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The Mystery at Faldor Hotel Ch. 19

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A day of family fun at Annabelle's Boutique.
6.3k words

Part 19 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/30/2016
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Part one

Ricki's Supermarket was every bit as dingy inside as it was on the outside, but the 'Quickie Rickie Meals' at the deli counter were fresh and smelled delicious. The same thing, George felt, could be said for the teen girl who she'd seen checking into the hotel with her family the day before. She was standing about fifteen feet away, slightly apart from her parents and brother, looking at a salami with an odd grin while her father took furtive glances at George. Shorter than Bess, thin and small breasted, she wore a short, snug pair of pink pants and a white T-shirt with Maine's state flag printed on it. The petit teen with long, mousy brown hair and hazel eyes was quite adorable and, thanks to George's round, John Lennon sunglasses, her father couldn't tell which meat George was looking at.

He was an average looking man in every sense with dark brown hair and brown eyes. In his khaki Bermuda shorts and pea green polo shirt, he didn't even need the expensive looking camera dangling from his neck at the end of its strap to identify him as a tourist but, right then, the only sight he seemed interested in seeing was George.

She vaguely wondered if he remembered her from the day before while her tongue slowly squirmed in her mouth. It still felt swollen and numb, though it tingled pleasurably when she ground it against the roof of her mouth as she again revisited her second encounter with the beautiful and seductive Elora Sasser.

Aside from the great sex, the Dining Room Hostess had really come across with the information she'd promised during her first encounter with her. Of course, there were things that she was holding back, not the least of which being the exact whereabouts of Susan Quinn, but at least she'd confirmed that she was still in town. Also confirmed was her fantastic tongue, which George had been on the fence about. Until the night before, she was beginning to believe that it was all an alcohol induced fantasy, a false memory that any lesbian might enjoy, but that certainly wasn't the case. Yes, the jism spurting serpent was startling and disturbing, but George had trouble seeing it that way in light of all it had done for her.

Even while in the grip of an odd, aloof mood of wry amusement, this perspective was more of a concern to the slender brunette than Elora's tongue itself, as was George's failure to ask her about it. While moving her hungry gaze to the girl's mother, she picked up a fresh chicken wrap, recalling how Elora hadn't exactly given her much of a chance to ask in any case, between telling her what she was willing to relate of Susan and ordering her to remove her clothes article by article.

This memory enlivened George's hormones as the woman, petit like her daughter and dressed in a long, form flattering, gray gown of casual style, bent to select a brick of cheese from a display case. The cotton garment's moderately plunging neckline showed a lot more cleavage in this pose and, though the attractive blonde was only a little better endowed than her daughter, both George and her son enjoyed the momentary view of her breasts in a pink, lacy bra.

Something else George wished she'd asked Elora about, had she had the time and mental presence, was the crystal columns in the basement of the Faldor. Since there was no real punishment for she and Nancy having seen them, (indeed, there weren't even locks on the doors that led to the basement or the column room) George could only assume that they weren't seen as a large security interest.

By her panty lines, George saw the thin woman was wearing a pair of low rise panties with legs cut high enough to make for a very narrow waistband at her hips. Licking her lips, George followed the family unit to the only manned checkout at the front of the supermarket while her hormones forced greater sexual arousal. Around this, she considered how she was really no longer exactly afraid of Elora. A better description for her feelings towards the dark, sultry woman would be reverent awe, much the same attitude people had towards the royal family. Some instinct from within told her that, whoever (whatever) she was, she wasn't inherently evil. Just different. For that matter, the same went for the crystal columns.

At the checkout, the average looking father of the tourist family took another look at George, his glance lingering on her chest. Looking directly at him in return, he was forced to offer a nervous smile and a greeting while his son stared openly at her crotch.

"Hi there."

"Hello," George replied with a warm smile while wondering if his daughter was wearing a bra.

"We're uh, staying at the Faldor. I think we saw you yesterday when we were checking in..."

"I think so," George agreed, blushing a little at just how much of her he'd seen as he glanced at her chest again.

"Helluva place," he commented while his wife tried not to stare and his daughter smiled with something akin to curiosity.

"Sure is," George agreed, smiling back at the mousy haired, teenage girl.

Her brother, George suddenly realized from behind her sunglasses, had a raging erection in his shorts. Her smile widened at this as she forced herself not to laugh and, looking again to his still grinning father, she found him to be suffering from the same condition. His wife seemed as oblivious about this as his daughter was as the blonde matron of the family took her turn to address George in a dismissive, but polite tone.

"We're just passing through on our way to New Brunswick. That's in Canada."

"But we're going swimming first," her son added as though this activity had been debated earlier.

Proving this, his mother agreed with a reluctant tone, "Yes, swimming. Then we're leaving."

"Annabelle's boutique has some really nice swimsuits," George informed, once again looking at the slender girl in the snug, pink pants.

"Oh, I saw that shop," the girl reported. "So, it's a clothing store?"

"They have lots of clothes there," George informed while trying to see down her top.

"Mom, we have to go check it out," the girl implored, looking at the blonde, then to her father for support.

"Jenna, we discussed this and we agreed that-"

"Yeah, let's visit this boutique," her husband interrupted.

His wife gave him a sharp look, but her son chimed in with, "Yeah, Mom, let's check it out. I need a new swimsuit anyway."

"There's nothing wrong with your swimsuit, Owen, I just bought it last summer."

"Exactly," he agreed. "I've grown since then."

George almost laughed out loud at the unintended pun as Mr. Tourist settled the matter with, "Sally, we're in no hurry to get to New Brunswick, and we said we'd see the sights along the way and enjoy the trip. There's no reason why we can't go to this boutique, maybe grab you a nice swimsuit, then go swimming."

"I have a swimsuit," she argued, her public politeness at its limit.

"It's boring," he replied. "A sexy little woman like you should have something nicer. Anyway, they probably have souvenirs there too."

Her husband's compliment forced a surprised, yet pleased smile from his wife and the matter was therefore settled. Having paid for their purchases, he gave George a more prolonged once-over and a smiling nod of farewell before they left the checkout and filed toward the door to leave.

After paying for her wrap, George followed them and, exiting the supermarket, she was just in time to see the front door to the boutique close, presumably behind the family of four who, at that moment, were sure to be quite surprised at their surroundings.

"Souvenirs indeed," she chuckled as she began walking in the opposite direction.

Her smile soon evaporated as her mind turned to Nancy. She should have reported to her what she'd learned of Susan Quinn from Elora the night before, but she simply didn't want to deal with her just then. Her feelings for the dark blonde love of her life hadn't changed, only her viewpoint of her and, while she knew that nobody was perfect, she'd always found it hard to see Nancy as anything but. Now certain insights that had come to light had ruined her image of Nancy and George found this difficult to deal with, felt it as a betrayal of some sort.

But this previous false perception wasn't Nancy's fault. Yes, she'd hurt her, but George knew that it wasn't intentional, that she was only being honest about how she felt and saw herself. The question now was how to go on from there. Could Nancy be made to understand and truly appreciate George's feelings for her to the extent that she could learn to overcome... what? Her heterosexual nature?

The slender brunette found her feet crossing the road, angling away and to the left of the hotel as she compared Nancy's obvious enjoyment of the sex they'd had with how she saw herself as a person and whether or not she could fit a serious, long term, lesbian relationship in with that. Maybe the bigger question was whether or not Nancy was even capable of giving of herself in a serious relationship with anybody at all, male or female. Further, even if George could somehow swing it, would she- could she- settle for such a lover?

With a sigh, George walked down the shoulder, enjoying the way her breasts seemed to bounce a little heavier with each step while her thoughts again turned to the arrival of Eloise.

There was certainly no doubt of her orientation. Any that may have existed the night before was gone, at least for George, when the two enjoyed a good look at each other's bodies that morning. It was a silent, mutual agreement between them as their eyes gorged themselves and, though George was still amazed that Eloise had seen her dressed only in panties, the memory and thought of it only excited and further aroused her. Eloise herself had a magnificent body with breasts that were almost as big as Bess's and hips only a little wider than Nancy's. Sharing her niece's height, this made the attractive older woman who'd aged very well a true knockout, hidden behind horn rimmed glasses, no makeup, boring hair arrangements and clothes that screamed 'schoolmarm' for years. Recalling her sexy black bra, panties and garters, George shivered with a giddy smile as she pushed her tongue against the roof of her mouth and drew it slowly from side to side. Eloise was hot.

With her shoes crunching in the gravelled drive that led to the wharf, George wondered what sex with her would be like. After that morning, there was no doubt that Eloise found her attractive, but that didn't mean an encounter would be possible, let alone advisable. Eloise, after all, was suffering from the same influence that everyone else in the hotel was, including the family of four that George had just informally met in Ricki's Supermarket, and chances were that she would be just as attracted to Bess as she was George, if not more so.

She smiled at the thought of her horny cousin and her comment about pushing Eloise down on the bed and having her way with her. Imagining this, she put herself into that scene as well, the two of them tearing her dress open, George then pulling her panties down as Bess spilled those nice big titties from their demibra while Eloise uselessly struggled...

Laughing aloud, George shook her head, blushing, embarrassed at the mental imagery even though she was alone. Reaching the wharf, she looked out over the water and saw that the day wouldn't stay sunny, at the same time realizing with some surprise that Nancy hadn't been included in her excitingly degenerate fantasy.

Part two

For the most part, Bess's attitude in the suite that morning was genuine. She saw no reason why she shouldn't be happy on such a great day and she wasn't about to let Nancy's self centered attitude or the arrival of Eloise ruin it for her.

She liked Eloise, always had and still did, however she didn't appreciate being preached at and was quite glad that the woman was being as heavily affected by whatever was going on at the hotel as everyone else apparently was. After seeing her in her lingerie that morning, she found it even harder to dislike her. In any case, she wasn't worried about the older authoritarian's arrival and, if anything, looked forward with horny earnest to her eventual moral degradation in the wonderful little town of Cinder Bay.

Nancy was a different concern. In a sense, she regretted having told her about the incident with Ned, but it angered her the way Nancy so carelessly hurt George. Though her cousin had taken part in making fun of her with Nancy on so many occasions, Bess felt a stronger connection with her since they'd had sex in the lighthouse, and she'd found it hard to let Nancy's treatment of her go unanswered. She'd wanted to bring snooty little Nancy down a few notches and had very much enjoyed doing so. Of course, this now meant that she and Nancy were on the outs and, in the bright light of day, Bess regretted that part. Walking down the corridor after leaving their suite, she realized that she ought to apologize to her, though in her eyes, it was really Nancy who owed the apology. Still, she did sleep with her boyfriend and, even while Ned did seduce her, that meant that she owed an apology and she knew she was big enough to offer it for the good of their friendship. No matter what Nancy was, nobody was perfect and the girl was still a friend.

Still refusing to be down over the situation though, she went to the dining room and enjoyed a breakfast of eggs, toast and three screwdrivers. Junior wasn't on duty, but Elora Sasser was, though too busy with a room full of guests to stop and fondle her. As Bess ate, the men and some of the women in the room kept looking at her and it excited her to be so wanted, so lusted after and, by the time she left, her hormones were climbing the walls.

"Back again?" Anna warmly enthused upon Bess's entry to the boutique. "You're making me a rich woman!"

With a helpless smile and one eye on a few other customers at the movie rental wall, Bess explained, "A girl can never have too many clothes, and shopping here is always an experience."

"I should print that on my sign," Anna chuckled. Would you like a drink? You know what they say: It's gotta be five o'clock somewhere."

With a naughty giggle, Bess accepted as her eyes again flickered towards the back of the shop. Four men were there, looking over the wide selection of video smut, though two of them were looking at her. One was Skeeter, the other an unknown male who was a little heavyset, tall and rough looking in faded denims, a red T-shirt and a soiled baseball cap. One of the others, who looked to be about her own age, then also turned to look at her with wide eyes that made a slow journey up and down her body. He seemed somehow familiar and, when he elbowed the fourth man beside him in order to bring his attention to her as well, he also seemed familiar.

"Hey, Cocksucker!" called Skeeter.

She was thankful for the somewhat dim lighting inside the boutique as she flushed to a deep crimson and Anna laughed from behind the counter. But, embarrassing and demeaning as it was, Bess liked it. It was fun to be sexually demeaned and objectified, and she couldn't help her smile as she waved to them.

A moment later, the door to one of the changing rooms opened and a rather petit blonde woman stepped out in a bright red sling. Also somehow familiar, her eyes were as wide as the young man's as she glared at the two locals, presumably for their blatant, public profanity. Skeeter and his friend were looking back, but they didn't seem very concerned over her expression as they licked their lips, staring at her barely covered body.

"Holy shit, Mom..." the young man breathed, instantly reminding Bess of where she'd seen these three.

It had been the day before. They were checking into the Faldor at the same time as Eloise when Bess, George, Nancy and Reverend Muren had walked into the lobby. At the time, they were staring at Bess and her indecently clad friends as Eloise was, though at the moment, all eyes were on the petit blonde.

The crotch of her provocative bathing suit was wide enough to adequately cover her sex, but not the very edges of the reddish blonde, pubic bush above it. Between these escaped tufts, the narrow strip of material rose straight up her belly and only began to widen out halfway to her hard nippled chest, covering that as well as a small halter top would. Despite the coverage, it was super sexy and Bess was almost jealous that this woman currently had all the male attention.

After an appreciative look, however, her husband returned his attention to Bess for a long, savouring moment, then to the wall of rentals, replacing a cover he'd been holding and picking up another to look at its back. In his other hand, he held a scrap of black fabric, possibly a bathing suit, and Bess couldn't help but notice the impressive bulge in the front of his khaki shorts before moving her eyes to his son.

He also held what was probably a swimsuit, and also had a bulge in the front of his shorts as he unapologetically ran his eyes up and down his own mother's body. She noticed this, but tried to ignore it as she addressed her husband in a nervous, but admonishing voice.

"Kevin, why didn't you tell me...?"

He glanced at his wife who shot a quick look at Skeeter and his friend before he simply shrugged and returned his eyes to the wall. Obviously, they were alone in the boutique when she'd gone into the changing room, Skeeter and his friend showing up after. But, despite her disapproval, Bess could tell that she secretly liked the attention from the two men, if not from her son.

"Your wife's got a nice little set of titties," Skeeter's friend observed in a deep voice.

"Thanks," the tourist replied with an even quicker glance at them, obviously complimented, but happy to get back to the array of video choices.

Anna was passing Bess a drink while they both watched the petit woman's affront at the crude compliment. She was about to say something when the door to the other fitting room opened.

A girl with mousy brown hair and a body that took after her mother's stepped out in a white, two piece swimsuit. The top featured spaghetti string bound, tiny triangles, barely covering nipples that were as erect as her mother's while the bottom consisted of a very short, pleated skirt with a hemline that swept up to the string waistband at her hips and showed the outside edges of her narrow, but shapely little posterior. She stared in what looked like stunned confusion at the two strange men as they transferred their attention from her mother's body to hers. She also had her brother's attention and even her father now found sufficient reason in his daughter's slim curves to divert his attention from the endless array of pornography before him.

"Tha- (ahem!)- that looks great on you, princess," he approved.

"Thanks, Dad," she replied, the barest smile forming on her lips as he continued to stare.

"Oh my fuck," Skeeter drooled, adding, "Your daughter should be in one of those movies..."

The girl's father only nodded as her mother looked upset, but Bess wondered if it was only because the attention was taken from her.

"Jenna," she lightly scolded, "I told you that suit is too revealing. Your breasts are- Owen, stop looking at your sister like that!"

Skeeter and his friend laughed as the young man took his turn to blush. He did stop looking at his sister, but only to return his attention to his mother's body, in particular the visible top edges of her reddish bush. This was a development which the sexy little matron of the family obviously saw little need to correct.

Bess downed her drink. Making a sour face, she felt some effect before Anna could even take the glass from her. Stifling a wild giggle, she made her way closer to the movie wall to an aisle that featured an array of handcuffs and other products dedicated to restraint. From there, she could at least make a pretense of shopping while enjoying the interesting and exciting show that starred the innocent family of four.


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