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The One Place...


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Having him hard and deep inside her felt wonderful. And she made sure he knew.

"Fuck, that's good! SOOOO GOOD!!" she shouted, gripping him tight from inside and bouncing her bum up and down faster on his shaft.

"Fuck me, FUCK ME BACK...!!!" she was urging him to force deeper from underneath as she increased her pace.

He grabbed at her breasts roughly and forced himself upwards but to little effect. Dropping his hands to the sofa he was able to push up, harder, lifting his bum from the cushion and driving his cock hard into her. He moaned loudly with the effort, not that she was too heavy.

"Oh, OHHH MY......" she moaned, the rhythm of her body movement matched now by the frenzied rubbing of her pussy and clit with her fingers. Her breathing was hard, deep and almost ragged.

"Fuck me! FUCK ME!!! Ohhh God, Just FUCK ME!!!" she demanded, knowing her climax was building rapidly inside.

Encouraged he kept pushing up and down beneath her, with as much energy as he could muster. He was about to come inside her in the midst of a forceful upward thrust, but suddenly she lurched her body forward and was shouting out angrily. His cock slipped out of her, slapping stiff and wet against his belly.

"Why can't I cum?!" She shouted, barely hearing the annoyed grunt from behind as she did so.

His last thrust had taken her to the edge but she couldn't quite reach her orgasm. She had played with her clit and a stiff nipple, but still couldn't release her lust. She fell back against him filled with a huge sense of frustration. She groaned loudly, but with anguish rather than satisfaction and sighed heavily too. She had cum so much more easily earlier. She shifted from his lap to one side, moving further away from him and along the sofa.

Sensing her feelings, he put his arms around her brushing her breasts as he did so. She shivered, reacting to the sensitivity still lingering in her nipples. But now they were both sat still and she welcomed the tenderness and the warmth that his arms offered.

"I so wanted to cum. Maybe I was just too desperate. I wanted you sooo much!!" she said.

"Maybe." He answered, as soothingly as he could.

His cock was soft, a sign of his own frustration and distraction. Ignoring that feeling he held her closer in his arms, breathing in the scent of her perfume that was in her hair. She sometimes, though not always, sprayed her perfume onto her hairbrush before weaving the scent into her hair. This was one of those times. They sat there for a while, with the only intrusion into the silence being the sounds from the music that was still playing on "You Tube" and blaring out from the TV. Slowly, he felt her relaxing in his grasp.

Eventually she leaned forward and drank what was left of her coffee, though it was barely lukewarm and as such was not very satisfying. With a sigh she got up and went over to stand by a window. Leaving the curtains gaping wide open she stared out into the darkness. Outside the forecast snow had started, was falling steadily now and the street was fast disappearing under a thick white winter blanket. She stood still, lost in her private thoughts a while. For the first time since getting back from the restaurant she was feeling the cold, the central heating having long since clocked off.

"Looks like we will be working from home tomorrow!"

He whispered as he joined her, gently wrapping his shirt around her shoulders. It was still warm, a warmth amplified by that radiating from his naked flesh that was now pressed up against her from behind. His arms settled easily about her waist.

"Let's go to bed and get warm." he suggested.

"Let's go to bed." She echoed and they headed upstairs to the bedroom where they had played together only a few hours before, her striding forward a few steps ahead of him.

Once there, she quickly discarded his shirt, though hanging it neatly on the back of a chair. She went straight to the en-suite bathroom to freshen up. He took full advantage of the spare moments provided to tidy the bedding, adding an extra blanket for her benefit with the weather outside now having got that much colder.

She emerged from the bathroom wrapped warmly in a white towelling bathrobe, brushing against his nakedness as he hurried past her to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. She sat on the edge of the bed where he had found her earlier and, reaching under the robe, methodically released the suspenders from her stockings. She pulled the black suspender belt around her waist until the fastening was in front, making it easier to take it off. She savoured the smoothness of her stockinged thighs, carefully rolling each stocking from her legs. She stroked her legs where her stockings had been before getting rid of her robe to put on a red cotton vest and pale cream coloured silk knickers, pulled fresh from the nearby dresser. She took off her distinctive, but understated, silver drop earrings and got into bed. She was soon warm under the covers and the effect of the coffee was no longer keeping her awake, though she was in no rush to completely let go of the horny feelings she still felt within her body.

She heard him turn on the shower and thought about going to join him. But she felt snug and sleepy, beginning to drift into a frustrated sleep.

It was several minutes -- ten, maybe fifteen, certainly no more - before he emerged from the bathroom, flicking the light off and plunging the bedroom into complete darkness. He hesitated long enough for his eyes to adjust to the gloom before making his way cautiously to the bed, trying to avoid stepping on or kicking against anything. Thinking she might already be asleep he slid almost silently into bed beside her.

"I'm still awake. Barely." She said quietly, her voice was now tired as well as anguished and she remained still and facing away from him.

"I did wonder." He responded shifting towards her back and wrapping her up in his arms, holding her firmly, but not too tight. They chatted a little while, mostly about the meal and the evening they'd had, both ignoring what had happened just before they came to bed. She pushed her bum back at him, enjoying the closeness and the warmth from his naked body. She giggled.

"No pj's on then? Aren't you cold?" she asked, in a slightly cheeky tone.

"No. The shower was more than hot enough and there's plenty to keep me warm under here!" he responded, embracing her more tightly, his hands held firmly on her breasts, squashing them together.

Gradually the conversation faded until she was first to fall silent. He loosened his hold on her a little, but couldn't resist rubbing his semi-hard cock against the soft silk that covered her bottom for a few seconds before he too fell asleep, pressed firmly up against her.



It was around 6.20a.m. and she was the first to waken and left the warmth of the bed before walking the short distance to the window to take a peek outside. Prising the curtains a few inches apart it was obvious it was still dark, but the street light cast an almost eerie glow onto the thick layer of snow that had fallen and settled overnight. She looked back at him over her shoulder and it was apparent he was still sound asleep. The central heating was giving the room a comfortable and comforting temperature and she headed for the en-suite bathroom. She washed her face in cool water to try to awaken some more, before routinely cleaning her teeth. As she dabbed her face dry with a towel she was thinking about the day ahead and the amount of work that she had to do. She sighed.

"Five more minutes..." she said defiantly to her image in the mirror, deciding to steal a little more time in bed and keep that work at bay, at least for a little while longer.

She returned to the bedroom and got into bed, shifting the covers carefully so as not to disturb him. She lay on her side facing him, savoured the relaxed contentment in his sleeping face before turning over so that her back was to him. She inched backwards closer, until she was laying against his naked body. She reached back to take his arm and ease it around her, bringing them closer together. Relaxed, she closed her eyes for a while, though not to sleep.

Her head was empty, her attention only on the warmth to be felt from being so close to him. It was a good feeling and she shifted her body against him contentedly. Her bottom pushed snug into his crotch.

"Good morning!" he whispered, wrapping his arm more tightly around her, making her wonder just how long he had actually been awake.

His hand rested on her tummy, briefly, before rubbing her there gently. Enough to move her vest up a little.

"Feels nice." She added "very nice!" pushing her bum at him some more and wriggling in his grasp. When his hands began to slide up her front she wasn't about to resist.

They came to rest over her breasts which remained covered by her vest. He squeezed them as if he were testing for their shape and size, not that he didn't know what they were like, nor how it felt to touch them. He felt her nipples stiffening under the cotton and released his hold a bit, choosing to massage them instead. He was stroking with a single steady hand dragging across her chest gently, but firmly, paying particular attention to her now hard nipples. He massaged her, pressing and releasing, never taking his hand away from her completely. Only gradually did he ease her breasts free of the confines of the vest allowing his hand to explore her flesh more widely. She sighed, already almost breathlessly, excited too by the firm pressure to be felt from his unfurling cock as it pressed insistently against her bum. Almost as soon as it was there against her he moved away, rolling her over and onto her back.

Her breasts lay flatter, though didn't disappear completely, two prominent mounds remaining there, eager for his attention. She pulled at the thin shoulder straps of her vest tugging them down, rolling the vest into a narrow band around her waist. He was stroking her, down her flank to her hip and back again sweeping across her breasts making her flesh quiver. He paused, but only to toy with a nipple between a finger and thumb. Before she could gasp, his head had quickly disappeared under the covers and she felt his breath momentarily on her chest before her nipple was being sucked into his mouth. He played with it with his tongue, was then tugging it between his teeth, before letting go. She wanted him to do the same with the other but he didn't, returning his hand to first rub away the wetness from her breast and then back down the side of her body. In her mind she wanted to return him the attention he was giving her, but she lay there excited and waiting for his next move and his next caress.

He returned his mouth to her skin, but not in a place where she expected it. He was kissing her shoulder lightly, making a slow journey from there across to her neck and to her chin. She loved the tenderness, the care to be felt in his touches, feelings that were interrupted only by the feel of his hands between her thighs. Again gentle, not rough. She gasped out loudly but his probing wasn't to be disturbed. When his hand brushed against the dampness of her underwear his mouth had gone from her chin, in soft kisses down over her skin and he was taking her nipple -- ignored earlier -- in between his hungry lips.

She gasped again, encouraging him to touch her more firmly between her legs and her nipple was almost bitten between his teeth. He was pulling and pulling on the stiff, stubby teat, at the same time pressing her pussy hard - through her knickers - making her almost melt under his fingers. The many sensations she felt running through her body were fighting each other, almost becoming overwhelming to both her body and her mind. His kisses had no pattern but were being given with random abandon. He was sucking and licking both nipples nearly to the point that they were aching, though that didn't mask the feelings that were increasing between her legs. That she couldn't see what he was doing to her only added to the intensity of her reactions and the deeply felt, growing sexual tension inside.

She sucked in a deeper breath as his fingertips were shifting, moving the soft silk of her pants to one side and away from her mound, baring her wet lips for him. Instantly she felt his warm breath on her mound as he kissed and licked along an edge of her matted pubes. She invested in regular beauty treatments to stay trimmed, not bare. Only rarely allowing herself to be completely naked down there, mostly when she donned a bikini on holiday. He skilfully avoided her slit, instead taking his time and tonguing the inside of her thighs, from her pussy right down to her knees until her legs began shaking excitedly, almost wildly.

But he was being drawn back to the scent that was emanating strongly from her pussy. When at last his tongue played against her lips it made her breathing quicken into brief, panted breaths until she released a long, satisfied moan from somewhere deep in the back of her throat. He prised her lips open wider with his fingers, flattening out the fleshy folds of her and his tongue darted between and deep inside.

He lapped at her as if he was like a cat that had got the cream, licking up and down her flesh savouring her scent as much as the unique taste to be found in her juices. She was close to coming and a new tightness gripped her inside, from the fear that she again wouldn't be able to get herself over "the edge" and come.

He spun the tip of his tongue over and around her now exposed clit, flicking it, teasing it, but ever so gently. The subtle pressure was more than enough to bring her to her climax. Her orgasm coming quickly in a spate of brief but intense waves, consuming her, making her curve her back and forcing her mound against his face. As her body shuddered she was moaning repeatedly and clenching and releasing her fingers in tight fists.

Blood rushed throughout her body filling her with an almost unreal warmth and making her head swim. She was panting hard in short sharp breaths, whilst grabbing at his head through the covers and holding him there, stopping him from moving. Eventually she fell silent. He stopped moving.

Only slowly did her head begin to clear. Her mouth was still gaping and as she opened her eyes the room, lit only by the single bedside light he'd turned on at some point, slowly came into focus. Her mind wandered, though only briefly. She fiddled to loosen the gold chain of her necklace, which with her body movements had tightened around her neck. In that same second her thoughts were occupied with musing upon how he must have learned these things that he was doing to her, for her. How she wished she had been there to learn with him, or at least secretly -- or perhaps not so secretly - borne witness to his youthful discoveries.

At last his face emerged from down under the bed clothes. She was looking directly into his eyes but still found it hard to breathe normally. She felt a special excitement, but a little guilty at the same time. Guilty at how she had left him hard but unfulfilled last night and how his first waking instinct this morning had been to make love to her again and bring her to orgasm. He smiled at her, his lips richly glossed with her fresh pussy juices.

"Turn over for me." He asked her, almost as an order but not quite, "I want you to lie on your front for me for a bit."

She rolled over in heavy, laboured fashion, her body not responding to the many instructions her head was sending out. She rested on her arms as best she could so that much of her torso was lifted up from the warm sheet beneath. He pulled back the bed covers just far enough so that the rest of her body became uncovered, only her feet remained hidden. She sighed with a satisfaction that she felt all too rarely these days. She felt a little sleepy too.

He was talking to her but she couldn't hear any of the words. His hand was playing with her long, dark wavy hair, wrapping and unwrapping strands in his fingers. He played until his fingers were at the back of her neck, the fingertips drawing tiny circles on her skin in a way that kept that warm glow from her orgasm alive. Her mind grabbed onto that, awakening her senses and freeing in her mind a fresh path for her sexual excitement to begin and build again. The pleasure spread outwards from her neck as he massaged first her shoulders, then more widely across her back. She rocked her head from side to side slowly, sighing with a deep-felt contentment.

She isn't just feeling his hand, the sliding of the fingertips caressing her back. She senses the tenderness in his touch, feeling a warm imprint of loving confidence. But more than that, much more. Much more than he wants to admit. She is drawing on his soul, every thought, need and want that fills his mind and body. She understands the message of his kisses as they replace his fingers. His lips no longer spoke real words, but he is communicating with her intimately nonetheless.

Under his kisses and frequent caresses, the little remaining strength drained away from her arms until she lay flat on the bed, her head turned to one side, resting on both hands. He taps at her bum gently a couple of times. Not knowing what it is that he wants or desires she doesn't offer any response, so he taps her again. She opened her eyes and could see him gesturing.

She smiled with the understanding that he wanted her to lift her bum up, which she did though only slightly, giving him just enough room to pull her pants down to her ankles. He was leaning over her, so close she felt his breath on her back.

So close that he could feel her body heat radiating from her skin and her scent played with his senses. The hints of apple, peach and sandalwood gave away her chosen perfume as "Escape". It was one of his favourites, as much as it was one of hers, one of a few by Calvin Klein that she often chose to wear.

He placed a hand on the back of each thigh, just above her knees. His touch was unhurried, but purposeful and firm as he stroked the back of her legs from thigh to ankle and several times back again, making sure he lingered on the sensitive spots that were normally hidden, just behind her knees. As a teenager he'd been taught how to appreciate and enjoy the physical female form, being fortunate in getting to know an "older" girl -- perhaps that should be a young woman -- who had had the patience to look beyond his shyness and his inexperienced fumbling that had all too often put off other girls his age. His learning and skills had developed over a long period of time to the point now where he instinctively knew what she wanted from him.

Again, she felt his fingers pressing the back of her legs. Each extended caress began just short of her bum and ended back at her ankles. On one pass he took her panties off from her ankles, though she didn't notice, dropping them to the floor. He left her feet alone, largely. She was ticklish there and touching them tended to break her mood rather than enhance her feelings of arousal. As he ran his hands along the inside of her thighs she sighed deeply, more appreciatively. It felt truly wonderful.

Momentarily he took his hands away from her skin. She wriggled her body with a mixture of excitement and expectation, shifting her legs slightly further apart, the feelings she had were of increasing sensual arousal. He looked at the curves of her bottom and the firmness of her thighs and found he was staring at the glistening pink slit that she was now showing to him more clearly.

Ignoring it, he instead firmly kissed the pink/peach rose design tattoo on her bottom. Holding her legs still he added further kisses to her soft skin, until she felt the tip of his tongue painting a line down between her cheeks. He dabbed at the opening of her bottom, making her flinch and her cheeks tensed nervously in response. He hadn't often shown much interest in exploring her "down there" -- and right now he wasn't about to start.

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