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The New Lawn

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The front yard isn't all that got plowed.
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Thinking back on it I would never have believed that bad grass (and I'm not talking pot here) could turn my life upside down, but it did. I don't know if it made life better or worse, it's too soon to tell, but change things it most certainly did.

I had been trying for several years to do something about my lawn. When we moved into the house it was brand new and the lot was just plain dirt. I rented a roto-tiller and had five yards of sheep and peat delivered and I tilled real good and then I used a spreader to spread the seed. Two years later and my lawn still looked like a dirt patch. There's a clump of grass here, one over there, and a couple of more over yonder - I'm sure you get my drift here - but between all of those isolated clumps of grass is dirt, yards and yards of dirt! I've tried reseeding and covering it with straw and the result is dirt. Some one told me about a new method - you seed, cover it with cheesecloth and keep the cloth damp. I tried it, and the result? Dirt! I finally admitted defeat and called for professional help.

A friend recommended a landscaping company that he had done business with and I gave them a call. The owner, Jerry, came by and took some soil samples, made some measurements, did some figuring and then sat down with me and gave me a the details and a quote. He would come and put in and underground sprinkler system, lay sod, put in some bushes and do it in less than five days for the low, low sum of only - well, never mind that part - and guarantee all his work for one full year. I checked the bank balance and told him to go ahead and he scheduled me for a time one week away. One week later I came out my front door on my way to work and found three trucks parked in front of my house and seven Mexicans unloading equipment. They looked pretty organized to me and seemed to know what they were doing and I smiled to myself as I got in my car and drove downtown to work - I was finally going to have a lawn.

When I got home that night there were trenches all through the yard with pipes and sprinkler heads sticking up out of the ground and I was pleasantly surprised at the progress that they had made. I mentioned it to Clara, my wife, at dinner and she told me that they had stayed really busy all day. After dinner she told me she was feeling sore and was going to go up and soak in a tub of hot water. I had brought some work home with me and I went into the study and worked on it until bedtime. When I went upstairs I found that Clara was already in bed asleep. Odd, I thought, she is always up until I go to bed; she says she can't fall asleep unless we snuggle up to each other.

The next day when I got home the trenches were filled in and the yard had been freshly roto-tilled with some kind of amendment and then raked smooth. Over dinner Clara told me that the crew had been busy all day and that she had been amazed at their stamina.

"They just keep at it and rarely take a break."

After dinner she told me she was still feeling sore and was going to go soak in the tub again. That night she was also in bed asleep when I went upstairs and I began to wonder if there was something wrong with her health; it was not like her to be asleep before I came to bed. Especially since this was one of our nights to make love. In the nine years we had been married she had never missed even one of our love making nights; Tuesday, Friday and every other Saturday were always set aside for that purpose. I resolved to call the doctor if she was still feeling the same on the next day. The next day when I left for work there was a semi truck and trailer parked in front of the house and the Mexicans were unloading rolls of sod from it. I smiled to myself figuring that I was going to come home to a green lawn that night. All during work that day I worried about what might be wrong with Clara; she just didn't seem to be herself lately and the more I thought about it the more worried I got. About two o'clock I finally decided to go home and see how she was and maybe call the doctor and make an appointment.

I pulled into the drive and saw that half of the yard was covered in sod; there were three of the landscaper's pickup trucks parked in the street, but I didn't see anybody working. Maybe they were around back taking a late lunch in the shade. When I walked in the front door I could hear some cheering and loud talking, but I couldn't understand it because it was in Spanish, but what really got my curiosity up was that it seemed to be coming from the upstairs bedroom area.

I climbed the stairs and turned toward the bedroom and saw a sight that I don't believe that I will ever forget. The room was full of Mexicans jabbering at each other in Spanish and in the middle of the bed was Clara, naked as the day she was born, and she was servicing five of those Mexicans. One was on his back and she was sliding up and down on his penis and another was standing on the bed, leaning against the wall, and she had her mouth on him. A third man was behind her on the bed and he was working his penis in and out of her anus. The man lying on the bed was holding her upright so that her hands were free to grasp the erections of the men standing on either side of her. The other two men were standing at the foot of the bed stroking themselves and watching what was taking place in front of them. They had not yet noticed me and wanting to gather more information before revealing myself I stepped backward and let myself into the guest bedroom, leaving the door open a crack so I could see straight down the hall into the master bedroom.

From my vantage point I could not tell for sure whether or not Clara was a willing participant in this debauchery, but before calling the authorities I thought it prudent to make sure of my facts. I watched as the man who was in her anus withdrew and a white substance, which I assumed to be sperm, flowed out of her anal orifice. The man whose penis was in her right hand immediately pulled away from her, climbed up on the bed behind her and then he began to sodomize her. The one who had just finished got dressed and then came down the hall toward me and I ducked behind the door so he couldn't see me. As soon as I heard him going down the stairs I resumed my post at the cracked open door. The next man to expel his fluid was the one whose penis was in Clara's mouth and I could see sperm leaking out of the corners of her mouth. When he withdrew from her I gave up all thought of calling the authorities because when the man whose penis was in Clara's left hand made to take the place of the man who had just vacated her mouth she stopped him.

"No baby, I want you in my pussy."

The man must not have understood her, maybe he didn't speak English, and he attempted to get up on the bed. The man whose penis she was riding up and down on apparently understood what she had said because he told the other man something in Spanish and the man stopped trying to get on the bed. Clara was screaming out obscenities as the man in her anus and the man in her vagina bounced her back and forth between them. There were several, "Oh god oh gods" and a few "fuck me fuck me" and a "fuck my ass baby, fuck it good."

Wherever she had learned these things I had no idea because she had certainly never used them around me, but then she had never used her mouth on me nor had I ever touched her anus. The man underneath Clara gave a loud cry and lurched up into her and I heard Clara moan, "Oh yes baby, oh yes, give it to me, give it to me," and then I saw sperm running down the inside of her thigh. The man in her anus gripped her hips and started to, for lack of a better description, hammer into her. He cried out something in Spanish and a very short time later he withdrew from Clara and even more sperm ran down her leg. The two men got of the bed and Clara rolled over onto her back and opened her arms to the last man standing there.

"Come to momma baby. Bring me that beautiful cock," and the man said something in Spanish and climbed on the bed and mounted her.

I watched as he thrust into her for several very long minutes, maybe as many as five, before he cried out something in Spanish and then fell on top of Clara. Several moments later he lifted himself up off of her, got dressed, and went downstairs. Clara lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling and only minutes later I began to hear her snore.

I walked to the window of the room I was in and saw the Mexicans get in their trucks and leave. I went downstairs and outside to look at the yard and was surprised to see that the front yard was in. The Mexicans must have gone straight from Clara back to work. I circled the house and saw that that they had even got a start on the back yard and then I had a very disturbing thought; I now knew why Clara was so sore every night and why she was soaking in the tub after dinner. From the look of the yard it seemed that the landscaping crew had at least two more days before they would be finished and that meant two more days of Clara servicing the work crew. And what was disturbing about that is the reaction that I got from watching - it had given me an erection, a very hard erection, and one that I still had half an hour after Clara had fallen asleep and the work crew had gone. Then something occurred to me. Had the Mexicans noticed my car in the driveway? And if they had, would they mention it to Clara? Why was I asking myself these questions? Why hadn't I just gone into the bedroom and put a stop to things? I went out, got in my car, and drove to the library where I could sit in quiet and ponder.

Clara had dinner ready when I got back to the house and I commented on how the yard was progressing.

"Yes," she said, "That is a very hard working crew and they stayed very busy today."

Over dinner I asked her if she was feeling well and she said that outside of having a backache she felt fine, "Why?"

"Well," I said, "You missed our love making night and for the last two nights you've been soaking in the tub and you are in bed asleep when I come to bed. I just thought that maybe we should make a doctor's appointment for you." She gave me what I can only call a wistful smile and said, "I'm okay dear. All that's wrong with me is that I pulled a muscle in my back the other day and soaking in the tub makes the muscles relax. I'm taking Ibuprofen and those with the hot soak are making me sleepy. I should be better in a day or two."

Two days I thought, just how long the work crew would be here.

"But I'm still feeling sore," she said, "So I'm going to go up and soak in the tub." She leaned over and kissed me, "Just in case I'm asleep when you come up."

I sat in the study and thought about what I had seen that day, the effect that it had had on me, and the actions of Clara and the Mexicans. That was a Clara that I didn't know and I wondered what had happened to her. I made up my mind about what I was going to do and then I went to bed.

The next morning I went into the spare bedroom, opened the window, and lowered the collapsible fire escape ladder out the window. I told Clara that I had to leave early for work (actually I had to leave before the landscape crew got there) and then I drove my car a couple of blocks over and parked it. I hurried back to the house, climbed up the fire escape ladder and pulled it up behind me, and then I settled in to see what the day would bring. The landscapers arrived at seven-thirty and went right to work in the back yard.

At ten-thirty I heard Clara laughing and then I heard her running up the stairs and I cracked the door open and saw her being chased up the stairs by one of the Mexicans. He caught her at the bedroom door and picked her up and carried her to the bed. He sat Clara down on the edge of the bed - she was only wearing a bathrobe - and started to take off his pants. Clara smiled up at him and said, "Hurry up baby, I want to suck your dick."

When his erection was exposed Clara wrapped her lips around it and licked and sucked on it while he dropped his pants to the floor and stepped out of them. Clara stood up and dropped her robe and then she lay down on the bed and spread her legs, "Come on baby, fuck me," and the Mexican climbed between her legs and placed his penis against the cleft between her legs and pushed himself in. "Oh god yes baby, yes, yes, fuck me baby, fuck me," Clara cried out and the Mexican said something in Spanish and Clara said, "I don't know what you just said baby, but just keep doing what you're doing."

They had intercourse for almost ten minutes before the Mexican shouted something and Clara grabbed him and pulled him tight against her. A minute or so later he dressed and went back outside. Clara laid on the bed with her legs spread open and staring up at the ceiling. Two minutes later a second Mexican came up the stairs, undressed and mounted Clara and then for the rest of the morning as soon as one Mexican finished with her and left another would come and take his place. By twelve noon Clara had serviced all seven of the Mexicans, but still she laid naked on the bed as if waiting for them to come back and use her again. At twelve-fifteen I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Clara sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, but it wasn't a Mexican who came into view, it was Jerry, the owner of the landscaping company.

Clara smiled and said, "I wondered if you were going to make it today." Jerry looked at her and said,

"I see you have keeping my crew happy. I've never seen them work so hard. They bust ass to get done so they can get more of you. I might have to buy me a truck with a camper on the back and hire you to drive out to job sites in it just to keep my boys happy."

Clara giggled and said, "I'd do it in a heartbeat."

Then Jerry did something totally amazing to me; he knelt between Clara's legs and began to perform oral sex on her. He had to know that his entire crew had just enjoyed her and had emptied their fluids in her, but it didn't seem to matter to him. Clara had her hands in his hair and was crooning, "Oh yes baby, oh yes, that's it. Eat Clara's cum filled pussy. Don't stop baby, please don't stop."

Eventually he did and he asked her where she wanted him and Clara said, "In my ass lover. I want your beautiful cock in my ass," and she got on her hands and knees.

Jerry mounted her and for the next ten minutes I watched as he rammed himself into her anal orifice and as she begged him to go harder and faster. When he finally finished and pulled away from Clara a stream of white ran out of her and again Jerry surprised me by bending to lick up what he could. When he had finished and dressed he said, "Am I still going to welcome here after we finish the job?"

Clara smiled at him and said, "You can fuck me anytime you want to baby, just call. If you can't get to me, I'll come to you."

Then Jerry said, "What you need to do is talk your husband into putting a pond or something in the back yard. I have two more work crews that could use the incentive that you offer. Maybe if I alternate crews I can get them to be more productive."

Clara laughed, "So now I'm an incentive plan? Tell you what, you put in that pond as my fee and I'll be your human resource department."

Jerry asked, "Do you mean that?"

Clara said, "Lover, I'll fuck every man you have working for you if you want me to, and I'll come out to the job site to do it."

Jerry stuck out his hand and said, "You've got a deal." He turned to go and then stopped and turned back around, "You have any thing against blacks?" Clara gave him a curious look and he said, "I have to ask. My other two crews are mixed - blacks and Mexicans."

Clara smiled and said, "I've never had a black cock, it might be fun. You can use one of those crews to put in the pond."

Jerry laughed, "God! You are such a slut."

Clara smiled and said, "I know baby, that's why you love me."

When Jerry left Clara got up and put on a tank top and a pair of shorts and went downstairs. At two-thirty I heard several sets of footsteps coming up the stairs and through the cracked open door I saw Clara and three Mexicans. The men were jabbering away in Spanish and it was obvious that even though Clara didn't understand a word of what they were saying that she knew what they were talking about. As soon as she was in the bedroom she stripped naked and got on the bed. What followed was a repetition of what I had seen the day before and by four -thirty they had all finished with Clara, gotten dressed, got in their trucks and left. By the time they were gone Clara was softly snoring on the bed so I didn't have to leave by the window.

I came back home at my regular time and found Clara busy fixing dinner in the kitchen. She greeted me with a kiss and asked me how my day had been.

"Interesting and very educational" I said.

Clara looked at me and said, "Oh? In what way?"

"I got to watch something that I had only read about before."

Clara had turned back to what she was mixing and she said, "And what was that dear?"

"Nothing much," I said, "Just a sex orgy. I watched a housewife service seven men."

Clara stopped stirring the pot and she turned back around to look at me, "You? You watched a sex orgy? I just can't imagine you going anywhere to watch something like that Wilber. You are just not that kind of person. Where was it?"

"1357 Songbird Lane," I said and Clara dropped the spoon from her hand, her face turned pale and she said, "What do you mean?"

And I told her. I told her about the day before and what I had done that day and then I just sat there and stared at her. She leaned back against the kitchen counter and in a trembling voice she asked, "What are you going to do?"

I looked at her, "Well, first I'm going to ask for an explanation as to how it happened, why it happened, and what you expected life with me to be like after it happened. Once that's out of the way we can see where it will go from there."

Clara gave me a hard look, 'You aren't going to like it" she said.

"Could I like it any less than I liked what I saw today and when I came home yesterday?"

She shrugged, "Okay, but we need to go up to the bedroom for this" and she walked out of the kitchen. I got up and followed her and when we got to the bedroom she pointed at the bed and I sat down on it.

"First," she said, "We have to get a few things straight between us before I tell you what happened and why. To start with, you are a kind and gentle man. You are a wonderful husband and provider and I love you and always have, but - and it's a very big but - you are as sexually exciting as a turnip. I have spent the last nine years of my life being sexually frustrated and despite all the hints I have dropped in front of you, nothing has ever changed. It's always on Tuesday and Friday, and if I'm lucky, every other Saturday. It's never Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday. And always at eight-thirty! Never earlier, never later and I can set my watch by our sex life. You walk into the bedroom on Tuesday and Friday and I know that it's exactly eight-thirty. As far as the sex itself is concerned, it's bearable, but only because you are long lasting and you can usually give me an orgasm. But nine years in the missionary position was driving me nuts."

She turned and walked over to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer. She pushed some stuff to the side and brought out a shoebox and set it on the bed next to me.

"Open it" she said. I took the top off the box and inside was a collection of rubber and plastic dildos. "That's been my sex life for the last several years. Tuesdays and Fridays are not and never have been enough for me, but even though I've been sexually frustrated I've never, at least not until this week, been unfaithful to you."


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