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The Man Who Came from Nowhere

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What Goes Round Comes Round.
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The atmosphere in the town meeting was tense. The local people were obviously separated into two camps with one occasionally popping an insult across the aisle only to have it returned with equal venom. Just before the mayor took his seat to start the meeting, a tall, lanky man entered and took a seat in the back of the room. Most of the people turned to see who else was joining the fray and on which side he sat. Then a mild buzz began as neighbors asked each other who he was. No one seemed to recognize the interloper.

Then the mayor took his seat and rapped the gavel to call the meeting to order. Before he could raise his microphone to speaking height, the bickering began.

"We've got to accept this proposal. We have to grow!"

From across the aisle immediately came, "We have to improve the town for the people who already live here rather than for outsiders who might not stay."

The mayor rapped the gavel several more times and called for order. The sheriff took a step towards the center of the room as if to act as the referee in an impending No-Holds-Barred-Boxing match. That only triggered more and louder responses from both sides of the aisle. Obviously, no one came to be listen but only to talk.

The volume increased in intensity until the sound of the gavel and the voice of the mayor were drowned out. The mayor and sheriff huddled together and it appeared that the meeting would be over before it began.

From the back of the room, a voice started singing and got louder. The song was "Let Us Gather By the River." Suddenly, there was a second voice singing and then a third. Before the song ended, the roar of voices had quieted and the room was quiet again. Just as quickly as he started, the man sat back down.

With the room finally under control, the mayor stood and looked at the man and said, "Thank you. You look a little familiar. Are you from around here?"

"I've been here for two years but don't come into town very often."

"Ah, you are the guy who bought the Franklin place up on the ridge." The man just nodded. "Then I formally welcome you. You are...?"

"Nobody really; people just call me Nick."

"Well thank you again, Nick."

The man sitting on the end of the council row was a wiry man with a large golden cross on his chest said, "That was a mighty fine rendition of that hymn. Are you by chance another man of the cloth?"

"Not hardly."

"But you are a God-fearing man." The man actually looked relieved that he didn't have new competition.

"No; I wouldn't exactly call myself that either."

"Why not?" The man shot back indignantly.

"Well mostly, I just can't see fearing the one who created us and gave us the intelligence and skills to survive, grow, and prosper. So, I am more of a God-thanking kind of man." Number of the townspeople lightly giggled at the new man's response.

"Then you are a sinner!" His voice was beginning to rise to his usual sermon-level pitch.

Nick's patient voice replied, "I have no doubt about that but I try my hardest to be good."

"Repent or you will be condemned to hell!"

"My ex-wife kind of already did that when the divorce was final. So far, it doesn't seem to have taken but there is time yet, I guess." The retort, earned him a full-fledged laugh.

The mayor, sensing that the preacher was winding up for a full hour-long sermon, changed the subject. "Tell us what is your interest here tonight, Nick."

"Well, I've been here two years getting settled in. I thought that if I was going to become part of this community, I ought to participate. From what I have heard and read, it seems that this discussion would be good place to start."

"I see. And do you have any experience or background in this subject?" It was obvious that the mayor was trying to regain the focus without encouraging the antipathy in the room.

"Sort of. I have been involved in a couple of business expansions and I grew up in a smaller communities. So, yes; I have some experience in these matters."

"May I ask what your position on this is?"

"You can ask but you might not like my answer; a lot of people don't. The last five times I have been involved, my position lost." That audience had now settled down and was actually paying attention to the stranger.

"Well, that's not very optimistic; perhaps you can explain a little further."

"Ok, here goes. The simple truth is that a town needs jobs and new companies to be vibrant and grow. But to achieve that, the town has to be the kind of place people want to move to and work in. If they aren't welcome or comfortable, they will find a job elsewhere or commute from somewhere else. So, the truth is, both sides here are right; but they have to work together or a lot of money and effort will be spent with little to show for it. That is my strong belief but it doesn't fit with either side. In these other ventures, I lost."

Sensing a possible breakthrough, the mayor added, "Keep going."

"In my first expansion, the city put up a lot of stuff; land, tax abatements, and all of that. We moved a facility there that made one of our products. Making the product was noisy, the townspeople objected and made sure that the employees heard about it. The employees felt so uncomfortable, many of them left before they settled in the town. The local people wouldn't apply to work there. The plant lasted two years and shut down. The townspeople said good riddance but the town had spent a huge portion of their development money and had nothing to show for it. I told both sides up front that we needed to work with the townspeople rather than ignore them. I got fired from that job."

"I see. So, you are saying that the townspeople point of view is more important?"

"Not hardly. Both points of view are valid; very valid. But the all-or-nothing attitude has to disappear. People need to talk with each other rather than at each other or nothing positive will happen. This is what I see. This county has basically not grown in twenty-five years. I think the population is about thirty more people than in 1990. The median income here is about 12% lower than the growing counties but close to other towns this size. In short, you do nothing and nothing is going to change. But when I go into town, there aren't many stores or restaurants. I can buy a pizza but I can't buy any pasta dishes. I can buy a chicken fried steak but not a grilled fish. I drive around and think that a coat of paint would freshen up the town and make it friendlier. A few flowers planted around the courthouse and the square would make it more welcome. So, what I am saying is that if you want growth, you have to make it a place people want to come to."

"But we have some serious constraints on our budget." One of the councilmen whined.

"Everyone from individual people to businesses to governments of all size face serious budget constraints. A lot of things that can be done that don't cost a dime; they just require a commitment and an attitude to make this place better. If all you want is no-cost growth, authorize a number of whorehouses. You will get more tourist business than you can handle. I doubt that this is what you want but something just as bad is waiting in the wings if you let it."

The preacher began gagging while several of the other councilmen groaned. There was a murmur on both sides of the aisle but it wasn't rising to the previous level. His last point hit hard at their morality but also showed them the simple truth.

Nick looked around and saw that it was time for him to take his leave. He left through the door without making a stir and few people noticed his disappearance. He failed to notice that a woman also slipped out of one of the side doors. As he approached his truck, she quietly said, "That was quite an introduction to the locals you just made."

"It was unplanned, I assure you."

"Are you always that open and forthright?"

He smiled, "You must either the district attorney looking to nail me for something or one of my ex-wives friends who has tracked me down."

She laughed, "Neither. If you stay around long enough, you will discover that I am usually referred to as the local bad girl."

"Hmm. Bad girls usually don't show up at town meetings; so, I take that to means that you frequently step on toes and make people look bad."

"I prefer to think that I hold up a mirror in front of people and let them look at themselves as they really are."

"Oh, you must be a reporter or a writer or something."

"Let's go with the 'or something.' Are you up to having a cup of coffee or do you need to go home to vomit first?"

"Actually, if there was some place open, I would prefer coffee and something to eat. I kind of skipped lunch because I was driving back."

"Then follow me. As you already have figured out, nothing is open after the sidewalks roll up around here but there is a place that is open about ten miles out. Few people from here go there."

"Ah, my kind of place. Lead the way and I'll follow."

He followed although it wasn't easy. She drove fast but not carelessly. His main concern was at this time of year, deer frequently crossed the roads at night and there was an accident at least once a week; some very serious. She finally pulled into the parking lot of a small diner on the old highway to the big city and stopped. He parked next to her.

As they walked to the door, she asked, "What are you hungry for?"


"Oh good; a man after my own heart. How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled; with bell pepper, onions, and tomato if possible."

They entered where the waitress greeted them warmly. The woman ordered without being asked, "Coffee and two big ones. Make them messy and colorful."

"Got it. The corner is empty, if you want it."

"We want." She led him to the far side and to a table somewhat hidden from the rest of the tables. "I like this table; less chance of being disturbed."

"Fine with me."

As they sat, she began again, "Now, about this marriage between a town and a company concept you so elegantly dropped during the meeting."

"Before we get tangled up in something like that, what the hell is your name?"

"Ah; impatient, are we? What name do you what me to have?" She had a twinkle in her eye and grin on her face.

He returned the grin and replied, "Any name you want except my ex-wife's name."

"Her again. Ok, how about Neecy? Will that work for you?"

"That works just fine. And the last name?"

"Let's leave it at Neecy; you made the rules."

All right; Neecy Myrules is fine with me. And although I didn't use the words marriage between a town and a company, that it is a decent way of looking at it."

"That's what I want you to explain."

"It's simple enough. Let's say you have a blue-collar town and entice a research institute to move in. Sounds nice but how well are researchers going to fit in the community around them? Probably not very well. And the reverse is also true. Bring a blue-collar company to a middle-class enclave and you will have a lot of unhappy people in both places."

"So, we ought to be seeking companies that more or less fit the culture of the town?"

"That's one way to look at it but also the more expensive and most competitive way to do it."

"Ok, brilliant one; if we don't go chase down our marriage partner, how do you suggest we get our knight in shining armor?"

Nick looked at her and saw that she was listening intently to what he was about to say. He took a moment to form the words carefully. Then he said simply, "Grow your own."

"Ok, now your brilliance is tarnished. How do you do that?"

"Answer some questions. Why does a company want to move or open a new facility?"

"They are growing; they have outgrown their existing facility and need more room; they have a new product that doesn't fit their existing facility; their existing home has gotten too expensive to operate profitably. How many more answers will it take to satisfy you?"

"Any or none of them. What do all of these scenarios have in common?"

"They are growing and need more room."

"Or they want to cut costs to be more profitable or even to make a profit at all." She stared at him but didn't respond. "This community wants to attract about 100 jobs, probably over ten years. As I have heard, they are prepared to spend up to $100,000 to attract 100 jobs over ten years. Right?"

"Well, they hope that there are more than 100 in ten years. What are you getting at? I'm missing something."

"Instead of putting all of the eggs in one basket, why not look for ten businesses with four or five employees and bring them in and be an incubator for them to grow. Food is coming; chew on that while we eat."

"I may stab you with my fork before I am finished."

"You don't want to do that to someone you are attracted to, now do you?" Her mouth hung open as she fought to respond. "Close your mouth; it isn't lady-like to eat with your mouth open."

"I may kick your ass when I finish eating."

"That's not lady-like either. Eat!"

She muttered under her breath as she raised her fork, "Who says that I am a lady?"

"I do. Eat!"

"Yes, master."

That ended the pre-meal chatter but both of their minds were working overtime while they ate as they prepared for round two. Nick was enjoying the back and forth with this woman that he had just met. He had avoided most opportunities to engage with an attractive woman since his divorce but Neecy seemed to insist on invading his self-imposed solitude and she did it well. That impressed him.

On Neecy's side, she was relishing the fact that a man would stand up to her usual line of BS but it also reminded her to be wary. Most of the personalities who matched hers were more interested in dominating her than matching her. Then she asked herself if she was really attracted to this unknown commodity. She had to admit that he was handsome and intelligent but that he also appeared to have a dangerous side. She finally decided to up the ante when they finished eating.

When they finished and sat back, she opened round two. "Ok, details. Lay them out on the table."

"Ok; you find five or ten young guys with ambition and an idea. Offer them reasonably priced space and..."

"Not that bullshit! About you. Out with it."

"Nope. Too aggressive. One question only. You choose. One with a specific answer and no need for discussion."


"I have one but you do too."

"How old are you?"

"Let's see. If my calculations are correct, I am thirty-nine years, seven months, and fifteen days old. My turn."

"I didn't agree to that."

"My rule. Answer one; ask one."

"You used to be fun." She took a breath and added, "Ok; what?"

"Are you non-, mono-, or multi-orgasmic?"

She shot up in her seat. "How dare you ask a personal question like that to someone you just met?"

"Because it isn't proper to ask a woman her age. Besides, I know the answer. I just want to see if we agree."

"All right smart ass; what is the answer?"

"We both know; so why should we discuss it in public. This has been fun. Thank you for introducing me to this restaurant. I will eat here more often. Now it is time for me to get my beauty rest. Am I picking up the check or are you?"

"For that, you can pick up the check and I hope you don't sleep a wink." She paused for a moment and eyed him closely. "I am not through with you yet."

"I knew that."

He rose to go to the check-out counter when he heard a distinct "Asshole!" from behind him. "Guilty. Are you coming or are you going to let a gentleman walk you to your truck?"

"I would love that; has a gentleman come in?"

The waitress was laughing very hard by now. "Nessa, you two make a great couple. He is a keeper."

Nessa/Neecy turned red and started sputtering. Nick smiled at the waitress and said, "Nessa is it? She started this relationship by lying to me. Should I dump her?"

"Oh no! You are the best thing that has happened to her in years."

"Ok, then, what is her last name? She won't tell me."

Nessa/Neecy took his arm while looking at the waitress, "Only one answer a day and you have had yours already. Leave her a big tip and Wanda, don't humor him; he is being a pig."

"If that is what you want...Mrs. Blankenship."

"I can't get any respect anywhere!"

"Come on, Mrs. Blankenship. Time for you to go home and get your beauty sleep too."

"You call me Blankenship again and I will really bust your ass. That was my married name for three years and that was a long time ago."

"Ah, the secret door cracks open a little and the plot thickens. Please drive safely going home. The thought of you wrapped around a tree is not appealing."

"I figured that it would appeal to you."

"Not hardly. I would feel compelled to come to your funeral and I don't like funerals. I prefer real, live people."

"In spite of your blatant behavior, you are really sweet." She kissed his cheek.

"Don't say that to my ex; she would laugh in your face or worse."

"Give me her name and address and I'll check that out for myself."

"You have already had your answer for the day. Have a good night." He opened the door to her truck and waited for her to get seated. As she started to say something, he closed the door and walked to his truck. She just sat staring after him. Then he drove off into the night. Soon after he got home, Nick fell asleep with a smile on his face.

The next day he made two stops to visit with friends and returned home at 4:30. Taped on his front door was a note. Before he opened it, he felt that he knew who it was from. He was right.

"Meet me at the diner at 5:00. Barbeque. Bring a bottle of my favorite red wine." It was signed, "Nessa Blankenship." He smiled and wondered if that would earn him an ass-kicking. He took five minutes to change shirts and clean up before taking another ten looking through his wine rack trying to decide which one to take. He finally decided on a nice Pinot Noir. She didn't seem like a fruity drinker or a fad chaser. So, he chose a traditional, hearty red. Before he left, he also stuck a folding bottle opener in his pocket. "Better to have it and not need it than the other was around," he reasoned to himself.

It only took him ten minutes to drive to the diner. As he pulled into the parking lot, the clock in his truck read exactly "5:00" although it changed to 5:01 before he turned off the ignition. A moment later, Neecy/Nessa walked out of the diner with a picnic basket on her arm and walked up to his truck. "You're late."

"I am not. I pulled into the lot at exactly 5:00. It is now 5:01."

"Still late. Boys eager to be with me are always fifteen minutes early."

"I didn't get your note until 30 minutes ago and felt that I ought to clean up a little first."

"Likely excuse. My truck or yours?"

"With that attitude, we will take mine. If you get pissed at me, I can drive home and you can walk. My feet are already tired today."

"That is one hell of a way to start our first date."

"Allow me to take this and escort you to your chariot for the night." He took the basket in one hand and her arm with the other and led her to the passenger side. He stowed the basket in the back seat before opening the passenger door for her. When he took her hand to help her up, he felt a light shiver run through her. "Cold?"

"Of course not; why do you ask?"

"Being a gentleman."

"That's for me to decide and right now, the jury is still out."

"Ok, I will be on my best behavior." She swatted his arm. "What was that for?"

"We are going on a picnic with a bunch of others and you better be better than that."

"Ok; Are you Neecy or Nessa today?"

"For this group, I will be Deni and you are not allowed to ask any questions about me of any of the others. If you do, I will be driving your truck home by myself and you will be seeing how well you can dig in hard clay from six feet down."

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