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The Office Bitch

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She submits to the office pervert.
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I knew from the first moment that she came in the office door on her first day at work that I would not get on with Sandi. It was that damned look of hers, as if she were so superior to you and that you were fortunate to even be sharing the same space as her. Of course that Monday she was polite enough, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries as you do when you start in a new office but I got the impression that she wanted to wipe the palm of her hand on her skirt after shaking my hand - maybe she was a racist (that was a theory I came to believe more and more). Fortunately back then she was on the same level as me and we rarely butted heads but that would soon change when she somehow managed to get a promotion and became office manager, making her my direct boss.

Before telling you about that hellish time I should describe her to you, it's important that you understand who she was and what she was like. Her name was Sandra Fuller but she insisted on being called Sandi (why she used 'I' I don't know, maybe she thought it was cool but really it was pretentious crap and that about summed her attitude up). She was married, a fact displayed by the biggest, ugliest, tackiest looking wedding ring its been my misfortune to ever see - though no doubt it cost a bomb, her husband was called David and he, as she never tired of boasting, was a very wealthy man and she had a kid that was about ten. She was 34 when this all went down but I would have to admit she looked good for it, long blonde hair that was immaculately kept, piercing blue eyes that could make you feel guilty without you doing anything and a hell of a trim figure. She knew it too and certainly liked to dress sexy in the office with expensive loose blouses and short, tight skirts to go with her ever present heels.

Why she was working I don't know, I never really wanted to know, it was bad enough that she did never mind knowing the reasons. She certainly didn't need to, she made sure we all knew how wealthy she was and how great her life was, but despite that she was ambitious, cravenly ambitious from the start. She always made sure the important people knew what she had done, how she had done it and what others had failed to do. She was, in a word, a bitch. And it was on me that much of her foul temper and attitude usually fell.

My name is Cal (funny how Sandi could always pronounce it like it was a curse) and I had got by in the company for near a decade before she showed up. I wasn't that ambitious, I got through the day and was happy to go home at five and even happier at the weekend. I was divorced, 32 and in no hurry to re-marry or even date anyone else, it was just too much trouble. I knew my job and was pretty good at it but I wasn't real hot on procedures and protocol so there wasn't much danger of me getting much in the way of promotion or advancement. Which suited me fine, I could relax, do my job with no pressure and find other ways to enjoy myself in the copious free time I had. I'll tell you a little later about some of my favourite hobbies, I'll not spoil the surprise right now!

Like I said Sandi got that damn promotion, I remember joking at the time that she must have sucked some serious cock to get it but I didn't really believe it she was just that determined and ambitious that what she wanted she just went out and got and figured it was like that with the promotion too. Still it sucked, I didn't want her bossing me around, that would just ruin my nice, quiet little work world, but there wasn't a thing I could do to stop it happening. And it was a hundred times worse than I had imagined once she got the power, believe me. Yes, others got it too but she seemed to get off on picking me up on mistakes and giving me the crappiest jobs available, if could have got anything else then I would have but it paid well and I was damned if I would let the bitch drum me out of my job (though that was exactly what was happening).

I hated my job for a good six months and watched in horror as Sandi got more control and more power in the office and seemed to have the ear of every manager in the place. I could tell my days were numbered and could almost see in her striking blue eyes the desire to fire me, to make an example of me and show her superiority. I kept my head down and didn't let her catch me doing anything that could give her the chance though - personal e-mails stopped, personal calls ended, I never surfed the net at work again, I was never late - it was sheer hell I tell you but she never caught me out and knowing that annoyed her was at least one small victory for me. Then one day I left my mobile phone in my desk at work and things changed completely!

Normally I would have just left the phone in my desk pretty sure it would be there the next day but I had left in a hurry that afternoon and was sure I hadn't locked the drawer either and it was a pretty new phone and some of the people that did the cleaning were not the type to resist such an opportunity to line their pockets. I hadn't realised until I got home but what the hell I had nothing on that night that couldn't wait so I turned around and headed back to the office. By the time I got there it was past six o'clock and the place was mainly deserted. I got to the large open-plan office I worked in and tried the main door and found it was locked. Shit, they only did that once it was cleaned. Still I had previously purloined a key for myself and let myself in, hoping that my new phone wouldn't have been discovered. I looked at the rubbish bins and saw they were still full so maybe the cleaners hadn't been, come to think of it didn't they start about eight, I thought. Which sparked my curiosity somewhat, then as I reached my desk and saw with some relief my brand new phone exactly where I had left it I heard a thud from one of the adjoining smaller, enclosed, managers offices at the end of the main office. Maybe I should not have investigated but I had a good reason for being there, was puzzled why the doors had been locked and boy was I sure glad I did investigate!

The noise was coming form the Sales Director's office, I had never thought to much about Steve Mitchell (the Director) but like most of the top management in the firm he struck me as a bit of a pompous, stuck up prick so I kept as far away from him as I could. I still couldn't figure out what the main door was doing being locked when I came up to the door to his office, it was a half ajar and afforded me a perfect view of what was going on inside the office. Mitchell had his back to me and his trousers were around his ankles, and yes that was a pretty gruesome view of his hairy ass but it was the two thin legs that were straddling his crotch that really intrigued me. I was sure I knew those heels, they were designer and showy as hell and when I saw the mane of blonde hair and Sandi's ecstatic face for a second I was sure. The office bitch was getting a good, hard fucking on her back on the Directors table!

Of course I got an immediate erection but more than being excited my mind started to race as to how I could use this to my advantage. I just knew that there must be a way to handle this to get the bitch off my back for good if I could just play it right. Of course, I knew that Mitchell being a Director could make things bad for me too if I blew it so I took a moment to consider, it didn't seem that they were near finished their office fuck yet anyway.

Then it came to me. The reason I had returned to the office in the first place. My brand new, all singing, all dancing mobile phone. I had been playing about with the video playback features only that afternoon and before I knew what I was doing it was in my hand and from my position outside the door frame I focussed it perfectly on the rutting couple in the office. My erection grew even bigger as I recorded them, not just for the action in the office (which was hot and heavy, Mitchell was into some really dirty talk and Sandi seemed to be more than capable of matching him) and after fucking her across the desk for another five minutes they flipped her over and he finally came right inside her with the bitch bent right over the desk before he collapsed on her back and lay on top of her exhausted. My cue to escape.

My mind seemed to be in the zone right then and I knew exactly what to do and when, I knew that I had only seconds before it became more likely that I would be discovered so I made my way quietly but quickly out of the office and remembered to use my key to lock the main office door, leaving everything exactly as it had been when I had arrived. I hurried from the building and out to the car park, my valuable cargo held firmly in my hand until I got inside my car and sped home. Once home I held my breath as I watched the feedback, it was far better than I could have hoped for - the footage was amazingly clear and it was no problem at all making out who the two figures were that were fucking like wild animals on the desk, it captured the action perfectly. I carefully converted the file onto my computer at home and made a copy onto a memory stick, I never wanted to lose this baby, that was for sure!

With the file safely stored I could now sit back and consider what I wanted to do with it properly. It was dynamite, for sure and I knew if used correctly I could really have some fun with it. And I knew what type of 'fun' I wanted to have with Sandi.

Remember earlier I alluded to my hobbies well I can fill you in fully now, when I got home of an evening or at the weekends I like to spend my time surfing the internet for as much hardcore porn as I could find, not just the net either DVD's, magazines and videos too. And it wasn't just normal sexual pornography either, oh no, I had a real predilection for some pretty nasty stuff. I particularly enjoyed misogynistic material where women were being totally sexually dominated and humiliated, that really turned me on. I was into harder stuff than that too, S & M , BDSM, real fantasy stuff and you probably would not believe the hours that I had dreamed of being able to act out these fantasies with a real life willing (or hopefully, not so-willing) woman. And I knew just who I wanted, Sandi!

The more I thought about it the more genius the idea seemed to me. Look at what she had to lose if this came out (I was dismissing Steve from my thoughts as I was wary of crossing a higher up like him plus I had only the one target in my sights), she was married with a kid I knew and that husband of hers was supposed to be pretty wealthy plus her job had to be in jeopardy if it came out, the Board were notoriously puritanical about stuff like that. Steve had as much to lose I guess but I didn't care about him. I spent the rest of the night planning what I would do, the how, when and where of it were pretty straight forward but I especially enjoyed the nitty gritty of the planning of what I was actually going to do with Sandi once she had seen the evidence I was using on her. I went to bed that night with my mind a maelstrom of ideas and plans and I knew that the next day was going to be one I would remember for a very long time indeed. The next day dragged by and I could barely concentrate on anything at all. That was the first time I think I had been happy to stay late after work. My plan was further boosted by the information that Steve was out for the rest of the week and the next on an overseas visit, no doubt what I had seen last night was Sandi's farewell gift to him! Brilliantly Sandi seemed to be especially annoyed with me that day, making sure to stack work in my in tray and delivering her usual snide comments and implied criticisms to try to get under my skin. For some reason they didn't bother me that day. Still the day dragged and I could not wait for five to come and for all my fellow workers to begin their rush home. I was fairly certain Sandi would not be among them to begin with as she always seemed to make sure she was late in leaving as it allowed her to come in the morning that bit later, plus I guess she had other reasons for staying late as I had seen the night before! Anyway, it was much to her surprise and annoyance that I was still at my desk come half past five but what could she do about it? Not a lot, and as the last of the other workers exited I waited until she was in Steve's office doing some filing before using my key to once again lock the external door to the office. The time was at hand. She had her back to me and was bending across Steve's desk (why was that so familiar?!) shuffling some papers when I entered the office and stood some yards behind her and cleared my throat to let her know I was there. No doubt she was startled and she turned on me flustered and angry. ""What do you want? Why are you still here? Not like you to work late (that said with sarcasm dripping from her Southern voice)." I said in as steady and professional a voice as I could muster, not wanting to let her know what I had in hand just yet. "Sandi I've got a file on my computer I really think you should see, please when you get a moment come and have a look." That certainly seemed to throw her off balance and she followed me back to my desk trying to mask her curiosity with a vexed look. I still managed to contain my victorious smile, but that did not last long once we had reached my desk and I had opened the file with something of a flourish. And once the explicit and very, very clear action started up on my screen I was able to let go my carefully in check emotions. I positively chuckled as Sandi's face crumpled in front of me as she recognised the location and principals in an instant and her hand reached to cover her aghast mouth as the enormity of what she was watching and who was showing it to her sunk in. Eventually she managed to force herself to look up at me and stammer out the important question. I savoured every last second of it. "W-What do you want?" Thankfully she was bright enough to realise that there was no point playing dumb or appealing to my better nature or that I wanted something to keep this to myself, the only question to her was what. I think she realised what it might be by the way her face fell even more as I stared back at her. "Put simply Sandi, I want to hurt you as much as I can. If this file was to be distributed around the office then think of the damage it would do. Your family, your husband and child. Steve's family, think of the repercussions from the board for both of you - wouldn't be good would it? And please don't doubt for a minute I wouldn't do it because we both know that I would. The way you've treated me over these past few months? Please? I'd love the opportunity of ruining you here." She was smart and kept her mouth shut as I went on, she would have sensed there was a but coming and there was and I wondered how she would take my demand, I guess it would depend on exactly how much she valued working in the company and how much she valued her marriage and her extra marital affair. Turns out she really valued them. "Don't do that. What do you want not to do that then, money?" I stood right up to her, my six foot two frame seeming to dwarf her, I think she knew I did not want money from her. "Listen to me you bitch. I said I wanted to hurt you, I still do. Whether that comes in the form of spilling everything about what an adulterous slut you are or in the form of you spending the next couple of hours doing exactly what I tell you to depends on you!" She was a clever woman and I could see her mind turning over the possibilities and her options. I guess she was placing a value on her morals and principals for a short period of time versus her entire home life and work life, plus that of Steve's. She came to a quick conclusion. "Ok then, but two hours and that's it, you give me the file and I don't ever hear about it again or I'll report you for blackmail. Now what do you want? Or can I guess, a pathetic specimen like you only wants one thing, don't they?" Oh she was feisty alright and seemed to be back to her sneering, smirking worst after the surprise of being caught out, maybe she thought that now she knew what I wanted she could assume her superiority complex again, but then she did not have a clue what I really wanted and intended to have, did she? She was wearing her smartest business suit and that pleased me no end as I had come to associate it with her at her officious, fascist worst. It consisted of a navy blue, pin stripe jacket that was obviously tailor made for her, matching thin striped smart trousers, a pristine white blouse and her ever present heels. She was obviously under the impression that I wanted the outfit off. She was right in that - but not quite yet. As her hand moved to one of the buttons of her jacket I stayed it and held her wrist with enough firmness to convey that she stop. She looked at me and somewhat cringed as I reached for my belt buckle to unfasten it. I carefully slid my cheap imitation leather belt from its hoops on the trousers and then looped the end through it again in a sort of hoop and held it up to Sandi's face.

"No need to undress yet boss, I thought I could take you for a little walk around the office first, doggy style, I want you to place this around your neck and I'll take the other end in my hand and use it like a leash and I can take my little bitch for a stroll."

This obviously confused Sandi, maybe she had expected me to get straight down to fucking her for my silence but she obviously didn't know the extreme depths of my depravity. My command certainly took her by surprise and I think that was part of the reason she did as she was told so easily. What a tremendous feeling to have the woman who so obviously had despised and reviled me and had tried to make my work life so awkward on her hands and knees and waiting for me to put her 'collar' on like a dog. I had an overwhelming impulse to order her to bark but decided not to, my laughter might ruin the tense, intimidating atmosphere I was aiming for. So instead I looped my belt over her long blonde hair and gently pulled it tight under her chin and without further delay I walked on purposefully, making her scamper after me. I spoke as I walked.

"I'm going to enjoy this Sandi, I really am, it'll be worth all the hassle and shit I've had to put up with to do this to you these next few hours, you can't imagine the fun I'm going to have! Come on, keep up, I don't want to have to drag you round here!"

We were skirting both her and my desks and I was intent on walking her right around the large open plan office, half of me wishing the rest of the staff were still there to see it the other knowing that they would have put a stop to my fun. Finally, after we had completed the circuit I came to a stop and Sandi did too and she worked her hand around the belt and loosened it and appealed to me.

"Cal, this is ridiculous, come on you've had your fun, can't we leave it at that and say no more about it?"

I was adamant.

"No bitch, we're going to do a whole lot more but you can take the belt off and get undressed now."

"Ok, I suppose but at least let me call my husband so I can let him know I'll be late, I need to do that at least."

I picked up the handset from her desk and as she slowly undid the buttons of her jacket I pushed the handset down my pants and rubbed my cock and balls all over the mouthpiece before taking it out then shoving it down the back of my pants and wiping the mouthpiece and handle all over my arse.

"There you go, make your call."

The look she gave me was priceless, a brilliant mixture of revulsion and disgust that only made my cock harder than it already was. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell me exactly where to go with such a suggestion but something in my look must have convinced her otherwise and holding the receiver in her hand and as far from her mouth as she could she made the call home, wasting few words on explanations. With the call over I knew I needed to hurry my plan along.


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