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The Office Flirt

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Teasing to the point of cheating.
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I glanced up at the clock. 11.24 am. Yes, now should work fine. I walked from the offices and up the stairs to the highest floor.

It was a slightly surreal set-up in the building. There were four floors in total, with two large rooms on each. The landlord had decided that they were going to split up the building and rent the rooms out as office space to different companies, all except for one room. One of the top-floor rooms had been converted into a communal dining space.

There were tables and chairs dotted about, but most of the people who worked in the building usually took their drinks and food back to their respective offices, unless they'd prepared a big midday meal. I walked into the dining space and gave out a sigh of relief, nobody else was in there.

I poured enough water into the kettle for my drink and switched the kettle on. Not only did coming up here now allow me to use it straight away without waiting, but it also gave me a few minutes of peaceful solitude away from the humdrum of the busy offices. Then the door opened.

"Oh, somebody else having the same idea as me?" said a cutesy-sounding female voice.

She looked as cute as she sounded. Wearing a long floral dress with ankle boots, royal blue eyes stared at me as she smiled in my direction. Her hair was shoulder length, tousled like she'd run her fingers through it while wet and left it to dry. Its jet-black colour contrasted against her pale skin. She was around 5' 5" tall, and slim built.

"Yes, I waited for the masses to leave so I didn't have to wait any longer than I needed," I answered.

"Great minds think alike," she laughed, "first floor."

"No, I'm on the third," I told her.

"No! Me, silly," she giggled, resting her hand on my arm.

I asked her what she did, and she explained it was a call centre for an ad campaign, it was only a couple of months' work but it would be a stopgap while she was between jobs and the pay was quite good.

"What do you do nice?" she asked.

I told her it was quite boring, mainly answering emails about customer complaints or queries that my company sold. There was a little bit of cold-calling but the salary was very good. I told her that there were a few offices that had been used short-term like hers previously, with different people coming and going.

The kettle boiled, I told her she could do her drink first and I'd do mine later. She smiled, thanked me, and prepared her drink. Tea, milk, one sugar. I laughed and told her that was how I took mine too.

"See, I told you great minds think alike," she laughed, "see you same time tomorrow? Put enough water in for two people," she laughed as she walked out of the door.

She met and spoke over the next couple of days, talking about just random things, things we could think of to pass the ten minutes or so we were in there. Each day we were the only two people. On Thursday she came in with a huge grin on her face.

"Right, if we're going to be friends rather than just tea buddies we need to get to know each other," she announced.

I smiled and said okay, whatever the lady wanted.

"I'm Hannah, I'm twenty years old, and I've been married for almost two years. Long story about that," she said.

"Hi Hannah, pretty name for a pretty lady," I told her, "I'm Dave, I'm thirty-nine, and I'm also married. I have two twin teenagers, both living away at University."

"I don't have children, not yet anyway. Dean and I want kids eventually, but not just yet," she answered, "how long have you been married?"

"Twenty years soon. How about you, you're a little young to have been married for nearly two years already aren't you?" I asked.

She laughed and repeated about it being a long story, but she saw the quizzical look in my eyes.

"We've known each other since we were toddlers, Dean's parents moved in next door to mine. We went to school together, the same classes mainly, all the way through until we'd left. We started dating at eighteen, but both of our parents are quite religious so wanted us not to have sex before marriage. We agreed reluctantly, but only if we could get married young then. They arranged it all, and we got married on my nineteenth birthday," she gushed.

"You didn't cheat and have sex without them knowing before getting wed?" I asked.

"No, we were both virgins so it made sense, even though we knew we both wanted to. If anything good has come of it making us wait has probably helped our sex lives," she giggled.

She paused while she put the water into our mugs, took a quick sip then looked up at me.

"What about you, have you been faithful to your wife?" she blurted out, before putting her hand over her mouth when she realised what she'd said. I laughed before answering.

"Yes, I've never cheated on her. Well, not cheating exactly, but..." I cut myself off.

"But what?" she exclaimed.

"It's a long story, it will save for another time," I told her.

I walked towards the door leaving her protesting about me leaving it there. The following day she burst into the dining room.

"Come on you, spill, and I don't mean the tea. You can't leave a conversation like that, I was on tenterhooks all last night trying to work out what you meant, have you slept with someone else or not?" she asked.

"I think I can trust you enough to tell you if you can keep a secret?" I told her. She nodded vigorously.

"I didn't sleep with her, but a young girl that worked here a while ago kept sending me photos, pictures of herself," I answered.

"Photos of what?" she asked, a bewildered look on her face.

"Well, she wanted to tempt me to sleep with her. I'll let your imagination work out what the pictures were," I said.

I could see the cogs whirring in her innocent pretty head before she gasped. She pointed towards her tits and crotch area.

"You mean...?" she gasped.

"Yes, exactly that, and probably a lot more than you're thinking too."

"Did you ever send her any?"

"No, she never asked, I don't think she wanted to, so I never willingly sent her any," I told her.

"But then, I'm trying to work out what she got out of it?" she asked puzzled.

"Well, apparently she found it a big turn on taking the photos, and although it didn't tempt me her boyfriend got the benefits instead," I answered.

"Didn't your wife know with your phone pinging all the time?" she pondered.

"She works from 2 pm until midnight so she's not in," I answered.

"Ah, that's like us. I get home at around 5.30 pm and Dean goes to work at 7 pm and doesn't get home until 6 am, so I'm home alone too," she told me.

My phone rang and I took it from my pocket to answer it, telling Hannah it was a client and I needed to take the call, walking off with my drink.

It seemed like a very long time until Monday, and I wondered if I'd made the wrong choice in telling Hannah. I needn't have worried as she flounced into the dining room at our time on Monday.

"I've been thinking about you all weekend," she beamed.

"I'm flattered," I laughed.

I stood back from her and looked at her outfit. She had on a tartan pleated skirt, reaching halfway down her thighs. Long socks were pulled to just above her knees, calf-length boots over them. She wore an old-style Nirvana t-shirt to complete the look. I smiled.

"You like the look?" she laughed.

"Yes, but how do you get away with wearing that outfit in your office?" I asked.

"It's all women, they'd be judging whatever I wear, so I wear what I'm comfortable in," she said confidently.

"It's mainly men in ours, you'd have them all staring and drooling, there's a couple who'd be trying to grope you too probably," I laughed.

"Maybe I should come down to your office sometime then," she giggled, "so, you like it then?"

"Yes, it suits you, you have great shapely legs and the outfit suits your figure," I told her.

"Ooh, are you flirting with me Dave?" she giggled.

"Just paying you a compliment young lady," I told her.

She frowned, then smiled, telling me maybe she'd take it any way she wanted. I misconstrued that differently, feeling the blood start to rush to my loins.

"Maybe I'm being a little too forward, maybe I like you flirting, erm, paying me compliments I mean, but can I get your phone number please?" she gushed.

"Yes sure, why not. A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone did it," I laughed.

I'd forgotten I'd given it to her when I heard my phone ping that night. I looked at the screen, it was an unknown number. A little wary, I clicked to open it, to see a picture of Hannah. She was sitting on a chair by a dining table, her feet up on the chair too, her legs showing off the soft curves of her thighs. She still wore the same skirt and knee-length socks she'd had on at work that day. Another came through, she'd now pulled the loose t-shirt down both shoulders and pulled it down a little at the front, showing just the smallest bit of cleavage.

"Very nice," I texted back before saving her number.

"Don't text back, Dean is here, he phoned in sick so he's in bed. I only sent these so you'd have my number too. Speak to you tomorrow," she replied.

I got one last picture sent a little while later. Hannah had gone up to their bedroom and was lying across their bed with both legs raised, her skirt bundled around her waist. It was side-on so I couldn't even tell if she had knickers on, but what I could see was a mound in the duvet behind her where Dean lay asleep, illuminated by the light from her phone.

I walked into the dining room to see a very broad smile on Hannah's face as she waited for my arrival the following day. She took a step towards me and put a hand lightly against my chest.

"You were right, it was a thrill. Taking one on the bed with Dean oblivious behind me was such a buzz," she giggled, "Did you like them?

I nodded and told her they were good for starters, and she was brave in taking a risk with Dean there.

"He was fast asleep, but although I can't tell him he'd be thrilled," she gushed.

"Thrilled how? I don't understand?" I asked.

"Not with sending the pictures to you, but trying something new. We're always looking to try new things, we have a good sex life despite us not sleeping with others," she answered.

We paused while I poured the water into our mugs, and then I looked into her eyes.

"Do you ever wear make-up at all?" I asked.

"Not really, I have done if we've gone out before but usually I don't bother. Why, do you think it will help?" she told me.

"It's not that, you're naturally pretty, beautiful in fact. You have great eyes, but a little black eyeliner and maybe a little eyeshadow would highlight them more perhaps? Also, because your skin is quite fair, a bright red lipstick would emphasise them too," I answered.

"You want me to try that in the next photos?" she asked.

"You can do whatever you like, I'm not leading you. Every photo will be of your choosing," I replied.

She smiled and told me she'd take my comments on board, and that would have to be enough flirting for one day. She turned and walked out of the door, smiling over her shoulder as she left. At 7.05 that evening, my phone went off.

"Don't message me. Dean has gone to work but I want a bit of pretence, I'm running a scenario in my head. Will explain tomorrow. Enjoy."

A picture followed it, I nodded my approval. She had sent a closeup of her face, with black eyeliner and cherry red lipstick she looked even more beautiful than I'd imagined. She'd taken the picture in a full-length mirror which seemed to be pointing towards her sofa. Another picture came through, in this one she'd stood up and took the picture over her shoulder. She wore a navy blue dress, which she'd pulled up from the bottom with her spare hand, almost to the top of her thighs. The next one showed her underwear, black lace boxer shorts that her buttocks were trying to spill out of. I felt the blood rush to my cock at the thought of standing behind her.

A few other pictures followed, more of her arse, in the final one she'd pulled the shorts to halfway down her thighs, but although the full curve of her buttocks was in view, sadly between her legs was hidden. I spent the rest of the night wondering what lay between there. What did it look like, did you have a neat tidy set of labia? Was she shaved down there? Although it wasn't much, I masturbated looking at the last photo.

I'd been in the dining room for five minutes the following day, and my drink poured. I wondered if I'd scared her off, pushed her too far, had she realised what she was doing behind her husband's back. I was just going to leave when she rushed in.

"Sorry, I couldn't get off the phone," she gasped after running up the stairs.

I told her to rest up while I made her drink for her.

"Were the pictures okay? I was wondering last night if you liked them or not?" she asked.

"They were nice, yes, but you asked me not to text you didn't you?" I replied.

"Oh yes, that," she blushed, "I need to explain don't I?"

"I'm playing a part, like an actress. I'm pretending that I'm sending the pictures to my husband while he's at work, and when he gets home we fuck like crazy, and I think it's because of the photos turning him on like it does me. Only what I don't realise is that I'm sending them to a complete stranger instead," she told me.

"Hmm, and the stranger won't reply or you'll know you're sending them to the wrong person and he won't get any more," I continued for her.

"Exactly!" she shouted out.

I applauded her sense of enjoyment of the situation and acting out her fantasy.

"Oh, fantasy enactment, I hadn't thought of it like that. Although you're right, I was so turned on last night I masturbated afterwards," she blurted out, then blushed and put her hand to her mouth in shock.

"Well, there are pictures the stranger would no doubt like to see," I laughed.

She playfully slapped my arm, telling me I was a bad influence.

"But hubby isn't complaining is he?" I laughed.

She giggled and we walked off towards the stairs together. As we got down to the third floor and I went to go through the door to the office, she giggled and pulled her skirt up at the back.

"Bye stranger," she laughed, wiggling her arse at me.

Part of me couldn't wait for the evening to come around, and that semi-erect part made me keep pausing before walking around the offices. The wait was worth it.

I wasn't sure she was playing tonight, it was almost 9 pm when the first picture came through, and seeing the empty bottle of wine on the coffee table in the first picture I assumed she'd needed a little Dutch courage before sending it. She had applied the eyeliner and eyeshadow again, the same cherry red lipstick, but now she was straight into lingerie. She wore a red basque with little black bows dotted around, a lacy edge partly covering her buttocks, but not enough to cover the red thong she wore, the outfit completed by red lace top stockings. She'd taken the picture over her shoulder, getting a rear view of the outfit.

The next picture she'd turned around, and I was pleasantly surprised. Her tits were bigger than I'd thought, not much but at least a B cup, enough to push the cups of the basque out and show off her ample cleavage. There was an air of pureness about the picture, helped by her biting her lip as if she was still wondering if she was doing wrong.

The next one she'd pulled down the top of the basque and her tits were on show, her nipples big and erect, her tits round and pert, the next she must have used a timer as she squeezed both tits, her nipples pinched between her thumb and fingers. She'd slid down the thong next, and turned her back to the camera, her round arse teasing with her legs close together hiding the treasure between.

Finally, another timed picture, now the thong and basque were gone, the red stockings and a pair of red high heels I hadn't seen in the previous images were all she had on. She lay back on the sofa, hands on the back of her thighs, pulling them back and her legs apart. The unmistakable wetness of her labia glistened on the picture, her pussy shaved completely bald. My cock ached and was ready to burst.

There was a pause of no new pictures for around ten minutes and I assumed that was it for the night. I opened the last image on my phone and released my cock from my jeans. My phone pinged again, several times. Again Hannah must have had a timer on to take a photo every so often, and viewing the images showed why. Her face was contorted as she stroked and played with her soaked pussy, fingers inside, the other hand on her clit, the final few the same but she'd moved onto all fours, that perfect peachy round arse staring at me as she masturbated. I closed my eyes and imagined us cumming at the same time as I spurted over my laminate flooring.

If I'd been expecting a very excited Hannah the following day I was going to be disappointed. She made our usual 11.30 am tea-making time, but there was no hint of a smile on her face, instead she looked sad. I asked if she was okay and she simply nodded. The drinks made, she took a sip and then looked towards me.

"Sorry I'm not my usual bubbly chatty self, I'm a little upset today," she finally said.

"What's up?" I asked, "Oh god, Dean hasn't found out as he?"

"No he hasn't, but he might be getting a little suspicious," she answered, "No, I found out this morning we all finish next week, the day before my birthday too."

"Oh no, what are you going to do for work? Did you say your birthday is next week, what date?" I said.

"May the tenth," she replied.

"No way, that's my birthday too!" I exclaimed.

She finally smiled and told me she was going to have a week and then start looking around, Dean's wage would tide them over while she looked elsewhere. She asked if there were any jobs in my office and laughed.

"To top it off, Dean is off work today and over the weekend so no photo sessions either. Pity because last night really turned me on," she told me.

"I could tell," I laughed, "me too if I'm being honest, although it would have been better if it had been a video."

"I hadn't thought about a video, interesting idea. Did you masturbate then?" she giggled.

"Yes, yes I did. Twice," I laughed back.

She stepped forward and put her arms around my waist, then gave me a tight hug. I could feel her nipples poking against me, and I was fairly sure she could feel my cock stirring at her touch. Finally letting go, she stepped back and looked directly at my crotch, then picked her drink up and headed for the door.

"Don't wank over my photos too much over the weekend," she giggled.

She paused at the door and thanked me for cheering her up. I thanked her for the pictures that cheered me up also, and she walked off laughing.

It seemed like the weekend lasted forever, and finally, Monday tea break came around. Hannah was already in there, standing by the boiling kettle, looking like an excited puppy. She didn't speak, just hugged me, holding on for a little longer than needed, only breaking her hold upon hearing the kettle click when it had done.

"I thought about your idea, about filming, and I've adjusted my 'story' for how it will look. I'll send you the link when it's done, I'll have to upload it to a video-sharing site," she told me.

I told her I was looking forward to it, and she told me she was too. She blushed and told me that she'd almost been caught by Dean taking a photo to send to me, as the suspense of the long weekend had been frustrating for her not being able to.

"I realised over the weekend that our birthdays on Saturday will be my twenty-first and your fortieth on the same day, that's strangely weird right?" she told me.

I nodded, smiled and told her I hadn't noticed until she'd mentioned it. She went to walk off, then turned and told me to watch the video later, then once I had a free hand to message her with my thoughts on it. She got to the door, turned to face me, and lifted her skirt to show me she was wearing no underwear, laughed at me gasping and walked off.

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