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The New Neighborhood Pt. 05

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Max discovers theres more gays, and hotties. Intruder alert.
3.9k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/17/2023
Created 11/15/2022
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Tatum was holding a cheeky smile, the color drained from my face as fast as my hands could work my clothes back on. I was panicking to find an excuse about why I was naked, stumbling over my words as quickly as I spit them. Tatum just stood there watching, and chuckling, before he finally pushed us both and the stall and locking it. I was momentarily confused before I was cut off by a wet and sloppy kiss.

The thought, 'Was everyone in this neighborhood gay and horny?' appeared in my thoughts, but as the kiss became more erotic, I just ignored the question altogether. Honestly the erection I had from before was still hot and hard as ever, and the enclosed space just made me needier. We exchanged open and wet kisses, small bites here and there, like two beasts fighting for dominance. Our teeth clinked every so often, then I finally snapped out of my dazed make-out session and pushed him back.

"Wait.. What the fuck," I managed to barely breath out. Tatum was just looking at me, my cheeks burning hot from the intense 'fighting'. "I have many questions."

"Oh," Tatum put his weight on his dominant leg and crossed his arms, pulling another smirk. "Ask away."

"First of all, how the hell did you know I was here?" I was using the stall wall for support, my knees barely keeping me up.

"Well, when I found you weren't at the coffee table like we arranged, I thought to check the bathrooms before I sent you a text."

"And you just didn't wanna bother waiting for me?"

Tatum snickered and flipped his bangs from his face. "Why would I do that, when I just found a more interesting scene in here?"

"Okay.. But how'd you even know I was jacking off? Maybe I was naked for another reason, hello??"

He busted out in even louder laughter, shaking his head as he replied, "For many reasons. 1, there's never usually another good reason when a man is naked in the bathrooms. 2, I could hear your quiet muffled moans from the other stall. And 3, I peeped in." Now I was fully turning red from embarrassment as I slid down the wall and hid my face in my hands.

"Okay, let's just finish our coffees," I stated as I went to pull up my pants, he stopped me and wrapped his hand around my still erect cock.

"Why? Let me help you finish," then his hand got to work, stroking slowly then quickly picking up the pace.

"Wait- Sto-" Was all I could muster out, quickly succumbing to the pleasure and metaphorically saying 'screw it', enjoying the free handy. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, my mouth slightly agape, I let small moans pass through. My body subconsciously jerking into his hand, Tatum watched my face, which was making me feel shyer, but I couldn't hide it.

I cracked my eyes open to look at Tatum, he just smirked at me. I watched him leave my restricted vision, prompting my eyes to open fully. When I realized he was down on his knees between my legs, I quickly tried to stop him, trying to push him back with my hand. He swatted my hand away and wrapped his lips around my erection, and immediately started to move his head. He swirled his tongue around the tip, pulling back flicking the tip of his tongue on my slit.

The unfamiliar feeling made my body shudder, and I was unable to hold myself up anymore, sliding down on my butt. Tatum chuckled again and pulled me in for another long and hot kiss. I leaned my body into him for support, feeling up his torso as we kissed deeper. I felt his slightly defined pecs and abs, but they felt like they came natural and not like he's been going to the gym. He wasn't nearly as built as David or Josh, but it's not like I had a body preference either.

In the middle of my thought comparison, I felt Tatum's cold hand reach under my shirt, fiddling with one of my nipples. Again, I moaned and pressed into him. "We have to hurry," He whispered quietly into my ear. I just nodded and allowed him to take control. He pulled me fully onto his lap and started stroking me once again. I thrusted my hips in rhythm while his hand was twisting in motion. I finally whined out as my dick started pumping hot strips of cum, landing on Tatum's shirt and partially on his hand as he squeezed the last few drops of semen from me.

My body went almost fully limp on Tatum as I struggled to gather myself. We both pulled ourselves up, although he mainly helped me, then quickly rushed to get clean and clothed. He used wet paper towels to wipe off the remains from the events that took place in the cramped stall. The next few minutes were awkward, we didn't speak a word to each other as we went back to drink our coffee. It was painfully long and tense. We barely exchanged eye contact as it was.

By the time we had finished our coffee, he packed his stuff and informed me he had to go, or his father would lock him out of the house. I decided to leave too since I had no other reason to be there. Encountering 3 different men who's had some kind of sexual relationships with me really gets exhausting. But all in all, I really wanted to see David more than of the 3. Maybe it was because I liked him first? I really couldn't tell you.

Sunday came, it was the last day my parents would be gone until tomorrow afternoon. I wanted to take advantage of the empty house while they were gone, so I decided to stay home all day and just invite whoever. I was leaning towards David but was unsure if he worked today or not. I should really look into a job. I've been wanting a job for a while, so I can save up and move out on my own, but I can never find a job with a flexible schedule.

I thought I would take the opportunity of this time to search for jobs, scrolling through a job recruiting app on my phone, lounging on my couch. My job search is interrupted by an incoming call, which happened to be from my mother. I answer it quickly, "Hey mom. How's the trip?"

"Hey Maxie! The trip is great! They serve cocktails TO YOUR ROOM!! Can you believe it? It's like I'm on a tour de france-"

"Mom, I love you, but please stop calling me Maxie. I'm glad you're enjoying your cruise." I said in a serious but joke-y tone.

She giggled, "My bad Max. I know you're growing up. Siiiiigh. I wish you didn't grow up so fast, boo hoo my baby-" My mom's faking crying was interrupted by my dad snatching the phone.

"Max, sorry. Your mom got ahold of her phone after she had too many drinks. Are you doing okay?"

"Hi dad," I audibly chuckled through the phone. "Yeah, everything's fine. I kind of figured mom was drunk."

"Yeah, yeah. Unfortunately, she took the phone back when I took it away after she called all her friends to express her love, haha. We'll be home at the usual time. See you soon, kiddo."

"See ya, dad. Love you." And I hung up the call. Talking to my parents soothed me, I was able to relax on the sofa and start falling asleep.

The nap was short-lived, since I was jerked awake by a knock on the door. I groaned loudly and dramatically, all the way to the front door. I hope whoever was on the other side could hear the entire groan and know how annoyed I was to be woken up from my nap. I opened the door slightly, and inquired about who it was. It happened to be one of the neighbors who I haven't met before, let alone encountered. He was slightly older, maybe in his late 30s or early 40s. He looked extremely well kept and clean, his dark brown chestnut hair was trimmed neatly, maybe 2-3 inches long. He had no visible facial hair. I looked him up and down, as if I'm trying to size him up.

"Haven't seen you around. What's your name?" Was the very first thing he asked me when I opened the door.

"Max. Is that all you came over for?" I visibly looked annoyed, basically signaling him to go away so I can resume my nap in peace.

The man chuckled and looked away, "Ah, no. Sorry. Are your parents around?"

I raised my eyebrow. "No. And why do you need my parents?"

"Ah well, this isn't exactly a kid-friendly topic-"

"I'm 18." I cut him off in an even more annoyed and firm tone. He looked so surprised he may as well have fallen from shock.

"My sincerest apologies, Max." He handed over a bottle of wine he was holding, which I hadn't even noticed. Probably because I was too busy scoping out his looks. "You can call me Steve, and my wife Charyl and I live 3 houses down to the left. You and your family are welcome to visit anytime." He reached out to, what I assume was pat my head, but my off-putting look made him stop and pat my shoulder instead. I just scowl at him, still annoyed from being woken up. He just made an awkward type of expression and waved goodbye, retreating back up the street.

After he had left, I checked the time. It was nearing midnight and about time for me to get ready to sleep. I went downstairs, amid heading towards the living room, I glanced at the bottle of wine on the counter that Steve had left. It wasn't open, so he didn't tamper with it, and I was definitely gonna take advantage of the expensive wine as compensation for cutting my nap short.

I used a bottle opener to pop out the cork and drank it straight from the bottle. I laid on the couch, gulping from the bottle as I watched TV. Before I had knew it, the bottle was empty, and I was extremely buzzed, nearly drunk even. I set the bottle next to me on the ground, then I heard something fall over in my kitchen. I got startled, and checked back to see if the front door was locked. It wasn't, and the door was slightly ajar. My heart started pounding crazy, so I started to slowly but quietly, crouch down and make my way upstairs. But then I saw a tall figure, in the dark, wearing what looked like a black mask and black clothing, fitting in with the dark perfectly.

I was scared, I mean who wouldn't be? I wasn't fit enough to fight off a burglar. And I had an even less of a chance since I was intoxicated. I searched around the room quickly to find my phone, but I couldn't find it. It must've been on the kitchen counter, guessing I placed it there before I answered the front door earlier. Fucking way to go, Max. After I figuratively kicked my own ass, I watched the intruder pause as he spotted me, like a deer in headlights.

We both exchanged a long, silent stare down. Well, he's already seen me so there's nothing left to do but to try and act macho. Emphasis on the 'try'. "G-Get out... B-b-b-before I call the police.. And'll go to jail," It was already embarrassing enough that I was stuttering all over the place, and it definitely didn't help that I tried to walk backwards while wobbling like a newborn deer. The intruder approached me, and I started to back up farther, until eventually I fell back onto the couch.

My heart felt like it was going to literally tear open my chest and run away. I was so terrified that I could barely look up at them. They grabbed my wrist, hard, yanking me even harder to get on the floor. I didn't dare to try and defy them, instead I got on my knees and protected my head with my hands. I heard them leave the room before returning with ropes in hand and thought 'Oh shit' to myself. The intruder had bound my wrists and ankles together, leaving me sitting on the floor. I sighed in defeat and just waited, as the intruder rummaged through our belongings and taking the mostly expensive and smaller stuff. Like my mom's jewelry or my dad's watches. I think he skipped my room with the thought that there's no way a teenage boy could have valuable things in his room. Although he was correct, since my parents were the ones with expensive taste rather than their own offspring.

When the intruder was finally done rummaging through things, barely leaving a trace behind, they came back over to me and knelt down. "Open your mouth," he said. His voice was very deep and raspy, unfamiliar to me as well. He didn't sound like anyone I have met from the neighborhood, so he must've been hitting multiple houses since these houses are considered high income. But, nonetheless, I opened my mouth wide as I could, and felt something being shoved in it. It took me several seconds to figure out it was some kind of wash cloth he probably got from upstairs. In the process of him standing up, I caught a glimpse of something shiny around his neck. Dog

There's no way he got that from us, nobody in my family was in the army. That must have meant the intruder was a veteran or enlisted. I was trying to find a way I could use this newfound information to sympathize with him, or at least have him let me go. I concluded that he had to also be homeless, considering it was the leading cause for robberies in my area. I started to yell muffled words, hoping he would turn back and take out the cloth. He did, in fact, stop on his way to leave. But then he started to walk again. I yelled even louder, and he paused at the doorway, smacking the frame before rushing back to me and pulling out the cloth. "What is it, kid?"

I tried to spit out the microfibers that came loose from the cloth into my mouth. "Um...Uh.. You're a veteran right?"

He hesitated for a moment, "I don't have time for this-"

"Wait. Please. Just.. Talk to me, you know? I know how hard it must be being a homeless veteran, must be challenging."

The intruder just stared at me, before he muttered, "I'm not homeless."

"Then what? Why? Because you're in need of money?" I desperately pleaded out, hoping it would crack him.

"Tsk. You're a pain in the ass kid, you know that?" He sat down in front of me, "Well, since ya aren't gonna see me after this anyways. You ever heard of a bounty hunter?"

"Uh, yes? I'm not a little kid.." Why does everyone think I'm still in high school?

"Well, I'm kinda like that, but illegal. Ya see, I'm what some would call a 'Loan shark' but not literally. I get paid to collect debts or valuables illegally, to people who are owed money. Though I don't hurt anyone like a loan shark would do," He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, uncaring that he's in a stranger's home, "So I was paid to come and collect money from your parents, and I keep 10% of whatever is collected as well."

I looked down with probably the saddest expression I could display. There's no way I can sympathize with an almost loan shark. "Hey now," He pushed my face up by my chin with his fingers, "Don't be so down, kid. Just don't end up like your parents and owing money to the wrong people and you'll be fine."

"Is that why you skipped my room?"

"Yep. It's your parents' stuff I'm after, not yours." He patted my cheek and finished off his cigarette, crushing it underneath his boot and flicking the butt in the small trash bin we kept by the couch. "Now I gotta get going, but stay cute, kid." He winked and clicked his tongue at me.


"Tsch. Now what? You really are like a thorn in my side, you know?"

"Can I at least see your face? You know? Since we're never gonna see each other again.." This was mainly out of curiosity since it didn't seem like he was going to let me go, also the booze just made me slightly flirtatious again. Not that I had any intentions with the intruder, but the alcohol effect is no joke.

"Mmm.. Alright, fine." He made his way back over to me, and I was slightly excited internally. I watched him peel the mask off, revealing a chiseled jaw and luscious pair of lips. His face was finally fully uncovered, his snake-like eyes and black hair against his frosty skin was almost like he was from a fictional romance. His icy gaze pierced me when our eyes met, my body nearly melting when I got a better look at his intimidating face. He had a small, faded scar on his right eyebrow. Fuck, he was hot.

"Jesus.." I instinctually muttered to myself. But he must have heard because he quirked his eyebrow. "Er, I mean, you're very attractive."

He snickered barely, "You're very honest. Thanks, kid."

"Please untie me," I begged and tried to put on an innocent face.

"Alright alright, here," He pulled a small pocket knife from his hoodie pocket, using the insanely sharp blade to cut me loose. I rubbed my wrist imprints and stood up.

"Thank you.." We just stared at each other intensely. I finally cupped his cheeks with my hands and pulled him closer, to meet my height. He was fucking tall to boot. "Who paid you to do this?"

"I'm not allowed to say. But if I don't return these items to them before 5 am, I will be dismissed."

"You have some time, stay. Tell me about yourself." I was so intrigued by this man and had no clue why. He was a veteran for one, so I know he's got some stories of his military days.

"Jeez kid, didn't your parents ever teach you about stranger danger?"

"They did, heh. Maybe I'm just a little brave." Nope. It was just the booze.

"Ahhh. Fine, you win. Take a seat." As if this wasn't my house. I got comfortable back on the sofa, as did the intruder, we were relatively close but not close enough. "What do you want to know?"

"Umm.. Ooooh! Tell me about your army days!" I beamed at him.

"Ugh. But it's so boring."

"Nuh uh. Not for me.. Come on. You gotta have some interesting stories."

He rubbed his eyes with his fingertips and exhaled loudly. "Alright. Um. This one period of time, I was deployed to a station in Kuwait, it was really boring since there was barely any fire fight. I come across these two young boys who were selling gemstones for their sick mom, so I bought a handful for, in us dollar currency would be three dollars." After he stopped his sentence, he reached in and pulled out a green gemstone from his pants pocket. "Here, it resembles the color of your eyes."

I accepted the gemstone and smiled to myself. "Thanks.." I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a sloppy hug. I was starting to sober up a bit, but it wasn't enough. The embrace was awkward at first, I could tell he was confused but then returned the hug. It immediately felt warm, and tender. Like a hug I haven't felt from my mom since I was 5 and she was hugging me after my first day of school. I don't if I was drunk, stupid, had a death wish, or a combination of all 3.

My face was 'buried' in his chest, I took a smell whiff of cologne and cigarettes. I couldn't lie, it smelled comforting. He sighed loudly again, and checked his watch that was underneath his hoodie sleeve. "Alright kid, I really enjoy this gentle embrace, but I have to go."

Part of me was sad that he was leaving, but at the same time I was still frustrated at him for stealing my parents' items. I also stood up, stretching out while he put his mask back on and picked up the duffle bag full of items. I gave another sad expression but reached up, as far as I could, and smooched his neck. "Be careful.."

He smirked. "Always am." And took his leave.

I woke up at 8 am, hungover and annoyed. The recollections of last night had me cringing and dying of embarrassment. I really must have been suicidal, or just really fucking bold. I seriously had to stop flirting with every masculine body that crossed my path. Thankfully, I wasn't going to encounter the intruder ever again. But it hit me, as soon as I realized this hangover wasn't like the others. The wine that I was given had something in it, that intensified the alcohol content. I looked around for the empty bottle.

Once I found it, I took a small whiff and cringed. It smelled like straight up vodka, or rum even. They had managed to put enough wine in it so it masked perfectly. I actually pieced it together. A neighbor I've never seen around who suddenly shows up with a present, asks for my parents with intention to get them wasted, then when he realizes they're not there, leaves me with the wine knowing I'd drink it, then the intruder comes to collect the possessions. It was a smart plan, I had to give them that. They even used an expensive brand of wine, so they would've been more tempted to drink it. Well, they got really lucky that a stupid college kid was home alone, a slender one at that. I should start working out for situations like this.


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