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The New Patient

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She knows exactly what he wants - & makes him take it.
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"I've got an interesting new patient for you, Dan," his supervisor's voice said. "I think you will find her very... challenging."

Dan hung up the phone and waited for the file to arrive. Turning his chair, he surveyed the office. The walls were painted a warm cream colour. Wooden bookshelves filled two walls from floor to ceiling, still only partially full, with boxes full of books cluttering much of the floor space. There was a long low couch on the wall opposite the window, and in between stood his desk, with his chair on one side and two quite uncomfortable-looking chairs on the other. The desk was large and made of very sturdy wood, and it held, among other things, his laptop computer, the telephone, and a small lamp.

Still waiting for the electronic blip that meant the file had arrived, he turned again and looked out the window. He watched a gardener tending a flowerbed. The hospital's grounds were extensive, and he had a good view from here. He saw a small group of male patients, accompanied by several nurses, wandering down near the orchard. Watching the men reaching up to touch the blossoms on the trees, Dan allowed his mind to wander.

He had accepted this position at the hospital only a month ago, and had only been in his office for a week. He had already begun seeing patients, and so far he was enjoying this job. It seemed to be everything he had hoped for when he decided to go into the mental health profession.

Suddenly the computer beeped and he immediately opened the email. The file size was larger than he expected but he saved and then printed the document, patiently waiting as page after page spewed from the printer. He collected them all into a neat pile and began to read.

The patient in question was a twenty-one year old female called Claudia. The record started when at the age of four she was dropped off at a Catholic convent and orphanage. She was set on the steps of the church and the bell was rung, and when the nuns found her there she was clutching a small piece of paper containing her mother's last message to her: "I hereby terminate my parental rights..."

Dan looked at the clock and saw that he had only fifteen minutes until she would be arriving to see him. He skimmed the file quickly. Throughout her childhood and adolescence Claudia was variously extremely well behaved and extremely unpredictable. She was sweet and polite and helpful, but also terribly vindictive and, on occasion, violent. From her early teens, she suffered from bouts of depression. At sixteen she had tried to hang herself. That same year she stabbed a male teacher whom she said had been harassing her. The same teacher's house later burnt down due to unknown causes. At seventeen she had cut her wrists.

At eighteen she had been admitted to her first mental hospital after setting fire to a shed in the convent and seriously injuring three children who were playing in it at the time. She had spent two years in that hospital during which she was alternately catatonic and psychotic. Shortly before her twenty-first birthday, Claudia seemed to be coming around. She attended regular therapy sessions and spoke openly with her psychiatrist. The doctors talked of possibly letting her return to the convent so that she might take her vows, which she said she was hoping to do.

Claudia asked for and received permission to wear a nun's habit and this she did all the time, wearing it even to bed. A progress meeting was held where her psychiatrist decided that although she was making progress, she was not ready for life outside of the hospital. Claudia was summoned and greeted this news with equanimity. She said nothing and allowed herself to be led back to her room.

Late that night Claudia had somehow managed to bypass several security measures and had gained access to her psychiatrist's office. She had located and presumably read her own file, then used it to set fire to his couch, desk, computer, and bookshelves. She had locked the door and sat waiting for the fire to consume her. Fortunately the firemen had found her, unburned but suffering from smoke inhalation. She had been transferred to a regular hospital for several weeks and had then been brought to this institution, where she had spent the last three weeks in solitary confinement after hurling her lunch tray at a nurse and threatening another patient with a fork. The file said that Claudia dressed only in her nun's habit and refused to take it off; that she was refusing most of her meals and would not speak to anyone.

Dan looked up from the file and stared into space, wondering what so troubled this girl. He wondered where all her rage was coming from. He especially wondered whether he would be able to get through to her or whether he would arrive one morning to find his office in ashes.

Suddenly there was a tap at the door. He recognized the nurse's measured knock. He hurriedly tucked the file into a drawer and walked around his desk, leaning back against it and hoping he looked approachable. "Come in."

The nurse opened the door and stepped inside, seeming to tug on the arm of the person she was leading. Though he had just read about the black and white nun's habit he was unprepared for the sight of her struggling through the door, her hair tangled and hanging limply over her face, her hands clawing at the nurse's hand on her arm.

Finally the girl was standing in his office and the nurse was escaping through the door, which she closed firmly behind her. Dan stood looking at the girl, who ignored him completely and stared out the window.

Dan swallowed hard. The girl's face, hidden behind her hair, looked faintly bruised, and her eyes were circled with shadows. He cleared his throat. "You must be Claudia."

She didn't so much as blink in response. She ignored him and walked over to the window, standing motionless in front of it. He came up beside her and tried to see where she was looking, but her hair was in the way. Not wanting to touch her or startle her, he backed up a few paces and started talking to her. Random comments about the weather, the gardens, the apple orchard, the hospital. He talked steadily for the entire 45-minute session standing three feet away from Claudia but not looking at her, and when the nurse came to the door and tapped, he was surprised at how quickly the time had gone. He looked at Claudia and found her still standing looking through the window. She had not moved in that entire time. As the nurse took her arm and led her away, he noticed that she wasn't struggling now – just being led.

Over the next week Dan tried to remember everything he had said to Claudia while she was in his office – said at her, really – but he wasn't sure. He wondered what he would say to her at her next session, though it seemed to be a moot point – she was back to assaulting the nurses and was repeatedly being put back into solitary, which meant she was not turning up for her appointments.

By the following Wednesday, Dan decided that Claudia's behaviour was directly related to not wanting to visit his office – that she was assaulting the nurses specifically to be denied the "privilege" of her psychiatrist appointments. He spoke with her physician and they decided to have her brought in for her appointments from solitary and then returned to that room afterward. Perhaps after a few days she would get the hint.


On Thursday morning Dan sat looking around his office. Everything was put away now, and he had had the couch replaced. The cleaners had been in the night before and everything sparkled. He sat behind his desk and waited. At precisely eleven o'clock he heard heavy footsteps in the hallway. Claudia's abuse of the nurses meant that she was being escorted by one of the burly ward aides instead. Dan went to the door and opened it, where he found the aide standing in the hallway holding Claudia in his arms. She was completely limp, a deadweight. Dan held the door open and stood aside, and the aide brought her in and deposited her on the couch. "I'll be back to collect her at 11:45," he rumbled, then left, closing the door behind him.

Dan looked at Claudia where she lay on the couch. Her habit was dirty, fraying at the edges, and covered her completely from head to toe. She must have moved while Dan was seeing the aide out, because even the bottoms of her bare feet were now tucked under the robe. She lay silent and still, her hair concealing her face. Dan went to the desk and brought one of the chairs over beside the couch, then sat on it. "Well, Claudia, how are you feeling today?" he asked, and waited for a response.

After ten minutes she hadn't moved or spoken. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, he noticed, but she was barely even blinking. He wondered what to do. Finally he started talking. He told her about his wife and their sons, about the job he'd had prior to this one, about some of the trips he had taken. She lay motionless on the sofa and was completely ignoring him. Again. He wondered if she was even listening to what he was saying.

At eleven forty-five the aide appeared, and Dan let him in. The aide spent a few moments trying to persuade Claudia to stand and walk with him, then reached under her armpits and pulled her into a standing position. Claudia was limp as a rag doll under his hands and refused to take her weight onto her feet. Finally Dan nodded and the aide scooped her up into his arms, grunting slightly, and turned to carry her out into the hall.

Though he tried not to notice, Dan realised that Claudia's robe had gotten hoisted up when she was being lifted, and her ankles, calves, knees, and the lower part of her thighs were visible. He drew in a sudden, sharp breath. Staring at her legs, he almost didn't notice that her head had lifted slightly and she was looking at him, an unreadable expression on her face. He cleared his throat and spoke briefly to the aide, who held Claudia with one hand and used the other to tug her clothing down so that she was not so exposed. The aide headed off down the hallway, and Dan stood in his doorway watching. Claudia had once again gone limp.

Dan turned back into his office and sat behind the desk, trying to compose himself before his next patient arrived. Desperately he fought his arousal. He'd seen girls' legs before. And she was a patient. He tried to think of non-erotic things, hoping his erection would fade before his next appointment. He wondered what he was going to do when she came in tomorrow. She knew what had happened, he knew she did. She heard his gasp of surprise, and when she looked at him she knew exactly what he was thinking.


The next morning, Dan sat nervously in his office. The fifteen minutes between the last patient's departure and Claudia's arrival seemed to go far too quickly. He tried desperately to compose himself, to keep himself calm. Overnight he had convinced himself that Claudia hadn't noticed his erection, and there was no way she could have known his thoughts. He was not going to look at her legs, it had been an accident and would not happen again. He took several deep breaths.

Hearing the aide's footsteps in the hall, Dan got up and went to open the door. Expecting the same sight as yesterday, of the aide carrying Claudia's limp form, he was shocked when the door opened to reveal the aide walking along the hallway holding just the arm of a stunningly pretty young woman. Convinced that he'd got the appointment time wrong and this was another patient, Dan started to speak to the aide, but before he could ask who the girl was, the aide spoke.

"Amazing transformation in little Claudia here, isn't it?"

Dan's eyes flew to the girl's face. She was smiling, but her eyes were vacant. Dan, shocked, could only nod.

"Well, Miss, I'll be back to collect you in three quarters of an hour. You be nice to the Doctor, now."

Claudia said nothing, but walked past Dan and into his office. Dan nodded to the aide and followed her in, closing the door behind him. He studied her while her back was turned. She wore a black short-sleeved sweater, and a dark denim skirt that ended just below her knees. Her long legs were bare, and she wore purple thong sandals, which she kicked off as she sat down on the couch, crossing her legs demurely at the knee. He glanced quickly at her chest, saw that the sweater was cut low over her luscious breasts, and looked away quickly. He went over to one of the chairs by his desk, turned it around and sat down facing her.

"Hello, Claudia. How are you feeling today?"

"Hello." Her voice was flat and expressionless.

"I'm glad you've decided to talk to me today. I don't know what I could have talked about to fill up another hour."

"Well, Doc," she said, and there was expression in her voice now, barely concealed contempt, "maybe you could've talked about how all you've been thinking about since yesterday is how you want to fuck me."

Dan felt his face redden and his heart began thumping hard in his chest. He was shocked by her choice of words and even more so by the truth of those words. He stared at her, unsure what to say.

"Awww, Doc, have I made you uncomfortable? I saw you looking at me. I see you looking at me. You can hardly restrain yourself from throwing me down on the couch and pulling up my skirt and burying your face in my panties." Her voice was low, soft, almost purring the words as he fought against the images she was conjuring in his mind. He wondered what her panties would be like. Would they be moist? What did she taste like? NO! He fought for control of his thoughts. He felt his blood thundering through his veins, felt his cock straining against his boxers. "What's the matter, Doc, cat got your tongue?" She laughed, and the sound made him shiver. There was no warmth in her laugh, just pure malice.

"Claudia, I think... I think this is a highly inappropriate conversation." He swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

"I don't, I think it is a highly relevant conversation. Look at you, reduced to a quivering throbbing wreck." His cock throbbed in his pants at her words, as though reacting to her suggestion. How was she doing this to him? he wondered. "Oh, poor Doc, you just don't know what to do, do you? You just want to go and lock the door and come and lie on top of me, don't you?"

Dan was halfway from the chair to the door before he realised it. He stood hesitating, fighting with himself. He tried to ignore the insistent throbbing of his erection. He fought against the voice in his mind telling him to lock the door, telling him he could have her now and no one would ever know, no one would ever find out, he could have her, he could take her, he could taste her sweet little virgin pussy and nobody would ever, ever know. NO! He knew that was ridiculous. She was obviously talking now, she would tell someone, of course people would find out. She was a patient and he was her doctor. This couldn't happen. No. He turned back to her, his face stern. "Claudia," he began, "Why don't you tell me what's changed in the last 24 hours? You're hardly the same girl who laid on that sofa yesterday."

"No, I'm the girl who's lying on the sofa today." She stretched out, one bare foot still resting on the floor and the other on the couch, her thighs spread slightly, and his eyes followed her leg up to where it disappeared beneath her skirt. Her sweater was snug around her breasts, and her skin looked soft and creamy. He longed to press his face into her cleavage.

He became aware that he was once again staring at her and not speaking. He also noticed, with some panic, that his right hand was slowly caressing his cock through his pants. He jerked his hand away, his heart pounding. What was happening to him? He felt like he wasn't even in control of himself.

"Aww, come on, Doc... you know you want to. You're just dying to lock the door and come over here and taste my smooth skin. You can hardly bear your longing for my hot.. wet.. achingly tight.. little.. pussy." Each word left her lips and caused his cock to jerk against his hand. Dan's shock was fading with every word she spoke, and his will was fading, too. He wanted her, oh how he wanted her. He imagined her pussy, never touched by another man, soft and wet and dripping for him. He imagined planting his mouth on it, tugging at her little clit with his teeth, making her scream out again and again as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm. He could almost taste her already. NO! But his hand was already on the lock on the door. He turned it. He looked back at her and she had drawn her skirt up over her thighs. Her soft creamy thighs were right in front of his eyes and he couldn't look away, he couldn't look at anything else, he couldn't think, he couldn't breathe. All he could feel was the pounding of his heart and the throbbing of his cock and the moisture in his mouth that craved her, needed her, had to have her.

Dan's legs felt like they were made of lead as he approached the couch. She cooed encouragement. "Yesss, Doc, you want me so bad you can't stand it, can you? You want to eat my little pussy, you want to stuff your tongue inside me, you want to make me flood your mouth with my sweet cum, don't you?"

He nodded, his mouth dry now, too dry to talk, too dry to swallow, he needed water, he needed moisture... he knelt on the floor beside the couch. He felt her hand on the back of his head, tugging him closer, tugging him towards her pussy, and now he could smell her, he could see that her panties were damp and he could smell the wetness escaping from her pussy. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, smelling her, inhaling the soft musky scent, unable to resist or think at all. He had to have her.

He pushed his nose against the fabric of her panties. He heard dimly her soft moan of approval as he pushed harder, the material giving way beneath the pressure and allowing him to feel the outline of her pussy against his lips. He opened his mouth slightly, his tongue slipping between his lips and dragging across the material. He could taste her already and his body screamed out its desire for more. Using his hands he impatiently tugged her panties out of the way and buried his mouth in her pussy. He heard her moaning, gasping, felt her hips pushing up against him but he ignored it all, ignored everything but the taste of her as he dove his tongue deeper and deeper between her pussy lips.

Dan pushed his tongue almost roughly between her lips and dragged it over her clit. Moving down he forced his tongue deeper, deeper, finding her wetness and licking, sucking, burrowing feverishly deeper, desperate to taste more, more, drinking her in. He felt her shudder, heard her shriek as she came, but all he cared about was the flood of her sweet pussy juices in his mouth. He lapped at her pussy, pushed his tongue inside her, swirled his tongue over her clit, sucking, licking, drowning in her.

Both his hands were cupping her ass now, holding her to his mouth, and his cock throbbed untouched in his pants, he could feel his briefs becoming soaked with his precum as he ate her pussy like a man possessed. She thrashed and moaned and he ignored her, just forcing her to cum over and over so that he could have more and more of her juices.

Finally his cock gave a mighty lurch in his pants and suddenly he was cumming, without ever touching his cock. He felt spurt after spurt of cum leaving his cock, he was moaning into her pussy and his entire body was trembling as the world momentarily stopped.


Suddenly Dan felt like he was waking from a dream. Lifting his mouth from her dripping pussy, he looked around, confused. He felt the wetness in his pants and looked down at her, unable to remember what set of circumstances had landed him here, smeared with her juices and cupping her ass in his hands. He looked at her face, flushed and glowing with pleasure and something else, he didn't know what, he didn't know her at all and couldn't tell what she was thinking.


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