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The Obsession Ch. 02

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The diva gets a taste of Denmark.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/13/2015
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Magnus had barely made his way into his apartment when he began to eagerly inspect the hot container in his hands. He walked over to the mostly empty bedroom, sat down on top of his suitcase and placed his phone by his side. He then realized that there was something soft, wrapped in plastic on top of the container. He unwrapped the soft flat bread and took a bite. The bread was tender, warm, savory and buttery. He had to stop himself from devouring it before he could get to the contents of the container. As he peeled off the lid, delightfully aromatic steam filled his nostrils and he marveled at the vivid colors of the food that lay on his lap.

The bright yellow curry was comprised of shrimp, delicate whitefish and red and green peppers. He popped a plump, juicy shrimp into his mouth and enjoyed the barrage of flavor that assaulted his tongue.


That was when he realized that he had absolutely no utensils. But he also had no witnesses; he thought to himself as he lifted the container and used the soft naan to shovel the food into his mouth.

"Så fucking godt!"

He exclaimed as he bit off the sauce covered end of the bread.

The olives... the curry... the succulent seafood and the slight notes of bayleaf offered more flavors than he had ever experienced in one meal. He looked over at what appeared to be some sort of beet greens on the other side of the container and scooped a bit of the garlic speckled, forrest green side dish onto the bread. He bit into it and was amazed that a vegetable could taste so savory and flavorful.

"Jeg kunne spise lige dette alene."

He said to himself, noting how the simple dish of cooked greens could easily stand on it's own.

Magnus had completely devoured the large container of food and was now shamelessly licking the remnants of sauce out of it. When he was satisfied that there wasn't a trace of deliciousness left, he brought the container to the sink and washed his face before gulping down several ounces of water from his palm as he ran the faucet. The combination of how hearty and satisfying the meal was and the vulgar way in which he devoured it, made him feel strong- almost barbaric.

He went back over to his makeshift bed of towels with his shoulders squared and his arms curled and flexed like a body builder and reveled in his own masculinity. He laid down, laughing at his own goofiness. But it wasn't long until his thoughts were shifted back to her.

" Manly mand..."

He chuckled to himself as he thought of her roughly riding the semen right out of him. That was when it finally dawned on him that not only did he not wear a condom; but he hadn't even concidered it.

Not even when she first sat him onto the couch.

Not even when she mounted him.

His only concern at that moment was feeling her tight little honey pot wraped around him.

And god was she tight...

No. He had to focus on his mistake. He had more self discipline than that! He shook his head in disappointment at his own actions. He hadn't even known her for twenty four hours and she could already be impregnated with his child.

He thought of her soft, brown abdomen slightly rounded, concealing his growing offspring as she lay down naked and allowed him to view her swollen, fertile body.

He could feel himself beginning to pulse in his pants.

'Would her breasts drip milk for me?

What the fuck am I thinking?!'

He pressed his palms to his eyes and shook his head; angered at his own recklessness. He cleared his mind of her, set his alarm, and drifted off to sleep.

Magnus was awakened by the ringing of his phone. He was surprised to see that it was his assistant and not his alarm.

"Hello. Good morning, Annette."

"Good morning, Dr. Bjornssen"

"Annette, please... as I've mentioned before, if I'm to call you by your first name, then you should use mine." He requested in a friendly manner.

"Of—of course, Magnus. I'm sorry, I'm just not used to working with someone so down-to-earth. The professors at the university are relentless at reminding me that there's an ever present line between psychiatrists and lowly psychologists such as myself. Especially since I'm the rookie."

"You'll find no pretentiousness here, Annette. As I've told you; my license is in psychiatry, but my heart is in psychology."

Annette paused for a moment to smile to herself.

"It's going to be so much fun proving those glorified drug dealers wrong!"

"Let us hope!" Magnus cheerfully agreed.

"Well, I've already briefed you via email on the case study, so you should be completely prepared to start your first day without a hitch. I've set up your office and I'll be in at seven-thirty to tie up any loose ends. Is there anything I might be forgetting?"

"No, Annette. I'm truly honored to be fortunate enough to have such a professional and efficient assistant. Thank you for your dedication."

"Oh, Magnus! We've barely started working together- but it does seem like we've been colleagues; or even friends for years." Annette paused, hoping that her last comment wasn't too unprofessional.

"Yes. It is good to feel as though I finally have a friend in my field."

Annette smiled, appreciating the sentiment.

"There is one other request, if I may burden you..."

"Anything- I mean; whatever I can do to help."

"Could you by chance direct me to a shopping plaza during our lunch break, so that I may purchase a few essentials? Specifically a phone charger?"

"Oh!" she giggled shyly "Of course! Tell ya what, I'll drive."

"Annette, you are truly an asset! Thank you- and lunch is on me."

The coworkers said their goodbyes and Magnus got to the business of getting ready for his first day at work. Annette had called him a half hour before his alarm was set to go off, but it was all for the better; as he enjoyed taking his time around the empty apartment to shower, dress, and eat most of the fruit basket for breakfast. As he bit into his second pear, his thoughts drifted once again to Cassie. He thought of her standing at her door completely naked as she directed him out.

"Onde lille diva..." (Evil little diva)

He whispered as he looked over to his soiled underwear from last night. He wondered if they still carried the scent of her juices, or just his own.

He walked over to them, pear still in hand; and was about to pick them up when he heard a knock at the door. The knocking continued until he approached the door, and he wondered if the impatient visitor was his landlord.

"Yes, one second." He replied as he opened the door.

Magnus smiled despite himself.

It was her.

Cassie was wearing a pair of cut up tight, powder blue jeans and a white undershirt.

She was bra-less; as he could clearly make out the form of her large, round breasts and see her dark nipples through the thin white fabric. The shirt was incredibly long on her, and as he looked closer it seemed quite familiar.

"Is that my shirt?" He asked knowingly.

"Payment for the basket." She coolly replied, pointing to the pear in his hand with her nose.

"But the gift was already mine." He replied, with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah, but you hadn't earned it."

He chuckled.

"And what to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit this morning?"

"Payment for the food." She answered in her serious manner as she pushed him into his own home and shut the door.

Magnus backed away from her, allowing her entry into his apartment. She approached him, took the pear from his hand and placed it on the kitchen counter.

"I was eating that." He smiled mischievously while admiring her curvy hips through her jeans. "Unless of course you have something more appetizing to offer..." he grinned, licking his lips at the thought of her fragrant flower. She backed him into his empty living room.

"Loose the pants."

He obliged, without a single attempt to hide his erection.

"Underwear too."

He removed them without question. "Shirt?" He asked, obediently.

"No need. This won't take very long."

Magnus furrowed his brow yet again.

"There's something you're going to do for me- or rather; have done to you. Something I've always wanted to try."

Magnus looked at Cassie apprehensively.

"Will it hurt?"

"Not if I do it right. Lay down."

She pointed to the hardwood floor. Magnus was even more apprehensive, but he found himself doing exactly what he was told. Cassie stood over him and separated his legs with her slippered feet, then knelt down between them. She took a moment to admire his long, powerful torso while she slid her hands over his stomach, then groin area. She then removed her- or rather his undershirt, allowing her bare breasts to bounce forth untethered. She leaned down and allowed her loose wavy curls to tickle his thighs as she ran her tongue along his rigid shaft.

He watched her as she gently licked, kissed and stroked his length.

"Mmm..." He moaned as she circled the tip of his penis with her tongue.

She then pushed his bright pink head between her succulent mahogany lips and gently sucked, bringing her mouth up over his head before going back for more. She repeated the movement, each time moving lower and lower down his shaft while firmly stroking him.

At three quarters of the way down his cock, she had gotten to the point where every woman who had ever given him oral reached their limit. He reached down and cleared her hair out of her face to caress her. Her feminine face seemed even daintier in his large hand. Her movements were rhythmic and purposeful. She bobbed and swayed with a grace of an adoring worshiper, performing for her deity; her hands completely in unison with her silky mouth.

She was moaning loudly now. The hum vibrated through Magnus' cock as he found himself bucking at her lovely face. Her tongue seemed to fluctuate around his mass. Circling and teasing as she bobbed to the tip.

"There's no way you've never done this before... mmm... Prinsesse... you're amazing..."

He grumbled between moans. Cassie paused to catch her breath. He could feel her breathing deeply as she affectionately peppered the tip of his penis with kisses. She raised up, allowing him to fall between her breasts.

She closed her breasts around him and played with her nipples as she slid up and down his slippery erection. The sight of her wildly pleasuring him while she moaned as though she was even further in ecstasy than he was made him ravenous.

"I need to have you Cassie! You're so damned beautiful!" He reached down hoping to bring her on top of him- hoping to have her ride him to completion again; but she pushed him back.

Magnus mustered all the self discipline he had to resist pinning her beneath him and ravaging her at that very moment as she re-positioned herself between his legs and lustfully kissed and bit at his thighs. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as she inflicted her delicious torture upon him; furiously kissing and licking his lower body as she stroked. He felt the slick underside of her tongue slide down his shaft where she met his hairless scrotum.

"Mmm. You shave? Good boy."

She purred, gently parting his buttocks to reveal even more hairless skin. He debated on whether or not he should admit to her that he had simply lost a bet in California; resulting in the embarrassing (and painful) Brazilian, but his thoughts were scattered as he felt her tongue sliding into an area that was rarely ever touched.

His body spasmed at her invasion. The sensation was new and exciting.

The women he had shared his bed with in the past seldom licked his perineum; but Cassie's tongue was venturing into unexplored territory.

'Ah. That thing she wanted to try.' he thought to himself as he allowed the waves of pleasure to wash over him.

He was suddenly even more appreciative of his high powered shower head.

Cassie returned to her oral assault on his rock hard penis as she eased him even further into her throat than he was before.

"Mmm... please let me fuck that perfect pussy of yours again before you make me come all over you, Prinsesse." Magnus begged.

"Seems like you're enjoying this. Do you not like it?" She teased.

"It's the best I've ever had! But I want you beneath me." He pleaded.

"It's not about what you want." She answered coldly.

Cassie dove back onto his cock and sucked lustfully as her fingers caressed his scrotum, then made their way down to his anus. She began to ease a finger in and Magnus rose slightly to protest but before he could, a strange sensation ripped through him.

An evil laugh escaped from Cassie.

'Found it' she thought, as she pushed gently on the wall of his rectum.


He looked down at her, unable to utter anything other than low grunting. Cassie took a deep breath and lowered her head, bringing him deep into her throat as continued applying pressure to his prostate. Magnus was a trebling, moaning wreck as he felt Cassie's lips hit his pelvis and scrotum.

"Åh gud! Cassie!" He called out as the pressure built and his impending release threatened to drown his beautiful new lover. He reached down to pull her to safety but was halted by the feeling of her claws hooking into his thigh. She was forceful and predatory as she claimed her prey. Magnus' head thrashed backwards as the most intense climax he ever had was seemingly ripped from his body and his semen began to geyser down Cassie's throat and into her esophagus.

"Oh- it's- so good Prinsesse- so good-"

Gasping for air, she pulled her head off of him after a few bursts, only to realize he wasn't nearly done coming as she had yet to cease her prostate massage.

She wrapped her lips around him just in time to catch another large spurt that ended up half escaping down her chin.

Cassie continued her stroke and massage combination, a bit surprised by the sheer volume that she had managed to milk from him.

Magnus looked down at her with pleading eyes; still trembling and groaning as he watched the last gush of come coat her outstretched tongue while she looked directly into his eyes. He was still breathing erratically as she eased her finger out of him and crawled up to him in a cat-like manner. She brought her face to his and snaked her coated tongue into his mouth. It was the first time he had ever tasted his own semen.

"Not so bad."

He commented as he wiped the remainder of his come off of her chin and pushed it into her mouth with his finger. She sucked hungrily at the digit and moaned with delight. He had never seen a woman savor his come as she had.

Only two days in and she's already shown me so many new things...

He pulled her onto him and kissed her passionately, but was quickly disappointed as she stood up, pulled his shirt back on, and made her way to the door to leave.

"Hey!" He shouted a little louder than he intended.

She paused right as she was approaching the door.

"What?" She said without turning around.

"I don't think that was a fair exchange." He panted.

"You didn't like the food?" She said with her back still facing him.

"Actually, it was amazing. Perhaps the best meal I've ever had. But I still feel as though I'm owed compensation for my compliance."

Magnus was just about to ask Cassie to allow him to treat her to dinner tonight as payment for his cooperation, when he heard Cassie unzip her pants. She kicked off her slippers and pulled off her pants. Still facing the door, she slowly peeled off her lacy pink underwear. He took a moment to marvel at her amazing ass in the sunlight. She then turned and he watched her glistening vagina move closer as she walked up to him. The small patch of hair above her lips was matted down with her shiny juices. He licked his lips and felt his half erect penis spasm slightly before returning to it's defeated state.

Cassie tossed her panties at Magnus. He picked them up to find them completely soaked. Once again his battle worn penis twitched as he rubbed them between his fingers.

"There. Those cost me ten bucks. Now we're even."

He smiled playfully.

"I'm worth only ten dollars?"

"Don't kid yourself. We both know you'd let me fuck you for free." She said with a sinister smile.

He wanted to pull her down onto him and lick her glistening pussy clean, but she walked back over to the door, put her pants on and left. He walked over to his phone, while holding her panties to his nose. 'Just as well' he thought to himself- he had about thirty minutes to get to work.

Magnus dashed across the school campus as he frantically checked his phone.


he was already ten minutes late. He reached the Mental Health Studies building and looked for his or his assistant's name in the directory on the wall. He gave up and asked the security guard at front desk, who was happy to help this foreign doctor who addressed him as "Sir" find his office.

"I'm pretty sure that's is it, Dr. Bjornssen." The guard pointed at the newly remodeled office down the hall as they turned a corner.

"Magnus, please." Said the friendly doctor as he extended his hand.

"Ted." Said the guard with a refreshed look as he shook Magnus' hand.

Magnus made his way into his office and was immediately greeted by a smirking man in a very expensive suit.

"Late for your first day, eh?"

"Oh..." Said Magnus.

He was surprised to see his colleague Dr. Iverson, whom he had met at the convention in California waiting for him.

"Well, I-"

"He was given the wrong information. I apologize for sending you on a wild goose chase, Dr. Bjornssen." Said a familiar, feminine voice from behind him.

"Annette!" Magnus smiled happily.

"Again, my apologies doctor. I just realized a few minutes ago that I failed to inform you of the last minute change of office space."

Magnus immediately recalled the email Annette had sent him a few days ago, telling him all about the new office she vied for, so that he could have a window and double storage space for file; and now here she was taking the fall for him so that he could save face in front of his smug colleague.

Annette was a tall, slender woman with flowing bright auburn hair. She wore a perfectly tailored peach pencil skirt and blazer with a ruffled, white high-neck blouse beneath. She was just as lovely in appearance as she was in demeanor.

"How's the lower deck?" Asked Dr. Iverson jokingly.

"Drafty." Replied Magnus, in reference to his lost bet.

Iverson laughed at his blushing colleague before Annette ushered him out of the office.

"Dr. Bjornssen has a lot of work to do settling into his new space."

Satisfied that he had dealt Bjornssen a sufficient ribbing, Dr. Iverson saw his way out.

"He really came all the way upstairs just to see if you'd be late... wow."

Magnus laughed at Annette's assessment. He then gave her a friendly hug. It was the first time they had met face to face. He thanked her for taking the fall for him, and she modestly brushed it off as being 'no big deal'. He was glad to have her on his side.

Magnus spent the morning introducing himself around campus and setting up interviews for students interested in being involved with the case study he was assigned to. Magnus had been chosen from a group of doctors and therapists who were willing to travel to Upstate New York to take part is the case study which basically pitted medicine against therapy in dealing with OCD, depression and bipolar disorder. He was told that he was specifically chosen because of his expertise in psychology; but the real reason why he was chosen was because he was also a licensed psychiatrist. The pharmaceutical company funding the study wanted a therapist who would more than likely be on the side of medicinal treatment. This was not lost on Magnus. But little did they know, the Danish doctor had all but given up on side effect-prone medications when treating his patients.


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