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The Other Kelly Taylor Ch. 05

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Final chapter of The Other Kelly Taylor.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 01/22/2011
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Author's notes: First, I'd like to thank Kirk2004 for all of his editing help. Second, I'd like to thank everyone who read, voted, and commented on this series. This was the first story I posted on Literotica, and there was something fun and terrifying about the experience. I hope you enjoy reading the conclusion of this tale.


Mr. Taylor

I watched at the window for Kelly's car, but instead Aaron's car was the only one that pulled into the parking lot. I saw Kelly in the passenger seat. At first, it looked as if she were leaving the car. The door didn't open though, and a few minutes later, I watched as they kissed.

The windows of the car fogged up as images of them fucking in his white sedan flashed in my head. I saw from that kiss that they were into each other. Only a blind man would've missed it, and maybe not even then.

"You fucked him, didn't you?" I screamed at Kelly twenty minutes later, as she sat on my futon couch shaking her head 'no.'

"I didn't. I swear I didn't," Kelly said with tears streaming down her beautiful face. "I wanted to, but I didn't."

Her tears and admission stopped me from yelling. "Well, fine, but you wanted to? What did you do, Kelly? Why were you with him?"

I was ready to explode. It was unlike me to be angry with her, or anyone else for that matter, even though I knew her words were true. The idea of losing Kelly to such a jerk fueled me. Something inside me snapped.

"I didn't fuck him. He tricked me..." she started.

"Tricked you? What the hell were you doing in his car in the first place?" I spat my bitter words at her. "Exactly how did he trick you? What! You fell on his dick, but it was completely accidental?" A cold anger seethed through my body.

Even though she told me she didn't have sex with him, I wanted to believe the worst in her. I couldn't calm down.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I...I just wanted, I don't know," her voice was lost in her sobs.

It was hard to stay angry with her as she cried in earnest. I should have comforted her. I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss away her tears. Even before this, I knew I was already losing her.

She didn't want sex from me, at least not like before. After three months, I was no longer her lover. I was just her father figure. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe she felt guilty about being with me. Inside I listened to her, for what seemed like the first time. I felt like I had a revelation. It was so clear in my mind, as if a neon sign were shouting the answer at me.

There were two choices for me, treating her like a treasure, a goddess versus treating her like a pet, a toy for my own amusement. There was no choice to make at all, if I wanted her to stay in my life.

I stomped across the room, my fists in tight balls. I could smell her arousal. I knew it was for him, her would-be rapist, not me. I tried to deny what she wanted from me. Even as glaring as the answer was, I still did not want to wrap my brain around it.

It seemed so simple now what she was saying to me, as much as I'd refused to see things clearly before. It was as if she wanted to be raped by him, or by me. My stomach turned at my thoughts as I really looked at Kelly. I wondered if I'd win, if I made her choose between him or me. I was afraid to know whom she'd pick if given the choice.

Even through my rage, I realized I had to do something. Maybe it was too late, but I had to try. I hated what came to mind, what all the signs were adding up to, made me sure of what she needed, what she wanted.

I slapped her as hard as I could across the face, which was not very hard. Her sobbing hitched in her throat, and she stopped crying. Her face was blank, as she was stunned into silence. She looked content even, I raised my hand to slap her again, and she smiled.

I hated myself for it, but I hit her again, across the face with my open palm. My anger dissipated as I grabbed her by her hair, loosened her bun, and pulled her face to mine. I crushed her lips with my own, and she opened to me. She did not return my kiss, but she let me dive in with my tongue.

"No," she whispered to me as I broke from the kiss. Her eyes opened wide and her pupils dilated. I let her sink back down on the futon, I still had her hair in my hands directing and guiding her until her face was level with my pending erection.

"No?" I questioned as I pushed down my sweat pants and boxers with my right hand, still holding her by the hair with my left. "Did you say, no?"

She had a slight smile on her lips as I pushed my semi-erect dick against them. I used one arm to push her farther back on the couch by the hair, as I used the other to brace myself above her. She was silent as her eyes swept across my cock. I pushed it harder against her mouth.

I pulled her hair and head with more force and said, "Don't ever tell me no again. Do you understand?"

I could feel her head trying to nod and then she said, "Yes, Mr. Tay..."

Those three words caused her juicy lips to part, and I shoved myself into her mouth. First, her body stilled, as if she couldn't believe what I was doing to her. Then her tongue worked against my growing erection, her throat contracted against the head, and the sensation was beautiful, pure, and evil in one.

I pulled her head forward and back. I felt like I controlled everything, even her. My anger replaced by a sense of power, it took over as I fucked her mouth. I pounded her head into the back of the couch, while carefully making sure I was not suffocating her with my dick. I felt exhilarated, commanding, as if I were a god with the control I had over her.

She eagerly ate me. Everything inside me told me that if I wanted to keep her I needed to give into the glorious feeling of forcing myself on her. I raped her mouth, but as I reluctantly learned in that moment, you can't rape the willing.

I felt different, changed forever by my actions. I knew it was an act of desperation to keep her in my life. It was the only way to show her how much I loved her. I continued pushing in and out of her mouth. I forced myself into her, the sensations, the way her tongue lapped at me, my mind saturated in ecstasy.

I submitted to my carnal desires for Kelly. I enjoyed the feeling of power I had over her. I could not deny how much it turned me on. It became clear that if I loved Kelly, she needed me to take control and treat her like a thing. She liked it rough, and an excitement seized me, as I smelled how aroused she became, how she responded to me from the abusive treatment.

There was no real danger of my hurting her as I continued to experiment with the boundaries of too far. I slowed my strokes, giving her less of a chance to breathe through it, until she gagged and moaned on my leisurely strokes as I filled her mouth and throat. Each time I rammed my cock between her lips, I held myself deep inside her a little longer, until she stopped panicking.

Her hands wrapped around my thighs, her fingernails digging in, as she tried to take control. I pulled my pulsing cock out of her mouth and said, "No, no, little slave girl. You'll do as I say. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Taylor," she said. Her voice was excited, and I could see her nipples through her shirt.

Her nipples were hard little nubs, straining against the material. I let my hand caress one of her weighted breast. I squeezed it to the point of pain. Kelly squeaked as I tightened my hand around her.

I grabbed her hair and forced her to stand up. I sank down on the couch to catch my breath, as my mind spun with the contradictory feelings blazing through my head.

A part of me knew I'd crossed a line. My religious upbringing tried to kick in with a guilt trip, but my primal instincts took over. Even as I knew I had to give into what she wanted sexually, a new dynamic formed between us. I became Master, as she became my slave, and the irony of our skin color was not lost on me. I had to go against the grain of my nature.

I pulled her by the hand down on the couch and fucked her mouth again, only this time she was on top. I thrust up into her face, my hands wrapped themselves in the black silk that was her hair. I pumped her mouth until I was ready to spray come as much as only Kelly could make me. At the same time, I refused to give into my body's need for release. Holding off was easier for me to do while I dominated her, because I controlled everything, even me.

I asked her to strip as I pulled my fully erect penis from between her wonderful lips. She smiled and stood over me. She removed her silver jacket and blouse teasingly slow, revealing one silk covered breast at a time. She tried to take her time, to exert some control over her situation, but I was eager to get to the main course.

"Strip for me, now!" I demanded of her. She complied as her eyes burned with lust for me.

She did everything I told her to do. When I forced her to her hands and knees, she did it. I entered her from behind, and she responded. She pumped back against me. Her body writhed beneath mine, as each thrust drove me deeper inside her.

She screamed my name as she came. Kelly's pussy clenched around my cock, she was reluctant to let my dick go as I withdrew from her body.

I pulled out of her soaking wet pussy and shoved myself into her darker channel with all the enthusiasm of finding the perfect toy. I thought of her as a toy as I came, she was my fuck toy, my sex slave. For the first time I felt as if she were truly mine. I possessed her like she was a prize I'd earned and collected. Not once since that night has she ever told me 'no' again.



I finished workin' on Kelly's little blue Mercury Tracer. I'd given her car a tune-up, changed the oil, and swapped out the fan belt for a new one. It'd taken most of the mornin', but Kelly still hadn't come back for her car, yet.

I paced around the garage and waited for her. It was after noon when I gave up on Kelly stopping by for her car.

Gordon laughed at me, "What's the name of this girl that's driving you so damn crazy, Kid?"

I ignored Gordon and went to work on a green Jeep Cherokee. I worked on a hatchback Toyota Tercel after that. My day flew by, but it was well past closin' time when I really gave up on Kelly. Maybe, she forgot all about her car when she was with that Taylor guy. I wondered if she'd told him what happened in my car. The whole thing probably meant nothin' to her, I thought as I slammed the garage door shut.

Images of the night before had me horny as hell. My cock got hard as a rock in an instant. I was still mad at her for running out on me, but a quick call to Jordan took care of that.

It's not like I'm gay or nothin'. When Jordan told me he was though, he admitted I was his favorite fantasy, so I let the beers talk me into it. He gave amazing head. I'd close my eyes and pretend it was Kelly or some other chick I'd fucked, sucking me off.

Jordan was so much better than my fist. It felt good to fuck Jordan too. He was great at it, and he never said I was too big like most of the bitches I fucked.

I wasn't in love with him or nothin', I just got off on the fact that he was taking it up the ass from me. At first we stopped hangin' out together as much. I didn't need it to get back to my dad or even my boss.

I only called him when I couldn't cum from my own hand or find a chick to fuck. Fuckin' him had become a regular thing recently. It was just sex, not a relationship, or nothin'.

Kelly still hadn't picked up her car a week later. I knew where to find her. I thought about breaking into Taylor's apartment by the second week and decided against it. I didn't need no record, she wasn't worth it. Then Taylor walked into the shop and tried to get Kelly's car without her. I didn't let him take her car, mostly just for a small payback. I was still pissed she'd picked him, I still didn't get it.

Another week passed and Kelly showed up. She wore pretty much the same outfit she'd worn when she dropped the car off. Her hair was down and curly. Her clothes were wrinkled but clean, I could smell the laundry soap on them.

Taylor was sitting in his truck watching us and waiting for her. I glared at him with daggers in my eyes.

"How much do I owe you for the car?" Kelly asked, diggin' into her purse for her wallet.

"Nothin'," I said.

"Thanks, but I have to give you something," she said.

"Forget it," I stared at her but she refused to meet my gaze. "What's going on with you? Why are you wearing the same clothes?"

"Am I?" she said as if she didn't know. "Must be laundry day," she laughed and handed me a fifty from her wallet.

I refused to take the money. "Are you okay? You don't look right," I said.

She laughed again, looked back at the truck, and then stopped. "I'm fine, Aaron. Really I am. Can I just have my car keys, please? Do I need to pay you more?"

"I said no charge." I walked away to retrieve her keys. When I got back, Taylor stood next to her.

"Ask him," Taylor said as I stepped up close enough to hear them. He looked different than he had before, only I couldn't name what it was about him.

Kelly looked at the ground and her face was bright red, a neat trick for a black girl.

"Do you want to play with me Aaron?" she asked, barely above a whisper. Taylor smirked as she said it.

I almost swallowed my tongue. I was so speechless even as I thought I hadn't heard her right. I felt like the butt of a joke I didn't get.

"Ask again, he seems to have missed the question and look at him as you say it," Taylor said.

Her head tilted up and met my gaze. "Do you..." she started, as her eyes shifted back and forth looking into each of mine.

"No, I heard the question. Just wondering how you fit into this, Taylor? What, do you get off watching her with another man?" I asked staring him down. He laughed at me and I was pissed.

I could tell, Kelly wanted to bow her head, but she just stared at me. "Do you want to play with me Aaron?"


Kelly Taylor

After some hesitation, Aaron turned us down. I was so embarrassed, humiliated, and aroused by the exchange that Mr. Taylor fucked me for hours after we got home. The last few weeks had been so exciting and new to me, and all the proof I needed that he loved me. Instead of 'no' I said, 'Geoffrey' Mr. Taylor's first name, our safe word.

I heard that Aaron Surry and Jordan Scarlotti were trying to get married. You never know about some people.

Mr. Taylor and I married three months later in Vegas right after classes ended for summer vacation. He made me return to college, and I graduated from TCU with honors. We moved into my mother's house after the wedding, and we have been happily married for over ten years now.

As the internet became popular, Mr. Taylor and I found a BDSM club an hour's drive from our town. I got what I needed sexually, and Mr. Taylor learned to administer creative punishments. Occasionally we made love, soft caring expressions of the feelings we shared for one another. It was the best of both worlds for us. I enjoyed my Master's softer side, and I loved my life as the other Kelly Taylor.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Well written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

You completely lost me. That was the most random ending I have ever read. I'm exceedingly disappointed. I had such hopes for this story at the beginning. It's as if you just got lazy and decided to just throw in some shit at the end. I would consider revising this and extending it.

RichbigRichbigover 11 years ago

I love the interracial love stories. Of course I love younger black women personally but to give a realness to the relationship in story is a gift. Keep writing and bless the world with your words.

DaddysBabyslutDaddysBabyslutalmost 12 years ago

very hot story all of it and well written and very hot

JonnyD1JonnyD1over 12 years ago
Great Work

Simone, I enjoyed this story, and by that I mean all the chapters... the best of all your work. It's not just because I'm into the older man, younger woman thing. I liked your depth of emotion, your ability to switch among characters be they male or female, and your courage to write interracially. I also liked the way you depicted the issues between the age differences of the characters.

Very nice job.

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