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The Nephalem Ch. 03

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Elric calls upon Malik to aid him.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/30/2023
Created 06/05/2023
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She was unconscious when Elric walked into the infirmary at the Mansion. There were two other daemons in attendance, acting as nurses. The room was filled with monitoring devices and the room looked like a private room in a hospital or clinic.

As it actually, at least to the outside world. The Nephalem had learned to hide them themselves in plain sight. The Mansion, as it was called, was a private care facility. This was perfect for the Nephalem breeding programme. The normal procedures were to monitor the birth of the daemon children, and then adopt them without any knowledge from humankind. Even the mothers were pleased to see them go to a happy home, as the newborns were nothing like them. With a generous financial settlement, humankind always acquiesced to Nephalem.

But this was no ordinary breeding. This was potentially world-ending.

Elric nodded to the two nurses, who were ranked even lower than he. They left immediately. They would be on the phone calling those in authority and telling that Elric was beside the humankind woman.

Elric didn't care.

Elric thoughts were consumed by the woman laying all but naked in front of him.

He was thought of as a maverick, a fool and most of all, a danger. But Elric was held in esteem because of his great courage in the battles during the Fall. He had been in the vanguard at the final bloody battle, bringing God's Morning Star to heel. He stood, battle sword black with blood and seven great wounds upon him. In the countless years that had passed was tolerated, but always watched for he did not always follow the Patriarch's orders exactly.

He stood looking at Gina's face. Impassive while unconscious. It was clear that the Patriarch lacked the understanding or the courage to know what should be done. Turning the trolley next to her bed, Elric flicked through the medical report on her condition.

The chart was inconclusive. If she was with child, there were no signs. As with all daemonic birth, the gestation was much more rapid than a normal humankind birth. In fact, like all dark magick, the birth of his child would be completed within a few weeks. Gina would begin to show her condition within the next three days, and the birth would follow quickly. In the normal course of events, Elric would be unmoved by the mother's birth. The child would be the responsibility of the Legion, a common collective noun for daemon kind, the child would achieve ascension within five years and would be expected to breed with another humankind within seven. Elric was expected to forget about this humankind woman, and breed with another soon, as his seed had been successful.

But Elric was a maverick and Elric rarely did what was expected.

Gripped with unexpected energy and forthright purpose, he disconnected the plastic tubes and intravenous lines that kept Gina asleep, expertly removed the cannula from her hand and applied a dressing. He scooped her up in his arms and made for the door. As he raced through the corridors, avoiding common thoroughfares and keeping to the passages that led away from the main rooms, he made his way to the garages and found his trusty black coupe.

Even with his speed, his chances were slim but soon, he had driven out to the gravel driveway. As he passed the electric gates, the Mansion came to life. Exterior lights blazed, and the occupants were stirred as though hornets in a nest, cars were sent in all directions. CCTV was examined and all manner of equipment was set to the task of finding him and more importantly, the potential offspring.

But they were too late. Then the Mansion was in an uproar.

The Patriarch shouted and threatened, then grew sullen and resentful. His humankind slave would suffer much that night. A large bounty was placed upon Elric's head and Hermione was summoned, questioned, but was found to know nothing and was as shocked to be told of Elric's disappearance. She was banished to her apartments in the Mansion, in a petulant desire for revenge by the Patriarch. The Nephalem alerted their eyes and ears to the humankind world but frustratingly, Eric had disappeared.

Along with his offspring and the humankind mother.

Elric had long fashioned his secret escape from the Mansion. He had meticulously maintained a clandestine hideaway, even from Hermione. He may not have been High Daemon, and he may not have the natural knowledge of conjuring or summoning but he knew humankind well. He knew where to hide in their world, and he knew how to stay hidden. As his beloved black coupe travelled through the night, Gina fell in and out of consciousness. She was vaguely aware of him and travelling in the car. As he ate up the miles, travelling to a remote house in the north, Elric had time to consider his options. More importantly, to whom should he go? He had little doubt that Gina's safety would be at risk. Many Daemons would welcome the opportunity to control her and any offspring to their ends. Over the centuries, many Nephalem were convinced that the earth should fall to their hands and wrestle it from humankind.

That would mean war with humankind. A war that he was sure the Nephalem couldn't win, Elric feared such thoughts. Humankind would resort to their atomic arsenals and then the earth would be nothing but a burnt-out battlefield.

Eventually, Elric stopped his car in a small town, with a lock-up and transferred Gina to a second vehicle, a rugged 4X4 for the hill climb that would be necessary to deliver them to his mountainside farm in the wilds of the Peaks. Of course, the winter affected him nought, but Gina would suffer. From the large rear compartment, Elric pulled out blankets and a quilted jacket and salopettes. He dressed her, without emotion. Although her body was beautiful, Elric buried any lustful thoughts and focussed on keeping her alive. They still have a long journey to make, and in the end, he would find some answers- he prayed.

It was in the early hours of the next snow-filled morning when the 4X4 finally stopped. Elric flung open the door pleased to be out of the confinement of the vehicle. He opened the rear door and took Gin from the back. Finally, the induced unconsciousness was beginning to wear off and she stirred with greater energy, but Elric knew it would be hours before she would be fully aware. With her placed in the main bed, warm thick bedclothes covered her, after he took the borrowed clothing from her, leaving her naked once again. He left her. He would have to work quickly to ensure they would remain hidden.

Although tired, he worked for the next few hours, covering the tracks of the 4x4 and then parked the vehicle in an outbuilding. Elric was careful and once complete, he set about making the farmhouse comfortable. He set a fire in the main living space and then took to the kitchen to make a warming meal, and then made a single call on a satellite phone set permanently on charge. It was short but it would be prayed it would bring answers and assistance from one who would know what Gina was and what he might do.

"Malik? Father, it is Elric. I have great need of your counsel. I will wait at our farm. I have a humankind woman here and some believe she is a firstborn come again. Come as quickly as you can." Elric was quiet but his tone was urgent. He replaced the handset and then retired to the second bedroom. He needed to sleep and recover his energies, for the next few weeks would be a trial that even his strength may not be sufficient.

If a restful sleep was Elric's wish, he was not granted it. His dreams were turbulent and troubling, and, in the middle, Gina appeared to him. Elric had known other humankind women, but Gina had struck something deep within him and when he dreamed of her, it was the full force of lust. She appeared as she had that night, her desire smothered his own. Her naked body, with small pert breasts, was shapely and taking her nipples to his mouth, her reaction was electrifying. Her nubs swelled and stiffened and when his mouth suckled on them, her body rose to crush her flesh to his mouth. With his fine white teeth, he nibbled causing Gina to moan and squeal but not pull away. He took her up in his strong arms and held her tight. They found each other's mouths and searched each other with long, probing kisses.

"Oh Elric, I don't know you, but I want you inside me. I want you to taste me." Gina cooed; her voice was as velvet, but a hunger dwelled within her and Elric could feel her need. Laying her on the bed, she opened her legs for him, revealing her wet delicate folds. Elric smiled and settled his face to her pussy.

"Show me your sex, my lovely Gina," her fragrance was intoxicating and as he breathed her in, Gina reached between her legs with small deft fingers and pulled her folds open for his pleasure.

"Taste me!" Gina breathed, her voice heavy with desire. Gina sighed as Elric's lips brushed against, his inner labia, so swollen now with wanting. Her taste was sweet as honey but musky with her womanly scent. Without further hesitation, his tongue swirled into her inner folds, settling on her proud clitoris, and caressing her stiffness.

"Oh my god, your tongue is like a snake!" Her breathing was already ragged. Her arousal was evident, and his tongue lapped at her. Unlike sex with another Nephalem, Elric had to maintain control of his urges but with Gina that control was slipping. With a deft finger, he slid into her sodden pussy and found her g-spot and caressed it firmly. The effect was immediate and satisfying.

"Come, my pretty," Elric's voice enticed her, his tone thick with lust for this humankind woman.

"OH! Argh!" Gina shivered and shook as her orgasm crested. Her sex swollen from his tongue and finger gushed its ejaculate and dribbled down the cleft in her ass.

"Good girl, now let us see how many times you can cum!" Elric smiled, a hint of his wickedness coming through as his first finger was joined by another and his licking of her clitoris became a sucking. Gina seemed powerless to prevent another tsunami of vaginal contractions, as only short frantic minutes later brought her to yet another climax. With her poor pussy ejaculating again, her body lost all control. Elric, enjoying the show and Gina's resilience, decided to test her with his cock. Giving her the briefest of respites, Elric discarded his clothes and lined up his engorged member to her pussy's entrance.

"Do you want this?" He teased her and wanted to humiliate her a little.

"Oh yes...please put it inside me!" Gina pleaded, feeling desperate.

As Elric began to push into her tight little cunt, enjoying the sensation of her inner lips parting for his swollen glans and playfully pulled it out to hear her sigh of desperation.

It was at that moment, that his dreams took a darker twist. Whilst building up a powerful, hard rhythm, Gina began to shimmer in his eyes and shake and then without warning, she became aflame. Elric was flung aside and stumbled against a wall to see Gina rise from the bed. Her body was now bathed in flames of red and silver, her hair A flame-haired image conjured from magicks long thought gone from the world. Gina floated toward him, and Elric was too shocked to speak. He fought against her flames and then heard words that roused him.

"Elric! Elric!" Smooth hands shook him and then finally Gina managed to wake him. Elric opened his eyes and saw the real Gina standing by his bed. Immediately, he sought bedclothes to cover up his stiffen erection.

"Gina!" Elric clambered from the bed and saw that she too was naked, "Come, you must be cold." He pulled the sheet from himself and wrapped her in it. HEegently guided her to his bed and lay her down, smothering her with a quilted duvet.

"Elric. What's happened to me? I remember things but they don't make sense. I am myself but I am not sure what is happening. I feel like I'm losing myself." Gina shuffled and sat back against the pillows, holding the sheet against her bare breasts, and looked at him.

"You are safe here for the moment, Gina. I swear to you that you are safe as I can make you." Elric added. He didn't know how secure this location was and Malik was still to arrive to examine this woman.

"Where are we?" Gina asked quietly, looking at the comfortable but unfamiliar surroundings,

"In my farmhouse in the peaks of Cumbria." Elric saw no reason to hide the fact.

"You brought me here, didn't you? I remember the great house and the clinic room. Then you took me away. Why?" Gina's mind had snapped back to reality, but her memories were far clearer than Elric was expecting. Her mind was surprisingly sharp and resilient.

"What I am going to tell you will sound very strange, but Gina, when you and I made love- you changed." Elric looked down, and a weird sensation of embarrassment swept over him., it was most disconcerting.

"In the forest!" Gina interrupted. Elric looked up, her eyes were bright but her frown persisted.

"You must try and accept what I am about to tell you and then answer some questions for me." Elric gently held her face, "It's vital I know about you and your bloodline."

Surprisingly, Gina did not become hysterical or demand to be released from her apparent imprisonment.

"I will tell you what I know." Her answer guarded but cooperative.

"Good, I want you to know that you are safe here, with me. Your welfare is my only concern." Elric smiled thinly but Gina returned with her warm smile.

"Before we start, can I dress and eat? I'm famished.!" She asked, her smile still lingering.

Elric laughed too, the tension broke between them, "Of course. Do forgive me. Please go into the bedroom. There should be something that will suffice."

She returned in grey sweatpants, trainers, and a matching hooded top.

"So should I ask why there are women's clothes in your closet?" Gina asked quizzically.

"No, you shouldn't" Elric answered with a grin. He had always prepared for this escape from the Mansion and planned to take Hermione with him, but that time was gone now.

"I see." Gina sat down at the table, as Elric brought a large bowl of vegetable soup and thick slices of freshly baked white bread, Gina polished hers off quickly. Elric ate sparingly however; he was impatiently waiting for Malik to arrive.

It was late evening before Elric's father arrived at the snow-capped farmhouse. Elric had explained what he was, but not who he was and how he might help. Gina, although nervous accepted Elric's explanation that she was safer with him than on her own. Malik was tall, white-haired, and tied in a loose ponytail. Although he was far older than Elric, but his face was one of a lean fifty-year-old. Gina felt a chill, as he entered the room. His eyes were blood red, unlike Elric's but the resemblance between them was haunting. Gina watched them greet each other. Elric stood before his father and knelt. Malik placed his hand on Elric's head. Gina watched the tender benediction from the corner of the kitchen, it felt like she was intruding but was fascinated watching these two men interact.

"So, Elric, you have finally broken from the coven and quit the Mansion. It has been a long time coming but It pleases me that you are safe." Malik's voice was reed thin, his face grave and pale. His lips were colourless but there was something about him, Gina observed. An impish energy crackled beneath this white flesh.

"And you must be the humankind woman, Elric has brought away?" Malik called out, "Come out from your hiding place, let me look at the woman that has turned my son's head."

Gina stepped out, and then an icy grip took her body and was pulled forward, her legs obeying someone else. She stepped stiffly forward and stood in the open lounge. Elric rose and stood beside her. "Malik, this is Gina, she is the one of whom I spoke of." Gina turned to look at Elric, who introduced her.

"She is most beautiful, Elric. I can see why you chose this humankind woman. My dear Gina, I am Malik. I am the last of my own father's children and I am here to aid you both" His voice was thin and raspy, but Gina heard every word.

"You are his father?" Gina was startled but Malik simply laughed.

"Ah, child I have walked this earth since the Fall. I stood alongside my brave son against the legions of the Morning Star and overcame them with sword and lance. But enough of ancient history, it is you that I wish to talk to. Do not fear me, humankind I will not harm you but save you." He smiled again and walked them both to the long soft couch facing the roaring fire.

Elric stood to one side, allowing his father to scrutinize her. He was helpful now, as he possesses no magicks and was entirely in his father's hands. He knew that he must obey Malik in all things from this moment on. All he could do was offer solace to her. "It will be alright, Gina. I am here."

On hearing that, Malik smiled and looked over his shoulder to his son.

"Now my dear, I want you to look into the flames for me. For the answers I seek are within." His words once again held her attention and she obeyed him. Within moments, her world shrunk to the expanse of the fire in the grate, its changing colours and the flickering movements held her attention. Malik's soft, reedy voice spoke words she didn't comprehend and soon she sat trance-like. Her eyes were wide open but she was a statue, barely breathing.

"Gina," Malik addressed her by her name, for the first time, "Look deep within the flames and tell me the moment when the First One came to you?" Malik watched her intently. He saw her brow furrow in thought.

"I cannot see." Her voice was thin and dream-like. Her face relaxed but her eyes wide, made for a fearful sight. Elric remained still, as a distraction to Malik, would be unthinkable.

"Gina, when did the first one come to you?" Malik asked again. He felt no resistance to the questions, his senses reached out and muttered words of summoning, known only to a few of the elder Nephalem. Elric watched with rapt attention, possessing no magicks, unlike his father, who had always filled him with chagrin. He had felt that he was only a half-man, despite his reckless bravery in combat, he lacked an inner knowledge. And was looked down upon by the other immortals in the Mansion. They praised him for his courage and swordcraft but pitied him for his lack of breeding and insight. He was watched as Malik whispered more words to Gin and still, there seemed to be no reaction. No answers were forthcoming. Elric couldn't decide whether it was good or ill.

After what seemed hours, Mailk stood. He placed his hands across Gina's eyes and then gently placed her down on the couch to sleep. He looked at his son and Elric followed him to the door of the farmhouse.

Despite the cold, and the white snows, neither felt uncomfortable, for their blood burned with fire and ice and cold nor heat affected them. Their bodies were of angel and daemon, and they could stand much. Malik's expression was one of confusion, but once outside he turned to his son.

"Elric, your Gina was the unfortunate victim of a summoning. One or more of the attendants, at your breeding, intoned magicks and black spells to bring on the appearance of the First One. Gina will not have a child; the summoning was meant to deceive all who witnessed it. I fear unseen hands at work. I think the Patriarch or some others may be using this charade to arm their faction for war." Malik was tired from his examinations and Elric could hear the straining in his voice.

"What will you do?" Elric asked with genuine concern. His father was a disgraced recluse, but he was powerful and still had those who wished him ill.

"I will go to the Island. If I am far away, you may be safe. I fear that our kind are staring not the abyss. They will hunt you; Elric and you must be ready." His voice was grave and icy, to match the wind howling now, whipping up the snow."


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