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The Makings of Ellen Ch. 08

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Where there's couples ... there's an orgy. The Finale!
6.3k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 05/19/2011
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I make no apologies for the type of stories I post here. Those who hate me for it, please keep on hating. The more you hate, the longer I live. I will be travelling to the U.S., early next month. Please come and wait for me at JFK International. If you'd like the date, send me a mail. For now, I'm taking a break, but BLACK MASTER SHANGO will be coming soon. Maybe to a city near you!


The time was 8:45 P.M. There were vehicles parked in front of the Seymour's home as well as on the curb and stretched down a few houses by the time Tim and Ellen stepped out of their front door and approached their compound. Ellen had told him after their bout of love-making about the invitation she's gotten from Eric, and they'd spent the last hour debating on just what to wear for the evening—something suitable or something casual. In the end they'd preferred casual. This was their neighbour's home they were visiting after all, not a night at the Opera.

Ellen was looking smashing in a sleeveless cotton blouse and jeans while Tim wore khaki pants and a t-shirt. As they approached their neighbour's front door, Ellen stopped him.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Beautiful and gorgeous," he answered right away. "Matter of fact, you're good enough to eat."

She rewarded him with a kiss. "Thanks. You're such a darling."

"Are you ready?"

She inhaled a deep breath and then exhaled in a whoosh. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Tim smiled and pressed the door bell. What sounded like evidence of a party going on came from behind the drawn curtain windows and even from behind the door, though neither of them could have guessed what it was about. Evidently Eric and Annie didn't wish for the rest of the neighbourhood to be involved in their revelry. Tim was just as anxious as Ellen was to know what the party was about.

Tim pressed the doorbell again. Seconds later and the door came open for them and they met their host—Eric Seymour.

He was the same age-range as Tim, except he had a thicker body frame with a ruddy complexion. He had a receding forehead and his hair grew in turfs about the sides of his ears which were pointy like that of an elf's. In three years time he would be completely bald; for now he appeared unconcerned about it. He was wearing a golf shirt and brown shorts with a wine glass in his hand and a brimming smile on his face as he welcomed Tim and Ellen into his home, thanking them for showing.

"TIM!" he boomed out his name so loud it could have shattered glass. "AND ELLEN! Come on in, you two! My God, Ellen, you're looking lovelier than ever! Hot damn!" he pulled her unceremoniously into his other free arm and kissed her cheek. Done with her, he grasped Tim's hand in what felt like a bear-hug and shook it. "Tim, put it there, pal! Gaddamn, you two don't know how long I've been dyin' to get you both in here. So glad you two made it."

"I'm sorry we never had the time to have done this sooner, Eric," said Ellen. "Tim's been spending so much hours out of town for us to make it."

Eric brushed a hand across his face as if wiping off bad air. "Aww shucks! I know the feelin'. I too am much of a busy workaholic m'self, and God knows, Annie hates me for it. You both are here and that's all that matters. Come on inside, almost everybody else is here and waiting."

Tim was about to comment "Everybody—" when Eric led them through the foyer and into the large living room where music was coming from, mingled with conversational voices of people. Tim and Ellen were both one step behind Eric as he came down the short flight of stairs into the room and once again boomed out to the rest of his guests to introduce his new visitors. Hearty calls and smiles reflected on their faces and several of them came forward to shake Tim's hand and several of the women shuffled over to hug Ellen like they were old friends. Everybody was saying something almost at once and Tim and Ellen managed to keep their smiles and chatter with each of them. Tim recognised several of the faces that were there in the room. Three of them lived down the street from him, and they were all here with their wives ... and my God, look at the wives! Tim saw that they were all looking brazenly dressed in their outfits, nearly all of them putting on dark or see-through blouses and corsets with their ample bosoms just about poking from the top section and their skirts too were short and revealing, plus they were all wearing high heels and nearly all of them had on knee-length stockings. One of the women—Elsie Michelson, who lived three houses from theirs, wore a tank top and Spring Break-type jeans shorts that revealed her ass cheeks and had on knee-length exotic black boots. She was looking very extra hot and randy, unlike her all-round husband, Bob, who resembled a beached whale the way he stood beside her. Ellen noticed much of this almost at once and suddenly she felt overdressed for the occasion. Had she known about the dress code, she too probably would have worn something more ... challenging to the eye. Maybe not up to these women's standard, but she would have tried. And to think all this time she actually knew a lot about her neighbours.

Eric was busy chatting with Tim and Ellen when Annie appeared from behind, holding two wine glasses of champagne in her hand which she presented to both of them. She was putting on a chiffon dress that stooped halfway of her thighs. Tim couldn't help running his eyes all over her attire, and Ellen caught where his eyes were roaming but made as if she didn't.

"It's a good thing you both decided to show up early," said Eric. "The boys are yet to arrive for the actual party to begin."

"Boys?" asked Tim. "What boys?"

Annie and Eric exchanged glances and then smiled. "Don't worry, you'll find out when the time comes."

At that moment the doorbell sounded off and Eric excused himself to go see who it was. Annie excused herself too and led Ellen away to introduce her properly to several of the other wives that were there. Eric returned with more guests, and Tim was surprised to recognise the visitor who'd just arrived with his wife tagging along in his arm. It was one of his bosses whom he'd talked with on the phone earlier that day—Montgomery Fitch, with his blonde-haired trophy wife. There was so much dissimilarity between them: Monty was gregarious and though he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt still managed to look like a bear in Russian winter. Whereas his wife—wife number three, if Tim wasn't mistaken—was a former Scandinavian beauty queen and possessed a lovely pair of legs with a hot body to booth. Tim felt a tingle in his crotch as his eyes didn't seem to relinquish viewing her. He soon learnt her name—Katherine.

Tim, nice to meet you here," said Monty, closing in on him to shake his hand. He introduced him to his wife, Mary. "I never knew you and Eric knew each quite well."

"I live next door to him," said Tim. "Though this is my first time of being in one of his parties."

"No wonder, or else I'd have spotted you around. Well, a good thing you decided to join in. Eric's always good at such."

While they chattered, Tim noticed his wife slip off from his arm and went over to be with a trio of other house wives giggling and talking in whispers. Tim saw Ellen amongst them and she too appeared lost in whatever gossipy talk they seemed to be having.

"That's a lovely woman you've got there, Tim," said Monty, whose eyes were at the moment giving Ellen a good look-over. "You and her so look good together."

"Thank you."

"I'll bet the boys will get a good taste of her too by the time the night's over."

Again, Tim was about to ask "What boys?" when he felt someone tap his shoulder. It was Annie.

"I notice your wine glass is almost finished. Mind coming over to help me pop open another before the boys get here?"

Tim was still perplexed as to which boys everyone was referring to, but preferred differing that unanswered question just for another opportunity to be close to Annie ... at least until the main party kicked up. Whenever that would be.

Annie led him through a back corridor towards the direction of the kitchen, the layout of which Tim was familiar with since the other night he broke in. They passed a couple on the way too busy groping each other. Annie opened an alcove door which was a sort of store room at the back of the staircase and led Tim inside. She locked the door and flicked on a light switch. The room was small and the air inside somewhat cold, but it looked accommodating enough for what she had in mind.

"We don't have much time," she said before kissing him, her hands fumbled for his belt buckle while she fell to her knees, sliding her tongue out of her lips like a serpent sensing dinner. "Gerald and his friends will soon be here. I just want to have you to myself before they take over the show."

She fished out his cock, which was semi-erect with pre-cum oozing out of it, and swallowed him. Tim grew turgid inside her mouth and he gazed down at the beauty that was his neighbour's wife sucking his cock. Annie groped and caressed his balls while still enveloping her mouth around his cock. She flicked her tongue on his mushroom-shaped head, before gagging on him. Tim gritted his teeth and sucked air through it. Damn! He'd forgotten just how terrific she could be with her mouth. There was a sudden knock on the door, startling both of them. Annie stopped what she was doing, listening just like him. The knock came again. "Annie, are you in there?"

They both recognised Eric's voice. Annie got up and unlocked the door. Tim didn't know whether to feel embarrassed being caught with his neighbour/friend's wife or feel annoyed at them being interrupted by him. He felt deflated by it, not knowing how Eric would react. Eric solved the problem for him by smiling the moment Annie pushed the door open to reveal him standing there.

"Ahhh ... you two are getting downright busy already," he observed.

"I couldn't help it, honey," said Annie, returning to her knees and stroking Tim's cock back to life. "Tim was looking alone and lost back there. I thought I'd put some spark in him before the evening moves along."

"How's she doing, Tim?" he asked. "Annie treating you fine, or you need any of the other fellows' wives to come take her place?"

Tim shook his head and grinned sheepishly. "Nah, she's taking care of me just fine."

"Just what I wanted to hear," grinned Eric. "Anyway, honey, you two had better hurry up. Gerald just called and said he and the boys are almost here. I'm going to get Billy to help me out with bringing the floor mats out to the living room."

"Don't worry, darling, I'll be there in no time."

Eric closed back the door and Annie turned to look at Tim, smiling up at him while his cock stood erect two inches from her succulent lips.

"I'll bet you were kind of scared when he saw us, weren't you?" she said to him.

Tim gave a helpless shrug. "You're his wife. I'd be nervous too if I ran into someone doing Ellen like this."

"Don't worry. A couple of minutes from now, you won't be thinking about that anymore."

Nothing more was said as she resumed feeding on his cock, sucking him towards heights of surmounting desire. Tim moaned in rising excitement, his breath becoming fast. His hands caressed her hair, pressing her face towards his crotch till his moment of explosion came about. Annie gulped everything he had to give and more. Her mouth didn't let go of him till he'd spurted the last drop of semen, and even then she took her time cleaning him up before letting go of his limp dick. John wiped sweat from his brow, realising that he was still breathing heavy. Annie rose to her feet and kissed his deep and passionately.

"It's too bad we don't have enough time now for you to repay me the same gratitude," she smiled at him. "Let's hope we don't get lost in the crowd later on though. I really need another go at you."

"Same here," Tim replied.

"Come on, let's head on back. The boys should be here by now."


Gerald and the boys arrived at Eric's pad at about the same time Annie was swallowing the last drops of semen from Tim's cock, which was 9:27 P.M. They arrived in two separate vehicles, and they had to drive down to the mouth of the next street before finding themselves suitable parking spaces. It was a good thing they arrived at that late hour when the streets were devoid of people walking their dogs or of midnight strollers, because Gerald and his boys—six of them, including Gerald—certainly would have aroused suspicion being in such a neighbourhood at such an hour. Anyone seeing them would have promptly placed a call to the nearest police station, thinking that a burglary or something worse was about to be in progress. The police too, had they been fortunate to cruise by in time, would have been surprised to see six black gentlemen walking down the street of such a quiet neighbourhood, all of them wearing black dinner jackets and looking impeccably dressed for the evening. The cops would have been double-minded whether to believe their story about being here for a party, or to call for back-up and hustle all six of them down to the station. Thus it was a good thing they avoided such embarrassment as they parked their vehicles and quickly covered the short distance to Eric's home.

Eric was standing by the doorway to welcome them. He shook hands with Gerald and thanked him and his gang for making the trip down before allowing them inside and locking back the door and checking to make sure the curtains were drawn close from prying eyes outside.

A fanfare of greetings and hand claps welcomed the six men as they entered the living room, looking like a performing troupe. There was a cleared space for them in the centre of the room; all furniture had been pushed backward to accommodate the husbands and their wives, much of whom were giggling with excitement at the men's arrival.

Eric had assigned two of the husbands, Billy Maddox (a heavyset man in his early fifties) and Kenneth DeLuise (average height but athletic with a crew-cut type of hair, who lived down the block from Tim) to help arranging the floor mats in the middle of the room for the boys. There were six thick floor mats and when laid beside each other on the floor fit like breakable rectangular boxes.

While the men were putting the mats into order, Gerald and his boys spread out to mingle with the crowd ... or rather with the wives. Tim, Monty, and the other husbands seemed to take an unspoken backseat as events in the room took a different exciting tempo unlike what had earlier been. Tim watched surprisingly at the way the wives all seemed to fawn over the black men. One of the wives—Billy Maddox's woman, Penny—unwrapped a scarf she had on her neck and used it to snag herself a black man and pulled him towards her, brimming like a fisherman who'd just caught a world-class marlin. Tim recognised her man as Luke, one of Gerald's buddies who'd screwed Ellen the other day at his apartment. He watched as Luke pulled her face towards his and their lips interlocked in a deep kiss. He looked around and right away he spotted his other colleague, T.J., who at the moment had his hands wrapped around Monty's woman, Katherine. They were dancing cheek to cheek, smiling at each other's faces and making conversation with her arms encircled around his neck whereas his was groping her backside. Tim turned to observe Monty, wanting to see whatever reaction was on his face, as he too was no doubt aware of whom his wife was dancing with. Amazingly Monty was taking it all in pleasurable stride, sipping off from his glass while admiring his woman from afar. Tim sighted Gerald as well. He wondered at first if it was his Ellen whom he was at the moment smiling with, except it wasn't. The woman he was with had thick brown hair that stood out in waves, wearing a kimono-like robe with nothing else underneath. Tim got a glimpse of her naked flesh when Gerald held her hand above his head and spun her around to admire her beauty. Tim caught Ellen in the midst of the crowd laughing and hugging an athletic black man with cornrow type of hair. They looked so happy together, as if they'd met somewhere before. It was later, long after the night was over, that Ellen let Tim on the fact that he'd been one of the guys who'd banged her at that bachelor party she'd been to.

There was Barbra, Kenneth's wife, dressed in a purple-coloured teddy with matching stockings and suspenders and a pair of high heels, sipping wine from a glass and then sharing it with her black lover whose hand was squeezing her ass cheeks. Annie meanwhile was getting jiggy with her man—a bald-headed giant who looked like he would burst out of his dinner jacket any moment soon. She turned around and hiking up her skirt and sashaying her rump against the man's crotch. Tim was getting enticed just watching her from over here. By now every woman in the room had a man to herself ... and some shared, as the women were more in number. Tim didn't know if this was usually the way it was planned or if today had been an exception to bring fewer men ... whatever the case, he was happy and relieved that he and Ellen got to attend it. He was getting aroused just watching the women play and mingle with their lovers, and he sensed he wasn't the only husband there who felt the same way. Already he observed one ... three of them grabbing hold of their crotch, keeping a tight rein on their faces ... looking like they desperately needed to go take a piss but were scared of missing the show, even for a tiny fraction.

The slow music that had been playing earlier changed to one of mid-tempo R n B. Billy and Kenneth were by now finished with putting the mats in order and cleared the way for the party to begin. There were no ringing of bells to announce it—it practically announced itself as the men slipped their feet out of their shoes while the women helped them out of their jackets and shirts. Annie, never one to observe patience, knelt before her man and unzipped his fly and whipped out his manhood. One of the men—Jeffery Lindberg, a bespectacled fellow in his mid-forties—muttered a gasp when he took sight of the man's cock Annie was stroking a second before she brought her mouth to it.

"Gaddamn!" muttered Jeffery to the man standing beside him. "Would ya take a good look at that!"

"Oh yeah," agreed Ted Michelson, whose wife was at the moment getting her ass spanked by her lover. "That's how Elsie likes hers too."

"Wish I had a cock like that!"

Ted boomed laughter and clapped his friend's shoulder. "You'd wish!"

Tim looked over at Ellen and saw her lover forcing open her blouse to get at her tits while another wife—Rebecca, Kenneth's wife—ransacked his pants for his cock like a child searching for hidden treasure. It didn't take long for her to find it and put it into her mouth. Her blouse now open, Ellen shoved the man's face onto her breasts, moaning all at once. There was a lot of moaning sounds going on in the room now, intermixed with the music that was playing. Every black man now was in the mat area, either standing or lying down, and each of them the object of every woman's desire in the room. Gerald was undoing the buttons of his shirt while two women—one of them Jeffery's woman, Kim, and the other the woman in the kimono-style dress, Dora—passed his prick back and forth between their lips. Elise had taken off her shorts and tank top and except for her knee-length booths she wasn't wearing anything else. She lay stretched over her lover's face, giving him a taste of her cunny, while she took turns with another hot wife—Kenneth DeLuise's woman, Barbara—sucking on his monster cock; the sound of their lips slurping and smacking over his shaft penetrated their husbands' ears. Tim, who'd taken a seat on one of the sofa, cast his eyes among the watching husbands and saw them pulling out their cell phones and taking snapshots of the event. The excitement in the air was overwhelming. Tim too whipped out his cell phone and did the same. He was going to have a lot more batches of photos to upload later on.


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