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The OF Girl Ch. 261-270

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
11.4k words

Part 27 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes relationship decisions, office drama, office sex, MFF, phone sex, rewards and preparation for a vaction.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 261

You wanted it all.

Well, maybe that was a bit hyperbolic.

You wanted to graduate from university, go to law school, and start off your career strong. Maybe eventually become a judge, even though there wasn't as much money in a Judgeship as there was in corporate law. And, once you were settled, you wanted to start a family.

Before a few weeks ago, you would have said that family would be the nuclear one with a wife, a couple of kids, and a dog living in an upscale neighbourhood with the ability to travel and eat out at nice restaurants and all that kind of stuff. That was the end goal.

Now you wanted it... twice. You didn't want a nuclear family anymore; you weren't even sure what a family would look like with the three of you. But you definitely wanted the three of you. You wanted to go to law school with Gemma and Sabrina. You wanted to settle down with them and start your careers together. You wanted a family with them.

"I want you to be happy," you said, suppressing the urge to just word vomit all of that out. You were a month into this relationship, and sure a lot had happened and you'd rushed pretty much every aspect of it, but what you wanted would probably be overwhelming.

"OK, but what about your family?" Gemma prodded you. "Or your friends? Would there be any blowback?"

"I... don't know," you sighed. "My Dad would probably need a bit to absorb it, but would overall be accepting in a hint-hint, nudge-nudge kind of way. My Mom would think we're weird, and possibly ask inappropriate questions down the line, but wouldn't freak out or anything. I wouldn't really care about my extended family that much. Same for high school friends - some sort of cross between my Dad and my extended family. As for my college friends... I mean, I'd get ribbed for it, but I don't think there'd be any bigotry or anything."

"So you'd be OK with us being open?" Sabrina asked.

"Honestly, probably," you said but turned to Gemma. "I'm not the one I'm most worried about though."

Gemma sighed and nodded, looking down at your hand holding hers

"Do you want to talk it out, or just give us a flat answer?" Sabrina asked quietly. "Either one is OK."

"I don't know what my extended family would think," Gemma said. "I'd care about my Grandma, mostly, but she got tipsy once a few years ago at a barbeque and let slip that she'd experimented with girls back when she was our age, so she sort of let the cat out of the bag on being OK if we were gay. Poly might be different, but I doubt it. My Dad is going to be super critical of anyone I get into a relationship with after all the shit with my ex. My Mom... well, my Mom couldn't hate someone if they spit in her eye."

"Friends?" you asked.

Gemma sighed. "I don't care," she shrugged. "If they do have a problem with it, why would I want to be friends with them?"

"What about Birdie?" you asked.

She smiled and squeezed your fingers, obviously happy that you'd remembered the name. "I think she'd ask way too many questions, and be happy for me."

"So it's mostly just your Dad you're worried about?" Sabrina asked.

Gemma nodded. "I think- I think maybe we can be open about it while we're here," Gemma said. "Maybe we don't blast it out with a big announcement on social media so that I can control some of the release of information back home, though. But telling your friends and families is fine. I just need to be home and have a plan to explain it to my Dad."

"OK," you said. "So we're official."

"We were already official," Sabrina smirked. "We're just making it Facebook Official, without the Facebook."

That made you and Gemma chuckle a little.

"OK, so let's book the beach trip," Gemma said. "And, um, I wasn't sure how to ask this before, but now that we're talking about making it official and telling people and stuff... So, one of my cousins is getting married in December. John, would you want to fly out for a few days and be my plus-one? Sabrina, I'd ask you to come too but it might be awkward to ask for a plus-two, and it'll give me a chance to ease my Dad into getting used to me being in a relationship again."

"I-" You felt something weird in your chest. Not a pain or anything, but an emotion that was hard to understand. "Gemma, I would love to if we can make it work with exams and everything," you said. "But I don't know if-"

"Oh, shut up and say yes," Sabrina laughed, leaning over and hugging you and Gemma. "Yes, I'm fine with it. Obviously it would be weird to need to ask your cousin to accommodate your two American lovers, especially for her wedding. I'll miss you extra, but that's more than OK."

The three of you hugged for a long time and, since you were 99.5% sure you were alone on the floor, you kissed them both as well and they kissed each other.

Then you had to scarf down your cooling pizza before getting back to work racking up the overtime hours.

- - - - -

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Sabrina hissed. She was looking up between you and Gemma, out the windows into the hallway. The three of you had worked until almost 11 PM the night before and had come in and started work immediately the next morning. Now it was almost 11:30 AM.

"Who?" you asked, while Gemma turned and looked over her shoulder.

"Fucking cunt," Gemma swore, turning back to her work.

"Oh," you said. It could only be one person.

"OK, she's gone," Sabrina said.

You dropped the files you were sorting and looked back, but didn't see her. Eric, however, was coming down the hall and he stuck his head in the conference room door.

"911," he said. "KillJoy is in the building."

Chapter 262

There was only one real answer as to why Joy would be back in the building - she had to just be visiting her mother, or coming to meet her for lunch or something.


"Way to give us a heads up, Becks," Gemma muttered grabbing her phone and opening it and quickly typing.

"It's fine," you said. "We're fine. It's already Wednesday, would she really wait this long to try and pull something?"

"Or it's only Wednesday," Sabrina pointed out. "And she's been scheming since Saturday to get us caught in a horrible net of lies and half-truths."

That did sound like Joy.

Gemma's phone pinged and she looked at it. "Becks didn't know she was here," Gemma said. "She must have used a back exit or something."

"Great," you mumbled. "The conniving bitch also knows about multiple ways to get in here."

"So what are we going to do?" Sabrina asked.

"Nothing," Gemma said. "We don't draw any attention to ourselves. We just work like nothing is the matter. That's what Garrison would want anyways, right? If anything goes down, we have to make sure it was her fault."

You and Sabrina agreed, and the three of you went back to work.

It only took Joy five minutes to come back around and show her evil hag face.

She knocked but didn't wait at the door to the conference room, breezing her way in with a snide smile. "Well, well, well, look who it is," she said. "Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dumb, and Tweedle Dick." She was dressed in an outfit that never would have flown when she was interning in the law office - it was a flowy, silky summer dress that barely covered her ass and showed off her legs, and had a decent amount of cleavage up top. You could only assume it was seen as more appropriate to wear something like that at the fashion magazine offices her mother had gotten her a job at.

"Funny," you said. "How long did it take you to come up with that one?"

"Hmm," she hummed with a snotty pout of a grin. "So what, did you three get downgraded from digitization and keyword searches to just sorting old boxes of crap?"

"That's literally none of your business," Sabrina said.

"Whatever," Joy said, stepping forward and starting to look at the papers on top of one of the sorted stacks.

"Stop," Gemma said, stepping forward and wedging herself partially between Joy and the table. "You don't work here, you can't just start pawing through legal documents."

"Ugh, get out of my face, you hairy bitch," Joy scoffed. "I can do whatever I damn well want, and none of you can stop me."

"She's right, Joy," you said. "Get out of the room. We don't want you here, and these documents aren't something you can just start reading."

"Fuck off, you limp dick snake," Joy hissed. "Make me."

"I will if I have to," Gemma said, pushing herself forward a bit more until she was chest-to-chest with Joy. Joy's heels gave her more height than Gemma, but your girlfriend wasn't a skinny twig with tits like Joy. Gemma's curves were natural she was athletic underneath them, so the brief brush sent Joy stumbling backwards slightly.

"What the fuck, you bitch!" Joy shouted loudly. Too loudly. "You just assaulted me."

You rolled your eyes, then turned to glance at Sabrina but she was already heading out of the conference room by the other set of doors at the far end, heading out into the hallway. That left you to back up Gemma, and you stepped forward as Joy continued to crow about having been assaulted. Some of the Associates and Jr Partners were starting to peek out of their offices at the raucous she was causing.

"I'll sue your ass off!" Joy shouted. "You can't put your hands on me like that. And you spit on me too. That's aggravated assault. I'll get you deported!"

You probably shouldn't have, but you snorted. And once you snorted, you started giggling. You couldn't stop it.

It was all just so... ridiculous.

Gemma looked over at you confused for a moment, then cracked a grin and started trying not to giggle herself.

"Stop laughing at me! I'll make sure you're charged with everything under the sun. You'll be calling the Australian consulate begging them to get you out of this."

"What the hell is going on in here?" one of the Jr Partners said loudly as he stepped into the room. You vaguely knew his name was something that started with an O. O'Malley, O'Brien... something like that. He didn't order for the coffee run so you never interacted with him.

"This bully just put her hands on me," Joy cried, pointing accusingly and Gemma.

You literally had to go down to one knee, you were wheezing so hard from trying to stop yourself from laughing.

"It's- She's faking," Gemma got out in between her own suppressed giggles.

"I am not!" Joy shouted.

"What the hell is going on in here?" raged a new voice. It was Bellagamba. Joy's mother's face looked like a stormcloud had met a tsunami.

"Mother, I told you she was horrible," Joy cried, her big crocodile tears finally kicking in. "She pushed me hard, I almost cracked my head on the window. For no reason!"

"Stop laughing!" Bellagamba shouted at you, and then she turned on Gemma. "And how dare you put your hands on my daughter. You are f-"

"What the hell is going on in here?" Garrison's voice beat the Jr Partner and Bellagamba in thick base and pure volume.

Joy opened her mouth to make her accusation again.

"Why are you in this room? You don't work here and it's full of proprietary documents," Garrison said, pointing a thick finger at Joy. "Get out."

Joy snapped her mouth shut. The tone of Garrison's voice was clear that her waterworks, banshee routine wouldn't move him. That and Sabrina was standing right behind him in the doorway.

"This isn't-" Bellagamba started, but Garrison levelled a glare at her that would have made you shit your pants if it had been turned on you. As it was your laughter had died when he first walked in and bellowed.

"We'll talk about this after lunch," Garrison said cooly to Bellagamba.

Joy's mother grabbed her hand and hauled her out of the room. Sabrina did a pretty good job of not sneering at them both as they had to walk past her. They went in the quickest direction of the elevators.

"Sir, I-" Gemma started.

Garrison held up a hand, interrupting her. "Wait a few minutes, then take a long lunch," he sighed. "You'll be here late with the overtime anyways."

"Thank you, sir," Gemma said.

He just sort of gave a grunt and stalked out of the conference room, and many of the looky-loos in the hallway filtered away.

"What the hell was that?" the Jr Partner asked you, Gemma and Sabrina as the only other person left in the room.

"Honestly, you don't want to know," you told him.

It looked like he did, in fact, want to know. Just not enough to actually get involved, so he left.

Chapter 263

"OK, Eric," Gemma said. "Sabrina and I have asked you here today because we have a proposition for you."

Eric was clearly suspicious, and you couldn't blame him.

Nothing else had happened yesterday, other than a whole lot of work, after the latest Joy incident. Bellagamba hadn't come back into the conference room, but neither had Garrison. The three of you had decided to end up taking your usual lunch and getting back to work since you were on a deadline, and dinner had been order-in Chinese food.

Now it was lunchtime on Thursday and Gemma had summoned Eric to come eat lunch with you three in the conference room without Andy.

"Why do I feel like I'm being led into a trap?" Eric asked.

"It's not a trap," Sabrina said. "Seriously, it's a good thing."

"Then why are you two acting so weird?" Eric asked, then looked over at you. "Why are they acting so weird?"

"Just listen to them," you sighed and gestured back to Gemma and Sabrina.

"How have your matches been going on the apps?" Gemma asked.

"I dunno, fine," Eric said.

"Any more than usual after we helped you out?" Sabrina asked.

"Maybe a few, but they haven't gone anywhere," he said.

"OK, that's fine," Gemma said. "Actually, that's probably good. How would you like to go on a blind date?"

"Um..." Eric said. "I dunno. I've never been on a blind date. Is she hot?"

"She's pretty," Gemma nodded. "And she dolls herself up like a princess when she's meeting a guy for the first time."

Eric narrowed his eyes. "So she wears a lot of makeup?"

"Oh my God," Sabrina scoffed. "Please tell me you aren't an 'I like a natural look' guy."

"Well, what if I do?" Eric frowned.

"Eric, would you say Gemma or I are 'natural look?'" Sabrina asked.

"I mean, other than eyeshadow..." Eric said.

Gemma sighed and shook her head. "That's why, Eric," she said. "You think we're mostly makeup-less, and you're just wrong. I'm wearing foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lipgloss. I just apply it well and don't cake it on."

"Pretty much the same, except add fake lashes," Sabrina said.

"I thought fake eyelashes give you big lashes though,' Eric said.

"Yeah, they can," Sabrina said. "But I've got thin natural lashes, so I get small fake ones to not look like I'm going out slutting it up for work."

None of this was a surprise to you - you'd spent more than enough time with both of them to have seen them taking off their makeup at the end of the day, or putting it on in the morning. To be fair, your favourite version of them both was when they were naked-faced (and naked in general) and in bed after a long bout of sex, but you also appreciated both their day-to-day makeup and when they really went all out for a fancy date night. Well, maybe the 'naked face' being your favourite was more about the warm afterglow of sex, with their hair wild and plastered to the sweat on their foreheads and shoulders and not actually the makeup.

"Seriously, Eric," Gemma continued. "There's almost no modern woman who you would look at and think 'Damn, she's at least a seven' and she isn't wearing makeup."

"Fine, fine," he sighed. "I get it."

"OK. So her name is Lucy, and she's my roommate," Gemma said. "She likes when a guy treats her sweetly and pays attention to her, but isn't overbearing. You'll meet her tonight at 7 PM at the Cat and Fiddle. It's an upscale pub, the prices aren't wild, but it's nice enough to dress up for a little to impress each other. She'll be wearing a blue and red dress, and you need to bring a yellow flower with you."

"Why a yellow flower?" Eric asked.

"So she knows it's you, and because bringing one flower is a sweet gesture without being too much," Sabrina said.

"Do I really need to bring a flower?" he asked, looking over at you.

"He did it and got me," Gemma said.

Eric sighed. "Fine, a yellow flower."

"And her name is Lucy," Sabrina repeated.

"I got it, I got it," Eric said.

Eric still got an earful over the rest of lunch about all the things Gemma and Sabrina thought he needed to hear about how to have a successful first date. In the end, you surreptitiously took a couple of notes on your phone since you weren't sure if you were meeting everything on their rambling list of expectations yourself.

After lunch, Eric went back to work and the three of you got back to the last push on organizing all of the files. You were close, and the finish line was in site to hit the deadline, but there was still a lot to do.

Garrison checked in at four, and you promised him it would be done and ready for him and his Associates in the morning. Gemma went and found Eric at five to make sure Eric remembered the pub name and time he was supposed to meet Lucy.

Then the floor emptied out, and it was just you three and four associates. Then two associates.

You ordered dinner, sushi this time to celebrate the work almost being done.

Then it was just you three in the office, and the light was dimming outside as the sun dipped below the nearby buildings but hadn't set yet. It cast an orange glow across the glass windows of the building opposite.

The sushi was good but not great. The office was quiet. You had, at best guess, an hour left of work to do.

Sabrina dropped her chopsticks on the floor. "Oops," she said, then disappeared behind the lip of the table.

"Well, I guess we're not waiting," Gemma said to you with a smirk.

"Guess not," you said, and you felt Sabrina's slender hand slink up from your knee to your crotch as a happy giggle filtered out from under the conference table.

Gemma grunted, and you looked over and saw Sabrina was sliding a hand up Gemma's pantyhose-covered thigh as well, reaching under her business-appropriate skirt.

Chapter 264

Your cock was out and in Sabrina's fist in moments, and Gemma was breathing deeply beside you and Sabrina's other arm flexed as she did something underneath Gemma's skirt.

Gemma turned to you and leaned over pulling you to her with a hand on your cheek so that she could kiss you. She moaned softly, her lips humming with the sound, and you reached over and softly brushed your fingers across the front of her blouse, cupping her tit and pressing your thumb across where her nipple would be.

"God, this is such a bad idea," Gemma laughed as your kiss ended.

"The best bad idea," Sabrina said from under the table. You were fully hard now and she was slowly stroking you, and then she tilted your cock down and her lips teased the head sending shivers up your spine.

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