes on. You wouldn't want to see me naked would you?"

I chuckled,

"'Twil not a thing seen before, that's not worth a view, Madam, I'm quite sure that a beauty lies behind me lady's door. I've merely a simple proposition to ask of you."

If she only knew.

Opening up, she pointed out where I could sit, so I placed my coat around the chair and looked her straight in the eye.

"When I saw this, my thoughts were only for you, and I bought it with cash. Now it is yours to keep around your dainty neck. Has anyone ever told you that you are the most breathtaking and strikingly beautiful girl of unnatural quality?"

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she said,

"Mi papa said such things and then he made me do something that he promised I'd be his slave if I did not comply with his wishes. Then the raping began as he forced himself into my body, making me bleed and hurt, then he left me to wallow in my own shit!"

I held her frail body in my arms and said to her,

"There now, my child, I'm here to protect you and keep you from harm. Come to my mansion and stay with me tonight, where you'll have your own bedroom and a private bath with a locking door so you can feel safe and secure. Do you trust me?"

She wiped her tears and asked,

"I do not even know your name to begin to trust you."

I turned her to face me, saying,

"My name is Derek Le Blanc, and this is the first day of the rest of your life. What shall Madam be addressed as?"

I felt the pain in her words, mixed with pride and sorrow,

" Mi Papa christened me le Anna Du Bois, of dirty slum shod crap and did whatever men told me to do because I was nothing."

Now, my tears flowed freely down my cheek.

"I've heard enough of this atrocity. Quickly, grab your things and make haste, a car awaits us and no longer shall you live in crap!"

Anna rummaged through her scant few items and stuffed them into a steamer trunk as I whistled to Chadsworth to bring round the car and pick us up. Madam Du Bois is coming home with us tonight.

A light rain began to fall upon the streets of Milan as we entered my limosine with my felt coat around Anna's shoulders. She settled down into the warmth of the seat and that was the first time she smiled, and I knew that Anna was a rare and special star that outshined even the most elegant of all of the debutant'e in Italia.

Seeing the hunger in her eyes and her gaunt frame with little meat on her bones, the first thing we did was to eat. And eat she did, in abundance with freshly baked Prime Rib and scallped potatos stuffed with Gorgonzola cheese, followed by a whopping portion of sweet shrimp and crab legs smothered in whole butter. The poor child probably hadn't eaten in at least a week!

She rest her head in my lap and asked,

"Why did you choose me, Monsieur Le Blanc? I'm just a plain and simple girl that nobody cares about and I don't even think this is true, only a fantasy in a dream that only happens to other girls, not me. Can I sleep with you tonight, Monsieur Le Blanc?"

Her question startled me a bit, but I recovered as I stroked her chin and face as my gut instinct took over and let my feelings show.

"My sweet, sweet child, that is pure and humble to a fault, you are welcome to share my bed whenever you want my company, even tonight and every night if it is what you desire, precious gem."

A shy, needy baby looked up at me with a joyous expression upon her angelic face that only Anna could make and made me laugh.

"Will you carry me? I've always wanted someone to put me to bed and tuck me in tight so the bedbugs don't bite. I love you, Monsieur Le Blanc."

I had a feeling that she would be ready for bedtime sooner or later, and she fell right to a deep slumber in my embrace, still a twinkling flash of Sleeping Beauty and she was mine.

Her faint snore comforted me because I knew she was still breathing, and it put me easily asleep.

I don't know just how long I slept for, but when I peered over and looked where she lay, there was a gentle hand running their tiny fingers through my chest hairs, and grasping my flaccid cock, making me get hardened quickly as Anna's lips surrounded my member in her velvety smooth and oh, so plush mouth and tongue.

Just as I was about to speak, she said,

"I know what to do Monsieur Le Blanc, isn't this why you wanted me? I'm a willing and capable giver of services for Monsieur Le Blanc, whenever he desires so, lay back and let me please you by making you cum in my mouth. I can do it because I love you."

I pulled her lithe frame up to me, while I set her perception straight. "This is a troubling thing for me to say or do, but I must confess, that I did have those thoughts in my head and still do. If you want me to make love to you, then just ask me and I will completely understand, but do not think that I was just using you for my whore, because I am not."

Anna straddled me, while grinding her hips against my pelvis and her tongue explored my open mouth. She withdrew and whispered in my ear,

"Make love, not a mean love, a sweet and gentle kind of love that only two lovers share together as they meld their bodies as one soul, one spirit."

I let Anna finish removing my trousers and slip them down to my feet and onto the floor, joining her silken camisole beside our bed with a faint candlelight to illuminate her glowing body with shimmering beads of salty sweat upon her neck and face.

I laid beside her, with my fingers tracing the entire length of her pristinely erotic being that just begged to be touched by my hands and caressed with gentle and deliberate strokes, knowing what she was thinking at that very moment.

My hot breath upon her labia, sent shivers down her whole body with uncontrollable spasms and involuntary moans, of sheer ecstasy. My long tongue probed through her unkempt sex, and easily made her first orgasm come in flashes of intense and body wrenching motions of utter bliss.

Her pussy was absolutely fabulous to taste and feel upon my mouth and lips as I told her so, even though I could feel her cumming profusely, this thick and creamy mixture of endlessly flowing, tangy juice of pure Anna's essence.

I shared her sweet juice with her as I entered her warm and very inviting body that screamed to be loved, not just fucked. My need was not going to wait another second before I had to release the most massive, endlessly mind blowing climax I've ever had, but she had me so wound up that I wanted more of her simply perfect and pristine temple of my ultimate desire, and she was Anna, and she had my love for the remainder of the night.

Chapter Two, Capturing her Muse, Taming her Spirit

Before I woke, Anna was diligently working away on a rather large swatch of satiny cloth with a sewing machine, from where? I asked her.

"Where, pretell did you get that sewing machine and exquisite satin cloth from?"

She hardly even acknowledged me, but answered,

"Mrs. Cromwell found it for me, and this too. See how lovely this is? I had a vision this morning and just had to create a new dress, just to show you that I am worth more than just an easy lay, not that you weren't great last night, I had the best time ever!"

I shook my head and once again laughed at her funny manner of explaining her absence this morning, as she couldn't wait to show me what she did while I was still fast asleep.

"Tell me whether or not you like this on me. Does it show my dangerous curves and sinfully sexy shape? Can I wear it today while you decide if you like it? I promise not to get it dirty from sitting on my knees!"

I held up another one of her creations to examine the quality of her workmanship, agreeing that she did indeed have the knack for creating designer apparel that had it's own unique style.

"I'm impressed, Anna, and this you did all by yourself without any assistance from Mrs. Cromwell?"

Another pout crossed her face when I didn't compliment her skillful handiwork.

"Am I in trouble? I was only trying to make you happy, Monsieur Le Blanc, please do not reprimand Mrs. Cromwell, she only tried to help me. I'm the one to blame for everything! It's all my fault for even living!"

I held Anna close to me and kissed her with enough passion to remind her that I did care for her very much and truly thought her future with me was a bright one indeed.

"You never cease to amaze me with so much talent and motivation, with physical skills beyond compare that outwiegh your innate faults and quirky ways. Now, do you know how a runway model walks and stands?"

Anna dropped her head and dragged her toe on the tile floor.

"This is the way I like to do my prissy, seductress walk. I bend over right before their eyes and then shake my ass for good measure, flash a taste of my white skin and thrust my firm, yet tiny breasts for all to approve, because I know they love it! If I had a pole to spin around, I'd whirl and twirl to accidently lose my bra and they could see that they are real!"

I knew that I was in for a hell of a time with Anna, but she did have the foundation to be a spectacular showcase for my new line.

"Marvelous, darling! The fit is right, the look is phenominal, but the way you walk has some work to do. Let me get Larissa to work with you today. She'll have your technique honed to a fine caliber in a jiffy, and tomorrow, the world will meet Anna and her fabulously terrific and undeniable charm."

Anna scowled at me, saying,

"No matter what I do, you're going to disapprove of because I'm just a tramp, a lowly slut that sucks dick for free! I knew you would do this to me, just like mi Papa, that goddamn rapist!"

I drew my hand back, nearly slapping the shit out of her, but I could not do it to my precious little Anna Du Bois, instead, I just held her tight and whispered in her ear,

"I could never hurt you. Ever, never, ever, even a thought shall not cross my mind. You've been trounced around far too many times to let you get hurt again. Trust me, Anna, there's a bright future waiting for you and it's right in front of you, ripe for the taking!"

I pulled out a handkerchief and let her blow her nose, then she cried into my chest and confessed,

"I've been the biggest bitch, haven't I? You've been nothing but kind to me and, what do I do? Spit in your face, acting like a spoiled rotten child and turning your love away, letting you down, and over stepping my boundaries. I promise to let Larissa teach me to walk, talk, and act like super model for my Monsieur Le Blanc, and you'll see that I can make you a very happy man indeed, so I can still come to your bed and lay in your big, strong arms with you cradling me like a baby. Am I your baby doll?"

I chided her, saying,

"There goes that low self esteem again. You've got to put your chin up to the sky and say, 'Bring it on world, cuz Anna's here and there's no stopping me now!' "

"Now, that's my girl. How about if we throw together a couple of your new outfits to impress Larissa? I'll get some tasty shots of you wearing those new dresses and maybe we can even accesorize and coordinate a whole new catalogue for this next winter season's line, huh?"

Anna jumped into my awaiting arms and with her teeny nose right in front of my face, said,

"I love you, Derek Le Blanc! I love you, I love you, I love you, really, really, really a lot! Kiss me, you sexy man you!"

My sense of humor is quite unfunny, but I tried anyway.

"My sakes of heaven above! I just kissed a tramp, and she turned into a Princess! I swear she did, right before my very eyes!"

"I've got me camera's aim pointed straight at the elusive and cunning, sexual predator, and her fangs are bared as her monstrous growl roars throughout the jungle, and even the lions run away from her with their tails tucked, and heads down."

Anna catches on quickly, and adds her own touch to our little game.


"Blasted crimy fiddle sticks! She's comin' me way and she's a comin' faster than me legs can run! Help me, somebody please, before she eats me flesh and screws me to death!"

Now, she's got me pinned under her legs with her crotch directly in front of my face.

"So, you do have at least some fun every once in a while, don't you, Derek?"

Did I hear her correctly? Did she say Derek? By golly, bejesus, me thinks she did say Derek did she not?

"Yeah, you heard me right. Derek, the master of disaster, and a clown with a crown, owner of my heart, oops! I think I just let a fart! Says, you better hurry up and stop debating. Go see Larissa, she's a waiting!"

Crazy, I tell ya!

Chapter Three, Perfection Personified

"Now, that's the way to do it! Show me that incredible ass again, hang it all the way out, like big, bad daddy wants to see!"

Anna jumped down and ran straight up to me, saying,

"I've got an idea that's sure to make the audience cream their jeans, and rock their world, but I'll not tell you until you see it for yourself. I'm so fucking horny right now, I could eat you with a spoon!"

It's as if she could read my mind.

I pinched a nipple and twisted it hard enough to make her scream as I replied,

"Better bring a bucket, because this man's got a big one on top, and it's ready to go right now!"

There's more yet to come!

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duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago
Wonderful Period piece.

This well written story has the ring of authenticity with the stilted language, the setting firmly in another time.

Derek Le Blanc befriends Anna Du Bois a young lady of the slums and tries to make a lady out of her. Wonderful story.

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