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The Perfect Partner Pt. 01

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Jim finds his boss wants him in ways he never expected.
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"Hey, Boss. Derek said you wanted to see me?"

Georgina looked up from where she was standing bent over behind her desk, studying some papers. She gazed at me and for the thousand and first time I was captivated by her blue eyes. She had a good ten years on my thirty five, not that anyone would have guessed it and I only knew her age as I'd gone looking in the company records. Six foot tall, long grey almost silver hair, a body that was toned and fit from hours in the company gym. After her height it was her chest that people noticed. Her breasts were stupendous. Despite her age they never seemed to sag, they always thrust out in front of her by a good twelve inches.

"Yes, Jim," she smiled and I could swear she knew what was going through my mind. None of it was what you should think about the owner of the company you work for, certainly not when you were standing right in front of her. We'd known each other for almost five years and both of our social lives left much to be desired. I only knew she worked out and had a good idea of just how good that body was, as we both used the gym in the late hours, when most people were at home with their loved ones or out with friends.

"I need to re-run program 112 beta," she told me. "I think I've found a way round some of the chemical blocks and the results need to be done Monday. You know what that means."

I sighed slightly. She was right, I knew exactly what that meant. "You need me to massage the servers tonight and keep the speed up."

"I realise it's Friday night and you must have plans."

I chuckled at that and couldn't help responding. "No more than you, I would bet."

"Oh? Late night in the office, then home for a bottle of wine, take away, film and bed?" she said with a laugh.

"Well, beer, but otherwise spot on."

She straightened up and walked over to one of her cabinets. "That, at least I can help with." She opened a door and pulled out a cardboard beer carrier holding six large bottles, bringing it over to me. "Here, you can enjoy these while you work and get a cab home tonight."

I took the carrier and inspected them. "Wow Georgina. That's Brains 6X, Doombar, London Pride, ESB... Where did you get these and how did you know?"

"The summer do. I overheard you moaning about our beer and then going into a ten minute lecture on how English beer was the best in the world. These were some of the names you went on about. Did I get them right?"

"Did you ever and I was not lecturing. I just wanted to educate you American heathens about an alternative to the mass produced crap you have to buy over here."

She laughed. "Keep telling yourself that and you may well believe it, but I won't. These are a down payment. Sandy managed to dig these up from around town. I've got a case of each on the way for you."

I shook my head, marvelling at her generosity. "You really didn't need to do that."

It was her turn to shake her head as she looked down at me. She had 2 inches on me and with her heels it made quite a difference. "I know how important it is to keep my resident computer wizard on side. I know we need to upgrade the servers, but that's not possible at the moment. I can afford to supply the wizard with a taste of home and you more than deserve it. Now get out of here, everyone else will be off like bats out of hell shortly. I'm sure you have to reconfigure memory or whatever it is you do."

"Yes ma'am," I said with a smile and mock salute. "I'll get right on it and thank you."

"You're welcome, now scoot," she playfully swiped at my head. I ducked and scooted back to my little office two floors down.

The clock read 5.30 pm. Derek had already shut down his computer and was putting his coat on. He looked up as I walked past his office door. "What did the dragon want this time?"

"She needs processing power on the servers over the weekend. You'll see overtime for me tonight." Derek was my boss, though he really didn't know much about computers. He was a middle manager who left me to get on with things and, as long as we stayed in budget, didn't ask too many questions.

"Huh," he grunted. "She always gets the last drop of blood."

I shrugged at that. Most people in the company didn't like it when she pushed them. My dad had been self-employed, so I had seen the cost of being completely reliant on just yourself. Georgina had it worse, she had to rely on others to do their jobs. If they didn't, she was still the one who had to pay the price. As long as she worked as hard as she asked other people, I really didn't have a problem with it.

I think that's why we've always had a more relaxed relationship that she had with anyone else. I wouldn't say we were friends, but we dealt with each other more as colleagues rather than employer and employee.

"Hey, where did you get the beer?" he asked.

After his comment I didn't feel like getting into a long explanation. "It's from home. I managed to find somewhere that stocked them and they dropped them off at reception for me."

"Oh, well enjoy them and I'll see you Monday." With that he headed off and I settled in behind my desk to start what I figured was going to be a good four hour's work. I needed to move all the day to day programs onto the back ups and re-set the office servers to link in with the analysis systems in the labs.

Chemical R&D was really not as exciting as it sounded. I had been looking at the formulas running in the labs since I moved to Boston and joined the company. They were still just gobbledygook to me.

Georgina was a genius in her field and built the company from the ground up. I knew every discovery the company found started with her. Most ended with her fine tuning them, as she was doing now. Others worked hard and contributed directly to those discoveries. All of them would readily admit that it wouldn't have been possible without Georgina's original ideas and direction.

Two hours in and I was onto the Doombar, my second bottle of the evening. As I was working, I took it easy. The last thing I wanted to do was miss a key stroke and crash the system. It was going better than I expected, it seemed a lot of people had either been on holiday today or left early. The office was deserted with only Georgina's system, the lab and my own running. That gave me a free hand to shift things around.

The lab gobbled up the extra processing power and I could see the program speed ramping up. The time completion estimate which had started at Wednesday, had steadily dropped. Now it was down to 11.21 am Monday morning. Mumford and Sons played out of my speakers and I was so focused on the task at hand, that I didn't recognise the ringing phone until at least the fourth ring.

Georgina's name flashed on the display and I picked it up guiltily. "Sorry, Georgina. I was concentrating and didn't hear the phone."

"What a surprise," she said lightly. "Not the first time and I'll bet it won't be the last."

"No," I chuckled. "What can I do for you?"

"I see we're down to Monday morning. Well done. Do you think you can get much more out of it?"

"More? She wants more? I work my fingers to the bone and she asks for more," I said jokingly.

"Ah. You English may have invented the language, but that really doesn't excuse you subjecting us to sarcasm. Now who's the boss around here?"

"Oh don't worry, that was sarcasm light that I restrict myself to for our American cousins. I reserve the proper stuff for home. To answer your question, madam boss, give me a couple of hours and I can have it down to Sunday evening."

"Ha. See, I said you're the wizard. How long to just get it to the early hours of Monday morning? I don't need the results until mid-day and that should give us plenty of buffer time."

I thought it through for a moment. "Half an hour should do it. The work shunt I've almost completed will pull the time into somewhere between 2 am and 4 am. I'll have that done in five and then I can set up a re-work program. Everything will slot back in place for 7.00 am for the start of the week."

"Perfect. Do you still have some of that beer left?"

I looked at the bottles sitting to one side. "Yep, four unopened."

"I'll be done about then as well, so bring them up to my office. If you feel you can spare them, I'll give them a try." That surprised me. Never before had she invited me to have so much as a cup of coffee when it wasn't part of some work assignment.

"Of course. I'll, err... I'll be up in a bit," I replied hesitantly.

"Good. See you then." She disconnected and I put the phone down in a bit of a haze. Why would she invite me for a drink? For a moment it occurred to me the playful banter might be flirting. I shook my head at that, it was preposterous. I knew I was terrible at reading signs from the opposite sex, but there was no way a woman like that would be even slightly interested in me.

I thought about it and realised it must be the Friday night thing. She just wanted some company before heading home to that bottle of wine, takeaway, film and bed. Yes, that was it, nothing more. Shaking my head I pushed it to the back of my mind and got on with my work.

The time flew by and before I knew it, I was outside her door with a beer in hand, wet palms and sweat on my brow. I was more nervous than I can ever remember being. Taking a deep breath I knocked gently.

"Don't be silly, Jim. We're the only one's here, come in."

I entered and she was sitting behind her desk tapping away at her keyboard. She waved at a couple of small leather couches sitting off to one side without looking up. "Grab a seat and pick me out a bottle. I'll just be sec, this e-mail needs sending and then I can shut down."

I perched on the edge of one and selected the ESB. It is a blonde beer, light and easy on the tongue, at 5.9% it was stronger than most, but probably the closest to an American beer. Using the bottle opener I kept on my keys, I popped the top and placed it on the table across from me, in front of the other sofa.

I selected the Spitfire for myself, took the cap off and resisted taking a swig. It was difficult as I really wanted another drink to calm myself down right now. I held back so she could try it before I drank some.

"Good, finished." She announced, got out of her chair and walked over towards me. She had taken off her shoes and padded across in bare feet. Her expensive dark suit skirt came down to just above her knees showing off her muscular legs. The short jacket was unbuttoned and the white blouse struggled to contain her immense breasts. The errant thought flitted through my brain that she must have all here suits made to order. There was no way they came off the rack in her dimensions.

She scooped up the bottle of ESB I had set for her, walked past the second couch and dropped down next to me. She lounged back in the dark leather and put her feet up on the table. Looking at me she smiled.

"Come on. Relax. It's Friday night and we're drinking beer."

Somewhat hesitantly I sat back as well. The couch was wide enough that there were a couple of feet between us. It didn't stop me from being very self-conscious about the situation. She took a swig from the bottle and paused to consider the taste before swallowing.

"Hmm. Stronger flavour than I'm used to."

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I like it," she took a second swig and settled deeper into the couch. "What's that one like?" She pointed to the bottle I was holding and I had still not drunk from.

"Here," I handed it over. She set down the ESB and took my bottle. "It's called Spitfire. It's darker with a stronger, deeper flavour and a lower alcohol level."

She inspected the bottle, looking at its dark liquid against the ceiling lights before tasting it. "Oh, there is more to this one." She took another taste and twisted it round in her hands before handing it back. "You keep the Spitfire. I'll stick with this one."

"Thanks," I said, relaxing a bit. "Cheers," I toasted her and we clinked the bottles before drinking. I was so glad to have a moment to drink the beer, I took three deep gulps. Settling myself deeper into my corner of the couch, I couldn't resist letting out a sigh of satisfaction which unexpectedly caused be to belch.

My cheeks immediately flamed red and I was mortified. I opened my mouth to apologise, only to be stopped by squeals of laughter from Georgina. I couldn't help but grin in answer to that. To see such a calm and reserved woman lose it over something so juvenile, really did make me feel more at home.

She struggled to get control over herself, practically giggling like a school girl as she did so. "Wow," she said wiping her eyes. "I haven't laughed like that in years."

"I am here to entertain," I said with a seated bow, my cheeks still flaming.

"Well," she said looking at me. "What are two intelligent people doing here at work, when everyone else is out enjoying themselves or relaxing at home?"

"Maybe we're not as smart as you think?" I suggested.

"You, Mr Gage could well be onto something there," she took another swig of her beer. I grinned in reply and drank myself. We sat in what I could only describe as a comfortable silence and enjoyed our beer. I certainly did and from a sly look at Georgina, she seemed to as well.

"Do you ever plan on going home?" she asked suddenly.

"It's only eight thirty, so I was planning to at some point tonight."

"Haha. I meant, Mr smarty pants, back to England. As you knew I did."

I looked at her and shrugged. "I guess. I hadn't thought about it recently. There isn't really anything for me there. I miss it, yes. It always seems too hot or too cold here. That's the only reason I can think of. Maybe go home, see Big Ben, go to the local pub and drink beer. I guess a visit would be in order, other than that no. Now that I think about it, I can't really see a reason to go back to live there." I mused. The third beer was having an effect now. I felt that tinge of alcohol, melancholy and a little horny. I put it down to being so close to a very attractive woman who was actually interested in me, even if it was just my life and nothing else. "That could well change as circumstances and life does have a tendency to do. No plans or even idle thoughts at the moment."

"Maybe for a holiday then," she stated.


"I want to see England. Big Ben as you said, Buckingham Palace, the White Cliffs of Dover, Nelson's ship."

"The Victory," I supplied, squirming a bit. That horniness was getting stronger and I felt my cock twitch. I was feeling hot and my head was itching for some strange reason.

"That's the one. To see Oxford and Cambridge and the Tower of London." She wasn't looking at me, Georgina was staring off in thought and I struggled to focus. I was getting hotter and hotter, much of it flowing into my cock. I could feel it getting engorged with blood. A thirst was coming onto me and I took swig after swig of my beer.

I concentrated as I would if I had drunk six or seven pints, not two and a half. "The Tower is very interesting." My words were slightly slurred and she turned to look at me. "I haven't been to Cambridge, but Oxford was a bit boring." I managed to get out in some semblance of sense.

"Are you alright?" she asked, her face a blur.

"Aargh." I let out. My cock now felt like it was going to burst through my trousers. I hadn't felt like this since I was thirteen when a female teacher had bent down in front of me, showing her cleavage. "I, I'm fine. Maybe too much to drink." I tried to explain while my body felt like it was going to explode. Every part of me of burned now, with my crotch, hips and chest worse than the others.

Georgina leant over and felt my brow. "You're burning up. You need to drink something." She got up calmly and I looked down at the bottle of half-drunk beer in my hand. I took a swig in a stupor. She was right I did need to drink. I was about to take a third when her hand stopped me.

"That won't do any good anymore," she said. "Here. Drink this, it will help," she handed me a plastic milkshake beaker. It was filled with what looked like milk. I swallowed a gulp and I could tell it wasn't milk. I didn't know what it was, what I did know was that it was cool and soothing as it went down.

Whatever it was it seemed to help as my vision cleared. I looked at the hand holding the beaker, it was different. The fingers were longer and thinner, finer boned than only moments ago. I watched dumbfounded as the nails lengthened. Not too much, just longer than the majority of men would have them.

Suddenly it felt like I couldn't breathe. My chest was constricted, as though a giant elastic band was tightening round it. I stared at my crisp white shirt bulging at the buttons as they strained to keep the fabric together. My right hand still held the now empty beaker so I grabbed the shirt with my left and pulled hard. The shirt ripped and tore from me to expose a chest that made me scream in horror.

I choked the scream off suddenly as it was far too high pitched for me. Long blonde locks swung into my view from what had been a shaved head due to my going bald. I was in a panic, fine hands, long blonde hair, high pitched voice and two enormous breasts jutting from my chest. I barely registered as the beaker of white liquid was replaced in my hand. I chugged it down, my body crying out for it like an old drunk who had been sober for too long.

Once empty, I caste it aside and wrenched at my suit trousers. Now baggy at the waist and too tight at the hips, as for the first time in my life one was much narrower than the other. Struggling to see over the massive breasts hanging from chest that were still expanding, I grabbed hold of the cloth with my fine boned, long nailed hands and pulled. The cloth ripped asunder, trousers and pants coming apart easily. The intense pain that had been building there the entire time eased and the bulge under the fabric containing, I didn't want to know what, sprang out.

I almost fainted at the sight of the biggest cock I had ever seen standing proudly erect in front of me. Throbbing in time with the blood pumped from my heart it was just there, more real than anything else that was happening to me. I was in a daze and once more barely registered as yet another beaker was placed in my hand. I put it to my lips, lips that felt fuller and guzzled the liquid down, all the while staring at that cock.

I watched in fascination as a surge swept through my body and, in time with one another, my breasts and cock both swelled even larger. With the beaker empty, I couldn't help it, I thrust it out and had it replaced, draining it in one go. Once again the heat surged and I cried out a scream of almost orgasmic pleasure as my breasts and cock grew even greater.

The heat subsided and I felt drained. Pushing blonde locks out of my eyes and unconsciously tucking them behind my ear, I looked around. On the floor sat over half a dozen of the beakers, white liquid soaking into the deep carpet. I looked up at Georgina who stood there, one hand gently rubbing her left breast, her other hand at her side, fluttering, as though unsure what to do. Her blue eyes were wide as they stared at me, drinking in my new form and her lips were pursed in what was all too obvious lust.

"What," I croaked, standing up to face her. "What did you do to me?"

"I..." she swallowed and took a deep breath, getting herself under control before looking at me with that confidence I knew so well. "I made you into my perfect partner."

"What?? This is your perfect partner?" I looked down at myself, I looked at her and it hit me. I was taller and I now looked directly into her eyes. My breasts were massive and stood out far from my body just as hers did. I pulled at my ripped shirt and it came away easily. There was strength in this new body and so I did the same with what was left of my trousers along with my now tight shoes.


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