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The MILF of the Party

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A MILF fucks her son's bully and his friends.
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Anonymous said: Hey love your blog. Can you do a story where a Milf makes a deal with her sons bully to stop him from bully him, but the only way he agrees to it is if she goes to his party and let him and a few of his friends see her naked but end up getting her drunk and fucks all of them. Letting them fuck all her holes and coming everywhere.


When my son, Ian was struggling in school I couldn't believe it. I was called in for a special conference with the principal and his teachers so that I could address the problem. I knew what the problem was, but it seemed like no one would do a thing about it. I pulled the pastries I'd been baking out of the oven to let them cool as I got ready for the meeting. I made sure to dress conservatively so that I wouldn't look like I was anything other than a perfect mother, even though I knew that I wasn't perfect.

Ian had a lot of problems and the biggest of them was that he was being bullied by an older guy, Josiah Phillips. Josiah was one of the popular kids in school, but it wasn't because he was a nice guy. He was a mean kid and he bullied my son with the kind of verbal insults that hit deep and penetrated their victims' minds. My son had been doing okay before the bullying started but once his mental game had been knocked off course by Josiah's abuse, Ian had started failing every class.

I took a last look at my makeup in the mirror before I headed out. I looked tired but I knew that my makeup game was still on point. I brushed my dark hair away from my face. I had never liked the way I looked but I tried my best to just go with what God had given me. I rushed to grab my cooled pastries, placing them in a plastic container and hoping for the best.

I walked into the meeting a few minutes late. I looked around at the faces I recognized. The males in the room were all checking me out while trying to pretend that they weren't while the women scoffed at my sex appeal. I couldn't help how I looked. Men always seemed to be attracted to me, while other women tended to be jealous of me. It wasn't what I wanted but it wasn't my choice.

"Let's get this meeting started!" Mr. Adams, the principal said loudly.

"Hi, I'm Jane, Ian's mom," I said as we began introductions. Everyone took their turn, but when they came to a young man who looked like he might still be in high school I was shocked. What was this student doing in my son's meeting?

"Hi everyone, I'm Josiah Phillips. I was assigned to be Ian Dere's mentor at the beginning of the year." He looked into my eyes sweetly, the corners of his mouth turning upward into a wide grin. I smiled weakly back, recognizing instantly who he was by his name. This was my son's bully and somehow he had weaseled his way into this meeting. I was getting angry.

"Why is there another student in this meeting?" I demanded to know.

"This is your son's mentor."

"No, this is my son's bully. Ian has been coming home every night in tears over things Josiah has said and done to him."

"I've only been trying to help Ian," Josiah insisted and he looked so sincere that I almost believed him. My son didn't lie about things like that.

"That is a lie. Plus, I don't think another child should be present at the meeting for my child," I said angrily.

"I'm eighteen, which makes me an adult, Mrs. Dere." Josiah gave me a condescending look that confirmed what I already knew. He was taunting me. He was enjoying that he had bullied my kid and now I had to sit in the meeting with him. "Where is my little buddy, Ian today? I thought he was coming."

"He's sick," I lied. The truth was I didn't have the heart to bring Ian to the meeting. It was all about how he was failing and the poor kid had been through enough.

"Let's get down to business," Mr. Adams began. They went through all the things that were wrong with my son and what accommodations Ian would need in order to be successful. Josiah sat there with a smirk on his face that drove me insane. He grabbed one of my pastries from the dish and began to eat it, enjoying every bite. If I had known he'd be the one eating them I would have made them less delicious! By the time I left the meeting, I was ready to pull Ian out of the whole school and send him to an expensive private school where bullying was actually handled and not wholeheartedly ignored. I left the conference room, my hands shaking. My son was in danger of not passing tenth grade. How had this happened? I was starting to cry when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Mrs. Dere!"

"What?" I spun around to see Josiah Phillips standing there with his smirk still affixed to his ugly, little face.

"Look, you are one sexy ass MILF! Ian did not tell me that he had a hot ass mom!"

"Stop it right now! I'm leaving!" I turned back around and headed toward my car. I walked across the parking lot as Josiah hurried to catch up to me.

"Come on, Jane. I know you're horny and you like getting fucked. Me and a bunch of my friends all want to fuck you. I'm having a party and I'd love to offer you as the favor." Josiah was too close to me and I pushed him away with both of my hands.

"I'm not doing anything like that! What kind of woman do you think I am?" I was getting madder by the moment and I was actually very close to just punching the little asshole right in his ugly face. He wasn't backing down. He was still right in my face, in my personal space where I didn't want him.

"I think you're a hot MILF that wants her kid to stop getting bullied. Is that a pretty good assessment?" Josiah was such a cocky, little asshole. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of letting him see me get upset. I held it together, keeping my cool the best I could.

"I do want you to leave Ian alone!" I screamed with the passion I'd been trying to hide.

"I think we can totally help each other," he said.

"There is nothing you can do to help me." I was at my car and I unlocked it with the key fob that was already in my hand. Josiah pushed me hard from behind so I hit the car, tits first. I made a sound. "Oof!"

"You sure about that?" he asked, pinning me up against the car. He pulled my dark hair back and whispered loudly in it, "If you want me to stop bullying Ian, show up for my party Friday night. My friends and I all want to see you naked. That's it. I just have a bet I need to win and then I'll never bother your precious Ian again. Do we have a deal?"

"Fuck you!"

"So you want me to keep bullying him? Because I'll ramp it up. I'll make it awesome! He will probably kill himself by the time I'm done with him!"

"You wouldn't."

"I would. But I won't if you come to my party Friday and get naked for me and my friends. I'll win a hundred bucks from each of them if you show up and show some skin. I think it's a fair trade."

I thought about it, my mind racing. I hated this boy and I knew that I could get into trouble. I didn't want that. "I don't want to get naked for a bunch of underage kids. That's against the law. Maybe I should just report this whole thing to the cops."

"Don't worry. These are all my brother's friends. They are in their twenties. I'm eighteen. It's all legit and Ian can be bully free. Think about it."

"I'll think about it. Now let me go."

He let me go and even opened my car door for me and helped me inside. I said nothing as he went to shut the door and said, "I'll see you Friday, Jane. Wear something sexy."

I instantly knew that I would never go to that idiot kid's party. I would have to be crazy to do such a thing. I tried not to think about it that night as I sipped a glass of wine. My son was upset about something and when I asked him what he wouldn't tell me but I knew that it was on his phone. I hadn't gone through Ian's phone in a while, wanting to give him his privacy, but that night I was drunk and sick of the whole situation. I went through his phone and I began to see the horrible things that Josiah had said to Ian.

My hands were trembling as I set the phone down. I knew what I had to do. I was going to make the bullying stop once and for all. I chose a sexy outfit with sexy lingerie underneath. If I was going to do this, then I was going to do it right. I was going to make those stupid, little boys wish that they could fuck me, but of course, I wouldn't. I'd give them all blue balls but I'd fulfill my part of the bargain. I hoped this would put an end to the bullying but there was a tiny voice in the back of my head that was telling me to watch out, that it was a trap.

I left Ian to his video games as I made my way to the party that night. The tiny apartment complex on the shitty side of town made the whole thing feel even trashier than it was. I had to keep telling myself that I wasn't going to do anything horrible and that getting naked in front of a group of young adults wasn't the biggest deal in the world. I was scared as I found the right apartment and knocked on the door.

"She's here!" Josiah yelled. He opened the door, grabbed me, and pulled me inside. I screamed, not expecting it. "Okay, Jane! Go ahead and get naked for the guys! This is Steve, Paul, Devin, David, and Donovan, he pointed at each guy as he said their names but I knew I wouldn't remember any of them.

"I will, but let me see some ID first. I want to make sure you guys are all old enough." I put on my most serious adult look and narrowed my eyes. Their wallets came out and I verified their ages. Part of me had hoped that they weren't adults so I would have an excuse to refuse doing it. Instead, I took off the dress I had worn to reveal my sexy black lingerie.

"Holy shit, she's so hot!" Devin said excitedly.

"What did I tell you? Where is my money?" Josiah called out.

"She's not naked yet," Paul rolled his eyes.

"Here, sweetie, have a drink," Donovan handed me a drink. "Sit down, let's hang out."

"I...I don't know," I grabbed the drink anyway and began to guzzle it down. I was nervous and my hands were shaking as I finished the first drink. Donovan got me a second drink, and then a third. By the time I was drunk, I'd lost count of how many drinks there were. The guys were playing video games as they pounded their own booze and I felt like I was back in college. I started to get that same dazed, horny feeling I had gotten when I was younger. I knew what that meant and yet I wasn't really planning to do what I did next.

I stood up, tipsy enough to lose my balance a bit and have to steady myself on the nearby coffee table before returning to an upright position. I began to dance to the repetitive music of the video game, swaying from side to side until every one of their young eyes was fixed on me.

"Look! I think she's drunk," Josiah whispered.

"Take off your top!" Steven yelled and then added, "Um, please!"

"Okay!" I giggled, unhooking my bra and throwing it right at Steve. He caught it with a huge grin on his face.

"Nice tits, Jane!" Josiah added. "How about the panties?"

"Done," I said, and I tried to be sexy and graceful but I fumbled a bit in my drunkenness until I had the panties off. I threw these to the side, not wanting them to get creepy with them in front of me.

"She's so naked," Donovan's mouth was agape.

"Fuck she's hotter than any of the girls our age," Paul chimed in.

"Now I want my money!" Josiah held his hands out.

"Not right now, dude. You're a twisted fuck. We have a beautiful naked woman in front of us and all you can think about is your money? Something is wrong with you!" Devin shook his head in disgust. "Don't listen to him, Jane. You're a beautiful woman and we are so lucky you are here naked like this. Is there anything I can do for you? He got up and made his way over to me. I should have stopped him, but when he touched me I felt my body soften with longing. I knew what I wanted, I just couldn't believe that I was actually going to go for it.

I had never done anything like it before, but by the time Devin's hands reached my pussy, I knew that I was going to give in. I let his fingers slip inside of me and before I could change my mind, the guys were all surrounding me, their hands all over my body. I had never felt the sensation of so many hands working my body at once. The sensations began to blur until I wasn't sure who was doing what to me anymore. Devin kissed me and I let it happen.

They were getting their hard cocks out and my hands snapped quickly to grab them. It had been a long time since I'd had any sex. I had always put Ian first and that meant no dating and no sex for long periods of time. I hadn't realized how sex-starved I was or how long it had really been until the orgasms started flowing. I had never done anything remotely like this. I had led a fairly tame life, and sure I'd done a few sultry things along the way but I had never done anything of this caliber.

It felt so wrong to let all these young men work their cocks in and out of my holes. My mouth opened up and sucked their cocks with a greed that I had been secretly cultivating by my abstinence from sex. I briefly thought of Ian, and I told myself that I was doing this for him, but deep down I knew why I had come there. There had been a part of me that had wanted this to happen. There had been a part of me that wanted to finally let loose and be a slut. I realized that there were probably better ways to do this, but this is the one that had landed in my lap and I was taking it.

"She's not responding!" I heard Devin say.

"It's like she's in a trance! A cock trance!" Paul gawked at me.

"It's fucking hot how she just sucks and fucks like this. Should we try double penetration?" Donovan asked the others.

"Dude, my dick is not touching another dick!" Josiah snapped.

"Good point. We don't have to do that but I want to fuck her in the ass!"

"You want anal?" Josiah asked me. "Some more wine?"

I said nothing and they took that as a yes. They flipped me over so I was on the coffee table, my face hanging off the side. My hands were out to the side like wings with a cock in each hand. Someone stuck their cock in my mouth and Donovan lubed up his cock for my ass. I knew that they had cum in my pussy and I could feel it dripping out of me as Donovan's cock pressed into my asshole. I hadn't done anal since back in college and the way his dick filled my ass brought back those slutty memories I had repressed for so long.

"I think you're the best mom," he told me as he pumped his cock down my throat. I don't know how I took it, but I did. "You're the only mom I know that would fuck her son's bully just to get him to stop. Take my cock, you MILF! You're the MILF of the fucking party! How does that feel?"

I made a growling noise in response and this made Josiah cum. I couldn't even taste it because of how deep his cock was in my throat. Donovan was pounding my asshole and somehow I kept my grip on the other two cocks. By the time I made all of them cum, there were more cocks in their place. I had gone from not having sex in years to gangbanging my son's bully and all of his friends all night. By the time they were finally drained of every drop of cum in each of their young balls, it was almost four in the morning. I found my purse and made my way to the door. Most of the guys were asleep but Josiah walked me to the door.

"Look, Jane, I feel really bad about this. I never meant for it to go this far. I won't bully your son anymore. A deals a deal."

"Thanks. He's got enough problems. I don't understand why a guy like you bullies a kid like him anyway."

"To get to his hot mom, mostly. Looks like my plan worked. Maybe I can even get you to come back sometime?" he asked hopefully.

"Not a chance."

"Hmmm. I might have to tell the school board about your extracurriculars, Jane."

"What my love of baking?"

"Mmm, your pastries were delicious but no, I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about your love of getting stuffed by young cocks six at a time."

"And I'll tell the school board why I'm here. I got the whole evening on audio. This purse is also a recording device that records directly to my home computer. Good night, Josiah. I better not hear a word about you bullying my son or I could easily have you expelled."

"You wouldn't. It would make you look like a total slut."

"Maybe, but it would ensure you never went to the same school as Ian again."

"Fuck. You're a crazy-ass MILF!"

"You don't even know the half of it," I pushed the front door wide open and walked into the fog of the early morning. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep and so when I got home, I went to the kitchen and decided to do some baking. I was making pastries wearing nothing but my panties and a pair of pink pasties. They were shaped like little hearts and I'd had them sitting in my lingerie drawer for years collecting dust. I felt sexy, slutty, and like a lunatic, all at once. I went through the motions of baking, and it comforted me. I may have just done a slutty thing but I knew who I really was. I was the woman who could bake the best desserts, the kind of mom who would do anything for her son, and a good person. I wasn't going to let the night's events weigh me down. Instead, Ian would wake up to a special breakfast and begin the rest of his life without having to deal with Josiah and his bullying. I sighed with relief. My plan had worked!

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LovesBadWomenLovesBadWomen9 months ago

Pretty good. Normally, I prefer the stories where the mom is turned by and encourages the bullying. But this was written well enough that I still enjoyed it.

cq1981cq1981almost 2 years ago

The guy that said it's laughable at best and it should be left as comedy obviously read the whole story (2 pages might i ad) and i'm sure he got off to it as well lol. He's probably mad that the story might be something he had to go through where his mom fucked his bully. That's what i'm guessing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sequel anyway now!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story, waiting for a sequel

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsover 2 years agoAuthor

Unrealistic for who? There are a lot of moms that would do this. I know several of them and the mom I wrote this for absolutely loved it. I think she wanted me to write this because she wants to do this. It's nice to see that there are normal people on this site that wouldn't fuck their son's bully, but don't say it's unrealistic in general. It's unrealistic for YOU. *yawn*

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