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The Piano Lesson

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Teenage girl falls for her piano teacher.
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I sat on the wide polished piano bench. Late afternoon sun cast striped shadows as it streamed through half opened blinds; golden motes of dust danced silently in the air.

He sat, as he always did, next to me.

Years ago, I had begged my mother to learn to play – we had a baby grand at home – and she finally relented. I had started lessons with him three years before when I was fifteen; a month ago, I turned eighteen. I was a senior, so, in the fall, I would be going away to college and the lessons would end.

Mr. Norris was wonderful; he was immensely patient and understanding. Whenever I had trouble with a lesson, he always took the extra time to help me over the inevitable rough spots. I was getting pretty good, even if I do say so myself.

Oh ... there's one more thing about Mr. Norris – I loved him more than life itself.

Of course, he didn't know. He was married. He and Irene didn't have any children, even though they were old enough to be my parents. I'd seen Irene on many occasions and I really liked her, too. But as much as I liked her, she still presented a problem – she stood between me and the man I loved.

I can't begin to tell you the number of times I wished Irene would get sick, and die; or drop dead of a sudden heart attack.

Yes, I know, those were horrible thoughts and I knew I was a terrible person for thinking them. Every time such thoughts would invade my mind I'd realize how rotten I was for thinking them; more than once, tears welled up in my eyes because of my shame, because Irene was so nice, and how could I have thought such terrible things about her.

Precisely when I fell in love with Ed – that's Mr. Norris' first name and he prefers that his older students use it rather than 'mister' – I cannot say. It had been a long time though. Many times I had cried myself to sleep at night; I loved him so much.

And I confess that I have so very often closed my eyes at night in my bed and seen him there. There in bed, with me. He'd be naked and so would I. He'd have his arms around me and I would feel his warmth and his strength. He would hold me and he would make me feel so wonderful and safe. He would kiss me; and I would kiss him back.

At bedtime, when I would close my eyes and see him and feel him hold me ... well, I ... I would put my fingers between my legs; and they would become his fingers and I would feel his strong hands rubbing me – making me breath funny and making my tummy tense up; making me get all wet down there. Sometimes I would almost scream as my fingers – no his fingers – would make me feel so good and I'd feel heat travel in waves through me; though the heat would make me shiver all over until I couldn't stand it anymore.

And sometimes, there were even naughtier things I would see behind closed eyelids.

That day of my lesson was a day after an especially vivid and active bedtime session the night before. As I sensed him sitting next to me on the piano bench with his leg pressed lightly against mine, I felt wetness between my legs. It always did that as soon as he sat next to me.

I had finished my warm up exercises and we were starting the lesson when he stopped me and chided me for the millionth time about my posture at the piano. I only had poor posture during my lessons; because it meant he would touch me.

"Lisa, how many times do I have to tell you? You know better ... I know you do." He said.

And then, as he always did, he put one hand on my shoulder and the other in the small of my back. The hand on my back would press forward and the hand on my shoulder would press back, forcing me to sit up straight. Then, he'd put one hand on my elbow closest to him and he would reach around my back and take the other elbow in his other hand and he'd lift them both to the proper position that I should have them in as I played.

When he would do this, it always meant he'd have to lean in very close to me as he reached around behind my back; and that day, something snapped inside my head.

As he positioned my elbows, I turned my head towards him, tilted it at just the right angle, and leaned over and kissed him. As I kissed him, I placed both my hands on his cheeks and caressed his beautiful face.

For me, the kiss lasted an eternity. It was so sweet; so tender, so loving.

When he pulled away from me, I prepared myself for the worst.

"Lisa! What has gotten into you?" He said; though he spoke softly and gently as he always did. He had never raised his voice to me, or to anyone else that I knew of.

Before he could reject me – because, if he did, I knew life wouldn't be bearable – I leaned in once more and placed my lips on his and cut off the words I knew I was about to hear; and which, I also knew would destroy me.

My kiss was more passionate the second time. My tongue forced itself into his mouth and as I put my soul into that kiss, I drew his hand up under my sweater to my breast which was bare; I never wore a bra when I went to see him.

His hand felt exactly as I always had imagined during my bedtime fantasies; only it was real. It was his real warmth I felt; his actual strong fingers that squeezed and kneaded the softness of my breast. It was his breath combining with my breath, his warm moist lips pressing against my mouth; his tongue invading me, exploring me, dancing inside my mouth.

It was him, my love, who moaned softly when I placed my hand on his lap and felt the hardness of his wanting me.

"Lisa ... Lisa, we can't ..."

I silenced him once more with my lips. There was only one thing I would hear from him and if it could not be 'I love you' I would let no other words escape his lips.

I took his hand from my breast and guided it under my skirt and spread my legs to accept him. I felt the warmth of him on the heat of me. I felt my moisture as I pressed his fingers into my burning need. I pulled aside my panties and consumed him in my wet desire.

His other arm pulled me to him so tightly I could scarcely breathe – it was exactly as I had so many times imagined; being held, being crushed by his longing, feeling so safe, so alive, so whole.

His hot breath was on my neck and I threw my head back and closed my eyes, taking in every sensation; his touch, his warmth, his musky earthy aroma mixed with the spice of his cologne, the roughness of his stubble, the wetness of his lips and tongue as the tip of it ran down my neck and settled into the shallow depression at the base.

I shuddered. I felt tears of joy welling up in my eyes as all I had ever dreamed of was suddenly real.

I felt him invade my body with his fingers. I wanted to merge with him, to become one with him but having him inside me, I knew, was all that I could hope for. I wanted more than just his hand there; and I knew he wanted it too.

"Ed ... please ... love me ... please."

He pulled my sweater over my head and my long blond hair splayed over my face; his fingers tenderly brushed it away. With my breasts freed of their lose confinement, warm moist air covered my nipples; followed swiftly by the soft wet rasping of his tongue. My little buds responded quickly; hardening under his tender onslaught. Waves of pleasure and joy spread through me as I felt my breast being drawn into, nay, consumed by, his eager mouth.

My hips writhed in response to his fingers exploring the depths of my slippery velvety womanhood. As his fingers pushed far inside me, his thumb found the little nub of soft pink flesh that had given me so many nights of pleasure imagining his touch. Finally, it was real; finally his fingers were pleasing me, finally his mouth was sucking the sensuous softness of my breast, his thumb on my nub was sending hot chills cascading through my being. Pleasure and desire broke over me like waves crashing in the surf.

My fingers found his zipper and tugged it down; they worked inside and found the elastic waist band of his shorts and slipped under until they wrapped around the hardness of him. Tugging his long shaft out into the open, I slowly began to stroke him and heard him moan in delight.

"Oh Ed ... you can't know how long I've waited ... wanted you." I said, between short gasps.

"Oh god Lisa ... you know we shouldn't ..."

"Shhhhh ..." I shushed him.

I pulled away from him and dropped quickly to my knees in front of him before he had a chance to speak further. His long pink member stood in front of my eyes and I leaned over it and lowered my mouth to the bulbous pink head. My lips touched it and my tongue pressed into it and flicked rapidly over the sensitive tip; tasting, for the first time in my life, the saltiness of the clear liquid seeping from it.

He jerked and gasped in surprise and pleasure.

My lips slid down over the crown of its head and began a slow sensual journey downward. I sucked him in; the pressure made him moan louder. I sucked and swirled my tongue around and around the length of his soft-hard warm shaft.

"Oh my god ... Lisa ... oh Lisa!"

I wrapped my fingers tightly around the base of him – my fingers tangling in the kinky hair there. I lifted my head ... lowered it ... lifted ... lowered ... sucking hard and tasting the saltiness of his flesh and breathing in the heady scent of his maleness.

"Oh Lisa ... if you don't stop ... oh ... oh ... I'm ... I'm going ..."

I didn't stop; couldn't stop – I needed to consume him, I needed to make him love me, to interweave his love with mine. I felt his huge shaft spasm first; and then I tasted the salty odd tang of his warm fluid as it filled my mouth. His hot juices came in waves, just as he came; we both, overcome by waves of bliss. And still I did not relent; I sucked him hard and fast, keeping him hard, keeping him ready for what was to come.

"Oh Lisa ... that was ... oh so ... so fantastic ..."

He was ready and I'd been dying of readiness for longer than I could remember. I stood and pulled my skirt and panties down in one motion. Before he could react I climbed onto his lap and grasped his manhood and aligned it with my womanhood. I felt the soft head of him press against my throbbing sex as I pressed myself downward; the tip squeezed into me and I started to ease slowly down his stiff shaft. It felt so much better than I had ever imagined it would.

"Love me, Ed ... please love me."

I released my grip on his shaft and wrapped both arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his once more. I felt him so deep inside me that it made me want to cry with joy; I was finally one with him, and he, a part of me. Our lips worked passionately over each other's mouths and our tongues waltzed and darted and teased and wrestled. His hands wandered over the bare flesh of my back, his arms pulled me tightly into him.

My hips twisted and heaved on his stiff meat. I worked his glorious shaft and with my gyrations I felt him in places inside my body, and felt such feelings as I never knew existed; and he filled me with an ecstasy I never anticipated was possible.

I threw my head back again and he lavished my neck with hot kisses as my whole body tensed, then convulsed with the most powerful mind shattering orgasm of my life.

"Oh god ... I'm cuming Ed ... oh Ed ..."

My insides seized up and I clinched his hard shaft from inside my body as my womanhood spasmed involuntarily. After awhile, my body went limp and he had to hold me or I would have collapsed on the floor at his feet. I felt his hardness sliding in and out of me and realized he was the one in control now, not me. His hands grasped the globes of my bottom and he was alternately lifting me and pushing me onto his hard shaft that was penetrating so far inside me that I could feel him touching my womb on some of his thrusts.

But I was a rag doll by then; completely in his power, totally at his mercy. And still, he worked his shaft inside me and pumped into me and grasped me and manipulated me for his pleasure. His mouth sucked at my breast and his teeth squeezed my nipple to the threshold of pain. His breathing was ragged and he face broke out in a sweat; and then, he half stood supporting me with his strong hands and arms as his hips thrust powerfully into my slender body. I held on to his neck for dear life as he grunted loudly. I felt his penis pulsate as he pumped his warm seed deep into me.

"Aaaaw fuuuuck!" He groaned.

Ed's climax pushed me over the edge once again and I swooned with ecstasy. My world became fuzzy and indistinct as pleasure overcame me.

But I was abruptly wrenched back to reality by the sharp sound of the Norris' front door slamming shut. My eyes opened and I saw Ed's face; there was a look of panic in his eyes.

"Ed?" It was Irene's voice; his wife.

"Holly shit!" Ed whispered.

He tried to lift my naked body off his, but my legs were still wrapped in desperation about his torso and my arms clung to his neck. I looked over his shoulder toward the foyer; I saw Irene walk into view in the living room doorway.

She turned and looked into the living room and saw us immediately. A startled expression came over her face; her jaw dropped and for a moment just hung there as she took in the scene of her husband with a naked piano student still impaled on his cock.

"Oh ... my ... what's going on?" Irene said as soon as she regained her senses.

"Oh Irene I'm so sorry!" Ed exclaimed. As he spoke he stood and I slid from his grasp. His cock came out of my pussy with an audible "plop" and I stood next to him with his cum oozing down my thighs.

"Well ... well ... I'm not surprised. I've seen the way little Lisa has been looking at you for months now." Irene said as she walked into the room.

As she approached us, my body began to shudder with fear and shame. Tears welled up and began to stream down my cheeks. My bottom lip quivered as I tried to speak.

"I ... I'm so so sorry Mrs. Norris ... but I love him so ..." I couldn't finish my thoughts. My voice betrayed me and I began to sob.

I felt arms embrace me and I was confused. I expected harshness and anger from Irene, but instead, it was she who took me in her arms and whispered consoling things in my ear as I cried.

"It's alright honey. I love him too and I've suspected for some time just how you feel about Ed – women can sense these things." She said softly.

"B b b but I ... j j j just had ... s s s sex with your husband." I managed to stutter. "Don't you hate me?"

"No dear, not at all." She said. "Come, let's sit down over here on the sofa before you collapse." Irene told me as she guided me over to the sofa.

Ed stood staring incredulously at his wife as she tried to comfort me; no doubt he too had expected rage from her, as well. As I sat on the sofa, Irene put her arms around me again and hugged me tight; my nakedness did not seem to bother her.

"Oh my, look at all that cum dripping from you, honey." She said.

I looked down between my legs and saw my thighs were indeed wet and covered with thick gobs of Ed's cum. As I looked, Irene reached down and scooped some off my leg with her fingers. She put her fingers to her lips and sucked the thick juice into her mouth.

"I just love the taste of Ed's cum. Would you like some, dear?" She asked me; almost as if she were offering crumpets at afternoon tea.

I was too dumbfounded to speak. I feared, upon being discovered with her husband, to be ranted at and driven from the Norris' home in a fit of Irene's fury; yet she was offering to share such intimacy with me as tasting her husband's semen. I could not find my voice, so I simply nodded in the affirmative.

Irene's fingers slid over my thighs again retrieving more of Ed's sticky goo and she put her fingers to my lips for me to taste his cum. I opened my mouth slightly and she inserted her fingers for me to suck the salty substance from them.

"Do you like the taste?" She asked. "It tastes a little different when mixed with pussy juice, don't you think, dear?"

I nodded "yes."

"So do I. I adore it. In fact, I want to get the rest of it from your beautiful cunt." She said.

As she spoke, she placed her hands on my thighs again, but instead of scooping up more cum, she pushed my legs apart.

Before I could respond in any way, Irene slid off the sofa and knelt between my widely spread legs; she leaned in close to my naked body. I felt her hands slide under my legs and grasp the roundness of my rear cheeks as she pulled my hips toward her face. She lowered her mouth to my cum covered pussy and I felt the warmth of her breath; and then her tongue, as she lapped up the sticky ooze seeping from my pink hole.

She swallowed more of Ed's seed.

"My god, honey, you smell and taste so delicious." She said, and then returned to licking me between my legs.

I was aghast. To shock and amazement, I found her doing something I had never imaged I would ever experience – another woman sucking and licking my pussy. And ... I liked it. I felt waves of heat permeating my being; my hips began to buck and my tummy clinched spontaneously as my breath came in short gasps.

"Honey! What are you doing?" Ed said; clearly taken aback by his wife's rather astonishing behavior.

"Nothing worse than what you just did with this gorgeous little slut ... honey." She said; pausing just long enough to speak before she once again worked her magic with her tongue and lips on my burning womanhood.

My head was spinning in total confusion; one moment the man of my dreams was making love to me, the next, his wife was sending me off to another mind bending climax.

"Oh ohhhhhhh ... I ... I ... I'm cuuuuuuuuummmmmmming!" I screamed as her tongue unrelentingly tortured my swollen clit.

I thrashed all over the sofa and tried to push Irene's head away from my now overly sensitive clit; but she would not be denied. I felt wave after wave of bliss break over me; my head whipped from side to side and I screamed in ecstasy.

"Irene ... I can't believe this ... since when did you have a thing for girls?" Ed said as he watched me writhing all over the sofa with his wife's face buried between my thighs.

"Shut up Ed and come over here." She ordered when she finally relented and let me come down from the mystical orgasmic place she'd sent me with her tender ministrations. "Get the rest of your cloths off."

As he undressed, Irene pulled me off the sofa and positioned me kneeling on the floor before her husband.

"Suck him until her gets hard again, honey." She ordered as she pushed my head toward Ed's semi-erect cock.

I was so confused; I felt such love for that wonderful man who only moments before had made my dreams a reality, yet, it seemed his wife was turning such a beautiful experience into a tawdry cheap porno scene. But, I had no say in the matter since her hand on the back of my head pushed forward and forced my mouth onto Ed's beautiful cock. I sucked him into my mouth eagerly just as I had done such a short time ago. I was still so enthralled with my secret love having blossomed into reality that I only wanted to please him and have him love me.

I reached up and around his hips and clutched his firm buttocks as my tongue swirled around the soft head of his penis. I felt it stiffen and swell inside my mouth and it felt so marvelous; it was me, I was having that effect on him, I was exciting him and making him hard. I was in heaven; notwithstanding, the bizarre and unforeseen behavior of his wife.

As I sucked Ed, he placed his hands on the back of my head and pulled me onto him. As he did so, warm wet lips engulfed my breast. I opened my eyes and saw Irene sucking my breast; her red lips worked my hard nipple and her teeth squeezed the sensitive tissue making me yelp with a mixture of pain and delight.

"Alright ... that's enough ... he's already for you, honey." Irene said as she let go of my breast. "Get over here on the couch ... on your hands and knees ... yeah that's it. Ed ... get your ass over here and give this little bitch the fucking of her life!"

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