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The One With The University Friend

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Daughter's Uni friend stays, Dad gets more than one surprise.
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Three months ago my daughter Sharon finished University and passed with a first. The only other person who did so was her closest friend from there, Carly.

Sharon and Carly had been inseparable since meeting on their very first day there, walking into the offices at the same time to see where their accommodation was, finding out they were sharing a room in halls, and staying living in the same place each year, despite having different roommates.

They shared a common love of Harry Potter and playing games like Final Fantasy on Xbox, Carly even persuading Sharon to go to cosplay events with her. They had the same silly sense of humour and swore they were sisters who'd been separated at birth. Even their birthdays were one day apart. Both now twenty-one years old, despite the success at Uni, neither had yet found a job.

Sharon had moved back home with me, her mum Stacy and her fifteen-year-old brother Ben after finishing Uni, Carly moved back in with her parents too while they both searched for jobs. Carly lived a three-hour drive away, but the girls talked constantly to each other still, both a source of encouragement and asking each other's opinions of things.

Sharon came down to us one evening while we were sitting watching tv.

"Carly's parents are going on holiday and Carly doesn't want to go so she can keep saving up, rather than stay home alone is it okay if she stays here for a week please?" Sharon asked.

"Where is she going to sleep though, we don't have a spare room?" Stacy asked her.

"She's happy to sleep on a mattress on my bedroom floor," Sharon answered.

Stacy looked over at me, I nodded yes.

"If she's happy with that then yes, she can come over," she told Sharon.

"Thanks!" Sharon grinned.

Despite her age she still asked permission to do things or go to certain places, we'd told her she was an adult now but she was stuck in her ways, it was quite endearing, to be honest, and it meant we usually had a good idea where she was. Both of the girls were quite quiet, but Carly was a little more outgoing and daring, especially flirty after a few drinks had been consumed. Even so, they both knew when to call it a day and stop drinking.

Two days later the door rang. Carly's dad had dropped her at the train station on the way to the airport, and I opened the door and gasped a little louder than I wanted. Carly giggled.

"Hi Mr Wilson, it's so good of you to let me stay over," she said.

I quickly looked her up and down. She stood in front of me wearing a tight black t-shirt with buttons to halfway down which struggled to contain her heavy bosom, a black flared skirt and black calf-length boots. Her legs were covered with patterned tights, adorned with Marvel characters. Her black hair was tousled on top with loose pigtails, the ends dyed crimson red. To set off her look, she had crimson red eyeshadow and lipstick too.

"Are you going to let me come in then?" she asked smiling at me.

I stood aside just as Sharon came rushing downstairs, hugging Carly tightly. She grabbed her case and told me they'd be down later once she'd settled Carly in. I watched as they went up the stairs, Sharon first, my view up Carly's skirt getting further and further as she climbed upwards. I'd forgotten how good her arse looked when I'd seen her in tight jogging trousers, round and peachy, her fleshy thighs hiding what was between. I quickly had to regain my thoughts as Stacy came through and went up to help.

We sat down to eat a little later, Carly not changing saying she would shower later then put her nightwear on, to save having two lots of clothes that would need washing. Sharon and Carly said they'd wash and dry and cleared the table. We were talking about nothing in particular, just meaningless chit-chat when I tried to show my geek side.

"So Carly, where's Iron Man on your tights then, he's Marvel isn't he?" I asked.

"Oh Mr Wilson, he is Marvel but only special people get to see where he is," she said, closing her legs together and putting her hands over her groin while pulling a pretend shocked face

We all fell about laughing, Stacy told me the only way I'd see him then is when I did the laundry. We settled down to watch tv later, Ben going to his bedroom to play video games, Sharon and Carly on one sofa and my wife and I on the other. About an hour in I had to force myself to not keep looking over. Carly had hooked her legs up, her skirt riding up a little, showing to the top of her thighs and the very bottom of her buttocks. Stacy noticed too but didn't see me looking, and politely told Carly, who said she'd go and change. She returned wearing a pyjama set comprising of shorts and a short-sleeved top.

Eventually, the girls went to bed, and we followed up not long after. Stacy and I normally sleep naked, and as we got into bed I pulled her to me, my hand slipping between her legs.

"Oh, that feels good, but the girls will hear," she said.

"Are we abstaining from sex all week then?" I asked.

"God no," said Stacy, my erection in her hand, "but no anal tonight, you know how much that makes me cry out."

We compromised, me turning Stacy around so she could bite on the edge of her pillowcase to subdue her cries, me entering her from behind. Feeling her arse cheeks against my groin made me think of Carly's arse as she climbed the stairs, and I started to fuck her faster. She whimpered while trying not to make too much noise, my hand sliding around to her clit as I eventually found myself getting close to cumming. We orgasmed almost simultaneously, I lay watching her arse as a trickle of cum started to run from her pussy.

We fell asleep until I heard a noise. I tried to open my eyes to look at the clock, it was 3.40 am. The noise was Stacy's phone ringing. She answered, then looked worried.

"I'll be there as soon as possible mum," I heard her say.

She turned and looked at me, telling me her mum had fallen over and hurt her hip, and she'd need to go and look after her has she lived on her own since her father had died. It was half-term so she said she'd take Ben too, and I said I'd drive them over as I'd need the car to get to work, although I would phone to say I wouldn't be in that day.

I went into Sharon to tell her, she was half-awake. I told her I'd let her know when I'd be back, and could she phone mum's work later to let them know she wouldn't be in, and she'd phone them herself once she knew how long she'd be at her mums'. I glanced down at Carly who was still fast asleep. Asleep lying on her front, but with the blankets kicked off her and her bed shorts tucked very firmly into her arse crack. Even with just the light from the landing illuminating the room, my cock started to twitch at the sight. I had to back out very quickly before a fully grown erection took over.

I woke later that day with Sharon nudging me, holding my phone up to me. It was Stacy, she'd phoned to say that her mum had badly bruised her hip and leg on one side, and had to completely rest it. She apologised and said she'd be there for the rest of the week as she needed looking after. I told her it was fine, and I'd pick them up when she was ready to come back home.

Telling Sharon, Carly said she'd go home if I wanted her to, but I told her it would be fine, I'd be back at work tomorrow so Sharon could use the company anyway while I was out. I was sitting watching tv and the girls told me they were going out into the back garden for a while, to make the most of the sunshine. I nodded and went back to watching tv. After a while, I went upstairs to the toilet and could hear them laughing loudly. I went into my daughter's bedroom which overlooked the garden and was a little shocked at the sight. Both of the girls were sunbathing topless, but they were laughing because they could tell my old next-door neighbour Bill was watching them.

I know from doing the laundry that my daughter has the same size tits as my wife, 34B, and she and my wife both walk around the house topless. They are similar quite petite body shapes, and like Carly all around 5' 4" tall. Carly's tits were something else though. I guessed she was around a 38D cup, and not only were her tits huge but so were her areolas and nipples. I felt my cock stir again. I watched the girls for a while, them making sneaking glances towards Bill's house and giggling when they knew he was watching.

I wanted to continue watching also, but went and changed into a pair of shorts and removed my t-shirt since I'd been warm anyway. I went downstairs and took three bottles of lager from the fridge. I opened them, then walked out into the garden, offering a bottle each to them both. I looked a little too long at Carly's huge nipples and saw her grin as she'd seen me do so.

"You two staying out here long?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're having a little fun out here," Carly laughed.

I followed Sharon's gaze and glanced over towards Bill's house.

I smiled at them both and asked them to shout if they wanted more beers brought out. One hour and three beers later, I joined them outside.

"Bill's been watching us," Sharon said brazenly.

"You're in your own garden, he can't say anything," I answered.

"We were more wondering what he was doing than saying," Carly laughed, Sharon laughing too.

"I'd rather not think about that thanks," I laughed, "but I bet you've been teasing him haven't you?"

"Sharon and I have a thing for older men that's why," Carly quipped.

I lay on a towel on the patio, by the side of Carly, Sharon the other side of her. Sharon lay on her back, facing towards Bill's house to see if he appeared in his window again. Carly lay on her front, her huge tits squashed under her, her head turned towards me. I lifted a leg that pointed my groin slightly more towards her, which I hadn't realised until I saw her staring. My cock isn't massive, 7" long when erect, but is fat. The reason she was staring was that I was looking at her tits, and my cock kept twitching in my shorts. She looked me in the eyes and gave me a broad smile, then closed her eyes and dozed off.

After eating later the girls said they were going to shower and change, and were going out for a bit, Sharon asked if I wanted to join them at the club they were going to. I told her no, there was a film I wanted to watch, but also told Carly I was going to change the bedsheets in Ben's room, and she could sleep in there rather than on the floor in Sharon's room, and I'd take her case in too. Sharon agreed that would be better.

They changed and came to tell me they were going out now, Sharon wearing a long flowing dress with black tights on, Carly wearing the same skirt and boots combo but with black tights also, and a black and red bodice type top with fastenings up the front that pulled it tight, so tight her tits were trying to escape out of the top.

"Are you looking at Carly's tits?" Sharon asked, grinning.

"Yes, erm yeah, sorry, they are quite distracting though," I answered sheepishly.

"Exactly the look I was going for then," laughed Carly.

They bounded off out of the door at hearing their taxi arrive. I settled down to watch the film, then went up to sort out the bedroom. I changed the sheets and then went to fetch Carly's case. She hadn't unpacked anything, there was a zip compartment that she was going to put dirty washing in to keep it separate, even though Stacy had told her we could wash them for her.

The case being open, I closed it together then wrapped my arms around it to keep the contents in. I took it in and settled it on a chest of drawers I'd cleared off. I opened it up and for some reason started looking through her clothing. Most of the clothes were black or red, I assumed they were her favourite colours. She had a few vest tops and lacy tops over them, and her underwear at the bottom of the case was also black, red, and lacey. I held a thong up and imagined her wearing it, then picked up a matching bra. 38E. I'd been close in my guess but they were bigger than I'd thought.

I looked at the zip compartment. I knew she'd put a couple of tops and a skirt to be washed, I'd done a wash load that day, but didn't remember seeing any undies. I undid the zip and pulled out a red thong. My hand brushed across the gusset as I did so, and it felt damp. I looked, and it was very damp. She must have been wearing these earlier, maybe when they were teasing Bill next door. Had she been that turned on? Judging by how damp they still were hours later, yes she had been.

It's not something that I've done before, but I couldn't resist holding them to my nose and smelling her scent, going up my nostrils like I was actually between her legs. Holding them up, I used the other hand to drop my shorts down and stroke my cock, already fully erect. I imagined her outside earlier, the image was of her just wearing these and not the shorts she'd had on. I had images of her pulling them aside, showing me her wetness and her pussy lips, sliding a finger between her wet folds. I found myself cumming, and shot all over the floor.

I cleaned up and put the thong back into the zipped compartment where it had been, then searched through the rest of the clothes. There, nestled at the bottom in a corner, was a dildo. it looked like a real cock, a little shorter than mine at around six inches long, and a little thinner. I wondered how much use this got, then realised if she'd packed it for a week at our house, it got some serious usage.

I'd settled back downstairs later watching tv again, or rather the tv on but me not being overly interested in what was on, when the girls came back. They were laughing and giggling as they came in, Carly looking at the screen.

"Oh Mr Wilson, you've disappointed me, I bet Sharon that you'd be watching porn," she giggled, "especially with the house to yourself."

"Call me Dave please, Mr Wilson sounds too formal, and I don't need to watch porn," I answered.

"Well, with your wife being away I thought you might want a little 'me' time," she laughed again.

The girls sat on the other sofa for a little while, still giggling each time they looked at each other. Carly had undone her top a little, her cleavage emphasised and had hooked her legs up so her skirt had ridden up. She lifted Sharon's dress at one point, revealing she was wearing stockings. Sharon laughed and pulled at Carly's skirt, it sliding right up to show her nylon clad arse.

"Sharon, your dad can see everything now!" she screamed, "I hope he didn't see the little hole."

The girls started laughing loudly, then Carly cried out that she meant the little hole in her tights, not another little hole. She turned to me and smiled.

"You wouldn't have seen it anyway, my knickers cover where it is," Carly said.

"Well, they do if you're wearing any!" Sharon laughed.

"Anyway, if your dad's not watching porn I may as well go to bed," Carly said in mock disappointment.

The girls held onto each other as they left the room, still giggling. Ten minutes later Carly reappeared, wearing a loose black nightie with skulls on it, and still wearing her black tights. She said Sharon was falling asleep so had gone to bed.

"Erm, Dave, this may be a little awkward, but have you been looking in my case?" she asked.

"Not exactly, I dropped it and had to pick some things up that fell on the floor," I said, thinking quickly, "why do you ask?"

"My clothes were in a particular order, and now they're jumbled that's all," she said, "Did you like my knickers?" she continued.

"I didn't take much notice, although I did see they're all back and red when I was putting them back though," I lied.

"Hmm, okay, I believe you," she laughed, "did you see the other thing? It's part of a set you know."

"What thing?" I asked, assuming she was talking about more underwear or clothes.

"You must have seen my dildo? I have a buttplug like it, just a little smaller," she looked at me and smirked, "and if it wasn't in the case, I wonder where it could be?"

She got up and walked into the kitchen, telling me she'd come down to get some water. She turned on the tap a little too much, and water splashed back up and across her front. She turned and faced me, her top clung to her heaving bosom, her nipples erect.

"Oh look what I've done Dave, I'm very clumsy aren't I?"

She walked towards me and put the glass down.

"Shall I show you what we've been doing in the club Dave?" she asked.

I simply nodded. She sat on the other sofa, leaned back and lifted her nightie up to her stomach, revealing all of her legs, spreading them a little. She did have a hole in them, right in the gusset.

"It was Sharon's idea, that's why she had stockings on. We both had no knickers on at one point too. She'd a dirty one Dave, does she get that from you?"

I didn't answer but saw her staring at my crotch, I looked down to see my cock doing its very best to escape my shorts. Carly's hands went between her legs, and she pulled the nylon.

"Ooh, there's the hole, do I have knickers on or not?"

She pulled harder, and the fabric gave way. It ripped vertically, her hands pulling it apart revealed the buttplug and her soaking wet pussy.

"Oops, these are no good now, unless I sew them and leave them crotchless. Do you think they'd look good Dave?"

She didn't give me chance to answer, standing and picking up the glass of water, and walking to the door.

"I can see your Iron Man now," she giggled, "sleep well Mr Wilson," she said, blowing me a kiss.

Ten minutes later I was lying in bed stroking my raging erection, listening to her moans through the wall as her dildo got some game time.

The following morning was surreal. Carly acted as if nothing had happened, even if Sharon wasn't in the room with us, almost like it was just a drunken escapade that she'd forgotten about now. I went to work, leaving the two girls at home. They'd said they were going clothes shopping later, but not doing much else. The weather was beautiful again, blue skies and no clouds, but work was dull, especially as I kept thinking Carly and the buttplug. I excused myself a couple of hours early, saying I was going to finish up some spreadsheets and would email them later that night.

I got home and called out to no answer. Thinking the girls were still out I went and undressed, had a quick shower and just put on some shorts. As I walked across the landing I heard giggling and went into my daughter's room to look out into the garden. If I'd been shocked the other day I was even more so now. Both of the girls weren't just topless, their bikini bottoms were discarded on the floor around them. Both lay face down on towels but were angled so their feet and arses pointed towards Bill's house. While I looked on, Carly leaned over and pulled Sharon's buttocks apart, exposing her pussy in Bill's direction. I assumed he was watching on, enjoying the show before him. Both of the girls were laughing loudly.

Sharon being topless for Bill's viewing hadn't bothered me so much, her openly flashing him was a step up though. However much I wasn't overjoyed about it, my cock was starting to stir again. I told myself it was because of Carly, and not because my daughter looked just like her mum was out there instead. Carly's hand moved over again, and the unmistakable action of her rubbing her fingers along Sharon's slot played out, I could see Sharon's eyes close at the feeling. Carly moved her hand and Sharon looked back over her shoulder, laughing again.

This time I decided I wasn't going to disturb them, and concentrating on Carly I almost wished I had Bill's view. I focused on her arse, and dropped my shorts, taking my erection in hand. I stroked slowly, and then both of the girls giggled and turned onto their backs. I could see them whispering to each other, and then Carly leaned over. Sharon took one of Carly's large nipples into her mouth and parted her legs a little more. Carly's hand went between them, and this time she rubbed harder and faster. She didn't stop like before, and I knew she was going to make Sharon cum for Bill to enjoy. My strokes matched hers, and a short while later Sharon's body convulsed as she came, squirting over the floor at the end of the towel, the patio getting a hose down. It tipped me over the edge and I came too, droplets of my cum dripping down the radiator.


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