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The Perfect Victim

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Alexa finds a stranger in her house...
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Alexa turned off the shower taps, shivering for a moment as the immediate heat of the water left her and the coolness of the room struck her bare flesh. She quickly ran her hands over her skin to shed some water and then sat on the teak bench at the back of the stall and picked up the soap and razor. She lathered under her arms and shaved, then started in on her legs, humming as she shaved in long, smooth strokes. When her legs were shaved, on a whim she decided to shave her pubic hair, carefully stroking the razor over her most private parts until she was bare, the last of the soft, blond curls fallen to the floor.

She stood and turned on the water again, then sat on the bench in the stream and washed all over, taking especial care as she did, humming contentedly. When her shower was done, she towelled off and went to stand before her vanity. Looking herself over in the mirror, she ran a brush through her long hair a few times to straighten it down her back, and then set it aside. She pulled on a pair of white silk panties, shivering at the cool, slick feel of the silk over her bare sex. She rubbed her fingers over the cloth for a moment, the feel of the silk on her bare skin was better than she had thought. She smiled as she looked at herself in the big mirror. Her hands ran up her flat tummy and curled around her ample breasts, squeezing and caressing all at once as a small moan escaped her.

She could feel a deep tingle in her sex and was suddenly very aroused, turned on and in need of... of... something. She furrowed her brow a bit, trying to place the sensation without success. Sighing, she turned in front of the mirror, cupped her breasts with her hands and gave them a tender squeeze then sighed again and reached for the bra that matched her panties. The shelf bra left the upper slopes of her breasts bare, with hints of her pale pink aureole and nipples. Next came the garters about her thighs and the pale stockings that slid up her long, smooth legs. Then she stood and looked in the mirror again, turning from side to side and smiling at what she saw.

"Pure sex." She said softly.

The lingerié had been chosen for just this reason, because it looked damn good on her by itself. But the gown she was going to wear let just enough of the white silk show to tantalize.

As she was standing there at the mirror, the clock in her bedroom tolled the one o'clock hour and she gasped, swaying slightly as she stood there. For almost five minutes she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her mouth was open and she gasped occasionally and her body twitched, her eyes unfocused and unblinking. Then she braced herself on the vanity and shook her head, licking her lips and furrowing her brow.

A Clock Strikes One

Alexa felt thirsty, her throat dry and she felt a bit of a headache coming on. She donned a robe and took the brush with her as she left the room. She stepped into her soft lambskin slippers and walked downstairs to get a drink, pulling the brush through her waist-length hair as she went. She paused by the refrigerator and looked out the frost-rimed window across the back yard of her house, at the snow and the hoarfrost on the fence and trees. She sighed again, her brow furrowing as she tried to work something out, but couldn't quite seem to get her mind to focus on it and it slipped through her mind like smoke through her fingers. Shaking her head, she pulled open the door to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of wine. When she closed the door, he was there.

She caught sight of him in her periphery, standing behind the door to the refrigerator and she turned her head, eyes widening, gasping at the sight of this tall, strange man in her house. Her hands went numb, dropping the brush and bottle to the floor as she backpedaled. She looked at his face, trying to see who he was but in the half-light she couldn't seem to focus on him. The bottle hit the floor and by some miracle it didn't shatter instead rolling away with a clatter against the tile floor as he stepped forward, reaching for her. She tried to scream, but the sound caught in her throat. She turned to run, terror clutching at her belly, her feet slipping on the floor and he caught her. He grabbed her long hair and pulled her back, forcing a cry from her throat as pain lanced through her scalp. Her hands came up, trying to grab his arm and make him let her go as he jerked her back against his chest. Her robe came untied, falling open as he brought his arm around her waist, picking her up and turning.

She lashed out with her feet, catching him across the shins and making him cuss. He shoved her then, pushing her forward and she felt the granite top of the kitchen island hit her across the abdomen, knocking he breath from her lungs. She gasped and her throat seized as he hauled back on her hair, sending her practically flying back and into the refrigerator. The back of her head stuck the door hard and she saw stars in her vision as he rounded on her. She could see his eyes, blue and angry, but she couldn't make out his face... something was wrong, something... then he was there, upon her, pressing her between his hard body and the harder refrigerator. His hands caught her wrists and pushed her arms out to the sides as he pressed a leg between hers, forcing her to spread her legs apart as his body, dressed in rough labourers clothes pressed against her nearly naked one. Her breasts were squeezed between them as he forced her arms up and grasped both of her wrists with one hand. She felt pain in her wrists from his hard grip, holding with bruising force as he held them above her head, his other hand coming down to cup her breast through the bra.

He squeezed the soft flesh of her breast and his mouth lowered to her neck, he was only a few inches taller than she was and his mouth found the soft, warm skin where her neck and shoulder met and he gave her a horrifyingly tender kiss. She snapped her leg up, trying to knee him in the crotch and felt her leg hit something hard, a protective cup, but she did manage to anger him, and he snarled something and pivoted, tossing her almost effortlessly to sprawl on the kitchen floor, gasping for breath and staring up in terror as he came. She groped around, trying to scramble away from him and her hand hit something. She groped for it and found the neck of the wine bottle. When he knelt down, she swung the bottle up with all of her strength and she was rewarded with a hard 'clink' as she struck him and he swore again and lashed out, clubbing at her arm with his fist and sending the bottle across the room to shatter against the wall.

She didn't wait to see what he would do, she turned and started to scramble away, trying to get her feet under her but her slippers had no grip and she swore and wept as she tried to get some distance before he could recover. But then he grabbed her ankle and dragged her back. She screamed a denial, her hands slipping on the tile floor and then he knelt down, his weight pressing and pain lancing through her as he knelt on her calf. She screamed and sagged, jerking hard and trying to get away, and he slapped her hard, his hand cracking against her ass. The pain made her body jerk and her back arch, drawing another scream from her. He grabbed her hair again, close to the scalp where it was harder to shake him free, and pulled her up and back. Her knees bent and she thumped back against his chest as his other hand came around and seized her throat, his fingers circled her neck and squeezed, cutting off her air easily.

"Shut. Up."

She could hear the punctuation in each word, he stressed them so each was its own sentence and such was the menace in his voice that she complied, hands grasping at his wrist and fingers, desperately trying to get him to release her, to let her have air. He held on for a long time, and she was seeing stars, the edges of her vision blacking out before he released her. She slumped to the floor, narrowly avoiding cracking her face against the cold tiles. She was coughing, gasping for breath and unable to put up a fight as her robe was dragged off of her shoulders, down her back and arms and then it was gone, leaving her in just her underwear with this stranger. She started sobbing then, at the feel of his rough hands running up her legs to cup her ass and squeeze, hands sliding over the smooth silk and she could feel the hot, rough skin on his hands through the thin, almost sheer fabric.

A moment later he grabbed her arms and stacked them, one atop the other, elbows bent and tied them with something smooth and warm, when she heard the chiming of the buckle, she knew it was his belt, he wrapped it around her arms several times and then looped it back through itself, making sure it wouldn't come loose before buckling it off, and pulling her up to a kneeling position with a fistful of hair, eliciting another gasp from her, making her wince and bite her lip to keep from crying out.

"Very good. You're learning fast." He said, his voice low and rough near her ear. "And make no mistake, that is a good thing. Now I want you to listen to me very closely. Do as I say and you might just make it out of this alive. Might." He said, emphasizing the word. "What is your name?"

When she didn't answer, he shoved her back down to the floor. He didn't push hard, just enough to move her, but her breasts, forced out by the position of her arms, were crushed against the floor and she gasped. He released her hair and a moment later yanked her panties down her thighs, exposing her ass and after a moment she felt a sharp sting as he found her dropped brush and gave her a light tap with the back of it experimentally. She gasped, breathing fast as she turned her head and looked up with one wide, frightened eye. She was terrified, tears leaking and he looked at her and hesitated for just a moment before he used the brush to paddle her hard enough to leave bruises. She screamed then, unable to stop herself, and she thrashed and tried to get away, but there was no escaping him. He hit her over and over and when he stopped, she was sobbing as he yanked her up against him again.

"What is your name?" he asked her again, saying it slowly and forcefully.

Her backside hot and painful and the brush was still in his hand, she could see it as she turned her head, he was holding it at the ready and she could feel the tension and anger in him.

"Alexa." She told him through her sobs, her voice shaking as she tried to comprehend all that was happening to her.

"Alexa what?" He snarled in her ear and she sobbed again.

"Saunders, Alexa Saunders." She practically wailed.

"Very good, Alexa. That was step one. Now we will move on to step two. Do you know what I am going to do to you?"

She shook her head and he pushed her down again with a snarl, the brush already swinging. This time she didn't scream, she howled. He beat her ass so hard that she could feel the bruises and welts rising and when he pulled her up again, he tossed the brush away.

"Well, I think easy time is over, Alexa. The next lesson will be far more painful. I can not hear your empty fucking blond head rattling. When I speak to you, you will answer me. Do you understand?"

She almost nodded again, but caught herself. "Yes." She managed to choke out between her sobs

"Very good, now I will ask again. Do you know what I am going to do to you?"

"No, No I don't. Please don't hurt me again." She said, her voice sounding whiny and small to her own ears, but she was so afraid that she didn't care/

"I am going to fuck you, Alexa. I am going to fuck you hard. I am going to fuck you repeatedly." He said, emphasizing the word each time he said it. "I am going to pump you so full of my cum you will slosh and leak when you walk... if you can still walk when I am through with you. And nothing you can say or do will prevent me from fucking your tight little body in every hole." He let that sink in and she sobbed pleaded with him.

"Please oh please oh please don't..." She begged but he ignored her.

"Now, you can have some influence on the outcome, Alexa do you understand?" He asked.

She was sobbing, trying to shake her head in denial. "Y... Y... Yes... I under... understand. Oh please don't do..."

Her words choked off as his hand grabbed her throat and squeezed her air off again. His other hand went up, through her vision and came back with a big butcher knife from the block on the counter. With a single, quick motion, he slipped the knife between her breasts and sliced the strap between the cups of her bra. Her generous breasts pushed free from the ruined garment and sagged only slightly as he settled the knife beneath one terror-hardened nipple.

"If you speak without my permission again I will cut your nipple off, do you understand me?" He delivered the words in such a dispassionate tone, so completely cold and without emotion that she did believe him. And she told him so. "Very good, then we will move on. As I was saying, I am going to fuck you, Alexa. I am going to rape you repeatedly, I am going to hurt you and make you scream. I am going to make you bleed and weep for several hours. But you can have an effect upon the outcome. How you are when I leave here is completely up to you. When I am done raping you, when I have sated all of the carnal lust I have stored up and abused your body to my heart's content, I can leave you alive. Hurt, battered, abused, but alive, and relatively unmarked."

He let the words sink in, let her understand just how bad the next few hours were really going to be, letting her hear and understand and sob with the reality of it before he went on. "Or I can cut you up so badly no one will ever recognize you again, Alexa. No man will ever touch you, no healing will ever make it right again. I will cut your tits off, Alexa, and that's just a start." He paused for a breath and caressed her hot, smooth skin with the cold steel of the knife, and she couldn't take her eyes off of it. "So will you have a chance to heal, or will I leave you blinded, bloodied, sliced to ribbons and very much alive? The choice is yours Alexa. Choose."

She gasped and shivered in his hands, eyes locked on the knife as he caressed her with it. The sharp blade made a small nick in the soft flesh of her breast and she knew, in that very instant she knew. "Please..." She sobbed. "Please oh please... I want the chance to heal. Tell me what you want and you'll get it... Anything at all."

He laughed then. Laughed at her. "Alexa, Alexa, Alexa... What am I going to do with you? What I want is to hurt you, to fuck you like an animal, to abuse your sweet, sweet body, to make you scream and bleed. I want to be brutal with you, absolutely brutal. If you do not try and run, Alexa, that is a start. If you do try and run, I will catch you and carve the word slut into your back. If you bite my cock, I will kick your teeth down your fucking throat. I want you to fight me, Alexa. But don't fight me too hard, if you hurt me I will hurt you back, ten times worse. Do you understand?"

It was a hell of a question.

A Clock Strikes Two

She was terrified beyond all reason. After affirming to him that she had heard him and would do all that he asked, he had stood up and pulled her up with him. He bent her over the counter and walked around to tie the belt from the robe around her neck, and then tie the loose end around the handle of the cupboard door below her, tight enough to force her onto her tip-toes. He pulled her panties all the way down to her knees, and then left her there. She had been standing here for more than half an hour, up on her toes and bent over awkwardly. He had promised to rape her, and abuse her, and he hadn't even started doing anything yet, he had humiliated and hurt her with the spanking, and then tied her up and left her there. She didn't know what was going on or what she was going to do. And when he did return, she didn't even hear him. Had he been there all along, watching her, waiting? She felt the warmth of his hands on her ass and her breath shuddered in an out of her lungs. And then something hard and hot was laid between her buttocks, and she sobbed when she realized what it was. The belt around her neck was cut and he pulled her back against his chest again, one hand going to her throat and the other sliding down across her belly to cup her sex, and start to rub.

"Mmmmm, Alexa, nice and smooth, just the way I like them. Did you shave for someone, Alexa? Or am I just that lucky?" He didn't bother to comment when she didn't answer instead began to caress her sex, slipping a finger along the lips of her pussy and caressing her almost tenderly, working slowly, carefully, making her wet as the hot, hard rod of his cock lay against her back. His caress was skilled, as skilled as it was devious, and it didn't take him long to make her moan as his fingers caressed her, his palm siding over her engorged clitoris and his mouth nipped and kissed at her neck and ears. The moan seemed to energize him, and the hard feel of his cock against her back grew stronger as he pressed it against her, they were almost the same height so the shaft of it rested squarely along the cleft of her buttocks. His hand left her throat and slid down to cup and caress a breast, tweaking her nipple and moments later he wrung another moan from her, louder this time. And her moan brought another laugh from him, a laugh that had her blushing to the roots of her hair.

"Would you like to see why I left you alone for so long, Alexa? After all, I promised you rape and defilement, why would I waste both of our time?" He whispered in her ear, his hands never ceasing their silky torment of her body, wresting a feeling from her that was a torment of her mind.

He turned her, hands never ceasing their movement, wringing another mindless moan from her as they moved, and she found herself staring at a camera. Set up on a tripod not ten feet away was a video camera, the screen turned so she could see that it was recording every moment of this. Behind the camera was the tall, antique stand mirror from her bedroom, and she could see her reflection in it. Hair tangled and mussed; a riot around her head, her mouth open in a little 'O' of desire, her lips were swollen and dark red from her biting them earlier, a little trickle of blood had escaped from the corner of her mouth and a few drops of it speckled the tops of her breasts.

Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were half lidded with the feel of animal lust that rose up within her at his touch, his caress. And with her arms tied the way they were, her chest was pushed forward, accentuating her already generous breasts, they had very little sag and were crowned with hard, pink nipples, and framed by the ruined cups of her bra. Her skin was hot and flushed, with the trickle of dried blood on her chest where he had nicked her with the knife, her silk panties pushed down to her knees and his hands on her, caressing instead of abusing, arousing instead of brutalizing. Past lovers had told her how erotic she could look when she was like this, and he was doing more than rape her, he was humiliating her. She felt the first hot tears well in her eyes and trace tracks down her cheeks, a deep blush rising in her skin from her chest and spreading up along her neck and face as the tears streamed from her eyes.

"Don't worry, Alexa. You and I are the only ones who will ever see this. Once we have some fun in here, and I get a feel for the hot pussy in my hand with another part of my body we'll go in the living room, I have more cameras set up in there." He whispered in her ear as he turned her back to the counter.

He pushed her forward again, bending her over onto the cold stone, her skin hot and flushed as he kicked her feet apart and ground his hips forward against her, pressing the hard rod of his cock into the crack of her backside, his hands cupping her ass and spreading it apart as he pressed against her. Her head was turned toward the mirror and she saw him lick his thumb and then rub the pad across her rear as his penis slipped down her crack to rest against her hot, wet labia, the head of it just pressing against her as he bent forward, ready to impale her. She curled her lips back in anger and snapped her body up and back, connecting the side of her head with his face, sending him reeling as he cussed, grabbing his face, she had the satisfaction of feeling the crack as their heads came together. Getting her legs under her, she turned to face him.

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