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The Mystery at Faldor Hotel Ch. 06

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Bess takes George to the boutique.
6.2k words

Part 6 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/30/2016
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After their late night, the three girls slept until past eleven o'clock the next morning. Because George was adamant about wanting breakfast brought by room service rather than the trio visiting the dining room, they enjoyed a hearty meal of fried eggs, bacon and toast with freshly squeezed orange juice while sitting on their suite's beds in the hotel's bathrobes. When they were done, both Nancy and Bess had to admit that, despite the fact that the lecherous Manny had delivered the breakfast laden trolley, their meal was more comfortable and relaxed than it would have been in the dining room, but made no promises where lunch and dinner were concerned.

George's mind still grappled with her surreal experience in Suite 305 and whether or not Elora's tongue was some kind of drunken dream, but Bess was having no difficulties whatsoever. While her aching legs were a bit of a bother, her overriding mindset, despite the jokes of her two friends, was that she was a beautiful girl and that Cinder Bay was a really great place.

Nancy's thoughts were somewhere in between those of the two cousins. While she was bothered and even mystified by her behaviour with the Colonel the day before, she was also excited by it. She often found herself smiling at how titillating it was to allow the man to hike her skirt for a forbidden look at her panties and garters, then admonishing herself for it and feeling the way she did about it. It was very confusing, and the very real possibility that she could allow something else like that to happen didn't help.

Something else that didn't help was the sight of Susan's black micro bikini on the table and its constant reminder of what naughty fun it might be to put it on and go for a swim. This was a prospect that would also make her smile before she admonished herself for such thoughts. She wondered what was wrong with her. She never thought such things, had never behaved so disgracefully. Was it because of what had happened with Ned at Lookout Point? Chewing on a piece of bacon and eying the micro bikini, she decided that this couldn't be. Her present thoughts of public exposure had only begun since she'd arrived in Cinder Bay. Yet, how could that possibly have anything to do with her behaviour?

"Something on your mind?"

It was Bess. For a moment, Nancy only stared back, so deep in thought was she that the other blonde's words reached her without computing right away.

"Uhmm," Nancy dithered before sidestepping Bess's curiosity. "I was just thinking about Susan and... well, there's only one way to find out if she's even still here at the hotel."

"What's that, Nancy?" George asked before taking a bite of whole wheat toast, the unbelievable fact that she was no longer a virgin impressing itself on her mind for the umpteenth time that morning.

"We have to get a look at the register," Nancy informed.

George stopped chewing her toast and even Bess's loaded fork stopped halfway to her mouth.

"Isn't that illegal?" Bess asked.

"No," Nancy assured them with a smile. "Not as long as it's on the desk and not in a drawer. The hard part will be knowing when Mr. Carmody or Mrs. Hildebrandt will be away from the desk. It would look too suspicious if one of us were to loiter around the lobby waiting for them to leave."

"Maybe we need a diversion," Bess said.

"That would be ideal," Nancy replied, "but what kind of diversion would be sufficient to lure the desk attendant away rather than he or she sending someone like Manny in their place?"

The three girls chewed contemplatively until George broke the silence with an inquisitive smile. "Maybe you don't need a diversion after all. Maybe you could loiter around the lobby and wait for a chance. If you'll remember, Colonel Marks often sits in the parlour and, I'm sure, would enjoy some female company."

"And there's a direct line of sight between where he sits and reception desk!" Nancy exclaimed. "What's more, the Colonel probably wouldn't even tell Mr. Carmody if he saw one of us peek at the register because I got the impression when I was talking to him out on the veranda yesterday that he doesn't like him! George, you're a genius! I could kiss you!"

George positively beamed at the very idea of such a reward while Nancy realized a personal problem with this otherwise great plan, that being her own behaviour with the Colonel the day before. One of them would have to spend some private time with him in the parlour, and asking either Bess or George to do it was out of the question as he might mention to them what had happened with Nancy out on the veranda. That left her. She would have to face up to the retiree herself, but how would he interpret her willing company now?

More distressing was the sudden feeling of giddy apprehension she felt over it, the fact that she would be sitting with him and his possible expectations of some lewd behaviour on her part. What was wrong with her!?

So, after nervously clearing her throat, Nancy judiciously decided, "I'll handle this task. Even though peeking at the register isn't strictly illegal, it could still be seen as an invasion of privacy and I wouldn't feel right about asking either of you to do it."

"Fine with me," Bess replied. "I'd really rather not be stuck inside all day anyway. Cinder Bay is a very nice town, and I was planning on visiting the boutique again today."

"The boutique?" Nancy asked. "Why?"

"You should visit yourself and find out. Both of you should."

"But why?" Nancy asked. "What's so special about the boutique?"

"It's where Susan got her bikini."

Nancy, like George, only stared at Bess for a moment before the two friends looked at each other with the previous night's conversation about that bikini in mind. Looking back at Bess, she asked, "Is that why you want to go back? To buy a bikini?"

"Sure," Bess confirmed.

"Like Susan's?" George asked doubtfully.


"But..." Nancy almost stammered, "Wouldn't you be, um... I mean, wouldn't a bikini like that be too...?"

"What?" Bess asked with a playful grin.

"Well, your breasts are... I mean, wouldn't you look...?"

"I think I'd look great in a bikini like that. Especially my breasts."

Nancy blinked at her, then looked at George again. The brunette looked back and suddenly giggled nervously. Nancy was trying to understand this new side of Bess while at the same time trying to understand her own sudden temptation to go buy a micro bikini for herself when something occurred to her.

"Wait, Bess... last night, you told us that Anna wouldn't tell you what Susan bought."

"She didn't, but I think it's a fair assumption."

"Why?" Nancy asked.

"You'll see when you visit. I'll take George with me today."

George, Nancy saw, certainly did seem interested and Nancy figured she'd get a report from her on what all the boutique was about in any case, so she moved on with, "Alright, but do remember girls: We're on a mystery and I'm starting to get a little concerned for Susan, especially that nobody seems able or willing to give us any information on her possible whereabouts. So, while I'm entertaining the Colonel, I'd like you two to check out the town. I get the impression that Bess didn't have much of a chance to do that yesterday before becoming trapped under the back of the supermarket. In particular, visit the old lighthouse and see if there's any further clues there that the light of day can reveal. Besides that, a visit to the local Sherriff would be a good idea. He might be able to help us. Also, if you get a chance, please visit the church and talk to the priest there."

"Gee, Nancy," George sympathized, "I feel bad for you. We get to be out all day while you'll be stuck here spending time with the Colonel."

"I know, but I was thinking last night that it would be a good idea to get a look at the basement. If Mr. Carmody doesn't leave his post and I get too bored with the Colonel, I might try to find my way down there for a look around."

"Good idea, Nancy!" George applauded. "Basements always seem to hold secrets!"

After taking special care with her hair and makeup and while donning her white, quarter cup bra, George couldn't help going back to what had happened with Elora the evening before in Suite 305. At this point, she could hardly believe that the tongue she saw come out of Elora's mouth was real. After all, she, Nancy and Bess had been on many an adventure and had experienced many unlikely and strange things, some of which had seemed unnatural or even supernatural at first, but a rational explanation had always presented itself in the end. This was why the three girls had no belief in the supernatural whatsoever. Putting on her garter belt, a two inch band of reinforced white lace that sat atop her narrow hips, her lips compressed at the thought that she'd lied to Nancy. She'd never done that in her life and now this betrayal filled her with shame. But, what else could she have done? Even if Elora's tongue wasn't real, (which she was now almost convinced it wasn't) how could she have simply told Nancy about what had really happened, about her lesbian encounter with the Dining Room Hostess, the one she'd expected would happen when she'd gone to Suite 305 to begin with, the one she'd actually showered and changed for?

Worst of all, she felt like she'd cheated on Nancy. She knew how absurd this was. The two girls weren't even a couple and Nancy didn't even have any interest in girls, but George's long time feelings for her seemed to insist that her experience with Elora, tongue or no, was certainly cheating. Yet, it didn't start like that. No, it started with Elora's dark presence in the Dining Room, her perfume and those heart racing winks she gave her. The woman knew about George's orientation and George, both taken aback and elated, could only respond to the woman by keeping her appointment, the easy rationalization at the time being that of gathering information on Susan Quinn's whereabouts. In the cold reality of that morning, however, George knew she only wanted to connect with Elora, a beautiful woman who found her attractive. She wanted to take the possible opportunity to be with a woman, the first she'd had and, for all she knew, possibly the last. Was it so wrong?

Choosing a pair of smallish, pink panties, she hesitated, thoughts of Elora's impossible tongue again coming to mind. Putting the undergarment on the bathroom vanity, she again hesitated before reaching down between her legs and probing her canal with a finger. Eyes widening, she quickly removed it as though allowing it to linger would somehow make her even less a virgin, just as quickly telling herself that Elora may have used her fingers, or some other implement, but the lack of blood when she awoke the night before seemed to support the awful tongue theory.

Giving her head a shake, forcing herself back to the reality of rational explanations in a world where the supernatural didn't exist, she cleaned her fingers under the tap, slipped her panties on and tried to put the whole thing out of her mind. Time, she thought, would make it better, make it possible to see things clearer.

She chose a pea green dress, its hem just below her knees and, like most of both hers and Nancy's dresses, buttons up the front. With its short sleeves and thin, summer appropriate material, she felt it was a good choice for a warm, seaside day and the thin white belt helped to further accentuate her slim hips. She hoped Nancy would notice this, but frowned in disappointment when she reminded herself that Nancy was only concerned about Ned.

Yet, when she left the bathroom and was rewarded with a compliment on how nice she looked from Nancy, a pleased smile appeared on her face despite the inconvenient existence of Ned Nickerson.

Bess took her turn in the bathroom next and started with her new, blue lace bra and panty set, smiling brightly at herself in the mirror. She loved how she could see her erected nipples through the lace, how the straps connected almost under her arms and how her sex was just as visible through the panties. When she turned, she almost giggled aloud at how her behind looked in them, the soft valley between her full cheeks so tantalizing, even to herself. Bess loved her body, especially how the sea air of Cinder Bay seemed to agree with it, and spent some time observing herself as she became more and more aroused with what she saw.

Finally, she began rooting through her suitcase for an outfit. It didn't take long for a frown to replace her smile as she realized that all of her clothes were boring and completely unbefitting of her body.

In the end, she'd decided on a pair of light blue denim shorts with a rise that seemed too high and legs that, while quite short, weren't short enough for her latent tastes. For a top, she chose a light purple pullover with very short sleeves and a square neckline that showed more cleavage once she undid the three buttons at the bottom of the moderately swooping neckline. Her hardened nipples were only barely discernable, so without a thought to this, she left the bathroom with a carefree smile, flawless hair and makeup, and the same shoes she wore the day before.

While she did notice Nancy's lingering glance and carefully neutral expression regarding her attire, Bess didn't pay it much mind. After all, George didn't seem to have a problem with it, at least not then. She seemed distracted by Nancy and Bess wondered if she'd missed something while changing.

But, once in the corridor and almost to the head of the stairs, George's odd smiley mood gave way to curiosity.

"Bess, I've noticed that... well, that you seem different lately."



"Like how?"

"Well... you dress differently and... the way you presented yourself to Manny..."

With only the barest flush at the memory of the incident with the bellhop, Bess giggled and replied, "That? That was just... you know..."


"Well, it just sort of struck me that it would be a good way to get his attention and to make him come across with the information we needed."

"It wasn't very classy," George informed.

"It wasn't that bad," Bess defended. "Besides, it got results, didn't it?"

"It's not like you, though."

Stopping on the second floor landing, thankful that her sore legs had regained some strength, Bess regarded her cousin with a smile, but also an expression as frank as her next words.

"George, we're not kids anymore. We've finally graduated and we're ready to go on as adults. We are adults."

"What does that have to do with anything? You don't see our mothers or Eloise dressing the way you are."

"What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?"

"You look like you're trying to draw attention to... to your body."

"Oh, George. Why do you think there's a difference between women's clothes and men's? Why do you think women bother with makeup and doing up their hair? I know you're a tomboy, but you've got to grow up sometime. If you're not careful, you'll end up a spinster like Eloise while Nancy and I move on with husbands and children, expected lives that women get after they grow up."

With this, she shook her head with a chuckle as she continued down the stairs. George only stood for a moment, absorbing this surprise from her cousin that she was in no way prepared to defend herself against before moving after her, helplessly appreciating her shapely posterior in the somewhat snug denim shorts she wore.

"So, you're saying that you dress the way you have been lately simply because you think you can?"

"I don't think I can," Bess patiently explained. "I can. But, no, that's not the reason. I dress like this because I'm a beautiful young woman and I like to show that the way I want to."

"But... boys look at you..."

"I know they do, and I like it. You should try it some time."

Exiting the stairwell, there seemed no more to say on the matter and, if there was, the lobby didn't seem an appropriate place for such an exchange.

"Good morning, Ladies," Mr. Carmody smiled.

They both greeted him in turn as they passed, George taking note of the empty parlour on her way with Bess to the front door. Outside, Bess started down the steps with a cheerful smile, their conversation about her attire not having fazed her one bit. As for George, she understood how Bess might enjoy showing herself off, especially in light of latent fantasies of how Nancy might like her in a skimpy little bikini such as Susan Quinn's, but it seemed to her that there should be some sensible boundaries where that was concerned and she feared that Bess wasn't aware of that. However, she had to ask herself if she would pay any attention to those same boundaries if she thought that crossing them would reward her with Nancy's interest.

It wasn't until they were halfway across the chip seal road that she was able to wrench herself from the exciting thoughts of Nancy being interested in her body and ask where they were even headed.

"Bess, where are we going? The Lighthouse is that way," she informed, pointing to the left.

"I know. We're going to the boutique first."

"But, shouldn't we work the case first?"

"We have all day, George. Besides, working the case will be more fun if we go to the boutique first."

"Why is that?"

"Maybe you'll see once we're there."

It was the last thing George would have expected. She knew such establishments existed, but had never been in one, or even thought she would ever actually find herself in one. However, there she was, a display rack of graphic, adult greeting cards practically right in front of her face.

"Oh, welcome back!" greeted a tall, curly haired brunette from the rear of the shop.

She appeared to be replacing cover titles of X rated movies, probably rental returns, to their respective places on a wall that was literally covered by them when they entered. Walking towards them, George's eyes widened at the attractive, green eyed woman's tight, red sleeve dress. It offered more cleavage than Bess's top did and her nipples made stark impressions on the thin material. She was obviously without a bra, but the outlines of the string waistband of her panties beneath the dress could easily be made out. The hem was short enough to showcase most of the woman's thighs and George found herself in a state of growing arousal while having trouble deciding which part of this woman's body to drool over.

"Hello, Anna," Bess replied, adding with a glance to her side, "This is my cousin, George Fayne. George, this is Anna Phillips."

"Pleased to meet you, George," Anna said with professional tone, offering her hand while looking George up and down with seeming curiosity. "I'm so glad you stopped by."

Taking Anna's hand, George's reply caught in her throat as she saw the cover of the movie Anna was holding in her left hand. It featured two topless women in short shorts, their bare chests pressed together with pouting, almost guiltily defiant expressions for the camera while they knelt on a bed, knees spread wide. One was brunette, the other blonde and a mental image of herself and Nancy in that pose flashed through her mind to increase her arousal.

"I- Likewise," she managed.

Seeing where George's stunned gaze rested, Anna passed her the cover, saying, "It's just been returned if you'd like to rent it. It's one of the more popular lesbian titles."

George took it from her hand more out of automatic reaction than anything else, her face flushing at the possibility that Anna may have just outed her to Bess. At first, looking from one woman to the other, her open mouth couldn't find words until she finally managed a hasty defense.

"I- no, I'm not a lesbian. It's just that I've never seen porn, and- and I... Well..."


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