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The Makings of Ellen Ch. 03

Story Info
The plot thickens against Ellen.
4.8k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 05/19/2011
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She was floating through space. It was peaceful and quiet in here; she never knew space could be like this. She could spend every moment in here, lost in its eerie gentility, and she would never regret.

"How're you feeling, sunshine?"

A voice sounding more like God spoke to her.

Ellen's eyes twitched open and then she remembered where she was—in her boss's bedroom, lying on his bed of course. It took less time for her mind to recall what she'd come there for: I was going to confront him about what happened here between us last night ... but instead I'd given my body to him on a plate and he had in turn given me another royally well-fucked episode ... and I had enjoyed every second of it! Oh God, I'm such a slut!

She was lying on her left arm, turned away from him. She felt his arm come over her and then turned her around till she was facing him.

"I thought you were asleep," Gerald said to her, giving her a kiss.

"I thought I was too, until you said something."

He felt his hand over her hip. She brought her arm to his shoulder and caressed his muscles. "I'm glad you dropped by. I was feeling a little lonely in here."

"How about that skinny broad you said was keeping you company?"

"Who, you mean Mabel? Nah, she's just a cute neighbour who does a little house keeping for me sometimes. Besides, she ain't got nothing compared to you."

"Hmm, that's some house-keeper you've got," said Ellen. She couldn't believe she was talking like this. Was she suddenly getting jealous over him being with someone else? "Maybe I shouldn't have come here after all."

"But you did, and that's all that matters. How's your husband doing, by the way?"

She flinched when he said that and withdrew her arm from him as if his skin had suddenly become hot. "None of your business, Gerald."

"It is my business as you're not out there with him," he said.

"He's out of town—you already know that, so don't bother asking about him. He's got nothing to do with you."

"You think so? I've just fucked his woman, and you think he's nothing I should know about?" he took her hands into his, caressing them. "What're the chances that he's going to be happy knowing what we just did?"

"Stop being such an asshole, Gerald." She pulled herself from him and got up from the bed, feeling angry and used. "I never should have come here—God, what was I thinking. We never should have done any of this. I'd better get dressed and be off—this was all some big mistake, and I know I'm going to regret it till the day I die."

"What's done is done, Ellen," he smiled at her. "There's no need for regrets. We did do it last night, remember? First we had dinner, then a bottle of wine, and then we came over here and we fucked. At least that was how it went for me. And we both got our rocks off, too. Don't go telling me you didn't have fun."

Ellen was struggling to wear back her panties and bra. "You're such an arrogant bastard, Gerald. First, you seduced me, but before that you lied to me about some job offer. You still going to lie there and tell me all of that wasn't some bullshit lie?"

"I've never lied to you, Ellen." He got up from the bed and came to her. His huge frame seemed to dominate her in every way. "I never lied about that job, and you know it. I showed you proof about it, remember? What I want you to do is to start getting with the program here."

"And what is the so-called program, huh, Gerald? What?"

"That you're one fine woman, and you're a horny white slut, that's what," he said to her matter-of-factly, without mincing any words. "You're a white slut in love with black cock, and that's what you always have been, so don't fight it. You got your first taste of it last night, and since then you've been dreaming and thinking of it—don't lie about it or pretend you don't know what it is that I'm talking about, because you do. Since you left my pad last night, you've been craving for it. It's the craving that brought you back here today, and if you keep denying it, the craving is going to keep at you until you learn to accept it."

Ellen stopped what she was doing and looked at him with dismay. "Who the hell do you think you are, Gerald? I'm a married wife, for God's sake! I've got kids and a home to take care of!"

Gerald raised his hands in mock surrender, chuckling. "I know that, Ellen. And I'm not stealing you from your man or your kids—those are stuff you can keep. What I want from you—no, what I desire from you—is your sex, and your body."

"That's a solid no, Gerald."

"Don't try fighting it, Ellen. Less than an hour ago, while I was fucking you, you should have heard all the nasty stuff your ass was hollering. You kept begging me to fuck you harder, and I did, and you did cum, too. I'll bet it was unlike anything you've had in a long time—even better than your pussy-ass hubby must given you all this time, and I can tell he ain't doing much in the sack."

"I told you to leave Tim out of this," she said.

"You want him out of this, then he will be. You can keep being his wife and mother to his kids, I don't care. That ain't my line of work. But I do care about you, and it's you I want."

"I'm not going to be what you want me to be, Gerald. I don't care about last night or about what we've just done ... but I'm not going to be anybody's slut. Especially not yours."

"Ohhh, but yes you are, Ellen. Starting now."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, holding her tight. Ellen struggled to be free from him, but he began kissing the sides of her chin and neck, making her melt once again to his sly charm. She hated it that her body was wilfully responding to his touch without even putting up a fight.

"Remember I told you that you're going to be my favourite slut," he whispered while he nibbled on her ear lobe. His hands caressed her bottom, fondling her ass cheeks. "I'm going to own this pussy, and I'm going to fuck it from six ways till Sunday. And who knows, one of these days, we'll let Tim in on the action. I'll bet he'd love to watch."

Ellen pushed him away from her and he fell to the bed shaking with laughter. She gathered up the rest of her clothes and her handbag and went into the living room where she continued dressing up. Gerald came in search of her, though he didn't make any attempt at stopping her. He was still laughing even as she finished putting on her blouse.

"Come on, Ellen," he said in the midst of a chuckling fit. "You know I was just playing with you. I'm sorry, okay. Come on, let's be friends again."

"Go fuck yourself, Gerald." She pushed her hair back in place and finished buttoning her blouse. "I hope I never get to see you again."

She wore on her shoes, slung her handbag over her shoulder and rushed out of his apartment door.


What do I do now?

She was back to that age-old question, the same one she'd asked herself last night when she returned home after Gerald succeeded having his way with her. The question was back at her now, knocking with a vengeance, as she lounged in the backseat of the taxi that was driving her home. So tired was Ellen, her mind wasn't on top performance at the moment. She could do nothing except curse herself for being so stupid. Why did she venture to his place once again, after what had happened the previous night. She felt stupid and dumb, like a criminal revisiting the site of a committed crime. How could she ever have thought of such in the first place? Still as she made the journey home, her mind kept drifting.

The taxi deposited her in front of her house. Her SUV still remained parked in the driveway. She let herself into the house and was glad to find it quiet just as when she had left it. The kids were probably still playing at their friends' across the street. That was good. She stopped to view herself in a wall mirror hanging by the foyer and was surprised by what she saw. Her hair was dishevelled; her makeup was just about ruined. She was staring at a shadow of the same woman who'd left her more than an hour ago with the thought of confronting her boss. That was some confrontation, alright.

She sauntered towards the bedroom and when inside slumped down on the bed. She sat there for a moment then fell on her back on the bed, slapping her left hand over her face.

At first she didn't notice it, but a moment later when she held up her left hand and looked it over, she then realised that something was missing. It came to her like a surprise when she realised her wedding band on her third finger wasn't there anymore. The imprint of her ring was there alright, but no ring.

Her mind screamed at her: Oh my God, I've lost my ring!

She sat up and started riffling through everything in her handbag. When she became desperate, she turned it upside down and emptied its contents on the bed and searched through the lot. Still her ring wasn't there. She picked up her phone and tapped a finger to her temple, trying to recall anything she could about the taxi service that had brought her home. But the ring couldn't have slipped out of her hand while in the taxi ... could it?

As if on cue, she jumped when her cell phone suddenly started ringing. It was Gerald calling.

"What do you want, Gerald?"

"That's no way to talk to your boss and would-be lover, is it, Ellen?" his voice floated into her ear.

"I've got nothing to say to you, Gerald," she said.

"But yes you do ... not unless you want to get your ring back."

* * * *

Ellen was in a rush.

Did she have any choice besides jumping into her SUV, not caring anymore about being noticed, and racing back to her boss's home to get back what was hers? Later when she thought about it, the answer always came out as a no. Still she wasn't prepared for the reception that awaited her when she got there.

She was just about winded when she got to his floor after clambering up the stairs; her worst fear was that he wouldn't be at his pad when she got there. The opposite was the case. She knocked on his door and heard his familiar voice from within yell that it was open.

She pushed the door open and inhaled a deep breath as she stepped inside.

There was no one in the living room. Then Gerald's voice sounded again: "Come over to the bedroom, Ellen."

She went in that direction. The bedroom door was half open and she could make out a figure sitting by the edge of the bed. It wasn't till she pushed the door further open that she got the full picture.

Gerald wasn't alone. The young lady whom she'd met previously when she arrived was there with him, and she was on her knees before him naked, bopping her head up and down on his crotch. Gerald grinned at Ellen and waved his hand for her to come in.

Mabel turned her face from her cock-sucking adventure for a moment and fixed Ellen with a baleful pair of eyes before resuming what she was doing. Ellen too was instinctively jealous seeing the young lady go to work on her boss's cock and she unconsciously licked her tongue over her lips.

"Come over, Ellen," said Gerald. "Don't stand there acting bashful; Mabel here won't bite. Would you, Mabel?"

All that escaped the young girl's mouth was her tongue and lips slurping over his cock and nothing more. Gerald muttered a groan from it.

"AHH SHIT! Damn girl! You sure know how to use those lips of yours!"

Ellen stood there hypnotised by what she was seeing. A part of her wanted to turn around and flee from the room, while another part wanted very much to join in the action ... then she remembered what she'd come back here for.

"Gerald, I ... I came for my ring."

Gerald feigned ignorance. "What, Ellen? I'm sorry but Mabel's lips seem to be distracting me. What was it you just said?"

She took a step towards him; her eyes went from him back to Mabel playing with his cock. "I said that I came ... I came back for my ring. I forgot it here ... I want it back, and on the phone you said you have it."

"I said that? Oh well, maybe I do have it ..." he paused to moan 'Ahh Shit!' then returned to what he was saying: "And maybe I don't. Thing is ... you're going to have to go to work for it, know what I mean." He indicated his eyes at what the young lady was doing to him. "You ready to be my slut, Ellen?"

"Please, Gerald. Don't make me do this."

"Do what, Ellen? You've already done it to me earlier today and last night, remember? You doing it one more time ain't going to change anything. Besides," he held up her wedding ring for her to see. "Do you really want to have this or don't you?"

She replied by nodding her head.

"Then you'd better get yourself out of those clothes, come down here right now and start earning it."

Her eyes glanced at Mabel then back at Gerald. He figured what she was indicating at and smiled.

"Don't you worry about Mabel here, she's used to sharing. Aren't you, Mabel?"

Mabel gave a muffled grunt that sounded more like 'Unh-hunh'.

"There, you see. Now how about you taking off those clothes, Ellen. Hurry up, 'cause I'm soon about to bust a nut down this bitch's throat."

The battle was already decided for her as her hands started undressing herself. Afterwards, she told herself that it wasn't like she had any other choice at all. She couldn't just turn around and leave with him still having her wedding ring. Though unarguable, the thought of getting a taste once more of that black cock was fervent on her mind. She was drooling in her mouth by the time she was done working her legs out of her jeans.

Gerald tapped for Mabel to inch to the side so as to make room for Ellen who too came to kneel in front of him. Mabel took her mouth off his cock and held it for Ellen as she opened her lips to engulf him. She took her first mouth-pull of his cock and right away it brought back fond memories of her sucking him earlier on. Gerald swept her hair from her face while he watched her go down to work on him.

"Yeah ... that's how I love getting sucked," he muttered. "Ohh yeah, Ellen, you're a quick learner, aren't you."

Mabel took his lump-sized balls into her mouth and gagged on them while Ellen concentrated on her mouth-pleasuring skills. She felt a hand rubbing the window of her cunt and looked down to find it was the young lady doing that. Mabel brought her lips to one of her tits and was sucking on it while her hand rubbed and massaged her clit with vigour. It spurred Ellen onward with her sucking. Gerald moaned with repetition while his hand kept sweeping her locks of hair from her face.

"Ohhh yeah ... go ahead, Ellen, honey ... suck that black cock like you love it."

She did just that, stroking his shaft as hard as she could while her mouth rolled and slobbered over his erection. Mabel came back up and Ellen had to give way for her to get a couple of licks herself. Ellen tugged at each of his testicles while Mabel licked and worshiped his cock with her mouth.

"Come up here, Ellen," Gerald indicated. "Let's take a good lick at that pussy of yours."

Gerald lay on his back while Ellen came forward and sat over his face. Her hand held up his head while his lips and tongue licked her pussy walls and beyond. Ellen felt a clenching in her heart as his tongue flicked its way into her pussy's wetness. She ground her ass down on his face and moaned successively from the action he was giving her.

Mabel decided now was the time appropriate to mount him. Gerald slid further up on the bed and widened his legs for Mabel to straddle him which she did. Her moan rose to an octave as his bulbous prick's head tore through the opening of her cunt just as she lowered herself down on him. She held her ass up and brought it back down again and began riding him just like that. Her breasts bounced and jiggled just as she did, and so did the bed. Her panting moans now were in counterpoint to that of Ellen's.

"Mind getting off me for a moment, Ellen?" grunted Gerald.

Ellen came off him and lay on the side and watched as he concentrated his effort on the nubile beauty who was busy riding his dick like a demented pinto. Her moans were long and lingering. He too was bucking his thighs up and down, driving his cock all the way into her as hard as he could, with both of them grunting like wild animals.


Gerald's hands slapped her ass hard, sounding like an exploding firecracker. He went on slapping the sides of her ass till her skin turned red and still she bounced on him like crazy. She leaned forward and their lips met and they kissed with hunger even as her butt rode up and down his shaft. Ellen played with her pussy and pinched her tits while at the same time watching them. She was jealous that it wasn't her that was riding him there and then.

Gerald pushed Mabel abruptly off him just when their bout of fucking was getting to a peak and he sat up and made Ellen to be on her back, coming between her legs. He beat his cock against her pussy opening, teasing her with it, before shoving it all the way inside her. Her body tensed up and she grabbed hold of his arms and howled. Her face was a mask of hurt and pain as the thickness of his cock invaded her pussy.

"AHHHHH SHIITTTT!" she screamed out while still holding onto him for dear life. The rush of his pounding dick was unlike any she'd had before. "OHHHHH FUCK! OH FUCK ME!"

He slid his hands under her backside to grasp her ass and fucked her hard and deep. He thrust his cock into her all the way as relentless as he could. He was breathing like an angry bull next to her face and she too couldn't stop howling from the hurt of his prick punishing her cunt. Mabel sat beside them and each time Gerald withdrew his cock, her hands pressed down on his ass, urging him to fuck her deeper.

"Yeah, fuck her, master!" she grinned. "Fuck that married slut, master!"

Ellen couldn't have known how long the bout went but with her lying there surrendering to every ounce of pleasure his cock was giving to her it felt as if time had stopped moving. Gerald kissed and licked the sweat off the side of her neck, all the while grounding his cock as deep as he could inside her with his balls slapping against the underside of her ass. Her fingers sank into the skin of his shoulders, wrapped and crossed her legs over his butt while Mabel kept on begging him to fuck her harder.

"You loving that dick, Ellen?" he grunted at her.

"Ughhh ... Ugghhhh ... Yeah! Yeah!"

"You love that black dick fucking you?"

"Yessss ... Oh God, yesssss!"

She came seconds after she screamed that last reply. Gerald ejaculated not long after that. He emptied his load of semen all the way inside Ellen's pussy, panting for breath as he then pulled out of her. Mabel was there to grasp his wet prick into her mouth and licked every trace of cum from him. Gerald fell to the other side of the bed while she went on cleaning him off. When she was done with him, she turned her attention to Ellen. Mabel held her legs aside and went on sucking and licking out every trace of her master's semen that was there. When she was done she came up and shared a kiss with Ellen. Ellen got a sample of her pussy juice and traces of semen off from her lips.

"Your pussy tastes so good," muttered Mabel.


It was late afternoon when Ellen returned home.

She had her ring back on her finger and she was carrying Gerald's cum inside her womb. They'd had another round of fucking before she left—his way of saying goodbye to her, at least for today. It had been more or less a quickie, him bending her over by the bathroom sink where she'd gone in earlier to clean herself while he attacked from behind, giving her the works while Mabel cheered. He'd shot his load inside her and when Mabel came over wanting to clean her up, he'd told her not to.

"That's my going away present," he'd grinned at Ellen. "I can't wait to see your ass around tomorrow."


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