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The Paladin and the Demon

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Cocky paladin is not prepared for his encounter with a demon.
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The following is a fantasy story involving humiliation, degradation, non-consensual sex and mind control.

All characters in this story are 18 year old or older.

* * * * *

A buckskin horse in barding trotted along a dirt path. Its rider, a light blond man wearing light armour, appeared to betray no expression as he caught sight of a small village further down the road, but the corners of his mouth turned down ever-so-slightly.

The village of Adon was such a small place it only featured in some of the area maps, so it was no surprise that this was Leonric's first visit to it. When he received the direct order of his superior to head to it to investigate a knight's disappearance he had to mask his disdain, but while on the long journey he had time to dwell on feelings of something akin to disappointment. A paladin of the Holy Knights of Solha, sent to a backwards town while others fought against draconic forces and mighty necromancers. Of course he would never dream to express those feelings out loud, they were supposed to be bastions of Order and Balance and those thoughts were unseemly for a Holy Knight.

Caught in his thoughts, Leonric began feeling uneasy as he approached the village. He had trained for years to attune his senses to disturbances in the natural order, and right now a tingling sensation on the back of his neck alerted him that something was not quite right. It didn't worry him in the slightest: quite the opposite, he allowed himself the smallest of smirks before masking his expression once more. There was a chance the mission will have opportunities for my skills to shine after all, he mused.

As he approached the first houses at the edge of town Leonric saw his first villagers, working the fields. He was taken aback when he noticed the men were plowing the fields without hiding their shame, their sun-browned skins glistening under the unrelenting sun. They noticed him and, as commoners, bowed at him before continuing their work. They did not seem the very least embarrassed about it.

Leonric felt a self-righteous indignation building inside of him; it was quite common for villagers to undress down to their waists while doing hard labour, but he had never seen such a shameless display. His eyes lingered for a moment on their muscular, well-defined bodies as he slowly lowered his eyes, but before he could focus on their unhidden lower bodies he forced himself to look away from them. Their images stayed on his mind as he rode, confused, towards the village. His heart was pounding faster than before.

The dirt path gave way to a road badly paved with cobblestones as he entered the village of Adon, the uneven path zigzagging between shacks, barnyards and small houses. Oddly, the main street seemed deserted until he spotted a lad coming out of a stable wearing a leather smock and carrying hay. Leonric addressed him; he looked at him with a vacuous look.

"Well met. I am Leonric, paladin of the Holy Knights of Solha. I would request your assistance in dismounting," he introduced himself, looking down at the young man. He, for his part, stared at the paladin mouth slightly agape. Leonric was starting to suspect the lad might be a bit simple, but he finally dropped the hay on the ground and proceeded to help him off of his horse. Only when the young man took his horse away to the stable did Leonric noticed the smock was all he was wearing, his rear exposed to the elements.

Absolutely inappropriate, Leonric thought with a look of disdain. His mind wandered off once more to the naked men on the fields, lingering on their muscular bodies, and he shook his head. He wasn't sure why he kept focusing on that.

"Where can I meet the burgomaster of this town?" he asked when the young man returned, trying to mask his scorn for his nudity. He received nothing but a blank stare at his query. "The leader of the village?"

"Ah!" the young man responded belatedly, as if he had finally awakened. "The chief. I will take you to the chief."

As they walked uphill through the empty road towards what seemed like the biggest building in the village, Leonric couldn't help but steal quick looks at the posterior of his guide. It was distracting; he tried to look around the mostly quiet village but found himself constantly staring back at it, its pink and round shape reminding him of the juiciest of fruits. His mind in a haze, he found himself thinking of nothing else, only walking forward towards the plump arse.

"This is the place," the young man announced. Startled, Leonric realised they had reached the building. Had he been leering? Discreetly, he composed himself and entered the building.

Once inside he noticed the young man did not follow him. Instead, he remained at the entrance doorway, pointed to a double door on the back and left without a word before Leonric could thank him for his assistance. Still perturbed, Leonric approached the doors and rapped on them; he could hear movement on the other side and what sounded like muffled moans.

"Enter," a sultry voice commanded from inside the room.

The paladin stepped forward and opened the doors. The village chief was sitting in an oak chair behind a simple wooden desk, arms behind his head. At least, Leonric assumed him to be the chief even though he was much different than what he had envisioned: instead of an aging, balding fat old man, the village chief appeared even younger than Leonric himself. He was very tall and quite well built, which was made clear by his almost complete absence of clothing; the only piece of garment Leonric could see was a simple leather loincloth, bobbing up and down under his desk. Other than that he was naked from the waist up, showing off his well-sculpted torso and his closed leathery black wings. Two horns protruded from his jet black hair and his red, penetrating eyes seemed to burn like pieces of hot coal. He smiled sardonically at the paladin, who noticed the sharpness of his teeth.

Leonric felt something was amiss, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He furrowed his brow, trying to focus on what it was but every time it seemed to slip his mind; he was distracted by a wet, slurping sound and the occasional moan that seemed to emanate from under the desk. Realizing he had stood there in silence for too long, the paladin shaked his head and proceeded to introduce himself.

"Greetings, chief. I am... "

"A mindless paladin," the chief said in a smooth baritone. The man was not used to anyone addressing him like that, but he found he didn't mind. This was the chief of Adon, after all, he deserved the respect.

"Yes, that is correct. Your Lordship, I..." he wavered, confused. Lordship? This was not his Lord. This was the chief of a small, unknown villa. He composed himself and continued. "I apologise. As I was saying, I..."

The chief held one hand up, and Leonric closed his mouth mid sentence. "Hold," the chief said, stroking his abdomen lazily with one hand. "Do not forget, you are a visitor in our town, and as such you are required to follow our own local laws, you stupid mutt. Is that not so? A paladin must always follow the law."

"Of course!" Leonric was a little embarrassed to be chided like that. Had he committed an indiscretion? Was that the thing that was bothering him on the back of his mind?

"Then surely, the correct garments for men in my town did not escape your notice?" the chief continued. The paladin looked at him with a blank stare for a few moments until he finally reacted.

"Ah! Naturally!" he nodded in agreement. He started removing his light armour, starting with his forearm protectors. This must have been the thing that escaped me, he thought. Once all his armour was removed he stood there, dressed only in his smallclothes.

"Now, now, that is not all of it. I am afraid you are still a bit overdressed for the occasion. I could help you with that myself, of course, but I would prefer it so if you did it yourself like the whore you are. And you do want to please me, is that not so?" he cooed.

Why would I want to please him, Leonric thought for a moment before discovering that, to his surprise, he DID want to please him. It was only natural, it was his right as village chief and Leonric was in the wrong anyway. Still, it was embarrassing. With just the tiniest of trepidations he lowered his smallclothes, which pooled at his feet alongside the rest of his clothes and armour. He stood at the ready, completely bare, hands on his back as if awaiting his next command. He felt self-conscious about it, and for a moment it seemed to him that the chief was licking his lips.

"Very well. Tell me, slut, when was the last time you spilt your seed?"

An odd question, and a mortifying one to boot, but Leonric felt compelled to answer. He wondered why that was. "I am... I am embarrassed to say I had nocturnal emissions just before I departed on this journey."

"At your age?" the chief asked, amused. "Most unusual. It seems you are not spilling your seed nearly enough. Then again, your body would best be used as a receptacle of others. Now, you were about to tell me your reason for coming here."

Leonric stared at him for a bit, his train of thought derailed. The mention of pleasuring himself (an activity forbidden by the Order) brought to his mind's eye images of the strong, naked men at the fields and the young lad's rotund bottom. He shifted nervously from one feet to another. Why was he here? His mission... the knight. He grabbed on to that thought.

"Ah... A little more than a fortnight ago one of my brothers from the Holy Knights of Solha was dispatched to this village, and he has not yet returned. It is my understanding he was responding to a missive made by you, Your Lordship, asking for assistance with an unspecified trouble." He had called him Lord again; the chief didn't seem to mind, but he did.

"A fortnight, you say?" the chief pondered. "If that is the case, the letter might have been sent by my predecessor. You might be surprised to hear this, but I have only been leading this town for a little more than a week. I am sure my dear villagers will agree that in that time I have made some fantastic improvements to this place," he said. Leonric was surprised to hear an approving moan from the unseen figure under his desk.

The paladin nodded. "I understand. Even so, Your Lordship, I must insist. Did your predecessor leave no note regarding the troubles you had, or if a knight of our Holy order was here? His name is..."

The chief raised a hand, and Leonric stopped once again. "I care not about his name. I know every single one of my underlings in this place, yet not a single one by name. I do know their roles and the amusement they provide to me, and I know for a fact that knights make the best cocksuckers. It is only natural, then, that he would beeline to the best specimen of manhood in town... care to take a guess as to which one that is?"

Leonric found his throat dry. An answer to the question jumped immediately in his mind, but he was having trouble articulating it. The chief continued smiling at him.

"Everyone in my town has a role to play, but they are men and they have needs. They do need to blow off some steam... so, when a stranger arrived a little after I took on my current role I decided to give him a job appropriate to his station. You see, I do not like knights. Paladins, even less so," he leaned forward, his eyes blazing as he looked at Leonric. "So naturally, I gave him a position where he would use his skills to the fullest: I bestowed upon him the role of the town whore."

Leonric blinked, confused. His mind was getting muddled up again, and a strange scent was making it hard for him to think. He realised for the first time that the hairs on his nape were standing up, didn't that used to mean something? He felt the urge to do something, but he wasn't quite sure what it was. As if in a daze he approached the chief, walking around the desk as he did so.

The chief continued. "As I said before, knights make the best cocksuckers, and this one does not seem to get enough of me. He is constantly trying to scratch an itch that never quite goes away. Even now, as he pleasures me, he writhes and moans because he loves the taste of my cock."

And there under the desk he saw the missing knight, slobbering over the chief as he fellated him, barely stopping to breathe. Leonric did not immediately react as he saw him: the chief had already told him he was the new whore, it was only natural for him to be servicing such an important man.

Except it wasn't.

Something clicked on Leonric's mind; in a blink he reached for his sword on his waist, but the scabbard was missing alongside his armour and clothes. He gritted his teeth; the demon laughed.

"Finally awake? Glad you could finally join us."

"Get your filthy claws away from him," the paladin said in a low voice. Keenly aware of his own exposed body and lack of weapon, he tried to move towards what he now recognized as an incubus, only to find himself frozen in his spot.

"This is his reason to live, would you be so cruel as to deny that to him?" the demon said, laughing. "But let us see what he has to say for himself. You, whore, do you wish to go back to your previous life?" he asked the man servicing him, who had not stopped suckling on the demon's engorged member for a second. The man between his legs, his mouth full, simply moaned in response.

Disgusted, Leonric looked away from him. How had he allowed himself to be degraded so? He was an embarrassment to the Order, had probably secretly wished for such a treatment. I would never succumb to the demon's web of perversion, Leonric thought to himself.

"See?" the demon continued in a low chuckle. "I was of the belief that your order was supposed to be able to resist any carnal temptation, and yet it seems my influence over this town has been affecting you. Could it be that your will is not as strong as you seem to think?"

Leonric's pulse was racing. While he had never seen such depravity himself he knew all he had to do was clear his mind of impure thoughts. It was proving to be slightly more difficult than expected, perhaps in part because the sight of his partner-in-arms performing a forbidden act (he looked so eager, that pansy) filled him with rage, and yet the more extreme his emotion, the more he exposed himself to the demon's perversions. Already he felt something else growing inside of him, increasing with every passing moment. The slurping, wet sounds, the indecent moans, the powerful musk... they all threatened to overwhelm him.

I am better than this, Leonric assured himself.

"I can sense your weariness, yet I can taste something else... ah, I do wonder, could that be... lust? Are your loins filling with desire as you see your helpless companion in such a vulgar position? Or is it that you are jealous of him, and wish to trade places?"

"Stop!" ordered Leonric; it was foolish, the demon was quite obviously baiting him to lose control but he could not help himself. He was starting to feel frustration with his inability to take over the situation when he discovered, to his horror and humiliation, that there was some truth to the demon's words: his own manhood started to react, slowly but clearly rising up.

"And so it is," the demon smacked his lips. "It is so very nice of the Order to send a new whore down my way to play with. Come closer, I do wish to inspect you."

It was like fighting invisible strings that pulled his body in the demon's direction. He was having an internal battle of wills with himself but he only succeeded in prolonging the inevitable; in slow, stilted steps he approached the demon as he tried to exert control over his own body. There was a part of him that was enticing him to just let it happen, it was so alluring for him to just... let go... but kept repeating to himself that he was stronger than that, he knew he was.

The demon grabbed him by his privates, which by now stood at full mast. Leonric flinched at the warm, surprisingly gentle touch. His mind was turning to mush and he felt his mental barriers wavering. Closing his eyes he steeled himself but that only seemed to amplify the erogenous sensations on his body.

"You did say it has been quite a while since you spilt your seed, and it is apparent with just a touch of these swollen things," the demon said, painfully squeezing on his testicles. "Let us proceed and see what else you can offer. Turn around."

The man did whilst clenching his teeth, enduring the humiliation; he despised the wicked touch but there was little he could do, his body moving on its own. Instead, he directed his energy into setting his mind blank to try and escape from the demon's malicious aura. His words were not making the task any easier.

"An ample rump, quite a sight." The demon whistled, grabbing his rear end with one clawed hand none-too-gently. "You expect me to believe it untouched by any of your goddess' lapdogs? I think you will find you are going to be quite popular in my little town; there are so many men to pleasure in town and this one," he rubbed the head of the knight on his knees, "can barely keep up. Let us try a piece of it ourselves, shall we?"

He stood up, pushing away with one hand the former knight between his legs. He in turn whimpered pathetically in the ground and stayed there, looking pleadingly at the demon with a look of absolute awe. Leonric saw him, and for the first time he felt fear. Was that his future, too? Would he, too, eye the demon like a bitch in heat?

While Leonric stood there, paralysed, the demon walked around him. He continued saying lewd things to him while tracing a single, sharp nail through his skin. A bit more pressure and it would have been enough to break skin but as it was it only provoked shivers, especially when they touched the stiff nubs in his chest, which he took hold of with two fingers and played with. The demon embraced him from the back and whispered dark words in his left ear as his hands wandered over his body; they were warm and they touched him with surprising lightness, leaving him wanting for more. His erection failed to abate, his senses flooded by his caresses.

The demon took hold of his erection with deft hands, stroking his length with one hand while at the same time nibbling his earlobe. Something hard was pressed against his arse, rubbing between his cheeks and marking the places the tip touched with wet spots. Leonric knew he was losing the battle of wills, maybe had already lost since he set foot on the damned town. The demon invaded his mouth with two hot fingers which he thought to bite and instead found himself suckling, moaning involuntarily as he did; soon, the saliva coated appendages exited his mouth and were instead pressed against his back entrance, now wet with the demon's slimy juices. He whimpered when they found their way inside of him, playing and stretching the formerly undefiled area.

"This feels good, does it not? Surprisingly good. But there are so many more pleasures of the flesh, and we are just beginning. For example... Are you at all curious about the abilities of your former companion? He has mastered the art of oral pleasures, but you will not have to take my word for it. Come, my pet," he called the former knight, who crawled forward with a look of hunger. He was eyeing Leonric's strikingly hard penis, licking his lips as he did so.

He wasted no time. Leonric saw him easily engulf his member in his mouth, and soon the sensations of his moist mouth were sending waves of pleasure through his whole body. He tipped his head backward and closed his eyes, forgetting himself for a moment and allowing his mind to be lost in the new and exciting thrills, pleasurable feelings taking over him. His groin tingled as he was pleasured by the expert tongue of the erstwhile member of the Order while the fiend gave him love bites and gently explored his insides with probing fingers as no one in his life had ever done.


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