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The Olive Grove Starlet


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"I just hope that'll be long enough," Rose said, raising her arms above her head and admiring her reflection in the somewhat steamy mirror. When Danny had finished drying her, she walked to the door, "Let's not bother with clothes shall we?" She asked over her shoulder as Danny started to dry himself.

Rose stepped out of the bathroom and over to the bucket of champagne and the tray of strawberries and cream. On the tray was a telegram from Tony. She opened it and read:

"Sorry to be such a beast STOP I know these are your favourites, enjoy and think of me STOP Missing you STOP TC STOP"

Rose gave a sardonic "Huh!" Screwed up the telegram and chucked it into the wastepaper bin. She was certainly going to enjoy them but she wasn't going to be thinking of Tony that was for sure.

Rose popped the champagne and poured two flutes, handing one to Danny as he emerged, naked, from the bathroom. He took one and they chinked glasses. "Bottoms up," she whispered seductively before sipping the drink. The bubbles went delightfully to her head and she was quickly quite tipsy.

For a while, sitting together on the bed, Danny resting against the bedhead, she sitting with her legs tucked under her, they just talked. Talked about themselves, their past, getting to know each other beyond simply their bodies. Looking back, they both knew that this was the moment when they began to move beyond the physical to something deeper and more meaningful. Rose talked of her childhood in the South and her life thus far, while Danny spoke of what had made him join the force in Brooklyn and how he had come to Kanesboro. He even talked of Gloria, his wife, and what had happened to her. Rose saw the sadness in his eyes and, unlike with Tony when he talked of Maria, she felt no envy only pity. Perhaps it was because Gloria was dead and therefore no threat to her, but she could see that Danny had genuinely loved her and that felt strange to her. She'd never seen real love up close before, not between her parents, not from Tony or any of the other men she'd been with, nor even between Tony and Maria. She reached out for him, as much as to touch love herself to see what it felt like, as in sympathy for his plight. "I'm sorry," she said softly.

Danny shrugged. "Don't be Rose, it's not your fault," he replied and placed his hand over hers. She leaned in, not knowing what else to do, and kissed him. He kissed back and then again and again and soon they were lost in kissing each other. Both were searching for something, Danny for his lost love, Rose for a love she'd never had, but in that moment they found each other and it felt right and each was able to move beyond it.

Danny took Rose in his arms and tumbled her onto her back, admiring against the firmness of her breasts and the sensual softness of her body. He reached over for the champagne bottle, now half empty, and poured a little over her breasts and some more into her belly button. He grinned. "Jeez, I've always wanted to do this," he confessed. Rose smiled up at home, not wanting to disappoint him by saying that she'd had it done to her several times before but different men. But the moment Danny leant down and licked her nipple, she knew that this time was different. It wasn't just that he was better at it, he was, but he seemed to be thinking genuinely about what would please her rather than just doing whatever the hell he wanted with the canvas of her body. He teased her nipple with his lips, teeth and tongue, watching her areola pucker and tighten as her nipple lengthened in response to his touch. They watched at the champagne tricked down between her breasts, pooling in her belly button and she shivered with excitement as his tongue chased the golden liquid down her golden body. She could almost feel each tiny individual hair on her body stand to attention begging for its own personal attention from this man above her.

After licking her clean, he went further down and, taking two strawberries, placed one at each of her lips. As she bit into one, he pushed the other into her and she giggled at the sensation of the cold, slightly hairy fruit sliding into her. Ravenously, he followed it in, tasting her and the fruit, both exquisite as they exploded on his tongue and he drew the fruit from out of her pussy. My God it tasted wonderful and, when he did it again, she gripped the sheets and came against his mouth, with uncontrollable whimpers of pleasure. She'd never felt this before, so close to a man, to have a man make her want him like this, to feel so vulnerable with him, so open. She opened her legs as wide as she could as he entered her again with his cock. Often when a guy fucked her, Rose seemed to float above it all, looking down at the scene with disinterested disdain. This time, she floated away again but in a mist of desire and contentment, watching down as the tall, strong policeman drove them on to another orgasm between the legs of a beautiful, happy woman. She didn't remember her consciousness re-entering her body or drifting off to sleep in her arms and, when she woke in the morning and found him gone, she couldn't help but wonder if it had all been an erotic dream brought on by too much champagne. Only the second flute, empty on the nightstand, told her that it had been real.


That was the last Danny and Rose saw of each other for a while. Danny couldn't come to club for the whole of the next week. Every night, though, he was waiting in the car as Rose slipped him a note if she had anything to say. Rose was frustrated, keen to have a rematch but also aware that things were tense in the organisation. Tony had sent Maria to stay with her sister for a couple of weeks so that he could concentrate on sorting the business out and to keep her out of any police danger. The last thing he wanted was his wife getting picked up and he knew she'd be a target as several dummy corporations, through which he laundered money, were in her name. He needed her out of the county for the time being and away from Danny's jurisdiction.

What that meant for Rose, though, was that Tony was round at her place every night. Every damned night. There was no chance of seeing Danny. After Danny, she found Tony's presence irritating and his touch almost cringeworthy. She had to pour every ounce of acting talent into not shuddering or pulling away when he fondled her and into not saying Danny's name when he was fucking her and she was transported in her mind to the Country Club and the shower or the bedroom.

The only compensation, as far as her future situation was concerned, was that Tony stated to talk more. To tell her things that might be useful. She needed to be careful about what information she imparted to Danny as it was essential that nothing could be traced back to her. As in some of her previous notes, though, she confided other thoughts to Danny as well. Flirting with him, reminding him of their time together and telling him of her urgent need to see him again. Perhaps it was Tony's constant and increasingly unwelcome presence, but it was making Rose crave Danny more and more. For the sex, yes, but for more than just that. If she'd known what love was, other than being a four-letter word, she might have realised that she was falling for him - his brooding good looks, his tragic backstory, his integrity, the one good man in a city full of crooks and, it had to be admitted, the fact that he was her ticket out of this dump and this life that had run into a dead end.

Unlike Rose, who despite Tony's attention, had plenty of time to think, Danny had little time to reflect on his feelings for Rose, so busy he was he. They were finally making progress against the Colonna gang and previously aloof superiors and inferiors were suddenly rediscovering their sense of justice. Danny was keeping his cards to his chest about the chief source of his information as he did not trust all his colleagues. Several were in Colonna's pay, he just wasn't sure which ones. What was happening, though, was that others, on the fringes of the organisation, were also beginning to come forward with information. This was helpful generally but also as a smokescreen to protect Rose, as a lot of the tip offs he was getting she could have had no knowledge of and therefore would not be under suspicion.

Busy as he was, though, Danny wanted to have more time with Rose. While the days were full, his nights were long and empty and Rose came to him then, her smile, her hair, her body, her breasts, pussy and ass, they all haunted his dreams. Danny sat in his car, Rose's latest note in his hand - "I *need* to see you again" it read, under information about the manager of the Olive Grove. That was it. Danny crumpled the note and smiled to himself in the darkness.

The next night Danny didn't show again at the club, much to Rose's disappointment. She was a pro, though, and was belting her way through a jazzy cabaret number, in top hat, cane, black jacket, sparkly black corset, tiny skirt, stockings and knee-high boots when the door to the club busted open and Danny was there.

"This is a raid!" He shouted, "nobody move!" Rose screamed, as did several of the backing dancers. Some customers, those with guilty consciences, run for the rear exit and Danny makes a mental note to remember them, they're the ones vulnerable to pressure. It does them no good, of course, as Danny had the exit blocked.

Danny walked slowly and confidently towards the stage. Billy Lorenzo, the manager, stepped across his path. "Now, what the hell do you think you're doing Danny? This is a respectable joint, you can't just bust in here without a warrant."

Danny didn't bat an eyelid. Instead, he reached into his overcoat and drew out his warrant. "Like this one?" He asked coolly. "Billy Lorenzo, I'm arresting you on a charge of organising and abetting prostitution, cuff him Gordon," he said to his sergeant. Danny stepped past the astonished Billy Andy onto the stage. Looking round at the girls, he turned slowly to his men. "Book them all, take 'em down the station. Suspicion of soliciting."

Rose was outraged. She confronted Danny, eyes blazing. She was magnificent he thought. "You gotta be kidding me?" She said incredulously. "Are you calling me a whore?" She asked angrily. Danny stood his ground.

"If the cap fits," he said coldly. He didn't see the slap coming until he felt it sting his cheek. God but she could hit hard. Danny slowly raised his hand to his cheek and flexed his jaw. Tony got up and prowled up to the stage. Danny finally broke eye contact with Rose to face the newcomer. Tony adopted a smooth, business-like pose.

"We all understand that you have to do your job, detective and I'm sure that if there's been any wrongdoing in my club then you'll be able to make it stand up in court and, as an honest citizen, I'll be only too glad to see justice done," he lied smoothly. "What I can't abide, however, it to see law-abiding young people swooped up in a fishing expedition, frightened out of their wits and intimidated into confessing to crimes they are innocent of. Take Rose here, I can vouch for her. She's a personal friend and a prominent citizen of this town. Are you seriously arresting her for prostitution?"

Tony raised himself to his full height but was still looking up at Danny. The detective shook his head. "I'm not saying anything. Rose, like every member of your chorus line, is being taken in for questioning. Those who are innocent have nothing to fear." He had to admit that he enjoyed showing the power of the law over Tony in front of Rose. Tony had no choice but to back down.

"Say nothing Rose," he half warned, half advised her. "I'll send Weinstein over straight away and you'll be out by morning." He turned to Danny, real menace in his voice. "You harm a hair on her head and I swear to God your life won't be worth living. This girl is under my protection you understand?" Danny looked at him calmly.

"She's under the protection of federal and state law Mr Colonna, as are you and everyone here. I assure you, though, as a special consideration to you and Miss Petersen, she'll be in the most comfortable accommodation we can find." He smiled at Rose who, though smiling on the inside, gave him a withering look.

"I'm grateful I'm sure," she said, her southern accent not disguising the sarcasm.

"Now do I need cuffs or are you gonna come quietly Miss? That's a mighty powerful right hand you've got." Rose pouted in reply and held out her wrists, looking at Tony with a smile.

"Ask Tony," she said defiantly. "I've never come quietly in my life." Tony, for all his power and experience, almost blushed at her comment and just turned his back as Danny clipped the cuffs over her slim wrists.

"In which case come with me Miss," Danny ordered. "Alright everyone, Mackenzie, take your squad and search the dressing rooms and offices, the rest of you, take your cargo to the wagons and lets role out. This place is closed until further notice." He said to the remaining patrons. "So get the hell out."

Danny escorted Rose to the car. He opened the door and she clambered in, far less gracefully than before due to her handcuffs. When he was safely inside and started the engine, she turned to him fiercely.

"Well, that's a novel way of getting a girl on a date I must say."

Danny grinned and rubbed his cheek. "If that's anything to go by, I won't try it again. But you did say you wanted to see me again. This way, we've got the car ride plus the whole night. You'll never know when I might need to have an unscheduled interrogation."

She laughed at his joke but also felt a frisson of excitement run through her at the thought of being entirely at his mercy. In a way she had been in that position with many of the men whom she had been with but this would be different. She'd want to be at his mercy, want him to take advantage of her vulnerability because she trusted him and because he knew her body and kept finding new ways to make her squirm with pleasure.

"Did it excite you?" She asked softly. "Standing up to Tony like that? Owning the joint like you did tonight? Cuffing me?" That last question was barely more than a husky whisper. Danny looked across at her, her face coming in and out of the illumination of the streetlights as they drove along. He didn't say anything, he couldn't deny that it did and she smiled and raised an eyebrow. "I thought as much," she continued softly. "I thought I saw you with a hard on while you were onstage. I did look good tonight, didn't I?" She teased and Danny couldn't help but look at her outfit, the way her breasts almost tipped out of the sparkly corset, the cinching in of her slim waist and the shapely legs emerging from the tiny skirt and encased in black silk that was stretched tight and taut. Danny shrugged with faux nonchalance.

"Not bad, I suppose," he replied and then cracked a smile. "Christ, you look fucking fantastic. It took a lot of self-restraint not simply to have you then and there." Rose's eyes twinkled in the darkness. She reached her hands forward and rubbed them over his groin. Danny responded to her instantly, the curious sight of her hands restrained by the cuffs somehow being even more erotic. Rose used her fingers, her palms, the heels of her hands, even the cuffs themselves to stimulate him and Danny was soon writhing in his seat s could easily have been pulled over for not driving with due care and attention.

It was difficult to undo his pants like this but Rose was nothing if not resourceful. "Ever had a suspect do this for you detective?" She breathed in his ear before lowering her head to his smooth, erect cock. Danny gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles went white.

"Never," he gasped, "oh God, never. I'm one of the good guys, remember?" She licked the entire length, around the head, and then back down the other side.

"And this is your reward detective but I expect a quid pro quo when I'm inside. I'll need you inside me," she told him. At that point, with her mouth on him, he didn't think he'd be able to deny her anything. With one hand on the wheel, he allowed the other to roam over her hair, her neck and her back, almost as if to prove to himself that she was real and that this was really happening.

She ran the cold metal of the chain between her cuffs up and down his shaft and over his head and Danny just had to pull over or he'd have crashed. The sensations that caused, coupled with the delicate, unerring attention of her tongue and lips was indescribable. Little shafts of electricity shooting out from the nerves in his cock and flooding the rest of his body.

His orgasm crashed over him like a wave that he hadn't anticipated the power of, kicking him sideways with its force. He didn't have time to warn Rose but she didn't care, she knew better than he did that it was coming. She braced herself and pressed down with her cuffed hands to hold him in place as his body spasmed and he sprayed his cum into her mouth. His orgasm was wordless, soundless even beyond a strangulated groan as he lost himself in that moment, in her mouth, in what was probably the most erotic moment of his life. Rose swallowed as much as she could and then licked her lips clean. She sat back in her seat and waited. Slowly Danny returned to earth and looked across at Rose, sitting there all innocently, her cuffed hands placed ladylike in the lap of her tiny black skirt.

"I think you ought to take me to the station now officer. I have rights you know," she said in her best southern gentile accent. Danny wiped his brow and did up his pants.

"Whatever you say Miss Rose," he replied. "Otherwise they'll all be wondering where I've got to with you."

It didn't take long to get them to the precinct station. The cells had been cleared in anticipation of the raid and the girls and Billy were already being booked in when Danny arrived with Rose. As she stepped out into the precinct courtyard, Danny saw that under the lights she had a tiny trace of cum still at the corner of her perfect mouth. He hurried to her side and offer her his handkerchief. She cleaned it off with a grin and a "well spotted," before handing it back. "It'll take a while to get everyone booked in and I'll be conducting interviews for most of the evening. Forgive me if I'm an ass in yours, I need an excuse to keep you in overnight." She nodded, knowing the role she had to play. "But I'll find the time to come visit you." She suddenly looked so vulnerable, about to go into the station, and he wanted to reach out and touch her cheek, to tell her how brave she was, running all these risks and how much he admired her. He couldn't, though, not in front of everyone. Instead he placed her hand on her back, feeling the whalebone of her corset through her jacket as he did and led her into the station. He left her with the duty sergeant and headed inside to begin his interrogations.

He began with Billy. Harvey Weinstein, the hot-shot shyster that Tony employed to keep him and his organisation out of jail, was already there, waiting with Billy in the interview room. He tried every legal trick he could but Danny was ready for hm. Armed with Rose's tip off and some further investigation, he knew exactly where his officers needed to look to find the necessary evidence. When Danny produced it, part way through the interview Weinstein went paler than usual. His job now was to cut Billy lose without any splash back onto Tony. He had to make this out to be Billy's own operation, separate from and unrelated to any business of Mr Colonna. Danny knew what he was doing but Billy was too dumb to spot it until it was too late.

Danny was content. He knew that he didn't have the evidence to link Tony directly to Billy's nefarious activities and that he wasn't going to get Tony tonight. He was playing a longer game, though. When others saw how easily Tony had thrown Billy to the wolves, well, they'd know the extent of Tony's loyalty and that would make it easier to break the omertà that surrounded Tony and kept him safe. In just a few weeks he would have lost his right-hand man and the manager of one of his most profitable businesses while his mistress had been hauled in for questioning. Tony would no longer look so impregnable. There'd be a backlash but Danny would cross that bridge when it happened.


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