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The Obsession: Epilogue

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Will there be a happy ending?
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Dear readers

Thank you so much your support, comments and emails. You have earned a special place in my heart, and you are the reason why I wrote this epilogue. Halloween is my favorite day of the year and though gift-giving isn't the usual for this special season; neither am I. That said, here is my gift to you for taking this journey with Magnus and Cassie.

I hope you all enjoy it.




Magnus typed furiously as he entered the notes from his last patient into their file. As he neared the last paragraph, he heard an impatient knock at the door. He stood up to answer it just as Annette burst her way into his office with a large shopping bag.

"Are you trying to make yourself late? She asked, visibly annoyed.

Her hair was parted in the middle and flowed in large chestnut waves, framing her heart-shaped face in a glamorous nineteen-thirties style. She wore an elegant black strapless gown and deep red lipstick. She looked flawless.

"You look lovely as a brunette. What made you decide to color your hair?" Magnus asked.

"It's a wig." She answered with growing annoyance.

"You have no idea what today is, do you?" She asked with crossed arms.

Magnus thought for a second before sinking back into his chair. He rested his elbows on the desk as his head fell into his hands.

"Shit..." He uttered, disappointed at himself.

"Wow." Said Annette as she shook her head in disbelief. "You're lucky you've got a lot on your plate, with the new practice and all. If it weren't for that, I would have let her tear you a new one."

She said as she walked over to his desk.

"But, being the incredibly selfless and benevolent partner that I am; I've decided to have your back yet again."

She placed the large bag onto his desk, and Magnus peered inside of it. His face lit up with joy before he stood up and circled his desk to throw his arms around Annette.

"You amazing little miracle maker! What would I do without you?" He hugged her warmly as she chuckled at his appreciation.

"Darling, you'd simply perish." She said in a dramatic Hollywood-esque voice as she held a pretend cigarette between her fingers.

"Wait- are you in costume?" He asked, trying to place where he may have seen her look.

"Isn't it obvious?' She said, exasperated. "Hold on."

Annette pulled a gold medal which dangled from a bright red ribbon out of her purse. She placed it around her neck and posed proudly with one hand on her hip, the other clutching the imaginary cigarette. Magnus leaned towards her and lifted the medal from her chest to read it.

"Wisconsin State Spelling Bee Champion Nineteen-"

"Forget about what the medal says." She interrupted. "It's supposed to be a 'National Inventor's Hall of Fame' award anyway.

Now use your imagination. Who am I?"

Magnus stepped back and viewed her ensemble once more.

"I'm sorry... not a clue."

"Oh!" Annette exclaimed as she swatted his arm. "I'm Hedy Lamarr! Dammit, I thought it was dead on." She said, feeling a little defeated.

"No, no- it's a wonderful costume. Look at how glamorous you are!

It's my fault, really.

I don't know much about her, so I couldn't see it.

But I bet someone who has seen her movies might." He assured.

Annette crossed her arms and huffed, still a bit disappointed that her costume wasn't immediately recognized.

"The medal is a nice touch. I bet we could make a label on clear plastic that says 'Inventor's Hall of Fame' on it." He continued, hoping to quell her disappointment.

"It... could use a label... I guess." She conceded.

"Here..." He grabbed the label maker off his file cabinet and handed it to her.

"There should be a clear plastic roll in my desk, help yourself while I go try this on." Magnus took the large bag from his desk and headed off to the restroom down the hall from his office.

Annette sat behind Magnus' desk and quickly found the small roll of plastic strip inside his desk drawer. It had only been four months since Magnus had decided to open his own practice and there they were; already settled into their own floor within the bustling office complex. It was so typical of Magnus to excuse himself instead of simply asking Annette to wait in her office for him while he dressed in his.

'Classic Magnus.'

She thought as she finished up the label for her medal. It seemed like just a few days ago they were working doubles trying desperately to meet the deadline to submit their findings on the case study. And now here they were; successful and triumphant in their applied style of therapy. As a team they were unstoppable in their quest to therapeutically heal those whom medicine had failed. They were quickly on their way to becoming the two top therapists of the region, and Annette was confident that they would reach the top listings of the state within the next year. And who would have thought that through him she would find her most cherished companion and partner in crime. She looked down at the picture of her best friend on his desk and smiled.

"Um... I think this shirt is perhaps a little too tight." Magnus said upon reentry.

Annette giggled at a blushing Magnus as he surveyed the snug fitting, beige button up shirt.

"I'll be quite embarrassed should any cool air reach my chest."

Annette continued to snicker. "It's perfect. Trust me. That's how they wore them back then." She assured.

"So... what made you choose a cowboy costume?" He said, placing a tan stetson upon his head.

Annette looked at him, dumbfounded. "You don't know who you are either?"

"I'm not a cowboy?" He asked, quizzically.

"You're more than just a cowboy! You're The Rifleman!" She exclaimed.

Magnus looked at her and shrugged, unsure of whom she was talking about.

"Chuck Connors... remember? Angela said you looked like him the first day she saw you?"

"Oh... right..." Replied Magnus, his expression making it painfully obvious that he still hadn't a clue of whom she referred to.

Annette exhaled deeply as she searched her phone for an image of Chuck Connors.

"There." She held out her phone for Magnus to view it. "That's him."

"Well... I don't see much of a resemblance, but the clothing matches perfectly." He noted. "You've done an excellent job."

"It took me three weeks to track down every last piece, from the cowboy boots to the old fashioned straight-leg jeans- and your measurements did not help." She said, recalling the late nights spent agonizingly searching amazon.

"You're too good to me, Annette. Thank you." He said warmly as he adjusted the cuffs of his shirt.

"I know. Consider it an early Jul gift." She winked.

"I will be sure to find something nice to repay your generosity." He assured. "Do you really think I look like this guy?" He asked before puffing his chest out and squaring his shoulders in his best rugged cowboy impression.

"Hmm... you've got the golden galoot look down, but you're a lot prettier in the face."

"Too pretty?" He asked, peering into the small mirror on his wall.

"Darling, there's no such thing as too pretty." She replied in her dramatic starlet voice.

"Now hurry up and shut down your office so we can get going! We still need to pick up your custom made prop gun. I didn't get home in time yesterday to sign for it, so it's at the post office. C'mon- chop, chop!" Annette said as she hurried out to tell their receptionist that they were leaving for the day.

Magnus and Annette arrived at the country club with ten minutes to spare. Magnus rushed to retrieve the prop rifle from his trunk as Annette straightened out her gown. While the valet drove off to park Magnus' car, the pair surveyed the lush gardens of the palace-like club.

"I'm getting cold feet... this place is so ritzy. I forgot how intimidating it is! What if I trip on the way in? The split in this dress goes up to my thigh- what if I get a run in my stalking? What if I snort-laugh?"

"You'll do fine. Just you being here means so much. You know that." Magnus said, comforting his nervous partner.

"Well... too late to turn back now." Said Annette, taking Magnus' arm.

They made their way past a magnificent cherub fountain and up the marble stairs. A deep red carpet lined the hallway leading to the ballroom. As they were about to enter the ballroom, a very petite man dressed as Prince circa "Purple Rain" rushed up to them.

"Oh no you don't!" He huffed as he approached them. "Magnus, right?"

"Yes. Are we late?" Magnus inquired.

"Just. In. Time. Had you taken two minutes longer, we would have had a disaster on our hands!

I'm Angela's cousin, Armando.

I've heard nothing but nice things about you both but there's no time for pleasantries as we are seconds away from grand entrance- now come along, let's get you both to your proper entryways!" He ushered them down the hall, primping Annette's hair along the way.

The ballroom was vast and elegant with an ivory white seating area just after the large, silk curtained glass doors. The dining area wrapped around a huge dance floor which was covered in cream colored granite slabs. In the rear of the ballroom, two small staircases lay opposite one another. Lush red carpet adorned the stairs and traveled across the rear of the ballroom until they joined each other, creating a red "T" that extended downward; ending at the dance floor. An intricate circular medallion insert was centered on the granite dance floor; this was where Armando stood.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first annual Lady Lee-Epson Hollow's Eve Costume Ball Memorial!" Announced Armando as the guests began to rise from their seats.

"I am Armando, your gracious announcer and music master for this evening..." He paused, allowing the guests to applaud. "...and I don't just speak for myself when I say that I am honored that you have all decided to join us for this very special evening! Now without further ado, let's meet our aristocrats of the evening!"

The doors at the top of both small staircases opened to reveal Jack on one staircase, and Ayana on the other. Jack wore red slacks with two golden strips of silk trailing up each pant leg. His long white blazer was adorned with gold cording and brass buttons. The red mock collar and golden-tasseled epaulets of the blazer were extremely well crafted.

Ayana wore an aqua-blue tutu with matching leotard. Around her waist was a thick golden belt with an intricate lace-like pattern cut into the leather. Her aqua tights sparkled and her silver slippers were all but covered by large, puffy faux fur boot cuffs. Her hair had been braided down to accommodate a bright blonde wig which was styled into two ponytails which were twisted into buns. Clipped to the buns were long, brightly colored plastic tubes; each about an inch thick. The tubes were assorted in light blue, royal blue and silver varieties. Ayana's favorite feature of the costume was the aqua blue lipstick that she was allowed to wear for the event. The little girl beamed as she walked down the stairs just as she had practiced earlier with Papa Jack.

"Kicking off the event, we have Angela Lee-Epson as The Electric Fairy as played by little Miss Ayana Jones. She is accompanied by Prince Charming played by Mr. Jack Epson."

Ayana daintily made her way to Jack and took his hand, as she wasn't quite tall enough to take his arm. The crowd cheered as they made their way to the dining area. Ayana had never felt so special and for the first time in quite a while, Jack was absolutely joyous.

The doors atop the stairwell opened once again.

Magnus was paralyzed by the sight of her. She was wearing a red corset which came down to a "V" point over a narrow, faux cheetah skin loin cloth that fell past her shins and ended just short of the floor. Tiny black feathers lay over long, extravagant golden ones. The layered feathers began mid thigh, where the loin cloth ended and circled her hips until they reached the strip of faux cheetah skin in the back, which covered her rear.

Long, red hand-less gloves stopped at her upper arms where they were decorated with more tiny, ebony feathers. Strapped to her shoulders were large feather layers similar to the ones that lay on the outside of her hips, but the layer of golden feathers were dramatically long and arched backwards creating an extravagant collar.

Her hair was styled into micro twist locks which fell to her waist. Long, metal lace beads were fastened along four locks; two each on either sides of her head, which lay close to her face. Her lips were blood red. Magnus would have been amazed at how her outfit perfectly matched the red carped she walked upon, had he not been completely hypnotized by the swaying of her hips as her legs disappeared and reappeared with every step.

She was halfway down the stairs when he realized she was mouthing something. He focused on her crimson lips and made out the word 'walk'. She was saying it over and over again until he realized that she was referring to the fact that she was halfway down the stairs, and he had yet to take a step.

Magnus swiftly caught up with her and met her in the center of the carpet.

"Next we have Acacia Afrikanis as played by Mrs. Cassie Davis-Bjornssen. She is accompanied by The Rifleman Lucas McCain, played by her husband Mr. Magnus Bjornssen."

Whistles could be heard through the applause, and Magnus couldn't really blame them. She was stunning. She smiled demurely. He offered her his arm, and she took it.

"The gardens, one hour." Magnus said just loud enough for only Cassie to hear.

"Where?" She questioned.

"The white pavilion where we said our vows."

Cassie nodded as a noble would.

"Agreed." She said quaintly as they approached the dining area.

"Sebastian Bach as played by Mr. Jason Colbert accompanied by Legolas meets Will Turner, as played by Mr. Alexander Lee."

Cassie and Magnus joined Jack and Ayana and cheered for Angela's brother as he and his extremely handsome young date walked the red carpet. Alex was dressed as announced, a mixture of the pirate and the elf character. A bright red Renaissance era jacket with black trim and large gold buttons. White ruffles peeked out from his cuffs and collar. He wore a platinum white wig which dazzled against his golden skin, and silver-blue contact lenses. He looked to be in his thirties, his skin was just as supple and flawless as his sister's was. His rock star date donned a natural strawberry-blonde mane. It was obvious that they were co-workers; as they both had the telltale muscular physique of male dancers.

"There's your vampire." Magnus said to Cassie, referring to the ageless pirate-elf.

"I'll say." Cassie answered, astonished at how easily Alex could have been mistaken for one of the youngest men in the room, when in fact he was one of the oldest.

Annette and her date made their way down the stairs. She took one look at her date in his brown tweed blazer and bow tie and was immediately certain that she had made the right choice in asking the pediatrician to the ball. His deep brown skin accentuated his chiseled Guyanese features. His thick, jet black hair had been parted at the side, adding to his classic look. She couldn't help but stare at his thick brown lips as he curled them into a smile. He didn't notice anyway, as he was busy eyeing Annette's slender feminine figure as she approached him.

"Dr. Dharry." She greeted with a courteous bow.

"Dr. Who." He corrected with a bow of his own.

Annette took the arm of the handsome doctor as they were announced.

"You look positively radiant, Annette. I'm honored to be your date, you've done Hedy Lamarr some justice." He said as Annette blushed and unintentionally squeezed his arm.

As the last of the special guests made their way to the dining area, The lights began to dim and a large spotlighted frame was lowered from the ceiling.

"And what would tonight be without our guest of honor? Ladies and gentlemen I present Wonder Woman, as played by our dear Angela Lee-Epson; who joins us tonight in memory and spirit." Armando paused for a moment to collect himself, as he pushed back the tears and smiled lovingly at his life size painting of Angela.

"I love you Angie, I hope I've made you proud." Armando whispered to the image of his departed cousin.

The guests gave a standing ovation to the beautiful, full body portrait. The painting displayed Angela in her twenties, wearing the trademark star-spangled hot pants and red bustier top synonymous with her favorite heroine. Her arms were curled as she flexed her biceps strong and proud, showing off her large bracelets. She was the embodiment of the amazonian. Her golden-brown skin was kissed by both her Korean and African blood.

"That's my Archangel." Said Jack, holding Ayana so that she had a clear view of the painting.

Cassie wrapped an arm around Jack as he held her daughter. He smiled to himself. He never thought he would survive losing the love of his life but here he was, surrounded by the family who had helped him through the worst tragedy he had known. Even in death Angela was taking care of her Jack and her Cassie- the annual ball was her dying wish, as she knew the only way they would avoid becoming emotional wrecks every year on her birthday was if they were together.

Angela's will stated that half of her estate would go directly to Jack, one quarter to Cassie and Hedy, and the other quarter would go into a trust that would be used to fund an annual ball in her honor where costumes were mandatory. She had chosen the palace-like country club that she had held Cassie's wedding at for two reasons: the first was that it would be nearly impossible for the blushing bride to be miserable when she was surrounded by memories of the most magical day of her life. The second reason was because Jack loved annoying snobbish people, and what better way to do so than to hold a costume ball at the area's most exclusive club where the waitress at Jack's favorite pancake house got a golden invite; yet the elitists who pandered to the successful land owner and investor and his model-turned- mogul wife did not.

"Hey kiddo..." Jack said to Ayana as he put her down. "What do you say we go check out that chocolate fountain and see what kind of desserts we can dip in there before we get in trouble?"

"Come on Papa Jack!" Squealed Ayana as she ran off towards the dessert table with Jack chuckling behind her. "Daddy said I could eat whatever I want tonight because I'm a fairy princess!"

"Guess you don't have to tell her twice!" said Jack as he hurried towards the enormous fountain.

Cassie glared at Magnus who looked away, whistling as he pretended to admire the intricate design of the sculpted ceiling.

"I'm looking right at you." She said to him, playfully annoyed.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked, smiling innocently.

"If she gets a stomach ache, you're dealing with it." She replied.

"I suppose that's fair." He agreed.

Cassie smiled as she reached for a flute of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter.

"You didn't answer my question." Said Magnus.

She looked him up and down while she sipped her champagne As her gaze fell below his waist and onto his snug-fitting jeans, she wrapped her hand around the barrel of the rifle he held and unintentionally began to stroke it. He smiled coyly as she realized what her hand was doing and quickly released the rifle, looking around to ensure that no one had witnessed her indecency.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said, secretly thanking Annette.

"Look at them." Said Cassie, changing the subject as she motioned towards Annette and her date.

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