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The Perils of a NSFW Account

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A happy accident brings a man and a TS Pornstar together.
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Tweeting from my NSFW account

I love twitter, the anonymity of it. Facebook seems too public, I know you can adjust the settings and all but with twitter I can have a public account that I use for work and family and another account to cater for my more personal desires!

On my public account I follow my real-life friends, sports teams, rock bands and politicians. More importantly my boss and my customers can follow me to get an insight into who I am personally.

If for example, I mixed business with pleasure my Arab bosses would not be too pleased if they noticed that I followed quite a few transsexual porn stars, as well as other transvestites, crossdressers and anyone else who dabbles in the same perversions as I do. That is why I have the NSFW twitter account.

It was an off the cuff remark in reply to an American transsexual pornstar's tweet about her own perversions that lead to an unexpected reply.

"Some people will find it weird, but I sucked him off after he creamed in my ass. Maybe it is, but god dam it my creampied ass tastes great!" She tweeted.

"Jess, I'm not sure, that you're ready to meet my mum." I cheekily replied.

"Oh my god I'm actually laughing out loud."

We tweeted back and forth for a few days before she started to send me private messages. At first the messages were innocent enough, well actually they were anything but innocent. Mostly about the things we would love to put inside each other. It was everything a red-blooded man could dream of; a super-hot porn star was talking dirty to me! Truth be told I know it was nothing more than a marketing ploy as she was trying to convince me to pay to watch her strip and masturbate on her onlyfans page.

Something I think I would happily do, I was recently divorced and incredibly horny. Unfortunately, with the time difference it was never possible. I am a British expat who was living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, even with the expensive VPN I was using, the time difference was the usual reason for not taking her up on her offer.

As soon as she realised that I wasn't going to pay for her cyber services, her attention waned. Her twitter page was full of short clips of her wanking on her large she cock, dildoing her tight ass, and teaser clips of her latest porn shoot. But from the lack of real-life interactions I realised that this was not her personal account, it was a professional account.

For a couple of months her account went fairly quiet, there were still the normal postings of her latest shoots, but she wasn't spending time with any sort of back and forth with her followers that I adored. She was witty and well informed. Her account wasn't simply the I want cock flirtations other professional accounts were full of.

I guessed that she was in a relationship. I hoped that she was happy. But after two or three months she was back and in full swing.

I sent her a DM, "Hey Jess, I hope that your ok. He probably wasn't worth it!"

"WTF Dude! Are you a total creep? Leave me alone. I have enough trouble without fanboys like you turning up in my personal life! I have a good mind to report you to the cops!" I guess that she misjudged my intentions.

"I'm not stalking you. I just guessed that you recently came out of a relationship. I'm in the middle east so it would be difficult for me to turn up in your personnel life. I have recently divorced and spotted the tell-tale signs from your recent tweets. Sorry if I pissed you off."

A couple of weeks passed, and I received a message from another twitter user, it was her personal account. She apologised for lashing out at me. it appears that despite having hundreds of thousands followers she had fewer friends than she thought.

We began exchanging messages again, now they were of a personal nature. None of the kinky stuff that we messaged about before. Well sometimes they were. She helped me out quite a lot and certainly took my mind off my troubles. Maybe I am the sad lonely guy that falls in love with the stripper, but I really started to consider her as a friend.

It wasn't long before I made the mistake that everyone with 2 twitter accounts fears. I tweeted from the wrong account. Thankfully I tweeted about my company sending me to a conference in Los Angeles from my pervy account and not about my love of High Heel Bukaki from my work account.

"LA Waterteck 2022 here I come, honoured to be asked to speak before the conference on the 14th April."

It was Jess my American Transexual pornstar cyber bestie who alerted me to my error.

"You're going to be in LA for my Birthday? You have to come to my party I can't wait to finally meet you!" Followed by, "Oh and you probably shouldn't have posted this on your NSFW account!"

Messages deleted and resent from the correct account panic over. Except in three weeks I was going to meet the woman of my dreams. I was shitting myself (oddly one of the few things that doesn't get me off).

It wasn't long before I was arriving at my hotel in Los Angeles. I checked in and once I was in my room and connected to the hotel wifi I checked my mails, messages and both twitter accounts.

Jess had sent me a twitter message saying,

"Welcome to LA sweetie. Drop me a message on my whastapp, and I will give you a call to say Sweet dreams." She had included her number.

I sent her a whatsapp message saying; "Wow thank you for the welcome. Just arrived, and I'm beat! Its an early start in the morning, I haven't slept in like twenty-eight hours. Nite nite, chat to you tomorrow."

Minutes later my phone buzzed, it was Jess. We had messaged back and forth for the best part of six months. But other than her porn videos, this was going to be the first time I heard her voice.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi you."

"This is the first time was have ever talked."

"I guess it is. What are you doing?"

"I am just getting into bed, what about you?" Weirdly I never found Jess in anyway intimidating, so it was really easy to be myself with her. We talked about very little of importance for over an hour, eventually I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up there was a voice message from her received at four twenty three am.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to keep you up. If it is ok, I want to have breakfast with you before your talk. Thanks for being you. Good night."

I sent her a quick message, "Happy Birthday Jess. I am up and about, I am going for a shower now then I will get ready. If you still fancy it, I will be going for breakfast around eight thirtyish. Don't worry if you can't make it, I am looking forward to seeing you tonight."

I got washed and dressed and made my way down to the restaurant to have my breakfast. I asked for a table for two, in case Jess did intend to join me.

I had really only known Jess on her twitter feed, I know I was also on her private feed as well as her work one, but I had really only ever seen her in various states of undress or in some form of fetish wear. So, I am ashamed to say that it took me more than a few seconds to recognise the lady in who approached me wearing stone washed jeans, white trainers and a navy blue gap sweater.


She beamed a big smile, "My god I honestly didn't think you were going to know who I was." I rose to my feet, and we greeted with a kiss to each cheek.

We sat and ate breakfast, we talked, we laughed, and we gazed into each other's eyes. We had never met face to face, yet there was no awkwardness, in fact it felt like when you meet an old friend from childhood for the first time in 20 years, and it's easy to be yourself. Well, if you could ignore the straining erection I was sporting under the table.

I was under no illusion, we were going to finish breakfast, we were going to my room, and we were going to make love.

"What time are they picking you up to go to the event?" She asked.

"I am not on until eleven, so they are collecting me at ten."

"You said it was an early start?"

"This is like my third meeting since I got up. I had a zoom with my bosses, and a coffee meeting with the Denver city municipality officer."

"You're kinda like a big deal." She mocked.

"You'd better believe it. Almost Three thousand followers on twitter." I was playing with her I knew she was one of the biggest trans stars and her twitter following would be colossal.

"You're kinda cute when you try and show off."

"You're kinda cute." I said, listen I'm not good a flirting. But as I said it, I took her in. She was beautiful, even in her dressed down girl next door look. Especially the way she was dressed. She was wearing a trucker cap with her brunette shoulder length hair behind her ears. Her big blue eyes were lined in a dark understated koal. Other than her eye liner and mascara she was wearing hardly any make up. So, her face was natural and perfect.

"Scott, you okay?" She asked, placing her hand on mine.

"What?" I stammered.

"You zoned out on me there Scott."

"That's gotta be freaking you out."

"Little bit."

"Sorry, I was just..." How to say I didn't know you were this beautiful without it sounding like a cheesy pick-up line?

"I like you like this."

"You like me like this? I'm getting a creepy vibe here Scott." I snorted.

"Sorry, I just. You are always beautifully made up. Anytime I have seen you I mean, and I'm kinda blown away by how naturally beautiful you are."

"Nice save."

"I mean it."

"My mom says I look like a boy without make up."

"Maybe that's it." I joked. She mock punched me in the arm.

"You're the kind of girl, that guys like me dream of."

"Because I am Trans?" She outraged; I was doing a very poor job of explaining my point.

"No, that's not it at all. I've never met you before, yet here we are able to talk and relax as if we have known each other for years. I am usually awkward as hell especially around women. But your nature is that you put people at ease. It's my experience that people like that don't look like you. I bet when you walk into your party tonight, having spent hours in a saloon, wearing a beautiful ball gown every guy and a few of the girls in the room will think, wow. You walked up to me this morning in Jeans and a t-shirt, and my overwhelming reaction was to say..."

"Wow." She cut me off.

"I never was interested in beauty queens. Someone who would spend hours getting ready to go to the supermarket. I wanted a girl who could wash her face, throw on an old t-shirt and happily go grab a coffee with me. Really my dream girl was my best buddy, without the body hair." We both laughed.

"I honestly don't know what your intentions are for this, but we have talked about the things we would like to do with each other. At length." I put emphasis on that last bit, before continuing.

"I wore a suit and tie to breakfast, and I spent twenty minutes trying to get my hair right. You put on an old t-shirt and went to grab a coffee with your buddy. So, when I say, that you're the kind of girl that guys like me dream of, I mean just that"

In a flash we joined an elderly couple in the elevator as we made our way up to my room.

"Twenty minutes on your hair?" She joked; our fingers clasped together.

The elevator stopped and the man and his wife got out, as the doors slowly slid shut, I turned to her she had the same idea. We were gazing deep into each other's eyes, we drew closer and closer to each other, until my forehead bumped into the peak of her cap. With her free hand she removed it and our lips touched.

I felt it from the tips of my toes, my heart almost burst out of my chest, it felt like all the air had left the room. There was only her lips.

It was a soft tentative kiss at first, a 'I don't know if this is okay but I really hope you like it kiss.' It was beautiful, not the deep sloopy kiss from the movies. It was the first kiss of two friends unsure of what would come next.

The doors opened at my floor and a young girl yelped her displeasure. "Eugh"

We broke apart, and saw a young family waiting to get in, the mother and father staring at us. We stepped out and as the doors slid shut, I could have sworn I heard the mother say, "How come you don't kiss me like that?"

The young girl once again voiced her displeasure at such grossness.

We made our way to my room hand in hand. As soon as the door had closed, we had started kissing again. It was a little more passionate now, our hands separated, and I brought her close to me. Her hands began to wander, from my chest to my ass. I have to say I liked where this was going.

She began to undo my tie then my shirt, her hands exploring my chest gently running my nipple and caressing my pecks. My hands began to do some investigating for themselves.

I fondled her firm butt cheeks. She broke the kiss and brought her lips to my chest and she began to suck on one of my nipples.

No one had ever done this to me in my life. I had never even pinched my nipples while playing with myself. Her hands were undoing the fastening on my trousers.

Once opened, her hand reached under the waist band of my Calvin cline boxers, and she stroked my rock had shaft. She expertly retrieved it from my boxers, not fumbling with the elastic waistband at all.

She dropped to her knees and jerked me a few time, before she licked the underside of my shaft and took me in her mouth.

I had been dreaming and fantasizing about this moment for months. But before I could think dreams do come true, her phone started to ring. I looked down at her, her pink lips were wrapped around the tip of my cock, she was gently rolling my balls in one hand and she brought her other hand to my belly, where she looked at the display on her apple watch.

I rolled my eyes in ecstasy, she was amazing.

Soon though the airconditioned air was cooling the tip of my penis. "I am so sorry, its my mom. I have to get this call."

She fished in her bag, I had not even noticed that she had a bag, and pulled out her phone, she swiped the screen and answered. "Hi mom, is everything okay?"

Still kneeling between my legs, she was gently stroking my cock as she talked.

"No mother, it turns out he was only a little bit of a psycho." She looked up and smiled at me. I heard a garbled voice on the other end of the phone say something incomprehensible.

Then Jess said. "I think I like him." She ran her tongue over the tip of me. I am not sure it was what she said or what she did with her tongue, but shivers ran over my body.

They began to talk about the party that evening, after a few moments Jess rose to her feet, and went to the little desk in my room, she lifted a pen and paper and jotted somethings down.

They were wrapping up their conversation when my phone began to ring. My phone was in the pocket of my trousers, I stooped down and pulled them up, I took my phone out of my pocket and i looked at the display, it was my bosses, boss.

"Salam." I answered. He wanted to know if I was ready for my keynote address to the water tech conference that I had flown to America to give. Truth be told, my mind was on other things. She was still bent over the desk writing.

Her ass was amazing. I am a butt guy, big tits never really did it for me, but a large firm ass was my ambrosia.

Jess's ass was large and having groped it through her jeans only moments ago I knew it to be firm. I couldn't wait to see it in the flesh, to touch it, to taste it, to explode inside it.

At this point it's fair to say that my mind may have drifted a little.

I made my way over to her; her denim encased backside was too much of a temptation for me. I took her hips and ground my crotch into her. She let out a soft approving moan, my hand roamed all over her sexy behind.

I reached around and managed to undo the button on her jeans, she wiggled a little which let me pull them down. Still bent over the desk only now a white thong was all that was prevent me having my way with her.

I dropped to my knees and began to plant kisses on her cheeks, growing closer and closer to my prize. She reached back and parted her fleshy mounds, the lacy fabric of her thong was nestled there, I licked the fabric savouring her flavour. I moved the gusset out of my way and replaced her hands with my own, holding those magnificent mounds of flesh apart as I finally tasted Jess's asshole.

Of course, she was clean, she tasted of vanilla and she smelled of Coco Mademoiselle, I couldn't get enough of her ass, I lapped and lapped on her. I circled her rose bud with my tongue, eventually plunging into her running circles within her.

"Scott, I can't stand it can we lay on the bed?" reluctantly I pulled my tongue out of her and made my way to the bed where I lay on my back. She kicked off her jeans and panties and turned to face me. She hesitated a second, realising that this was the first time I saw her naked. She gingerly put her hands down to cover her own little cock.

I beckoned her over to me and she joined me squatting over my face and lowering that lovely ass back down on my face. I would love to say that I love eating ass. But Jess's ass was the first one I ever wanted to eat.

She had lent forward a little and was playing with my aching cock. She had removed it from my trousers again, and soon she took me back in her mouth, her head bobbing up and down on my cock. her hips wriggling on my face.

As much as I didn't want to stop eating her, I wanted to taste her cock. I adjusted myself so that I could have access to her cock and those shaven balls. I inhaled deeply trying not to miss anything. Her little scrotum was hanging just above my mouth, and I wanted it. I ran my tongue over it, before sucking one of her testicles into my mouth.

After a while I was able to get access to her little clitty. There was a drop of precum just on the tip of her cock. I enthusiastically licked it, it tasted much like my own.

I took her in my mouth. It never once struck me that this was the first cock I had ever sucked. Or that I was sucking on a cock for that matter. Only that the woman I wanted was on top of me and I had to please her.

I had no idea what to do so I just wrapped my lips around her and made sure my tongue put some pressure on her. Soon she began to fuck my mouth, I reached behind her and slid my index finger into her ass. Her face fucking began in earnest now. Her balls still moist from the attention I had paid them rested on my face as her cock ploughed into my wanting mouth, deep into my throat.

My own cock was being ignored now as Jess fucked my face. "Oh my god, I'm cumming!" She cried out as I felt a stream of wetness leak into my throat, I felt a jet hit the back of my mouth and a further jet as she pulled out and plastered my face in the final squirts of her orgasm.

She swung her legs over and made her way down the bed, wordlessly she brought her ass to my aching cock, parting her cheeks she wiggled a little until she had aimed me into her. I instantly felt her tightness around me as she slid her butt over my cock.

She let out a grunt as our bodies met and I was all the way inside of her. I ran my hand up her chest and gently rubbed her boobs through her gap t-shirt. She leaned forward and we began to kiss, Jess tasting her cum still in my mouth. She began rocking her hips on me, getting used to have me inside her.

We made love like this for a few minutes every one of her movements bringing me closer and closer to paradise. Soon I took control, still in the cowgirl position, I took hold of her buns and brought her closer to me. I was now able to move my hips and fuck her ass in a way that would bring me to climax.

She was panting in my ear, moaning for me to fuck her harder and faster.

Which I obliged. I built up the rhythm required for me to explode deep inside her.

"Cum in me, make me yours. I need your cum in me please." She begged.

I was close, then she yelled out. "Oh my god, I'm cumming again!"


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