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The Mystery at Faldor Hotel Ch. 10

Story Info
Nancy and George get a little naughty.
6.2k words

Part 10 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/30/2016
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Part one

The pasted smile that Nancy had checked in the mirror just prior to opening the bathroom door was replaced by a rather sincere, if curious one as she stood in the bathroom doorway in her bathrobe, regarding her two friends as they looked back at her.

"What are you two whispering about?" she asked.

Bess laughed aloud and explained, "George wanted me to change before you came out of the bathroom."

Nancy's eyes looked her blonde friend over, noting the hard nipples that somehow made themselves clear even through the bra she was wearing. Its darker lace pattern was barely visible behind her pink top, but it was the skirt that caught her eye. The school uniform number was so short that any actual school girl would be expelled for wearing it. Even sitting there on the bed, Nancy could see a portion of her white panties between her legs.

"My heavens... Bess, where did you get that? You didn't leave here with that on this morning!"

"I bought it at the boutique and wore it out."

"You're lucky you weren't arrested for indecent exposure! Bess!"

While Nancy meant to admonish her, she couldn't help the faintest smile that found its way to her mouth, nor could she help but admire Bess's nerve, helplessly wondering what it would be like to wear such a thing in public.

"I don't think Cinder Bay is that kind of Town," Bess refuted with an easy smile.

"George, how did you let her leave the store like that, and what kind of place is this boutique?"

"Well..." George replied, looking into her lap, "it's a clothing store. Kind of. Anyway, you know how Bess is. Once she gets something into her head..."

"Yes, but to walk around like... that! What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking it'd be fun," Bess replied with a careless shrug. "And it was. George got one too."

George's face went from her lap to Bess's face in an instant, eyes wide, mouth partly open in shock.

"But she was too chicken to wear it out. I had to convince her to buy it in the first place."

Relaxing a little, George looked sheepishly at Nancy, then out the window at nothing in particular. Nancy peered at her, then Bess, remembering her plan to prod the two cousins for any recent odd sexual incidents or behaviours on their part. Standing there just then, it seemed like a very bad idea, though Bess walking around in public like that certainly counted as odd sexual behaviour.

As for George, the normally unflappable girl seemed nervous. Nancy supposed it was from walking around in public with Bess dressed as she was and couldn't really blame her. Though, why would George have bought such an outfit? Was this another odd sexual behaviour? Wouldn't she have to actually wear it as Bess had in order to qualify for that? Did she just buy it to shut Bess up? She went back to studying Bess, the carefree blonde looking at George with a smirk as though she were teasing her cousin.

"Okay," Nancy said, skipping it for the moment as thinking about walking around in such a little skirt made her unsatisfied hormones sing. "What did you find out at the Sherriff's office, and did you find any other clues at the lighthouse?"

"Well, we didn't actually get to the Sherriff's office," Bess admitted. "But, after we left Annabelle's Boutique, we did go to the lighthouse."

Naturally leaving out the part about the two cousins licking each other's wet snatches to orgasm on the stairs, Bess reported everything else, including the finding of King Schlong's box, which they'd brought back with them. Nancy held it in her hand, staring at it with wide, imaginative eyes as Bess explained what King Schlong was and its purpose.

"So," she finished while George continued to look uncomfortably about, "We decided to postpone the visit to the Sherriff's office, partly because we thought you might want to know about the clues we found and partly because neither of us would have felt comfortable about walking into the Sherriff's office with King Schlong's box."

With a vexed smile, Nancy asked, "But you would've had no problem going there in that skirt?"

"I don't think Anna would have let me leave the boutique like this if she thought the local law would be a problem, so why wouldn't I? Besides, it might be a good way to be sure of getting some information from him. Everyone in this town either doesn't want to open their mouths, or they want something in return. So, how'd your day go? Did you get to the basement? Did you get a chance to see the hotel's guest register?"

"Uh... I didn't get to see the register. The Colonel wasn't in the Parlour, but I did get to the basement."

Nancy went on to recount what she found in the basement, leaving out her incredibly lewd behaviour there, but dancing around the effect of the columns. This report had their undivided attention, even George's and, when she'd finished, they both had questions.

"So, let me get this straight," Bess went first. "You say that these columns have a draw of some sort?"

"Yes. It happened when I looked at them. They... well, they drew me to the center of the clearing and, from there, their draw became much stronger."

"And... and they got you sexually aroused?"

"Yes," Nancy admitted, flushing a bit.

"Well, what did you do?" George wanted to know.

"I didn't do anything. Not really. I mean, I touched them..."

The two cousins looked at each other, blinking their lack of understanding, then back at Nancy as they waited for explanation that the attractive sleuth was unprepared to give.

"I- look, it's hard to explain, but when you're standing in the center, between the four columns, they call to you. You feel them and, when you touch them, you know them. They know you. They sing to you... call to you. I know how it sounds, but this is what happened. I felt them in my head. I had to get out of there, but I have to go back. I have to see what's behind those doors and to get to the sub-basement where I'm sure these columns are rooted."

"Okay," George agreed, "but how can these columns... make you sexually aroused?"

"I don't know," Nancy admitted, starting to feel foolish and embarrassed, "but they put out heat. Also, they throb."

"Throb?" Bess repeated.

"Yes. It's like a wave vibration. Maybe that's what makes the effect, but I don't know. Like I said, I need to investigate further, but I want one of you to go with me this time."

"I agree, Nancy," Bess decided, adding, "George will go with you. Exploring dark, scary basements is way more her thing than mine and, should these columns make you so aroused that you don't know what to do with yourself, why... I'm sure George will come in very handy."

"Yes, George, will you come with me? We'll be prepared this time and hopefully find out what's up with these columns!"

Instead of hitting her cousin like she wanted to, George smiled and said, "Count me in, Nancy! But, how do you propose we get through those locked doors?"

"Well, I saw a key box on the wall in the work room. I didn't look in it when I was there, but I'll bet that's where we'll find the keys to those doors!"

"You're probably right," George agreed. "So, when shall we go?"

After quick contemplation, Nancy decided, "Tomorrow during lunch. We'll be on the rear veranda, waiting for Elora to leave the kitchen to take dinner orders and, when she does, we'll slip into the kitchen and down to the basement."

Both George and Bess agreed with this plan and, looking from one to the other, Nancy briefly debated whether or not she should then voice any questions regarding their recent sexual behaviour, but decided against it. As much as that information would have been more useful the earlier she asked, the timing didn't seem right, not on the heels of her report on the crystal columns.

"So, tell me more about Annabelle's Boutique," Nancy said, looking at Bess's skirt and how it couldn't possibly cover her behind. "What kind of clothing shop sells skirts like that?"

"The same kind that sells sexy bikinis," Bess replied.

"Did you buy one?"

"Yes, so did George. We got one for you, too."

Nancy felt her excitement welling up, once again imagining herself in a swimsuit like Susan's. Also, after the day's events, the ownership of a swimsuit seemed like a good idea.

"And George bought a dress for you."

Nancy's eyes lit up as she looked at George and her brunette admirer couldn't help but grin at her as she said, "It's in the bag."

"Why, you have such good taste in clothes, George, I can't wait to see it; I'll wear it tomorrow!"

Grabbing the bag, Bess dug it out and handed it to Nancy with a funny little smile at George. Nancy thought nothing of it as she held it up in front of her, her excited smile slowly turning confused.

"Uh, are you sure this isn't a nightie?"

Bess almost giggled, knowing that Nancy's nighties covered more than the little dress would.

"No, it's a dress," George nervously assured her.

" ... Is it the right size?" Nancy asked, looking at the tag and finding that it was.

"I think you'll look really good in it, Nancy," George nervously told her."

The thought of wearing the backless, sleeveless, thin little cotton dress appealed to Nancy in the same way that wearing a bikini like Susan's had, however she found it hard to believe that George would pick such a thing out for her. She couldn't even wear a bra with such a garment, a fact that excited her all the more.

Part two

"You can't wear a bra with that," Bess told Nancy the next morning.

They'd managed to turn in early the evening before, but still ended up sleeping in until almost ten o'clock. George's reason for this being the fact that she shared one of the room's beds with her cousin Bess, the blonde's warm and sexual proximity keeping her awake until she finally dozed off shortly after midnight.

"I know," Nancy agreed with an excited smile. "It would... well, it wouldn't work. Oh, George, will this even cover me?"

"Only one way to find out," Bess happily answered for her pretty brunette cousin.

Once the bathroom door was closed, Bess grinned at an excited George and waited with her.

On the other side of that door, Nancy was a little torn. She had to keep a level head, had to keep from compromising herself any more than she already had, and such a dress would surely get her into trouble. Yet, she couldn't help remembering how she was a little disappointed the day before, when she'd realized that she didn't have anything racier than her red dress. Good old George really came through, but this wasn't her usual taste and, as happy as she was that her friend had unwittingly solved an unspeakable problem for her, she also had to wonder at what would make George buy such a garment for her. Was this a sign of odd sexual behaviour on her part? If that were the case, why didn't she buy it for herself? Of course, Bess had said that she did buy a short skirt like hers, but hadn't worn it, had had to be convinced by Bess to buy it in the first place.

Once she had it on, she had trouble adjusting it. The string that tied the cleavage bearing dress around the back of her neck had to be tied just so. If the neck was too high, the hem would show her crotch, but if it was too low, her nipples might show. She managed it, looking at herself in the mirror and loving the sexy little number. She had to hand it to George. The fit was superb in how it clung to her waist, yet flowed over her slim hips without a belt thanks to the spaghetti strap that tied around the small of her back. While the length would have been better for a girl of Bess's height, it did cover everything if only just. As long as she didn't bend too low with anyone behind her, or raise her arms too high, it would probably be fine. But where would she ever wear it? Especially with how her pointy, hard nipples showed so clearly through the thin cotton as did the outlines of her high cut panties?

When she opened the door of the bathroom, she only stood there, almost fretfully waiting for their opinions as they gawked at her. While Bess grinned, George looked like a firecracker had gone off in her mouth.

It's perfect, Nancy!" Bess finally stated in no uncertain terms. "Heavens, it looks so... it looks like your boobs are going to fall right out!"

"George," Nancy asked tentatively, "what do you think?"

George was having trouble thinking around Nancy's beautiful body, displayed in a way she'd never had the pleasure of seeing before then. The way her breasts sat in it, even without a bra, was stupefying and the outlines of her panties drew her eye just as much. Nancy was a goddess and George was ready to get down on her knees and worship.

"George?" Nancy asked, getting worried.

"Nancy, it-it looks fabulous! You're so pretty!"

Nancy blushed a little, but smiled, saying, "Oh, thank you! But... where would I ever wear something like this?"

"Downstairs to the dining room," Bess suggested. I'm starving."

For once, neither Nancy nor George riddled her with jokes aimed at her appetite. They only looked at her, the smiles slowly slipping from their faces at the prospect of visiting the dining room.

For Nancy's part, she wasn't eager to leave the seclusion of their suite after what had happened out on the veranda the day before. The thought of running into the Colonel or Ghanem was too much to bear and, even though the alcohol she'd drunk the day before was gone from her system, she could feel that the columns were still exerting their influence and she wasn't willing to trust her judgement just then, especially not in that dress.

George's hesitation over visiting the dining room was about seeing Elora again. Her feelings where the hostess was concerned were mixed, including social embarrassment, self-doubt, helpless sexual interest, and fear.

"Why don't we just have something sent up?" George asked.

"Yes," Nancy agreed, nodding as she quickly leapt onboard with George's suggestion, "something sent up. We can have another girl's breakfast in."

"That sounds fun!" George reinforced.

"No it doesn't," Bess complained. "I want to sit down in a nice dining room with a menu, not up here."

"Well... why don't you go?" George offered.

"Alone?" Bess asked as though the idea were unheard of.

"Sure," George said, suddenly seeing an opportunity to be alone with Nancy in her sexy dress for a while.

While Nancy seemed to have no opinion on the matter, Bess considered it for a moment. Shrugging her shoulders, she said, "Okay. Why not?"

With that, she got up and went to her suitcase, soon frowning over her choice of clothes and foreseeing another trip to the boutique in her very near future. She finally settled for a white summer dress with no sleeves, it's snug upper half buttoning from the top of the pleated skirt portion to a slightly daring neckline. The hem of the light garment stopped just above her knees, the lower portion of the dress completely hiding the tops of her white stockings while complimenting her curves very well. Feeling rather naughty, she decided against a bra and emerged from the bathroom to a double take from Nancy.

"Uh, Bess..."


"You forgot to put on a bra."

"No I didn't. I've decided I don't want to wear one today."

Bess smiled, managing not to laugh at Nancy's silent reaction to this as George stared at her chest.

"But, your nipples...!"

Bess only shrugged with a careless smirk as she dug a pair of white high heels from her suitcase.

"Aren't you afraid of what people will think of you like that?"

Nancy asked the question more out of curiosity than disapproval, but it was the latter that came across in her tone.

"No. I'm a beautiful girl with nothing to be ashamed of and people here will like it."

George remained silent, watching with Nancy as Bess finished putting on her shoes, grabbed a small white purse and headed for the door, saying over her shoulder, "Well, I'm off to the dining room. I can't wait to see their menu! After that, I'm going to visit the Sherriff's office and check out the rest of the town. See yas!"

After she'd gone, George and Nancy stared at the door in silence for a moment before looking at each other with undisguised wonder.

"Well," Nancy said, "At least it's better than that skirt she bought. That was just..."

"I know," agreed George, getting a little aroused at the memory of what it was and what she'd done beneath it.

"And she walked around town like that?!"

"Well, just to the lighthouse. Anyway, it does cover more than that. It just rode up in back a little."

"A little?" Nancy asked with a helpless laugh.

George smiled and shrugged, trying not to look down the front of Nancy's dress.

"And... you bought one too?"

"Yes," George admitted.

After a pause, Nancy asked in a lower voice, "Are you going to try it on?"

George smiled wider, making a heroic effort to keep her eyes from Nancy's lovely, upturned nipples as she replied, "If you want me to, Nancy."

" ... Yes. I... I have to admit that I almost envy Bess's nerve and I wonder what it would be like... So, I'm sorry, but I'm curious about what you'd look like in such a slutty little thing. You really wouldn't mind?"

With a widening smile, George replied, "No. I'd do whatever you tell me, Nancy."

Nancy's return smile was almost giddy as she replied, "Oh, George... You're such a good friend. Whatever happens now that we're done school, I want us to be together. I think we should pick the same university and all the same classes and everything."

George was overjoyed at this, but Nancy wasn't finished. Picking up one of George's hands and covering it with her own, she added, "You know, as far back as I can remember, you're the only person I've ever really trusted. You're the person I can really talk to. We're so much alike and we even have the same sizes and tastes. Oh, and thank you so much for this dress. It's funny, but even this... Two days ago, I wouldn't have thought of wearing this, but lately... well, let's just say you came through again. It's like you know what I'm thinking! Good old George!"

George was afraid her head would explode. She couldn't smile any wider and she felt her nipples erecting inside her bathrobe while her vagina became hot and moist.

"Oh, Nancy, I feel the same. Whatever you do and wherever you go, I'll follow you. You can always count on me."

Nancy and George looked at one another for a mutually tender moment until Nancy, suddenly seeing an opportunity, said, "Before you change..."

"What?" George asked, intoxicated by Nancy's presence and the moment they were sharing.

"Do you remember how we were talking in the dining room last evening about how Bess has been acting differently lately?"


"Well, it was barely noticeable before. She started wearing clothes that were more form flattering and not buttoning up her blouses as far as she might. Nothing really indecent, but different."

"Yes," George repeated, glancing down at Nancy's incredibly short hemline. It had shifted in such a way as she could glimpse a small white triangle of panty between Nancy's shapely upper thighs.

With a heavy sigh, Nancy went on in an uncertain tone with, "Okay... uh, I know what I told you about the crystal columns sounds crazy, but I've been wondering if it's been having an effect on us. Bess is one reason why I wonder this because, while she has been a little different lately, the change in her behaviour is unmistakeable since she's been here at the Faldor, so I'm wondering..."

"Oh, I see," George replied, her snatch feeling wet and excited as she looked down at the small patch of Nancy's exposed panties again.


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