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One Night in Vancouver

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For one night only, two friends become lovers.
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The icy sensation of chilled water against heated skin ran through my veins. The soft trickle of a sink filling with a transparent liquid that bounced the light back as perfectly as the mirror before me. A dull hum constantly called from the light above. It's funny how a room so unfamiliar can still feel like the rest.

I was once more surrounded by the inconvenient conveniences all wrapped and ready for use. Each plastered with the same logo of the hotel's name that I didn't even bother to remember before hand. Now, with these cheerful little bottles, bars, and towels, I've no choice but to burn that little name into my memory. Those sneaky bastards.

My flesh still burned, glimmering in combined sweat. It was still hard to breathe. My mind was spinning, so many thoughts jumping around. My system completely devoid of alcohol by this point in time. Sober enough to recall my own actions. My state of mind clear to the point of logical reflection. Was it right?

As I hunched before the sink clad only in the dark green towel, my breathe gradually returned. That's it... Slowly... Breathe slowly, James. In, and out.

I rotated the chrome handle on the sink, halting the flow of water. The translucent pool interrupted by the final drop of water sending an echo through the room to match its ripple. While I hunched over the sink, a single hand was submerged into the cold water. With one effortless motion, I splashed it against my face finding instance invigoration. My eyes wide. Blood pumping through every chilled inch of flesh.

And as I shook my hand dry, I stared deep into the eyes of my reflection. Water still dripped from my flushed face as I lost myself in the moment of remembrance.

It's easy to say when it all began. But the real trick is finding out how. If this were a film, one would say 'FADE IN' right about here... Unfortunately, it isn't... But, seeing as how I do so enjoy that transition;


That was nice. And now I present you with the drama that, for a moment, was more blissful than a needed breath of air. Yet, for every action, there is a semi-equal, and occasionally opposite (or unpredictable) reaction that I still carry with me to this day... so without any further ado, let us dive in.

Best to start upon arrival, I guess. So, seeing as how it may come in handy, my name is James. I've taken it upon myself to embrace that I am of an age as to which allows me to take risks I know I will not be able to enjoy years down the road. For example; when I was given the opportunity to move to Seattle, Washington for a career I hadn't expected, I took it. My current residence held little to keep me. So I relocated to the Emerald City finding board in the downtown area (to which would later become a mistake if you know apartment costs).

I had lived there all of several months before I met a lovely woman by the name of Cynthia. We met, we dated, we fell in love. All of everything was fantastic. Then drama began to slowly unfold as, little by little, the world began to shift like I was living in an Etch-N-Sketch.

First off was my employment. Completely out of the blue, it was announced that the business I had jumped into was now finding itself in legal issues; thus, it was going out of business. Yup, I was about to have no job. But, I kept my wits about me. Cynthia was ever so supportive. I hit the streets and pounded the papers until I settled for what was to be temporary employment at a simple book store a few blocks away from Pioneer Square.

The job was easy. I'm good with people plus I find myself really enjoying the written word. However, this is where the next big shake happened. To state it properly, once more, I will address the events in the order they happened for that shall be key later.

It was on my first day working I met Jim. First off, I'm normally bad with names, but I found it easy to remember this guy. Mainly because anytime I've met someone who shared my name in the past, it tends to stick in the 'ol memory banks. Instant connection but one you do not address in conversation. That's just lame.

But anyway, Jim was an... okay guy. He could be funny, but also an arrogant dick... You know what? I'm sure everyone out there knows this kind of guy so lets just cut the descriptive elements and say that dude you're picturin' now; that's him. Keep it and let's move on.

So as we continue the story, the important thing to remember is this: Jim came first. (And yes, in a way, this is now metaphoric foreshadowing having no way relating to me)... Moving on.

I had been there for several months now when Jim suddenly announced he was moving on to a different job. Some car dealership or something, I'm not really sure. That's all good and groovy for me for I'd be taking on his position as Floor Trainer. It was going to be a smooth transition in all aspects. However it was then that the third element of trouble was introduced. Samantha.

We've all seen this girl before in one way or another. Tall, yet I wouldn't call her an Amazon in any sense. Spunky and sweet. Straight brown hair falling just past her shoulders. She knows her shape and dresses to flaunt that fact, yet not in a way as to which you wonder which corner she works after hours. You can see just beyond the green in her eyes that she still holds insecurities but still can easily crush them were she to find the right means. That's Samantha; beautiful, charismatic, and beautiful again. Oh! And she had a nose ring. You know, the small kind.... I think that's kinda cute.

Before I get ahead of myself, I want to make clear that I am not someone constantly looking for alternatives whilst in a relationship. Cynthia and I had been dating for about four months at this point so I consider myself committed. And when I commit, I commit. So yes, when I met Samantha for the first time, I did notice her exquisite good looks but I believe my exact train of thought at that moment was along the lines of: "Hey! Who's THAT?!? She's pretty cute... Holy Crap! I left my wallet in the oven again!"

So here we have this new girl coming in while a seasoned employee is going out. What was to happen now put into motion events I never would have expected. Basically, Samantha was supposed to be my first trainee, but for some reason, Jim took it upon himself to take care of it. He said it was his final duty to the company. I figured he had other motives which were proven true not long afterwards. So he trained her. He said some joke at some point to which she got a chuckle. They went on a date, and just like that, Samantha and Jim became a couple.

Well months went by and things were fine. Samantha and I ended up working together a lot due to similar schedules. We ended up chatting all the time. For some reason, we became each others confidant. We discussed everything in the book from relationships to movies to embarrassments to accomplishments. Don't ask me why either. I've no clue why we hit it off so well, but I've got two main theories that I believe both play roles. One) Neither of us found the other threatening in any sense due to our equal availability status (we were both in relationships)... and Two) this was the first time we had an outside member of the opposite sex whiling to lend an ear and an opinion to whatever ailed us. What we had in the end was a mutual bond I've never found since.

It was actually Samantha that I confided in most about Cynthia. We had started off strong and still seemed to be there. I told Samantha (or Sammie as I've also come to call her) about my thoughts of both Cynthia and I finding an apartment together. She thought the idea was nothing but fantastic. It was I who first heard that Jim told Samantha that he was in love with her which I was glad to hear. Her face always glowed in a warm, radiant smile during these moments. The effect was contagious.

As time went on, Sammie and I spent a lot of time together outside of work as well. She would come over frequently to our apartment for dinner with Cynthia and I. Unfortunately Jim rarely had a chance to come out, but we understood his job was a tough one at times. Time consuming with lots of paperwork after hours... well I actually assume that part. I've never sold cars.

More months passed and now I found myself in another state I had not seen coming. Cynthia and I had begun to lose our passion. The cause for which I could not figure out. It just suddenly, slipped away. Sammie was the first to know to which she confessed to me her own frustrations with Jim as of late. He had been more and more possessive, controlling, and at the same time flaky. He'd say one thing when he'd be doing something else. And to make matters worse... He still hadn't been able to please her in bed. Apparently sex with him was like a vending machine in an earthquake. Full of shaken bottles ready to pop with one touch. (Thus the conclusion to the previous foreshadowing... Jim Came First... and now I shall bow.)

I will admit that at this time our talks did tread some troubled waters but we chose to handle it like adults. We listened, gave our input, and that was that. I could always trust on her being there for me, as I was to her. Perhaps we were just naïve or in denial but we knew better than to seek more than words from the other. We stayed faithful to our others and expected the same in return. I was the one to first suffer the consequences of such expectations.

So without beating around the bush, Cynthia cheated on me. What's more, she was happier with the other guy. What could I do? I told her to leave. I had already dedicated two years to her by that time. I was gutted and suddenly alone. At the same time, Samantha and Jim had been having their little fights over the same thing over and over. I felt so much sorrow for her, wishing her to move on from him at this point, yet my soul still reeled from its own little fiasco with my now recent Ex. Fucking timing.

So late one night, I believe it was a Sunday, I was hard at work wallowing in my own self pity. I've even got a great corner picked out just for it too. Comfortable for any position but curling into the fetal works best when you've got your thumb in mouth crying to the world. Anyways, so I was depressed outta my mind when suddenly I got a knock at my door. Opening it up I found Sammie standing there arms crossed. I hardly had time to grab my jacket before she pulled me out by my collar.

"Coffee" was all she said.

We walked down the street in the cold night air heading to our local coffee shop. Unfortunately we hadn't quite looked at the time and found the glass doors locked. With a heavy sigh, we shrugged our shoulders and walked the twenty feet to the next. What was interesting here was it was a twenty-four hour hole-in-the-wall coffee shop. Tough to find yet warm and welcoming inside. With our steaming brews, we took a seat near the window and just talked. I remember her smiles, her tears, and the distant stare we both shared as we'd look out the window digesting the words from the other. Time seemed to just fly by that night bringing us a bit of surprise to find the rays of the sun stretching across our table.

We must have been like zombies as we left that café. Moving without knowledge as we shuffled over to the bookstore only a few blocks away. Entered, clocked in, and started the day. I cannot to this day remember anything that happened during that shift. I just remember falling into bed directly after sliding my card through the punch clock. Everything else, blurred. Not a big deal though, just a tangent.

So that night, Sammie and I started a tradition. Every Sunday we would meet for coffee at the same location. We'd talk for hours on end, pretty much catching up as if we'd not seen each other in months. After each night, I'd walk her to the bus and then walk myself to my now empty apartment. The times were as good as they could be. I knew if it wasn't for Sammie I'd be another statistic of depression in the city.

As time crept by once again, many unfortunate events took place. I was almost crippled when rent suddenly increased. I was forced to find a second job to which consumed more and more of my book store time. My meetings with Sammie and I slowly began to dry up. We both worked to keep them, but due to rising jealousy from Jim and the consumption of my free time, they eventually ceased.

It was at least another month on a Saturday when I was suddenly awoken at 11pm with a call. (before I continue, let me just state I know it's lame to be asleep at 11 on a Saturday night but I had TWO JOBS DAMNIT!!! I was beat. Okay, going back. Saturday, 11pm, Sleep. Call.)

I picked up my chiming cell to find Sammie's name blinking in the light.

"Sammie?" I slurred.

"James..." she cried into the phone. .

"Sammie are you alright?" I suddenly found myself wide awake.

I could hear her trembling lips. I could almost hear her tears as they fell.

"No James, I'm not... He left me. He grabbed his shit and left me!" she poured into the phone.

"What happened?" I asked on complete instinct.

"He was out late again... Out with some guys at work, or something. He said he'd not go out as much anymore but he still did. He came home still fucking drunk and just started yelling at me! Saying things like... Like I didn't care for him and that I was lucky to be with him... I just can't take it anymore, James. I can't!" I could hear what sounded like the muffled sound of passing cars.

"Samantha? Where are you?" I asked as I zipped up my pants.

"I couldn't be there anymore, James. I had to get out."

"I understand Samantha, I do. Where are you now?" I reassured as I slipped my arms through my jacket.

"I'm not too sure... I'm on 99...I think I passed Surrey a short ways back... and now Richmond"

"Surrey? Richmond?... Canada?!? Shit you're up in Canada?!?"

"Don't yell at me, James." She began to cry.

"No-no-no, Sweetie. I'm sorry." I pleaded into the phone as I pulled out a map from my desk. Glancing at it quickly I found her freeway. Trailing my finger across it's surface I found Surrey. Not too far afterwards was Vancouver, Canada.

"I tell ya what, Sammie. Vancouver's just down the road. Why don't you pull over and rest there, okay? I'm on my way to you."

"... James, you don't have to," I could hear my words already finding comfort.

"I know I don't but I am, Sammie. I'm not leavin' ya high and dry. I'm on my way."

"... Thank you James." She said with a soft voice. For a moment, there were no tears.

I ran out the door with my keys in one hand and a passport in the other.

The roads were covered with ice and snow. The further north I went, the more the world took to a hue of pure white. The trees stood like ghosts disappearing the moment the light passed their colossal forms. With the conditions as they were, I was able to make it to the city in just over two hours.

Though Seattle had yet to have it's first snow, Vancouver was already feeling the bite of another. However, there was only one vehicle I could find with only an inch of snow on its roof. And wouldn't you know it, it was her same make, model, and color.

After parking my own, I walked up to her car peering in the driver's seat. I was just able to note the vacant space before the vapor of my breath fogged up the glass. Where the hell did she go?

The air kept pinching me with its icy fingers as I pulled my phone from my pocket. I dialed her number and waited. Suddenly a muffled tune began to play from the back seat. I peered through the window once more to see a shadow move. A light suddenly opened as Samantha brought her cell to her ear illuminating one side of her face.

"James?" she asked through the phone.

I smiled. "Hi Samantha."

"Are you still coming?"

"I'm here."

I brushed the snow away from the window watching her eyes settle on me. A grin took to her lips as her body quickly scooted over opening the door.

A handle was tugged and the door swung out sending a soft spray of snow across my lap. Samantha laughed her apologies with her eyes still heavy from the tears. I stepped into the car and sat beside her closing the door on my way.

The world was instantly muted as she crawled up into my arms snuggling close. The moment her arms were tightly around me, her crying released anew as I held her there. Into my shoulder her muffled sobs trailed. My hand circled her back, warming her shaking body.

I've no idea how long our embrace lasted. She cried and cried until her eyes could produce no more tears. And then finally her composure slowly sank in like a calming wave. She shook from the cold no longer. Her head turned away from me yet her arms still wrapped around my stomach. With one hand, I brushed the hair out of her face watching her cheeks turn to a simple smile.

"Thank you, James," she said softly.

"Anytime, Sammie." My words followed.

Again we sat in silence as the snow silently landed outside. Tiny drifting flakes floating in the wind. I wish she had left her car on so we'd have some heat but I wasn't about to do anything about it. That would have been rude.

"So, Kid," I said gently placing my hand on her side. "How the hell are we getting home?"

She brought her legs close to her chest trying to gain more heat.

"I'm not ready yet," she said softly still staring at the white windshield.

I suddenly felt flesh on my fingertips as I realized my hand was moving back and forth against her side, right at the hem of her shirt. Her partial skin suddenly exposed to me. Less then three inches yet for some reason felt like fire. Her soft flesh still tingling in my fingers. I was startled by this unexpected moment. I kid you not, it wasn't until then that I suddenly came to realize I had some serious feelings for this woman. Yes it actually took me this long to admit it to myself, but there was no longer any denial. That was all it took. Just by that accidental brush of skin from which I still felt the waves of energy.

A staggered breath suddenly caught in my throat. Carefully, I pulled the hem of her shirt back down covering her completely.

"Sammie... Maybe it's time we get 'outta this car... How's that sound?"

Her voice drifted up from below me.

"You think?"

I knew I definitely needed the fresh air.

"Yeah, I do. Maybe a short walk or something. Stretch your legs."

With only slight reluctance, we both left the car. The temperature seemed to already drop significantly. Though the snow had eased its blanketing downpour, the slight after dark breeze was still stealing any heat from the air.

As Samantha stood outside of the car she quickly took to rubbing her arms. It was stupid, I know, but I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. Not stupid because of the gesture, mind you. It's stupid because now I'd be cold. But regardless of that; her teeth began to chatter through her smile.

With my thumb I brought it up to her face and brushed away the streaks of makeup falling from her eyes. Her cheeks now rosy from the chilled air.

"Brilliant idea, James," she joked "Now it was much warmer in the car."

"Oh quit your bitchen'," I retorted with a chuckle "Come on."

We walked close together, my arm over her shoulders as she hugged me close trying to keep the heat. The salted sidewalk crunched beneath our feet as we passed lamppost after lamppost. Not a word was said. At times it seemed like we were just following our own drifting breath .

Suddenly, we turned a corner and found ourselves almost instantly surrounded by late night partygoers. The street was bursting with laughter and music as everyone seemed to hop from one club to the other. I couldn't help but laugh at the sudden shift in atmosphere.

Lights of every shade bounced off the glass, snow and ice illuminating the street in a welcoming tone. I could feel life begin to pour into Samantha.

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