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The OF Girl Ch. 121-130


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"Hey, I'd be right there with you," Gemma said.

"We can't just attack her," you said. "Believe me, when she hit me... I don't think I've ever contemplated hitting a girl before. But she has all the leverage here."

The three of you were silent for a long time, looking at the floor and trying to figure out what you were going to do.

"We want to be lawyers," you finally said. "So let's look at this like we're lawyers. If someone has leverage, what do all the TV shows and movies say we should do? All of our fictional heroes?"

"Take it away, or get some of our own," Gemma said.

"Point it at someone else," Sabrina suggested.

"OK," you nodded along. "Those are some starting places. So let's start brainstorming, but we can't do that here."

Gemma smirked. "You know, I always thought the Men's Room would be dirtier than this."

Sabrina snorted, but she broke a little smile as well.

It was something.

Chapter 128

You all went back to work. There wasn't really any other choice - you couldn't stay in the men's washroom after all.

You left first, waiting to signal it was safe for the girls to come out as well as a couple of Associates were chatting down the hallway. Gemma went and picked up the files she had stashed on top of a filing cabinet when she saw your face, while you and Sabrina headed back to the elevator to go back to the basement.

Your face had soothed and cleared up, and Sabrina had only needed to do minimal wiping under her eyes to clear up the small amount of makeup smudging from her mini breakdown. You'd all agreed on one major rule of thumb at this point - you couldn't be left alone where Joy could get at you. It was going to be the buddy system all the way, and if that ended up causing problems then the three of you would be honest about it - Joy had made inappropriate physical advances, but since it was he said-she said you hadn't come forward.

Unfortunately, that meant that one of the girls was always going to be flying solo, and while you could try and make sure Eric and Andy were around there were no guarantees. Especially if Eric was maintaining his horny stance of wanting to try and hook up with Joy.

So you and Sabrina made it to the basement, and you were just left worrying about Gemma being left alone upstairs.

"It's going to be fine," Sabrina said, taking your arm and slipping her around it. It was a bit too familiar for walking around the basement of an office building to look entirely natural, but it wasn't crossing any lines either.

"I hope so," you said.

Thankfully the door to the storage room still had its lock projecting out and was propped open. You and Sabrina went back to work, all thoughts of fooling around well and truly out of your minds. Sure, you'd been more than a little wary of Joy going into things, but you hadn't expected her to follow you all the way down here.

It took another twenty minutes to sort the files and gather up the garbage bags. You and Sabrina couldn't find a garbage drop-off in the basement, so you decided to head up to the main floor which would give you a chance to check in with Becks.

Unfortunately, when you stepped out of the elevator, you realized you weren't going to be getting any advice from your 'inside woman' any time soon - Joy was leaning against the welcome desk, laughing and chatting with Becks as if there was nothing wrong with the world.

It was awkward, you and Sabrina approaching and pretending to be less familiar than you were with your slightly older friend. You purposed not to look at Joy, and just walked up and asked for directions to where there was a trash area on the main floor. Becks had to have noticed your odd behaviour and gave you a look with just a slightly raised eyebrow, but didn't say anything other than to direct you to leave them just inside the custodial closet around the corner. You thanked her, and you and Sabrina went together.

The rest of the day went about the same - you and Sabrina returned upstairs and reported to Garrison that you'd finished the job, and then went back to your regular work. You were able to relax a bit and fall into your regular patterns until about a half hour before the end of the day, when Joy returned to the intern office and made a show of looking over all of your work for the day. It was mostly grumbles and growls about needing to do more or staying focused. You had to wonder if Joy's career path goals were to become the most frustrating middle management she could be. She was particularly harsh on - well, actually she seemed to be just less harsh on you. You thought she was singling out Sabrina at first, then Gemma, but when she went on to bitch at Andy and Eric as well you realized she was playing up an example for you of how things could be.


She disappeared five minutes before the end of the day, and you all started to breathe easier again as you heard Joy and her mother talking loudly at the elevators, and then silence.

Eric was the first one to sigh heavily. "Don't get me wrong, she's hot as hell," he said. "But if you're looking at the Crazy-Hot scale, I think she might actually betoo crazy."

"You don't say," you deadpanned.

Eric and Andy left right on the dot, leaving you, Gemma, and Sabrina alone in the conference room.

"I don't want to be here anymore," Gemma said. "Not today."

"Do you want him tonight, or me? Or together?" Sabrina asked.

Gemma hesitated and looked over at me. "We, um, haven't picked our next date," she said.

"Um," you said, blinking. "I think it's your turn to plan a date if I'm remembering correctly."

"Right, right. Wednesday? I'll come up with something," Gemma said.

"Sure," you smiled. "Looking forward to it."

"What about tonight then?" Sabrina asked.

"Actually," Gemma said, and looked guiltily over at me. "John, would you mind if Sabrina and I had some girl time tonight? Not to exclude you, but I think we need to figure some things out and it'll be easier to do without you."

"Yeah, no problem," you said, though you couldn't help feeling a little defeated at losing out on another threesome with them. You stood up and glanced around outside the conference room doors, then quickly went and kissed both Gemma and Sabrina. "I'll see you both tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you too," they both said in unison, then chuckled and smirked at each other. It was weird, but it was sweet.

You went home. Alone. When was the last time you'd done that right after work without plans to meet one or both of them?

One thing was for sure, your penis wasn't happy with you.

Chapter 129

"Oh, hey dude," Mosche said as you entered the apartment and kicked off your shoes.

"Hey," you said. "What's up?"

"Well, I did what you said and texted Tasha," he said.

"And? Are you guys meeting up again?" you asked as you walked over and flopped onto the couch.

"Sort of?" Mosche said. "She asked me if I wanted to go on a 'triple date.'"

"Is that like a double date but with three couples? That sounds like it could be fun if you do something cool."

"See, that's what I thought at first too," Mosche said. "But it's not what she meant. She wants me to go on a date with her and another guy. Three people, one date."

I blinked, looking up at the ceiling. Mosche had been watching TV, as usual, when I'd come in but had paused the PVR, so all you were hearing was the hum of the ceiling fan in the kitchen.

"Wait, what?" you asked. "Like a two-on-one date?"

"I guess? Like, she knows I'm not gay or bi," he said.

You rubbed your hands over your face, trying to grapple with what he'd just told you. Your immediate reaction was to be weirded out - you would never agree to go on a date with a girl you liked withanother guy. The thing was, you had no place to talk. Not only were you seeing two women, but had been on outings that looked an awful lot like a date with both of them at the same time. Not to mention the sex.

"So what are you going to do?" you asked.

"I don't know!" Mosche said, shooting to his feet and starting to pace around the room. "On the one hand, she gave me the best blowjob of my life the other night. On the other hand, what if she wants to turn me out or something? What if she's going to try and convince me to do stuff?"

"I mean, I didn't get that vibe from her, but I don't even know what that vibe would look like," you said.

"What would you do?" Mosche asked. "You're dating Gemma and Sabrina at the same time, right?"

"Sort of, not technically?" you hedged. "I'm dating Gemma, and Sabrina is my friends-with-benefits that Gemma knows about."

"What about Sunday? I could hear you guys pretty clearly not just hanging out," Mosche said.

"Sorry," you said, but grinned a little. "When it comes to your thing, dude... I don't know. You should just ask her what she's expecting."

"Uuugh," Mosche groaned, flopping back onto the couch next to me. "But I don't want to."

"Well, let's think of what the best-case scenarios are," you said. "If the worst case is her trying to get you to try gay stuff, the best case is...?"

"She wants me to show I'm better than this other guy?" Mosche asked.

"That could be it," you nodded. "Or maybe she wants a threesome?"

Mosche screwed up his face, then got thoughtful, then suspicious. "I dunno if I'm ready for that."

"Hey, I don't know if I would be either. A Devil's Threesome is way different than the kind I was having."

"Wait, a what?" he asked.

"Devil's Threesome?" you clarified. "A devil has two horns, two guys mean two dicks..."

"Right, right," Mosche shook his head. "I need to think about this some more."

"Well, good luck, buddy," you said, patting his leg and standing up. "I still say you just ask her what she's hoping for. When's the date supposed to be?"

"Wednesday," he said.

"Then you've got some time," you said. "Just work up the courage and call her."

"Yeah..." he sulked.

"Look, I haven't been around much in the last week. How about I make us dinner?" you offered.

That perked Mosche up, and soon you were out down at the local grocery store bodega picking up some supplies, and you made up a batch of fajitas with kosher chicken. You'd never actually asked Mosche if he kept kosher, but you figured better safe than sorry.

The two of you hung out for the first time in a while and - well, it was as awkward as usual. He was a well-meaning guy, but he was fuckin' weird at times. Not weird enough to make you feel a sort of way, but weird enough that it left you shaking your head at him.

You ended up watching Die Hard, getting into the age-old argument of whether it was a Christmas movie or not, before you both split off to head to bed. Well, "bed." More than likely you both just wanted some alone time.

You'd just started changing when there was a knock on the apartment door. You frowned, glancing at the time and seeing it was passed 11pm. "Who the hell?"

Mosche was coming out of his room at the same time you were across the apartment, but you were closer to the front door and got there first. You opened it up and couldn't help but grin.

"Anyone order some crispy chicken with a side of girlfriend?" Gemma asked, grinning as she held up a paper bag from Popeye's.

"Hey, you," you said, waving her in and shutting the door.

"Hi," she grinned, stepping into your arms and kissing you. Then she turned to your roommate. "Hey, Mosche. I brought you some, too."

Mosche was like a gremlin with the chicken, taking the 3-piece box Gemma offered him and scampering away back to his room with a mumbled thanks.

"Jesus, you'd think I hadn't fed him dinner," you chuckled, shaking your head. You turned back to Gemma, taking her in your arms. "What's with the surprise?" you asked. "You didn't need to do this"

"And you didn't need to make a splash with my roommates either," Gemma said. "But Sabrina and I abandoned you this afternoon after a weird day, and I wanted to see you."

You kissed her again, lightly and happily. "Well, how did your planning go with Sabrina?" you asked.

"We'll tell you tomorrow," Gemma said. "For now, how about you take me to your room so that we can get naked and eat fried chicken while we watch some YouTube?"

You snorted. "You know what? Anything my girlfriend wants," you said.

"Then you know what the next twenty minutes are going to look like," Gemma grinned, taking your hand and pulling her towards your room.

"What about the twenty minutes after that?" you asked.

Gemma bit her lip, her eyes sparkling mischievously. Then she whooped as you picked her up and carried her to your room in a rush.

Chapter 130

"Sabrina would flip if she saw us doing this," you said.

Gemma snorted. "Yeah, probably. But she doesn't know what she's missing out on."

"True," you laughed.

You were naked, and Gemma was lounging up against you naked as well, one leg thrown over yours as she rested her naked back against your shoulder and chest. You were both eating the still-warm chicken that she'd brought, your laptop open and randomly working your way through the YouTube algorithm.

"Mmmph," Gemma slurped, cleaning off the last chicken bone and dropping it into the box. "So good."

You laughed again and watched as she picked up your old t-shirt and wiped her fingers and mouth. It was the substitute for a napkin you'd both been using since you didn't have any paper towels in your room, and didn't want to get dressed to go get some.

Gemma tossed the shirt away and turned sideways, cuddling up on you more as her breasts pressed into your chest now. "Have I told you that I love you today?" she asked.

"A few times, but I could be told again," you said.

"Well," she said, sitting up a little higher to bring her lips next to yours. "I love you."

"I love you too, love," you said, and kissed her. Despite wiping your mouths she still tasted a little like the chicken, which was weird.

Slowly the kissing turned into making out, and the laptop was forgotten as Gemma straddled you more properly as she pressed her chest to yours. You were groping her ass and running your hands up and down her sides, while your cock was now hard and trapped between you.

Gemma broke the kiss and looked down at me. "You're mine," she said, but turned it into a question. "Right?"

"Of course I am," you said, stopping your groping and focusing more on her face.

She was frowning, her eyes trying to bore into yours as if she wanted to read something in you. You decided the best thing to do was wait.

Her eyes softened, and she took a breath. "Sorry," she said. "I just-" she hesitated.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to," you offered.

"No, you already know," Gemma shook her head. "I was just thinking that the easiest way to solve this whole issue would be for you to fuck Joy to keep her happy. But I don't want that. You having sex with Sabrina is part of whatever we have. But her? I couldn't handle that."

"Was Sabrina pushing for that?" you asked, not sure if you wanted the answer or not.

"No. Go, no," Gemma said. "She was even more against it than I was, I think."

You hugged Gemma to you. "I would have done it if you both wanted me to," you said. "But I wouldn't have enjoyed a second of it. That woman is..."

"Awful," Gemma said. You held her for a little bit, and then she sighed. "I killed the mood, didn't I?"

"A little," you smirked. "You know what would get it back?"

"What's that? A blowjob?" Gemma asked.

"Nope," you said. "Well, probably, but not what I was thinking. How about you sit on my face? Because I want to taste you again, and we haven't tried it that way yet."

Gemma rolled her eyes. "Oh, pull my leg already. What a pain that my boyfriend wants to eat me out."

You laughed and scooted down the bed to get into a better position for her.

* * * * *

"I'm taking these with me," Gemma said. She was half-dressed, your cum leaking down her leg since she hadn't put on her panties yet. She was holding up a pair of your work pants.

"Why do you want a pair of my pants?" you asked from the bed. You'd been watching her get dressed.

"Well, I'm taking this too," she said, fetching a shirt from your suitcase as well.

"Yes, but why?" you asked.

She came back over to you, her clothes in her hand, and leaned down to kiss you. "Because, love, the next time you come over on a weeknight I want you to be able to sleep over."

"That's an excellent idea, love," you said with a smile. "I just wish you could stay with me now."

"So do I," she said. "So we need to figure out when I can drop off at least one outfit here, too. Sabrina is probably going to want to do the same thing."

"I'll make space for you..." you looked around your cluttered room. It was a sublease, and half of the stuff in there belonged to the guy you were subleasing from for the summer. "I don't know, somewhere."

Gemma pulled her panties up finally, sopping up the leak of cum on her inner thing with it and wincing. "Egh, that's moist and cold."

"You could have wiped it up," you chuckled.

"What, and miss out on the feeling of your cum all over my pussy?" Gemma asked, wiggling her eyebrows goofily.

"You might be the most perverted of the three of us, deep down," you said.

"And you love me for it," Gemma said.

"I do. I really do," you laughed.

You threw on a pair of track pants and walked her to the door once she was fully dressed and had the pair of pants and your shirt folded in a bag.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?" you asked her at the door.

Gemma checked her phone and saw it was past midnight. "Not today," she grinned.

You kissed her, deep and long, crushing her body to yours as you breathed in her smell. "I love you, Gemma," you said finally.

"If I don't leave now, I won't leave at all," Gemma sighed. "I love you too, John."

You leaned in the doorway of the apartment as she walked down the hallway and waited for the elevator, and grinned when she caught you watching her and she actually blushed.


Thanks for reading. Votes are awesome, comments are even better!

If you enjoyed, make sure to catch the rest of the series! It is ongoing and releases will be happening every few days as we catch up to current. I also suggest you check out my AMA: The Boyfriend series for another ongoing story with lots of teasing.




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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Argh, I tried to like this story, but it’s such hard reading! Someone needs to rewrite this ditching the shit first person and liven up the dialogue.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The story gets better and better!

JohnnyRebBBJohnnyRebBB11 months ago

Nice to bluff us into thinking the ladies were talking about eachother to start with.

DINGDONG33DINGDONG3312 months ago

Well the adventure continues how is this going to be play out keep it going good writing.

NewtScamanderNewtScamanderabout 1 year ago

I’m surprised the first thought wasn’t to record every interaction with Joy from now on, but that would be too easy and wouldn’t build drama. As far as going to HR, HR exists to protect the business not the employees and an intern on a 3 month contract is going to be let got in a he said she said case, especially when backed by one of the partners. Honestly even if they had video of her coming on to him they would probably still fire him when she claimed he came on to her and tried to blackmail her.

Anyway great story but I really hope you burn that bitch Joy in a spectacular over the top way.

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