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The Mystery at Faldor Hotel Ch. 09

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Nancy wades even deeper and finds she enjoys it.
6.2k words

Part 9 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/30/2016
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The cold water and the light breeze carrying the sea air enlivened Nancy's senses, inviting her as she waded a few steps further out. It was so refreshing and arousing, yet, after some minutes, the peace Nancy sought, the peace from life in general that she'd experienced while wading the day before didn't come, and this was due to what had happened in the basement with the four mysterious and incredible crystal columns. The two potent, but tasty drinks she'd had on the veranda helped her to deal with the experience in the sense of not being overwhelmed by it, making the whole incident seem like a dream, but she knew it wasn't and this stubborn knowledge disallowed the momentary peace she longed for.

She'd had sex with them, loved them and had shared herself with them on a level that was hard for her to define or understand. Trying to define this, or how they'd managed to lure her to their lust, made her mind spin in circles.

Nancy, during all of her adventures, had run across many strange things, things that at first seemed to have no explanation, some of them seemingly un-natural or paranormal, but which had ultimately revealed themselves to not only have explanations, but quite rational ones at that. Usually, they turned out to be hoaxes perpetrated by people who wanted to scare others away from some secret they wanted to remain hidden. While her fear in such situations would sometimes make itself known, in time, Nancy had come to firmly disbelieve in the supernatural, to disbelieve in a realm that science and observation couldn't explain away as some mundane thing or clever trickery. For her, the world was as black and white as the newspapers and nothing in it would hold any real surprises once it was examined closely enough.

The crystal columns, however, were presenting a very serious challenge to this viewpoint. They hadn't frightened her, they'd seduced her. They'd made her do incredibly lewd and unladylike things without any control whatsoever. In a sense, they'd taken over her will, creating of her an almost mindless sex fanatic who wanted only the wonderful, powerful explosions of pure pleasure that her vagina could give her, that the columns had actually taught her were possible.

Nancy wondered if even that was natural. Aunt Eloise, when she'd sat her down for 'the talk' a few years before, had never mentioned anything about these pleasure explosions, and Ned had certainly never come close to producing such sensations as she'd had while wantonly pile driving the phallus that one of the columns had sprouted for her.

The immediate question of whether it had really sprouted that glorious protrusion for her, or if it had been there all along and only missed by Nancy's initial examination of the columns, was shoved aside by the exciting and arousing shame of having impaled herself on it over and over, legs spread and groaning... drooling... like a total, wanton slut... The way she'd lifted her dress and unapologetically ground her clitoris against the perfectly textured surface...

Her vagina was suddenly licked by the cold water, causing her to gasp. Looking down, she found that she'd waded in over the tops of her stockings and the swell of the gentle waves had soaked the crotch of her white cotton panties. Smiling, she waded out a little further, heisting her dress high enough to see her garter belt, until the next wave soaked her panties completely. Another step took her over a short ridge and she dropped a foot, letting go of her dress in surprise to spread her arms for balance and buoyancy. Her smile, having faltered, returned at the sight of her dress floating around her, spread out like the petals of a flower as it quickly soaked. She felt herself becoming aroused again and, as another wave swelled almost to the bottom of her bra, she giggled.

Concerns over the columns faded, replaced by the clean sensation of the surrounding cold water. This, Nancy thought, was why people went on vacation, to get away from the worries and cares of their everyday lives, to forget for a time that concerns of reality existed, to recharge their emotional and spiritual batteries by simply letting go of all their cares. She now felt close to the peace she'd had the day before and knew then what she must do to attain it. Stepping out further, she gasped again at the shocking cold as her chest was swamped by a wave, looking down with an incredulous smile before wading so deep that only her head remained above water. The next wave lifted her right off her feet and she giggled again at the carefree feel of the temporary weightlessness. Feet back on the sandy bottom, her arms waved, her body now completely surrounded by the crisp, cold, cleansing waters of the North Atlantic as she watched the next wave slowly rolling in.

Once again she was lifted from her feet, momentarily bobbing with a wide grin as her arms waved around her, feet kicking in order to prolong the feeling. When her feet again touched bottom, she walked out a little further, pushing off and propelling herself with her head still above the water to a depth where she could tread water, watching and waiting for the waves to lift her up while enjoying the bracing cold all around her, the physical sensation of her arms and legs working to keep her afloat. She giggled again when the next wave came in to momentarily elevate her. She felt wonderful, like the only person in a universe of cleanliness and simplicity, the water and the clear blue sky above stretching out endlessly, forever and ever without any other thing in existence.

Now Nancy had found the peace she'd sought, all thoughts of anything that was relevant to anything having been washed to the shore somewhere behind her where things had to make sense. She realized that this was the closest she'd ever come to being alone, truly without the ever present press of others, their lives and all the harsh and noisy concerns that came with them. Treading water, all these things had slipped from her, leaving her weightless in a world where only refreshing, cleansing cold could touch her.

Eventually, she tired, arms and legs becoming too sore to continue. She sighed, turning herself and swimming back until her feet could touch bottom again, grounding herself in reality. Another wave came in and lifted her off her feet for a second or two, a gentle reminder that the ocean and the peace it offered would always be there for her. She walked slowly against its weight and resistance, not struggling against it or forcing her way through its deceptive solidity, rather moving through it as her body gradually rose from the surf. She was tired, but in a satisfying way, the kind of way one feels after a good workout combined with that weightless feeling one has just before drifting off to sleep.

A carefree smile remained on her face as the world seemed somehow new, the sand massaging the soles of her feet as she walked up the beach, approaching the foot of the stairs that would take her up to the veranda. Her mind was a blank, almost as though it had been wiped clean of worries, stresses and cares to start all over again with a clean slate.

At the top of the stairs, she found the Colonel to still be there, standing at the railing, but once again with company. Beside him was another man of about the same age with black hair and dark brown eyes. He was taller and, while large, his height made it come across better in his dark trousers, green shirt and off white blazer. He had a Mediterranean look about him and, like the Colonel, a bulge in his trousers as they both stared at her. The Colonel was the first to shake himself out of his trance, displaying a smile that somehow didn't go with the words he spoke as his eyes still roamed Nancy's body.

"Er, Nancy, this is, uhh, Gul Ghanem. He lives here at the Faldor."

As expected, Nancy walked closer, smiling politely and offering her hand to the tall, dark and handsome older man.

"Gul, this is Nancy Drew."

"Delighted to make your acquaintance," Gul greeted in heavily accented English, taking her hand and bending to kiss the back of it.

Impressed by this, Nancy's eyes danced as she replied, "I'm so pleased to meet you, Mr. Ghanem."

His eyes glancing up and down her body, he replied, "The pleasure, I can assure you, Miss Drew, is all mine."

Looking down at herself for the first time since coming ashore, Nancy understood. Her thin, rayon dress was plastered to her body, showing every curve of her bust, narrow hips and trim waist. The outlines of her bra, panties and garters were clearly visible, as were her nipples, hard and pressing outward from behind her cotton cupped bra.

"Oh, my!" Nancy exclaimed as water dripped from her red dress to form a puddle where she stood on the veranda's decking. "Please excuse me, Mr. Ghanem! I was-"

"Make no apologies," he urged. "Such youthful beauty owes no explanations."

He was still holding her hand, now patting it with his other one as he smiled down at her. His accent and presence made Nancy swoon just a little and she clamped down on a giggle that rose from her throat.

"Gul's right," the Colonel reinforced. "You don't have to apologize for being beautiful. Christ knows, old fellers like me and Ghanem always need help with our circulation. Here, Nancy, have a drink. We ordered it for you while you were out swimming."

He gestured to a full glass sitting on the railing between them and, without thinking, Nancy moved between the two men to pick it up and take a sip.

"Mmmm... Thank you, Colonel, Mr. Ghanem. That was very thoughtful of you."

"Go ahead and down it," Marks advised from her left. "It'll keep the chill off and Elora will bring another."

After displaying another polite smile, she took his sound advice, placing the empty glass on the railing seconds later.

"My, it's so nice here," she said, already feeling the initial effects of the drink as she looked out across the water, past the islands to the distant horizon.

"Yeah," sighed the retired Colonel, "sometimes makes me wish I'd joined the Navy. 'Course, the navy only makes drunks and queers."

Nancy laughed aloud, covering her mouth as though she was the one who'd said it, as Gul only rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the Colonel, but with a bare smile of his own.

"You must excuse the Colonel," he told Nancy. "A lifetime in the military has left him a little rough around the edges."

"Oh, it's alright," Nancy said. "I actually find his candor to be a little refreshing."

"That is most fortunate for you," Ghanem replied with a smile.

Nancy was about to ask why that was when Marks commented, "Looks like you got yourself in the same mess as yesterday."

Following his gaze, she found her stockings to be again be covered in wet sand, caked around her feet and tapering off just above her ankles.

"Oh no!" she fretted, but then added, "Well, I suppose I should have known..."

"Have no worries," Ghanem assured her, moving a little closer and placing his big, warm hand on her back as he explained, "The sun will dry the sand and it will eventually fall away like so many bad memories."

"Well, it is a beautiful day," she agreed, her smile returning as she enjoyed the reassuring, masculine quality of his hand on her back.

"Mr. Ghanem," Nancy said as her drink began to settle further on her mind, causing her to feel light and silly, "do excuse me, but your accent sounds awfully familiar."

"I am Turkish, my dear."

"Oh!" Nancy exclaimed. "I've been to Turkey! Istanbul, to be exact!"

"A beautiful city," Ghanem commented with a smile for the eighteen year old sleuth.

"It is," Nancy agreed, I- Ohhh..."

Marks had reached down and plucked up a pinch of her dress from the back of her thigh and was slowly pulling the soaked rayon away from her skin with a devilish smile.

"Oh, Colonel, that tickles!"

When the back of her dress slowly peeled away from her bottom, Nancy shuddered. Ghanem's hand rubbed her back as tingles ran from just under her ears down to her inner thighs. Without realizing, she stuck her bottom out a little, arching her back a bit as she giggled at the Turk on her right.

"Jesus, Nancy, you've got a beautiful little ass," Marks stated. "You should be posing in smut magazines."

"Why, Colonel," Nancy admonished with a smile for the man's rude, but flattering comment, "That's not a very gentlemanly thing to say!"

"Nope," he agreed, letting her dress go to re-plaster itself to her bottom.

Mr. Ghanem had crowded closer and she could suddenly feel his stiffie grinding against her hip. She flinched and looked up at him with her lower jaw slightly parted as he gazed in appreciation at her chest.

"M-Mr. Ghanem, I'm afraid you're going to get all wet..."

His answer was to kiss her. Nancy was shocked at this, so much so that she didn't resist when he kissed her again and kept kissing her. She moaned, excited by the feel of his big, hard member against her wet body, wondering how big it was and if it would feel as good as the one the crystal column had sprouted. With another tickle, the back of her dress was again being pulled away from her body, but this time it was hiked up above her panties as she moaned, torn as to whether or not she should put up with these uncivil advances on her young body, or simply enjoy the thrilling moment and let the two men do whatever they wanted.

Ghanem let her mouth go and she swooned, looking deep into his brown eyes as the Colonel snapped the garter strap that ran down the back of her left thigh.

"Ip!" she expelled, her mind breaking from Ghanem's dark eyes.

Looking behind her, she found the Colonel squatted behind her, just then placing his hands above her knees to apply gentle pressure, silently encouraging her to spread her feet as he practically drooled. When her feet were spread far wider than a proper young woman ought to have them, she stuck her bottom out further, arching her back more as she spoke in a haltingly excited tone, wondering when she would put a stop to the advantage she was allowing these two older men to take of her.

"Why, Colonel Marks! Y-you can see my panties again!"

"Oh, I can see one hell of a lot more than your panties, Nancy."

Not understanding at first, she suddenly remembered the poster she'd seen earlier that morning in the basement workroom, the one featuring the young woman wearing the thin, wet swimsuit that was so easily seen through and how she'd thought that her bra and panties would display her the same way if they should ever somehow become soaked...

"Oh, Colonel Marks!" she gasped, sticking her posterior out even further for him.

"Holy fuck, Ghanem... look at this horny little bitch's cunt!"

The sensation of tugging at the front of her dress distracted her from what Marks was doing. Turning, she looked down to find that Gul Ghanem had somehow managed to undo three buttons at the top of her dress. The gusset of her bra was visible and so were the insides of its wet cups as he was working on a fourth button just below the level of her breasts. She looked up at him, again wondering through the diminished capacity of her alcohol affected senses why she wasn't stopping this. He ignored her, succeeding with the fourth button and pulling the top of her dress open for his suddenly smiling approval. Looking down, she had just enough time to appreciate what he was appreciating, her dark pink, achingly erect nipples and areolas straining behind the cups of her C-cup bra before something new from behind distracted her attention away from her semi exposed chest.

Shockingly, the Colonel had his penis out. Nancy's jaw dropped at the sight of it. While of average length and girth, his circumcised head seemed strangely large, however Nancy didn't have anything in her mental file to hold up for comparison. The night Ned took advantage at Lookout Point, she'd barely seen it in the darkness and was too distracted by the discomfort, pain and humiliation to notice much about it in any case.

The thing that had gotten her attention, though, was his hand squeezing one of her buttocks. While she watched, moaning in indecision, he let it go, giving it a light slap that made her jump as Ghanem grabbed one of her bra bound breasts.

When the Colonel grabbed the back of her panties, until then hugging the insides of her cheeks, and pulled up on them, forcing them between her cheeks and into the crack of her behind, she let out a high pitched moan, coming to her tiptoes as he tightened the crotch of her panties against her excited mound. With his other hand, he began stroking his member as Ghanem suddenly turned out one of her bra cups.

She turned again on the balls of her spread feet, back arched even further as Ghanem turned her other bra cup out. Both her breasts were now completely exposed and, without hesitation, he gently pinched one of her nipples.

"Oooohhh, Mr. Ghanem!" she crooned in a high, but quiet tone as the crotch of her panties made love to her hardening clitoris. "Oh... ohh-h, that feels good!" she accused.

Raunchily, Nancy began humping her own panties, eyelids fluttering as she enjoyed the sensations, thoughts of resistance melting away as she felt herself approaching another explosion of pleasure such as what she'd experienced in the basement

"Uhh-hhh uuhhhhh uuhhhh-hh!" she groaned, twitching and jerking until Marks grabbed her sex from behind.

She moaned long and loud, looking back and down as the man started massaging her eager beaver, single-mindedly rubbing her clitoris between her thighs as he hauled up on her panties from behind. Ghanem leaned down and started licking one of her nipples and she turned forward again to watch this, the featured bud erecting even further at this attention as it was pushed over again and again until he fastened his lips to her areola and began sucking.

Nancy came hard and suddenly, squawking and gyrating while they held her until she closed her legs in pleasure overload. And, in the blink of an eye, in the moment it takes for reason to return to a mind suddenly drained of raging sexual hormones, she realized what she'd allowed to happen.

On wobbly knees, she suddenly backed up, upending herself over the Colonel and landing on her side. The two men were as surprised by this as she but, when they went to help her up, she scrabbled away from them, breasts hanging out and still trying to gather her senses.

"Nancy, are you alright?" the Colonel asked as he again extended a hand.

"Yu-! Uhh-hh! O-oh, my!"

"Did you hurt yourself, Miss Drew?" Ghanem inquired with sincere concern, though still surprised at her sudden withdrawal.

"No, I'm fine, I- I..."

"You had one fucking hell of an orgasm," Marks finished as he reached for her again, his still hard member bobbing in a half successful attempt to hypnotize Nancy back into their excitingly lecherous embrace.

But she continued to shrink from them, somehow managing to get to her feet, backing into a table as she stared aghast at them. They'd been taking total advantage of her and she'd enjoyed it. Furthermore, she wanted them to continue, but this wasn't how proper young women acted! In growing shock and embarrassment, she turned and fled, her wet dress still sticking to the small of her back, breasts completely exposed, for the rear hall door.

"Nancy!" the Colonel called, a trace of frustration in his voice as she fled the veranda with a crimson face.

In the hallway, she remembered about the front of her dress, quickly pulling it closed and holding it that way with her hand as she hurried down the corridor. Without a thought to the muddy sand stuck to her stockings, or the back of her dress, her panties still pulled into the soft, inviting valley of her trim bottom, she entered the lobby and made for the stairs.


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