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The Only One Naked Ch. 01

Story Info
A young woman makes a mistake and has to pay back her debts.
23.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/13/2024
Created 08/25/2021
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This is a new story based around one of my favourite ideas, that of being the only one naked in a group, and although it's relatively long I believe it's worth the read. The second chapter will be uploaded quite soon so look out for that, and feel free to follow to ensure that you don't miss it. Until then I hope you like this theme as much as I do, and as always any comments or feedback are much appreciated. Enjoy!


Sasha Vernier stood sweltering in the blazing midday sun, beads of perspiration dripping down her bronzed, gleaming skin, as she peered through her shades along the white, sandy beach that stretched out endlessly in front of her. She was an aspiring lawyer in her early twenties, a women totally committed to her dream job, and at her firm she was seen as the next bright young thing, a true model professional. She'd never do anything to jeopardise her future career prospects, and in fact up until a month ago she'd been the most clean living, mild mannered, and generally unexciting workaholic you'd ever care to meet. With that said, it may now surprise you to learn that of the two thousand or so beachgoers that lined the idyllic shore, happily sunbathing or swimming in their bikinis and shorts, there was only one that was unapologetically wearing absolutely nothing at all. And yes, that person was Sasha.

How on earth had she ended up in this bizarre predicament? Sasha was wondering the same thing as she watched the eyes of those surrounding her swivel round, and then widen in disbelief at the sight of her naked body. Murmurings began to emanate from the astonished faces that stared up at her, along with a few tuts and scoffs of disapproval. Sasha ignored them and let out a deep breath, exhaling slowly to get her heartbeat under control, and then she pulled off her sunglasses and casually dropped them down onto the hot dry sand below. After blinking away the shock of the dazzling sunshine she reached behind her head to quickly tie back her hair, and then with a final nervous lick of the lips she began the long, long walk, down the packed and bustling beach.


Thirty two days earlier, Sasha's life had been very different. She was slumped in a chair, drowsily nursing her pornstar martini, and rolling her eyes as she watched her friends shamelessly flirt with Jamal, an old course mate from university who she'd accidentally run into earlier that night. She was out for the evening with her flatmates Alex and Katie, to celebrate the end of the week with some Friday drinks, and at Katie's instance they'd tried out a new bar which up till now seemed to be a winner. The music was great, the cocktails were alarmingly drinkable, and maybe most importantly of all it had more than its fair share of cute looking guys.

In all honesty Sasha wasn't really in the mood for a night on the town, she'd had a miserable and exhausting week of futilely trying to make several deadlines, missing meals and working ridiculous hours, only to be screamed at by her boss anyway for mistakes in the contracts that weren't actually her fault. She couldn't really complain too much, she was only six months into her first job as a lawyer at a very reputable firm, and she knew full well that'd signed up for a lot of hard labour and not much time off. Ultimately that was a sacrifice she was willing to make in order to further her career, but recently the lack of a work-life balance had been grinding her down, and tonight she would much rather have gone straight to bed and let her worries drift away, rather than force herself into a pair of heels and go out drinking.

Her flatmates hadn't given her a choice though, they too were tired of never seeing their now obsessively hardworking friend who had become so grumpy and irritable these days, so they insisted that for once she would come out and have some fun. A few hours later and Sasha still wasn't really enjoying the evening, but it wasn't for a lack of trying, and after a lot of drinks the room was starting to spin and everyone's faces had taken on a blurry quality. Despite this she instantly recognised her old friend Jamal when she spied him across the bar, easily recognising his tall frame as he stood out above the rest of the crowd. She fought her way through the throng of partygoers and tugged at his arm eagerly, she was genuinely really excited as she hadn't seen him for about eighteen months. Jamal turned round and immediately broke into a huge smile when he recognised her, and the tipsy friends reunited with a tight hug.

'Sash? Oh my God hi, how are you?'

'I'm good Jamal, wow it's great to see you! What are you doing here, I thought you were still living by the coast?'

They'd met over four years ago at the university induction day for their law degree. They'd immediately hit it off and had been each other's rocks during the gruelling course, working on assignments together and sharing notes for the exams, that kind of thing. After three years they'd gone their separate ways to focus on different specialisations, but unbeknownst to Sasha Jamal had just moved back into the area after getting a new job. He bought a large round of drinks as they chatted and then took them back to his friends, who he briefly introduced to Sasha, before they ordered four shots for themselves and spent half an hour catching up on each other's lives.

For the first time that night Sasha was actually gad she'd agreed to come out. She'd forgotten how easy Jamal was to talk to, not to mention how equally easy on the eye he was, and it felt so good to be able to rant and vent about her hectic job and horrible deadlines to someone who knew just how she was feeling. It turned out that Jamal's first few weeks at his firm had been equally depressing, and they both enjoyed the chance to bitch and complain about their problems guilt-free. It was going well, but then Alex and Katie rocked up.

'Oh my God finally, there you are Sash, where the hell were you? We were looking everywhere, I even tried calling you.'

Sasha opened her phone and frowned. 'Oh yeah sorry Alex, my bad, I've got into this bad habit of keeping it on silent when I'm not meant to be working, otherwise I get these nonstop email notifications which just stress me out.'

Jamal laughed ruefully. 'You do that too, huh? Yeah same, when I clock off for the night I make sure no one can contact me, otherwise those bloodsuckers will never give you any peace.'

'Right? Oh yeah so guys, you know the Jamal I'd sometimes mention, from uni? This is him, we just randomly bumped into each other and we were catching up. And Jamal this is Katie, and this is Alex. We all grew up together and now we're roommates, we've got an apartment a few streets away.'

Jamal shook both women's hands. 'Lovely to meet you, Katie and Alex.'

'Oh my, so you're the famous Jamal...' Alex moved over to his left as Katie leant up against him on the right, and inside Sasha died a little as she recognised her drunk friends' not-so-subtle flirting techniques. She'd never admitted this to anyone, but ever since they'd met she'd had a pretty severe crush on Jamal, the sort of annoying lingering affection for one of your friends that is always there but you know you'll never act on, because well, they're a friend. The other two didn't know this so she couldn't really be annoyed with them, but at the same time it meant that watching them begin to tease and joke around with Jamal, as they batted their eyelashes and ran their hands across his arms, wasn't exactly fun. Sasha excused herself to go and buy another round, after a brief glance in the bathroom's mirror to make sure that her make up was still flawless, and when she returned she soon realised that the conversation had quickly moved on from just causal small talk.

'No you didn't!'

'Mate I did, anyone will tell you!'

'Absolutely no chance, you're so full of it.'

'Err, why do you think I'm lying? Why is that so hard to believe?'

'Nah, I just think there's no way that you in particular would ever do something that wild.'

'Oh really, so you're like some kind of expert on me now, are you?'

'No, but-'

'Oh wait look, here she is, she'll confirm it. Hey Sash?'

Sasha carefully sat down as she balanced four glasses precariously in her hands, then passed them around the table. Jamal was still trapped in between the two girls and it was Alex, who now had her whole arm tightly hugging his bicep, who was waving a finger round indignantly.

'Sash, Sash, listen. So your friend Jason right.'

Jamal sarcastically shook his head. 'Rude, you literally just saved my number in your phone, under Jamal.'

Alex dismissed him. 'Oi, I said be quiet. So this Jerome guy here, he doesn't believe my beer pong story, so please would you back me up here? And look, you,' she prodded Jamal firmly, 'she's a lawyer too, like you, and you guys can't lie right?'

Sasha shook her head. 'No you moron, you mean anyone under oath in a court of law can't lie.'

Alex shrugged, she was drunk and just wanted to tell her story. 'Whatever, the point is that you're trustworthy. Now please tell Jacob the truth, the whole truth, and-'

Jamal raised his hand. 'Ok thank you Alex, I get your point. Please Sash, enlighten me.'

Sasha reluctantly took a long sip from her drink and then set it down with a sigh. 'Oh yeah, right. That story...'

When Sasha had moved away from home to study law, Katie had gone off to a different university to pursue her interest in art history. She'd done well and got a good degree, but jobs in that field were scarce, and when she left after three years she'd reluctantly had to start a career as an estate agent instead. Alex was never interested in any further study and so she'd done bartending for a while, before becoming self-employed as a personal trainer, and now she enjoyed working full time out of a local gym. The trio had always had vague plans of living together once everyone had graduated, so first Alex rented a flat which Katie crashed at for a while, and after Sasha had completed her extra year the three of them moved into their current apartment.

Sasha's university experience had been one of late nights devoted to studying instead of partying, of more hours spent visiting the library than any of the campus' bars, and of countless weekends socializing at networking events, rather than bonding with her fellow undergrads. Katie's time had been considerably more fun, she'd been surrounded by young, uninhibited art students who knew their future career prospects weren't great, so they all focused on having as good a time as possible whilst they still could. She found the course was a breeze too, so she'd had lots of time for extra curricular activities, and plenty of experimentation in all senses of the word. Likewise Alex had also come to enjoy the pleasures of adult life, she earnt good money and she was always more than happy to spend it. Her active lifestyle at work meant she had plenty of licence to go hard at the weekends, so in all honesty she had something more akin to a crazy student lifestyle than Sasha did.

All this meant that despite having relatively similar personalities as they grew up, the last few years had made Katie and Alex a lot more sociable and outgoing, whereas Sasha had become increasingly serious and maybe even a little boring. This difference was apparent whenever the three of them linked up. When Sasha let them visit her dorms the only thing to do was spend the afternoon in a dingy local pub, which was as mediocre as it sounds. However, if they met at home or during the holidays then they'd mess around at each other's houses, go out on day trips, or drink themselves silly at Alex's old bar. And if they went to Katie's university then well... stories like the peer pong night would occur.

'So yeah, whatever she told you was probably true. Me and Alex had gone down to see Kate for the weekend a few times before, and that weekend we'd arranged to visit during some big summer celebration thing. Anyways, long story short a bunch of her course mates had thrown this party in someone's accommodation block, and so we went along too. And there was a lot of alcohol, way too much, and we were young and stupid, and then these guys who thought we were pretty invited us to go and play beer pong with them. They'd set up a table in one of their rooms, so we agreed to a three versus three.'

This time it was Katie who leant her body into Jamal's, looking up at him with large, suggestive looking eyes. 'Actually, it was strip beer pong...'

Sasha gave her friend a withering look before continuing. 'Well, it was after they quickly realised that we were too drunk to throw straight. They were winning every time, so they said they'd make it interesting, and one person from either side would have to take off a piece of clothing whenever the other team sank a shot. And to make it fair, well fair according to them, they offered to play left-handed.'

Jamal chuckled. 'And so, how did that go for you girls?'

Now Alex interrupted. 'Well Sash chickened out immediately.'

Katie laughed as she recalled the events of the night. 'Oh yeah that's right, but to be honest it wasn't a huge loss because no offence girl, your hand-eye coordination is non-existent.'

Sasha bristled slightly as the others all laughed at her. 'Ok fine, yes I wasn't great, but more importantly I could see that we were being hustled, the other two guys were still way better than these idiots. So every now and then they'd miss a few throws and lose a sock or something to make it look competitive, but really they were always going to win.'

Alex snorted into her mojito. 'Now that's rude, we weren't that hopeless. We started to make a bit of a comeback, and we definitely got their tops off, right Kate?'

Katie nodded. 'Oh yes.'

'And sure enough they were pretty hot, which made the risk of losing not seem too bad.'

Jamal raised an interested eyebrow. 'Oh really, is that so?'

Katie giggled and whispered confidentially into his ear. 'Oh yeah... I hooked up with one of them later that week, then dated the other for a few months. They were good looking boys.'

'So anyways,' Alex had replaced Sasha as the storyteller, 'I think it was Kate who got down to her underwear first? Then me immediately afterwards, and at this point we knew we were a bit fucked, I think they still had their jeans and boxers on.'

Jamal was now looking at the women on his arms with a renewed interest, one which made Sasha grimace. 'So what happened next? How far were you willing to go?'

Kate butted in. 'Well everyone begins to tense up and no one can hit a shot for love nor money, for like five minutes we all just miss everything. Then they finally make one, and after a game of rock paper scissors we decided that Alex had to take one for the team.'

'Wow really?' Jamal's head swivelled back round to grin at the blushing Alex.

'Yeahhh... not ideal. But I never back away from a challenge, unlike some...' She looked pointedly at Sasha. 'So I took off my bra, managing not to flash them, and then I had to play the next round with one hand over my chest.'

Jamal leant back as he hooted. 'Well surely that must have slowed the guys down a bit, right? At least you were providing a good distraction?'

Alex slapped his chest excitedly. 'That's exactly what I said! I told Kate that now it was our time to shine, and I even squidged the gals together a bit to show off some more cleavage, I didn't think they'd be able to look away.'

'And did it work?'

'God no, I missed by a mile and then they immediately got another cup.'

'Oh dear.'

'Very oh dear.' Katie narrated the next part. 'So then I had to be next, obviously, and I went topless too.'

Alex teased her. 'Yeah but then you quit the game too, you just stood there using both hands to cover up and didn't want to play anymore.'

'Ok but come on, these were two guys I had to see every day on my course! It was way more embarrassing for them to see me half-naked than it was for you, and as for not playing, well I couldn't continue one handed like Alex did, because it's not as easy for me to keep everything contained...' She grinned and looked down at her impressively large boobs, which she playfully shook by wiggling her chest coquettishly. Jamal pretended not to look.

'Ok so you tap out and what next, was the game over now?'

Alex exhaled ruefully. 'No... not quite.' The others looked at her expectantly, so she bit her lip nervously but then continued. ' So obviously I didn't know anyone there, so I didn't have to worry about seeing them again, or anything like that. And one of the guys was really really fit, and I was still incredibly drunk, blah blah blah. So I decided to challenge him to a final one versus one.'

Jamal was impressed but confused. 'Why though, were you insane? After you'd lost so much already?'

Alex waived away his concerns dismissively. 'Yeah yeah, I know. But in my defence I made him agree to take off his jeans first, so we both only had one thing on, and then it was like winner takes all. Plus we got rid of all my cups apart from one, but I still had ten of his to aim at. So I did think the odds were slightly in my favour...'

'And were they?'

'Again, no...'

Katie laughed.

'It was hilarious to watch. I'd put on a t-shirt and me and the other guy were just sitting on his bed, watching them miss again and again and again. Alex was simply rubbish, and he was just nervous I guess, and couldn't hit her last cup to save his life.'

Alex concurred. 'Yeah, I was struggling badly. I was so paranoid that he was gong to win though, so as his throws started getting closer I got desperate and decided to drop my arm and hope that my boobs were enough to put him off.'

'You should of seen her,' mused Katie, smiling at the memory, 'the way her tits would bounce with every throw, or fly around when she'd drop the ball and scramble to pick it up... the poor bastard didn't stand a chance.'

Alex cackled in agreement. 'Oh God yeah I remember now, he was trying really hard to hide his erection wasn't he? But it was so obvious, and just hilarious, and overall I was having a weirdly good time. And then, to add insult to injury, I finally made my first shot in about half an hour.'

Jamal was genuinely shocked. 'No way, you actually won? You beat him? Nice one!' He reached over and the two shared a high five.

'Thanks Jamal,' Alex looked at him with amusement. 'But no, unfortunately I did not win. See I had thrown first, so to be fair he got one more attempt. And of course, because the universe hates me, somehow he gets it in like it's nothing.'

Jamal groaned. 'You're kidding! So what, you called it a draw?'


'And I guess you just got redressed like Katie?'

'No...' Alex looked truly shy now, and so once more her friend spoke up.

'You're right Jamal, for any normal person a draw would mean the end of the game, nobody loses. But for Alex and my ex they decided, for some reason, that they'd both lost, and both needed to carry out a forfeit.'

Alex just sheepishly raised her glass and toasted her friends.

'Alcohol is one hell of a drug kids, drink responsibly.'

'And so,' Katie continued, 'they kick us out of the room as they start giggling stupidly together, and then after a minute or two... wait, I think I still have the video somewhere...'

'Kate!' Alex lunged for her friend's phone and tore it from her grasp. 'Jamal does not need to see that, thank you very much, a vivid description is more than enough...'

'Ok fine, Jesus. Anyway, so I go to find Sash again who's sulking in the kitchen.'

Sasha rolled her eyes but it was true, that night she'd felt completely alienated by her friend's strip-game shenanigans, and had gone away to mope on her own.

Katie continued. 'And then all of a sudden we hear screaming and yelling from the corridor, and into the kitchen bursts Alex, and her new friend, and they're both completely naked!'

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