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The Perfect Game


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The first one was obvious. Only Dave was nearly as tall as me. Just to be obnoxious, I ran both my hands down his chest, cupping his chest, then down his side to his butt, which I gave a squeeze. A giggle that I knew all too well came from my immediate right giving away Cheryl. After about 10 seconds Dave backed away from my touch.

"Ok, I got that one," I said as I slid down. Reaching out with my two hands about waist high, I found Cheryl's waist. I slowly ran my hands up her sides, allowing my thumbs to brush the sides of her breasts. I ran my hands across her shoulders to her neck, and caressed her face. I brushed my thumb across her lips and she opened her mouth and took it in. With a lingering suck on my thumb she back away.

"Alright, that's two. Now for three." This was still going to be pretty obvious, only one of them had shorts on; Beth was wearing jeans.

Once again I put my hands out waist high, and slid them down the hips of the girl ahead of me. I felt the T-shirt under my hands, and then I was feeling the skin of her thighs. Denise. I let my hands continue their tour of her legs, down her calves and was slowly working my way back up along the inside of her leg when she stepped away.

The last one I already knew was Beth. I reached out with my hands waist high again, but this time I closed until I was brushing against her front. She smelled delightful. Her breasts were lightly touching my chest, as I slid my arms around her, and up her back, then back down across the small of her back, I let them drop to the top of her cheeks, expecting her to step away, but she stood steady. I cupped my hands around her full ass, squeezing. I turned my body part way, hopefully blocking the view from the others, and slid my far hand up between us under her shirt against her bare flesh all the way to her bra, or where a bra should have been. She finally backed away, as I quickly slid my hand out.

"Ok, here's my guess. First, I'd know Dave's sexy butt anywhere, second, those lips were obviously Cheryl's. The third contestant, Denise, had the softest legs, saving the Beth for last." I lisped "thaving" and "latht" for a really bad pun.

I pulled off my blindfold to catcalls and groans, and saw Beth pulling her jeans back on. I had been duped. "Always so smart, aren't you. Well I think you found out that Beth had the softest legs. You lose!" Cheryl told me, dancing around in front of me. Next she and Beth were giving each other high fives, and hugs, and I knew who had been conspiring against me.

I should have realized when I grabbed her butt, that there were no jeans in the way, but I was just too damn confident. "Oops. Well let it never be said I can't lose gracefully. And whatever the penalty, the challenge was definitely worth it. Especially Dave." My capitulation drew more laughs.

"There is one small problem," I continued. "Those jeans have to stay off. The instructions clearly state that any clothing removed for a penalty cannot be put back on unless the penalty specifically states they can be." I was smiling my own best, wicked smile.

"But the penalty didn't make me take them off!" Beth argued, her jeans halfway up her legs.

"Rules is rules you know, but if you'd like we can ask the Judge." I answered, understandingly.

"But you've got the Judge card." Cheryl said.

"That's right, I do, don't I? I guess the rule stands. Pants off, sweetie." I smiled, giving her a nod.

Beth laughed, kicking of the pants, once again exposing her baby-blue panties to our view. "That's ok, it was worth it anyway."

Cheryl pulled my penalty card for me. "You need a spanking, choose who gets to bend you over their knee. Then spin for number of smacks x 2."

"Are you kidding? Let me see that card!" I insisted. I was embarrassed to see that's exactly what it was. "Oh well, as you can guess, I'll pass on Dave. Ok ladies, if I choose you, will you be gentle? Cheryl?"

"What do you think?" She said in an evil tone, leaning down and picking up Beth's jeans and holding them almost like a matador.

"Well this doesn't look too good. Denise?" I asked in my best repentant tone.

"As gentle as you deserve." She told me as she delivered an equally wicked look.

"Beth, tell me you'll be gentle. Please." I turned to my last hope.

"Ok, I promise I'll be very gentle, you'll hardly even feel my spanks." The other girls booed her, but I was saved.

I spun the spinner, getting a four. "Ok, that's 8 spanks from Beth." I crossed over to her chair and lay down across her lap.

"Cheryl, Denise, want to help me? It says my lap, but it doesn't say who gets to do the spanking," Beth giggled.

"Hey, wait a second." I protested, followed by a quick yelp as Cheryl smacked my rear pretty hard.

"That one's for feeling up my best friend. Don't think I didn't see that. Now hush up or it's just going to get worse." Cheryl was standing over me, smiling wickedly.

Beth made a big deal of caressing my butt, "Poor Alex, out smarted twice in a row, and by women! How will your ego every recover?" She placed her arm across the back of my thighs.

Denise spoke up, "My turn!" She acted as if she was brushing off some lint off my shorts, then hauled back and delivered a pretty hard blow. "Two!" she announced.

Beth spoke up, "My Turn. Poor little bum, I'll have to get you a pillow to sit on." She ran her hand across my far cheek, and then gave a soft little pat. "See, I kept my promise. That's three."

Cheryl again caressed my ass, running her hand down between my legs, before rubbing small circles around the cheek that Beth had just tapped. "You have been a naughty boy you know." Cheryl said to me softly. She then gave me a good hard blow. "Four."

"Four." Beth rubbed my butt again, similar to how Cheryl had. "Poor baby. I know that must have hurt. But like Cheryl said, you have been very naughty. Your turn Denise." On the last couple of words she squeezed my cheek in her hand, and then pulled her hand away.

Denise mimed being a baseball player coming up to bat. She windmilled her arms, and then hit me really hard. I know it hurt her hand. "Five. Ouch."

"Damn," I said, "you girls are in trouble; just remember what goes around comes around."

The last word of my sentence was lost under the noise of the smack that Cheryl gave me. It must have been about as hard as she could hit. I know I jumped a little.

"Hey!" Beth said, covering my rear with her arm. "That was supposed to be my turn, you went out of order. No more for you! Now that was six."

"Why don't you take the last two?" Denise told Beth, "My hand still stings from the last one." She then sat back down on the couch.

Beth leaned over and whispered in my ear, while she caressed my butt. "Such a naughty boy! What's that digging into my leg, I wonder? How hard do you think Cheryl would smack you if she knew you were rubbing your hard-on against my leg? Naughty, naughty. You're getting my panties wet." She finished with two soft pats, one on each cheek, and then gave me a little goose. "All done, you've paid your penalty."

"Anything to say?" Cheryl asked me as I went back to my seat rubbing my rear.

"Yeah, I'm glad I didn't roll a six." I told her getting a laugh from everyone.

Beth got a tough Trivia question, and missed. Her penalty was "Give a guy, not your partner, a deep hot kiss, make his toes curl." She smiled at Dave and me, and then leaned over the spinner. "I'll let the fates decide who gets lucky." She gave it a firm spin, and I had mixed feelings when it landed nearest me. I wanted to kiss her, but I was a little worried about Cheryl.

Beth turned to Dave, "Sorry Dave, you just missed out on a REALLY great kiss. Maybe you'll get lucky later." She then turned to me, and planted herself in my lap. She wasted no time, her mouth seeking out mine, her lips parting and her teeth nibbling at my lip. Her tongue was tracing the outline of my mouth, turning, delving into my mouth, and licking the back of my teeth. Her hands were behind my head, holding me, her fingers clutching my hair. I kissed her back, first gently and then as fervently as she was kissing me. My cock was burning where it was digging into her panty-clad ass. It was a wonderful first kiss, and ended all too soon.

Beth finally pulled her head away, placing a last sweet kiss on my lips, giving me a wink. She sat back on her chair. "Your turn," she told Dave, with a look of sweet innocence.

Dave, after missing his challenge, got the "Slave for a Round" penalty. After spinning, he was extremely disappointed to get me as his master. I sent him off to refresh the drinks. I thought it funny that nobody else even seemed to notice him walking around half-naked, shirtless, with a lump in his shorts and white athletic socks.

On Cheryl's turn, she missed on the Word Knowledge. I know she knew that word which confirmed that at least one other person was trying to extend the game. Good Girl.

For her penalty she drew a strip card. This one had a kicker to it. "Let a person, not your partner, remove one exposed article of clothing."

Now I knew that she wasn't wearing a bra, so this would be interesting. Either the shirt or the shorts had to go. She stared at the card for a while, and I would have to guess she was considering trying for a different penalty. She looked at me, then Beth, and finally Denise. Denise had a smug little smile that said "I never chickened out", and you could just feel the sibling rivalry churning between her and Beth. Cheryl finally stood up and turned to Denise.

"Go ahead. I'll let you choose. I'm not wearing a bra." Cheryl had very nice tits, not as full as Denise's but quite an eyeful. So Denise had to make the decision.

Denise dropped to her knees in front of Cheryl, and unbuttoned her shorts. She then tugged them down around Cheryl's generous hips, exposing a pair of almost see-through pink thong underwear. She slid them down her legs, and held them while Cheryl stepped out of them.

"Thanks," Cheryl told her with a sly smile.

Dave missed most of the action, and was just returning with new frozen drinks in hand, as Cheryl turned back around and sat down, her shorts carelessly draped over the arm of the couch. I could see it was killing him. He delivered the drinks, and went back for a new Guinness for me and a drink for Beth.

Denise really tried for the challenge. She had six colors, and I think she really wanted to win. She was picking the True/False pretty consistently, having a 50/50 chance. She won, but drew another non-matching color.

On my turn I gave a joke answer for my question, making it clear how hard I was trying, and went for my penalty. A 3-minute massage from 2 females. I spun and soon was lying down on the floor, with Beth and Cheryl giving me a delightful rubdown. They were positioned on each side of me, and Beth was determined to match her sister, so when Cheryl started at my shoulders, Beth went there as well. When she worked her way down to my rear, Beth followed in kind. When Cheryl straddled my right leg, massaging my hamstring, I soon had two warm rears sitting on my calves. When Cheryl lifted up the back of my shirt to plant a small kiss on the small of my back, I felt a second pair of lips just beside the first, only moments later.

Denise announced the end of the timer having completed three full turns. Dave was back in his seat watching the action with obvious envy.

"Dave, that was so nice, I'd like you to massage my shoulders during Beth's turn." I told him, reminding him he was still my slave. He took up position behind me, while being teased, but gave a nice massage anyway. I looked over at Cheryl with a smile and the look on her face was one I knew well, and I had no doubt that no matter where this went I was going to get some that night.

On Beth's turn she got another Penalty, after basically passing on her challenge, and pulled another kissing card. "Give a Deep Soul Kiss to someone. Spin for who. 2 minutes. Their hands may roam."

She leaned over and was ready to spin when I stopped her, and told Dave to go back to his seat, so there'd be no confusion. Then I told her to go ahead.

She spun and it landed on her sister.

I could see that both girls were thinking, and then Cheryl remembered her proxy card. She whipped it out announcing she could pick a replacement for herself. Then she had to pick. Again I could almost hear the gears churning. She finally turned and pointed to Denise.

Denise's eyes opened wide, but then she laughed and pulled out her own "Chicken-Out". "Not me this time, I'm not THAT drunk."

"Now what?" asked Beth.

"It's pretty straight forward; if the person who pulled the penalty card uses the Chicken-Out the penalty is over. If the person who was picked for the penalty Chicken's Out, then a new person has to be picked as long as one is available." I answered, in my best "I'm sure" tone.

"Ok, but who do we pick." She asked.

"I think we should let Cheryl pick a new proxy." I offered.

"I think I should get to pick, since I had the Chicken-Out." Denise said.

"How about if I just spin for it?" Beth answered. I answered that as the Judge I thought that was fair and grudgingly the girls both agreed.

Beth spun again, and once again it landed pointing almost directly at me.

"Shit," Dave moaned, "I swear I never have any luck."

"Poor baby," Cheryl mockingly teased, rubbing her bare foot on his thigh.

Beth took her seat on my lap once more, but before we could start I said, "Wait a sec." I pulled my own Time Warp proxy off my pile, "Make that four minutes."

I could see that Cheryl was a little miffed at that one. "I'm going to the bathroom, she announced.

Denise said, "I'll go with you."

As Beth once again took her place on my lap, I spoke to Dave. "Slave Dave, go wait near the hall and when they come back from the bathroom, give a cough." He smiled and took up his position.

"Now I'm ready." I told her, with a smile.

This kiss was not as intense as the first one, but much more intimate. I soon had my hand in her shirt, and I was fondling her breast and playing with her nipple as her breath came in gasps. My other hand was down the back of her panties caressing her ass. A couple of minutes into the kiss, I reached down and placed my hand over her hot crotch, and starting rubbing. She moaned. Her eyes were open now, and she looked almost afraid.

I tore my lips off hers, and nibbled on her ear. "You know," I whispered, "I'm going to fuck you tonight if I have a chance." I accented the words by slipping my finger inside the edge of her panties, and up to the second knuckle in her steaming wet pussy.

"Oh, God," she moaned thrusting with her hips against my hand.

I went back to kissing her, moving the hand in the back of her panties up her back. The warning cough came from the side, and Dave was quickly perched on his chair as our kiss toned down, to just a little more than friendly. I slid my finger out of her pussy, and I swear she almost cried, and once the girls were back, my hands were on her legs and back and clearly not inside her clothes.

"Are you guys still kissing?" Cheryl asked sounding a bit peeved.

"Time!" Dave announced, holding the timer in his hand. "Four minutes exactly."

Dave grabbed his penalty card and started reading. I had to remind him he hadn't even done his challenge yet. The girls laughed and he was so embarrassed I think he was going to actually try to get a challenge right for once. The girls made him reshuffle the cards since he'd screwed up the challenge.

I had wandered into the kitchen, to make one more batch of frozen drinks, since the last blender was empty. I was also hoping nobody would notice that I had a big wet spot the size of a silver dollar on my shorts. Cheryl came in and stood beside me.

"What do you think you're doing with my sister?" She sounded calm, a scary, pent-up calm.

"Nothing!" I told her softly, for her ears only. "I haven't picked her for anything, she did the spinning. You could have picked Dave. It's just the luck of the spin."

"Well, remember, she's just a kid. God, she's practically a virgin! I thought if anybody you'd be all over Denise." She looked at me, waiting for a response. I was reminded of the loaded question, 'have you quit beating your wife yet.'

"Listen, I'm sorry that she's all worked up. I think we gave her too much to drink. You want me to call off the game? If Dave sees any more of you, he'll mess his shorts then and there if he doesn't have a heart attack first!"

"You know, when this game is over, I'm going to need some serious satisfying." She whispered, letting her hand slip down into my shorts, and nibbling on my neck.

"If you guys are ready, we can go. I'm going to get that last color if it kills me." Denise said.

Cheryl tweaked my cock, and walked back into the living room. "He should have to do two penalties for cheating."

Denise joined her, "Yeah, two penalties!"

Beth clapped her hands, chanting "Two Penalties, Two Penalties."

Dave in mock surrender put his hands up. "Ok, Ok. Two penalties, just no spanking please!" and we all laughed.

I walked around topping off the ladies drinks, before sitting back in my chair. I noticed that this deck was starting to get low, and wondered if I dared shuffle in the red deck.

Dave was reading his first penalty. "Describe for everyone the last fantasy you had about someone other than your partner."

"That's too easy!" Denise said, "If you haven't fantasized about Cheryl during this game you've got to be dead!" She then looked around at all of us and blushed, realizing what she'd said. As I looked at her I noticed that she'd gotten rid of her slippers sometime in the last couple of minutes. I wonder if she realized what she was doing. Unless I was mistaken that only left her with two items of clothing remaining.

"No, fair's fair." I spoke up. "It's what you drew."

"Well, I guess my latest fantasy had to be when you pulled her shorts off." He said speaking to Denise while nodding at Cheryl. "A whole bunch of fantasies ran through my head, like what if I could pull them down instead, and she wasn't wearing anything, or what if I had to remove two items, or remove two items and massage what they covered, or kiss what they covered. Or what if you had to kiss what they covered... I guess that's about it."

The barefaced honesty had us all quiet for a second, before Cheryl announced, "Time for the second penalty, and I hope it IS a spanking you naughty boy." And once again we laughed, breaking the tension.

Dave took his card and read it. "Make out with each person present. Twenty seconds." He looked up at me and paled, as I'm sure I did as well. I'm sure he was debating the idea of having to make out with me against getting to make out with Cheryl. Finally he said, "I, uh, I'm going to pass and draw again." The girls teased him, calling him chicken, but I had to support his decision, "Good idea, there's got to be a better card in there."

He took his drink, and was once again faced with having to tell the truth. "You're attached to a Polygraph. Be honest. Have you ever dreamed of having sex with someone of the same sex?"

He paled again, I'm sure this was far more than he'd ever imagined. "Oh, geez."

"Come on, it's not that tough. Have you?" Beth was asking.

"I guess I have." He finally answered, blushing badly, fumbling the card.

"Oooooh, Pitcher or Catcher?" Cheryl teased. "You know, I think that's kind of sexy."

"Were there any girls in that dream, big boy?" I teased.

"Of course, lots, I mean, well..." He was getting in deep.

Denise squeezed past Cheryl and sat on his lap. "It's Ok baby. It's only a dream, and I think everyone here knows just how hetero you are." She gave a wiggle in his lap, rubbing her ass against him, before giving him a kiss.

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