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The Other Kelly Taylor

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Teacher is obsessed with his young black student.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 01/22/2011
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[Author's Note: All characters in this story are are over the age of consent: 18+.]

Kelly. The exquisite picture of a young faced dark exotic beauty. That's who she'd become in the last seven years, now that she was eighteen and in her first year of college. I lay on my bed in my boxers with thoughts of Kelly swirling around in my head making me crazy. Making me harder than anything else I could image. I was in a state of fevered addiction for one person, Kelly.

I could see her lips pressing into the palm of my hand from earlier in the day, and I pressed my hand to my dick to transfer her touch to it as if it were possible.

A man can dream can't he? Especially when the odds were so severely adding up against me, I'm more than twice her age, short, and bald so why would she ever want me?


Mr. Taylor

I was still a sixth grade teacher when I first met Kelly. She was one of my students when I was thirty-six. Yes, I know I was married and into my teaching career before she was even born.

At the parent/teacher conference that year her mother and I talked. Her mother told me I was Kelly's favorite teacher. I'm going to Hell because I puffed out my chest at the compliment, taking pride in it. I responded to her mother that Kelly was my favorite student ever, as if I were a gushing school girl expressing their admiration like a fan. Her mother barely raised an eye at my confession.

It's not like I ever had fantasies about her mother or even Kelly at that age, although her mother was a very beautiful woman mind you. And I didn't have these same feelings toward my own daughter, who was just two years younger than Kelly. I did feel like a surrogate father and overprotective towards Kelly once I learned that her own father had abandoned them when she was two years old.

It wasn't her body I was attracted to, at least not when she was so young. Even as lithe and athletic and developing as her body was, it was her mind that got my blood pumping and my mind racing and my creative juices flowing. She had a way of looking at the world that just seemed beyond her youthful years. The way she spoke to me really did seem as if I were discussing philosophy with Aristotle or Socrates, or mathematics and physics with Stephen Hawking even, albeit in an innocent package. She was brilliant and that challenged me to be a better teacher for her.

I had given out a simple geometry assignment every year to get the students thinking about shapes, sizes and spatial relationships. Kelly to this day is the only student to use a diagonal instead of a perpendicular or horizontal bisection of the 8.5x11 inch cardstock I hand out for the assignment. When I started to grade her homework assignment at first I thought she had failed the assignment and then I was in awe of the genius of her work.

She told me when I asked her about her unusual approach to the solution, "You said to compliment the axis. I just figured 'axis', like the Earth's axis meant tilted. I would still have duplicate right triangles when I bisected the page, only they were mirrored forms of each other. So I just saw the entire picture inverted in my head and worked from there." She smiled at me after her explanation. I used her work as an example of what students could do with the assignment. No other student even attempted it because it was twice the work. Most students are just lazy, but not Kelly.

At that age Kelly wasn't overly pretty, but definitely cute. I marveled and admired the brilliance of her young mind and recognized the overwhelming potential of such a small child.

I had a sense of relief and depression when she graduated from elementary school, although I'm not exactly sure why. I assured myself that my fanatic obsession would wane once she was away from me, maybe. I guess I felt so creepy that my feelings towards Kelly had grown and advanced over the course of the school year from refreshing pride at being able to teach such a mental diamond in the rough to an almost inappropriate yearning and need to be in her presence to insure I did not miss a word of her impressive world view. I felt a sense of lose at our ending teacher/student relationship that I have never had with another student.

You have no idea how bad that got for me, I felt like I was going crazy, seeing a child who sparked such intensity in me. Have you ever met someone that just made you happier, lighter, and more satisfied with your life? They are like a muse to you and you feel inspired when you're around them? That was what it was like being around Kelly for me. But still I felt like a perverted monster because I was jealous of her future educators who would have the opportunity to shape her young mind. Her leaving me for the junior high school once she'd graduated didn't end my fevered sinful thoughts of my favorite student, but it helped.

The school system redistricted a few years later. They changed from junior high schools (grades seventh through ninth) to middle schools (grades sixth through eighth) and from three year high schools into four year programs. I was given the choice of moving to the new middle school or I could teach Calculus at the high school. I chose the high school because there was a chance I would end up teaching Kelly again. Dangerous and pathetic with the way I felt, I know.

A few days before Kelly graduated from junior high school she stopped by to say 'hi'. It was 'ditch day' for the junior high school students. I was thrilled to share with her that I would be teaching at her high school in the fall but she quickly burst my bubble. She informed me that she and her mother were moving into a house after all these years of apartment living on the south side of the town. It meant that instead of going to my high school, she would be at the rival campus.

I tried to laugh off my extreme disappointment from her news, I hadn't realized until then how much I'd been looking forward to seeing her daily again, being graced with the mental orbit that was Kelly's brilliance once more. She hugged me and said that I was still her favorite teacher though, and that she was sorry that she wouldn't get to be my student again.

If I'd only known before I signed my contract, I could have picked her school. Oh well, apparently even God was working against me, or maybe for me, considering the temptation that Kelly had come to represent in my life but I would rather die than do anything about my impure and confusing fascination with Kelly. My feelings for Kelly felt twisted and depraved and entirely against my moral beliefs enough that I'm sure I'd secured my descent to Hell. I couldn't label why, but it just seemed so wrong to me that I was obsessed with my student. The two years since she'd been in my class had changed her from a small gawky pre-teen into a tall sensual young girl.

Kelly went out for volleyball, the track team and she was even a cheerleader in high school. She became a year-round athlete throughout her entire high school career. The advantage was I saw her when her school faced off against our school, and I silently cheered for her each and every time. She caught me at one of the track meets during her junior year and raced over to me in light blue short shorts and a tight white jersey tank top, part of her uniform. I could see the straps of her sports bra and my hand itched to adjust her top. Of course I did no such thing.

I slipped into a dark place in my head at that the thought that she had grown into such a beautiful woman, young lady, I mean girl. What the hell am I saying, she was still a child and yet not. But it was in that moment that I recognized that my ever present attraction to Kelly was stirring a physical reaction in my body that I was loathe to name.

In my personal life at that time, my wife had recently divorced me. My daughter now attended my school, but she never ended up in my class so it was all good. Well maybe not the divorce part or the fact that I barely saw my daughter even, though Darla roamed the same school hallways where I taught. I felt the need to, and babbled all of this and more to Kelly. She listened, and comforted me with her words, but I was careful not to touch her. I didn't cry on her shoulder or anything, but the conversation made me feel better along with her smile and warmth and kindness of taking pity on such a pathetic damned soul as myself.

The schools have a policy of holding their graduations on different days so I was able to attend Kelly's high school graduation. I really had no reason to be there other than Kelly as she was the only graduating student I personally knew, but I felt compelled to go anyway. Her mother spotted me in the crowd after the ceremony and stopped me from heading out the door unnoticed. To make small talk I inquired about Kelly's plans after graduation. Her mother told me Kelly still had no idea what she wanted to major in and that it was my fault.

"How is that my fault?" I asked, confused by her statement and wishing I could leave before seeing Kelly face to face.

"Oh, you don't know?" she said laughing. "Mr. Taylor, Kelly still talks about your class and you a lot. She said you told her she could do anything, be anything her heart desires. Back then she asked me if she could be your wife," she covered a smirk at her statement. "I told her you were married," she winked at me as she continued. "Kelly said she refused to pick a single thing until she knew what you wanted her to be and pouted for days. She was so young and naïve then, but it was so cute.

"So now, even though she got accepted and received scholarships to a lot of prestigious schools, she's decided to go to TCU. She told me she wants to stay close to home and me. But I think maybe she still has a bit of a crush on you." Her mother laughed again as if anything she'd said were the least bit humorous.

I tried to slow my racing heart at the spark of joy her words instilled in me and at the same time, I had to curb a flash of anger at the stupid woman for allowing Kelly to waste all her beautiful and rare potential. She should be forcing Kelly to attend an Ivy League school. Kelly was too intelligent to spend her time at a small liberal arts college just because it was local. The absolute waste of it was utterly absurd to me, and she thought it was funny? I wanted to block out the part where her mother had once again revealed to me a little insight into the mind of my favorite student that had me feeling hopeful at the thought that my own feelings could be reciprocated.

Then we saw Kelly heading towards us through the gymnasium crowd. Her mother's words had me slightly aroused, angry and anxious to leave as if I were committing a crime by being there. I was willing to abandon my foolish desire to celebrate Kelly's accomplishment for a few moments, but her bouncing young body even covered in the dark blue billowing gown stopped me in my tracks. I suddenly had images running through my head of this young woman in my home and in my bed. I shook my head and smiled stuffing down my raging hormones as she embraced her mother.

"Mr. Taylor, Oh My God! I'm so glad you're here. How are you?" she wrapped me in the long limbs of her arms as if it were the most natural thing in the world. She had hugged me before, but her touch had never inspired such a blatant sexual response. I stiffened under the tight embrace, afraid she'd learn that I was stirred up and could read the guilty thoughts warring in my head.

I avoided telling Kelly what her mother had said to me about her childhood desire to marry me, although it was still at the forefront of my every thought as I began to lecture Kelly on her choice in schools.

When her mother stepped away to say her 'hellos' to some of the other parents Kelly quietly told me that her mother was in poor health, but hadn't discussed it with her directly yet, and that she was worried about moving far away should anything happen to her mom. I felt like a complete jackass. I scribbled my phone number on the graduation program and handed it to Kelly. I held some hope that she'd lean on me every once in awhile or maybe just call to say 'hi' to her poor pompous pervert of a teacher.

I told her to give me a call if she ever needed anything pressing the paper into her hand. She kissed me on the cheek and agreed and as I walked away from the ceremony I could still feel where her warm lips had pressed against my cheek. Unconsciously I fingered the area gently holding onto her scent of vanilla and magnolias as I climbed in my truck. I barely made it home before peeling off my clothes and masturbating just thinking about that kiss and her hug. I think a part me felt it was okay to indulge my need for release seeing her eighteen year old figure, as if it suddenly made my fixation less obscene. Over the next six months Kelly called me frequently until it became a weekly habit every Sunday night. She would tell me about her classes, boys she'd met, music she was listening to, and the atrociousness of the cafeteria food. She even started giving me updates on the TV series Beverly Hills, 90210. I normally wouldn't have watched a nighttime soap opera, but once during our conversation, she said, "You know if I married you, my name would be just like Jennie Garth's character on the show," then she giggled. I swallowed hard as my cock fully awakened at the thought. "Wouldn't it be funny? I could be like the other Kelly Taylor."

"Yeah, funny," I mumbled, and my voice trailed off entertained thoughts of my forbidden desire being made reality. I even pictured the church and her in a pure white wedding gown before the shock and awe on the faces of the wedding guests spun before my eyes. Their mouths frothing in fury like rabid dogs, screaming things at me like "Cradle Robber!" and "Perverted Sicko!" and "Child Molester!"

I snapped back to our conversation where we discussed everything and nothing important. I had started to feel like the father figure she'd never had growing up and our conversations reflected the new more intimate relationship. It was one I shared with her alone, even though my own daughter was still in my life. Although my daughter hated me from the poisoning her mother filled her head with every chance she could. But I'm not bitter.

As the Christmas season approached I'd told Kelly I was having trouble finding something for my little girl, who was now a junior in high school. Kelly offered to go shopping with me as soon as she was finished with her winter finals and that's how I found myself carrying six bags of clothes and books following Kelly around the mall one day.

"Well what about music? Any idea what bands she's into?" Kelly asked, stopping outside another clothing store in the mall. It occurred to me it was a lingerie store only after I finally stopped committing Kelly's new figure to memory.

"I totally need to run in for just a sec. I need some new bras and panties. I guess I put on that freshman fifteen, huh," she shrugged, looking at me coyly with big brown eyes framed in delicate eyelashes. She was definitely fishing for a compliment.

"Where? I certainly don't see it," I said. My eyes lingered over her body as they had done all afternoon. It was a complete lie. She'd put the pounds on, except they were all in her breasts and hips. She looked more like a woman now instead of the child I'd met so many years before. "You look perfect to this old man." I blushed. Yes, I'm still going to Hell.

She laughed and gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then beamed at me. "Well my clothing says otherwise, I'll be just a moment unless..." She paused and glanced down between our bodies. I followed her gaze to the bulged in my corduroy pants and gulped. "Unless you want me to model some for you," she said softly with a smile and a wink.

I laughed, actually I giggled, "Uh, I don't think that would be appropriate." I shifted the bags and covered my growing member and looked towards the music store on the second level from where we stood. "I'll just try to find something for Darla while you're in there."

She shrugged again, "Suit yourself Mr. Taylor." Kelly turned and disappeared inside the store. As I walked away I debated if she was flirting with me or not. Maybe? Of course not. I was her teacher, she thinks of me as a father figure. She was just being...what? Nice? Naughty? It was the season for it. Just humoring an old man for fun? I did the probability of it being a sincere interest in my head, and statistically solved with the latter.

It turned out the music store was actually out-of-business so I wandered around the mall trying to stay in the line of sight of the lingerie store while looking in various windows for ideas for Darla's present. Kelly found me twenty minutes later at the pretzel stand putting mustard on my purchase.

"That looks great, I'm starving," she said, and without waiting for a response or offer from me she leaned in and down, licked a line of the mustard and took a small bite out of the pretzel. My waning erection recovered in a split second watching her pretty pink tongue flick between her lips so close to my fingers. I ached to go home and stroke myself until I could stop imagining my cock receiving the same treatment as the lucky pretzel.

"Sorry, that just looked so tasty," she said, with her eyes closed savoring the small bite and straightening up to her full height, then she smiled at me. I noticed a small glob of mustard at the corner of her mouth.

An image of me licking the mustard from her mouth which finished in a deep sensual kiss flittered through my head and caused a grin on my face. Instead I handed her a napkin and told her about the mustard. Her tongue flicked out again, licking all around her lips, first the top one then along her full bottom lip searching but still missing that damn mustard.

"H-here let me," I said. I pulled another napkin from the silver dispenser with trembling fingers and wiped the spot of yellow from her mouth. She captured my hand as I finished wiping her mouth and kissed the palm of it. Then she smiled at me as if she'd done nothing at all, completely innocent.

I pretended for the rest of the day nothing had happened and when I dropped her off at home and watched her enter her house safely I realized my stupidity. I mean she was over eighteen now and clearly she was flirting with me. But could I act on it? Should I act on it? Fuck, what the hell was wrong with me? I pounded my frustration into the steering wheel and flung the truck in drive peeling away from her the curb.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with finding her attractive, not now, not anymore? My mind frantically tried to rationalize months of pent up sexual frustration over this child. No woman, CHILD, sensual WOMAN, oh God what the hell was I thinking? I concluded my debate that my thoughts were a ticket to Hell worthy sin, even though she was all grown up. It was the equivalent evil of incest in my mind because Kelly was so close to my daughter's age, they could be sisters. I drove home frenzied fighting my urges. By the time I arrived home I ran up the stairs to my small one bedroom apartment with random thoughts in my head as I stripped out of my clothes.

I sprawled on my bed in just my boxers hating myself for being too scared to act on anything, and too guilty to feel comfortable with it. Then fear gripped me as I convinced myself that she wasn't flirting with me at all, I was only hallucinating what I wanted.

I could still feel where her warm lips had kissed my palm as I pressed my hand to my erect throbbing penis. It was as if I could transfer the feel of her lips from my palm to my dick. I sat there slowly gliding my hand up and down picturing her in lingerie. I was seeing how those firm young breasts had grown into full weighted mounds of flesh. I rapidly processed that although I had known her as a child that had nothing to do with the flirty woman who had licked my pretzel earlier.


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