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The Picture of Dorianna Grey Pt. 01

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Erotic Trans/Gay Femdom.
3.6k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/12/2021
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Editor's note: a tip of the hat to Oscar Wilde the Irish poet an author of the original story. Like many during the Victorian age he was persecuted for being who he was ...a gay man when the law forbade it but intelligent enough to think up the quote...'living is a wonderful thing...most people just choose to exist'.

The day went as well as might be expect for Nigel Harrington...the mid-morning meeting had found the group of 3 business men addressing new issues they hadn't planned on.

"Well lads that's that... it's off to the pub with us...Bruno the barkeep said he's saving stools for us...there still time to squeeze in a few pints before making our way back to London...though I'll need to go over the final adjustments before I email the results to the client...so I'll meet you there."

The Hound and Fatted Calf pub had been in the town of Castles Edge for near three hundred years. England as so many cities, town and out of the way villages yet this one seemed to be stuck in the 19th century with little changes.

The country that had made the world hers with its empire for a good stretch of centuries also was known for its many mysteries and unexplainable magical lineage.

One such tale was the picture of Dorianna Grey. It was said by locals should a man stare at it too long his life would be forever altered. He'd find himself being attracted to the power of the aristocratic woman's image only to discover himself answering the call of her femininity.

"Say Nigel my wife and Roger's are coming to collect us so we'll need to pass this time...she's driving both me and Roger and his Ilsa...being my best mate we promised we'd all take the drive to see her mother and have a holiday away."

"No worries...maybe I'll just hang and make a weekend of things here... Castles Edge has a few antique shops that have an appeal...you know how I like to find a hidden treasure amongst items long since forgotten by time."

Alone in the tavern he watched Bruno wipe the surface clean after giving him the glass of stout ale.

"Say Bruno is there somewhere I can find shelter for the weekend...perhaps a nice bed and breakfast."

The barkeep held still he knew of just such a place.

"Haven't been there in some time yet 16, 17 kilometers further north is the 'Inn at Trulee'...interesting woman there...someone you won't meet every day...I'm told she has a room to let...but is particular as to her guests."

Built of stone and a weathered copper roof the Inn had the look that it withstood the attack of time and whatever it threw its way.

The kind of front door that was split in the middle had its upper half open.

"Hello anyone at home?"

A look behind to see if the woman might be tending to the garden Nigel reached in and turned the handle before stepping inside.

"Good day...might anyone be around?"

That's when he felt himself in the drawing room being silently attracted to the large oil portrait.

He stared at the picture there was just something about the long flowing red hair on the woman that was captivating. A buxom look to her bosom had the regal looking Lady Grey posing turned slightly in the oil painting. Erect posture to her image drenched in jewelry the woman sat with her hands in the lap of the formal dress so common to feminine aristocrats of her times.

Everywhere Nigel moved in the room the pair of eyes seemed to be looking at the man magnetically pulling him in.

"Oh yes I see you've discovered Dorianna Grey...she has a way of doing that...I mean with her eyes."

Nigel turned to look over his shoulders at the feminine Innkeeper. He noticed she was near his trim size but a little taller.

"She's strikingly beautiful if I do say so myself...Good day how rude of me...I should introduce myself I'm Nigel Harrington and I was wondering if you might have a flat I mean a room available."

In her family for decades had Regina Morgan running the 'Inn at Trulee Bed and Breakfast' going on near 20 years since the passing of her mother. Walking past letting her perfume fill his nostrils Regina silently lit the candle near the picture of Dorianna Grey.

Spinning around her hand held broken at the wrist expecting a kiss. Nigel gently took hold bending his head laying an easy kiss to the fingers. His eyes lingered looking at the display of her large milky breasts. The edge of the lace bra peeked out along the curve of the crisp white peasant blouse with feminine embroidering. Centered in the middle the pendant necklace hung down off the shelf created by her breasts.

"Soft lips how lovely...until we get to know each other better you may address me as Lady Regina."

Her hand lifted giving a slow womanly brush along his cheek-line.

It was the way she did it that made Nigel sense she was different than other women. It was like she had a confidence mingling with a feeling of superiority over men so many women of royalty often showed.

"We must do our devotion to her...every day a candle is lit in her honor...so you need a room ...not caring for the foot traffic of transients coming and going daily I must tell you I rent them out at monthly rates...truth be told it's not the money but rather I prefer to manage the company I keep."

"Hmmm a month you say...i've just finished off a deal...I don't really need to be at my office in London...maybe I'll make a holiday stretch out of it."

"Tea time approaches we'll discuss it over a fresh brew and shortbread biscuits...yes perhaps we can make an arrangement...you see I like those under my roof to participate in maintaining the pristine cleanliness I demand in my home."

"Well I suppose I could help...I like things clean and I order...though I have no luggage or clothing not having planned on staying for the weekend much less a longer stretch."

"That's easily remedied...I'm certain we'll make adjustments that will be fine regarding that concern...quite common back in the 1800's we'll start with a nightshirt...now that tea I mentioned."

Giving her a good look over as Regina left Nigel thought she too was quite beautiful. They took to chatting about the home and small town when Nigel made the comment. He didn't know why yet he felt the need to compliment the woman.

"You have such lovely nails...they're so long and look pretty polished in red."

"Yes I do like varnishing my nails...after all a woman has her vanity needs... spending the time together like we will be you'll come to see the truth of that experience."

Nigel found his eyes drifting to the picture once more. Staring at it touched something inside him. Regina let her hand touch his.

"There is a mystery to the woman...born of royal blood destined to be a Duchess from birth we're not sure how she passed on...some in the village say her spirit remains...kissing those that honor her with the essence of femininity."

Tilting his head sightly Nigel felt a calmness come over him as he looked at the painting.

"...since I've decided to room and board you I'd like it if you lit her candles every morning and blew them out at night."

"Yes Lady Regina it would be an honor.'

Somehow addressing the woman that way made him feel less than. It was as though she was a queen of sorts and he her servant.

By 9 that evening the bedtime hour had Regina and Nigel in his bedroom. He couldn't help yet notice how femininely appointed it was. Undressed after the warm bath he looked at the comforter on the mattress to see the selection.

"Maybe tomorrow Lady Regina we could go into the village and buy some new clothing for me...I hope you won't mind yet I used that razor and crème in the bathroom to give a shave."

"I'm afraid tomorrow won't work yet one day I'm certain we'll find things of interest to purchase...that reminds me it's been a while since I've spoken with Beatrice...a good friend she is such a talented seamstress."

Regina pointed to the bed.

"You're not the bashful type I take it...at least not yet."

Nigel wasn't sure how to take the comment.

"...on the bed is a nightshirt and an undergarment."

He glanced at the woman who remained holding his slacks and shirt and underwear and socks to put to the wash.

"Let's have you in them Nigel darling so I can retire...these will be saved for Thursday the usual washday around here."

He liked hearing the affectionate term. A slight hesitation Nigel plainly saw the ankle-length nightshirt was feminine to go with what looked to be a pair of high-waisted women's underwear. A respectful turn had Regina giving him a moment to take the terry cloth robe off to slip into his only choice.

"Remember to take to one of your chores by putting the candle out...we'll discuss the others tomorrow."

Not really expecting it...to Nigel it sounded like she planned on having him help out around the home.

" ...I'm off to my boudoir...a feminine trait a woman enjoys being among her things... likely one day you'll understand."

The man didn't expect to see her lowering her face presuming he would give a soft kiss to her cheek that Regina pointed to with a single finger.

"Your chores tomorrow...they won't be too demanding after all one like you needs to be educated to do them correctly."

It came out in a soft almost unmanly voice.

"Yes Lady Regina whatever you'd like."

"There...see now...your education has begun."

The picture seemed to come alive pulling him in towards her beauty. Nigel didn't feel like blowing out the candle...not yet...no he needed to look...he had to see it...he wanted to just take a comfort in staring...the chance to remain being alone with Dorianna Grey and the beauty of her femininity.

The loveseat spread out in front of the painting with him moving to settled on it. Letting his hand slowly swoop the satin nightshirt under his legs Nigel sat staring straight ahead.

Perhaps too much wine had him thinking it...was she calling out to him? Just the two of them...him and the picture...it almost felt like her lips were moving...gently whispering 'come into my world'. Glaring closely he saw the hint of large lovely feminine nipples pressing against the fabric of her regal dress.

Her penetrating eyes looked like they were instructing. His hand gave a brush in back to his hair. Near the neckline he'd always thought it gave him a sort of hipness having it that way.

Nigel slipped to the floor before splaying the nightshirt's hem out evenly spreading its length. With words gone unspoken the painting was speaking to him...'you'll find comfort in where I'm leading you'.

He gently nodded his head while keeping silent. A glance had him seeing his fingernails...mindlessly he spread them wide. He thought it looked so feminine doing that...that it was what a woman might do in checking their contour and glimmering varnish.

Held captive to the portrait he listened intently.

...'it is a place of delight awash in feelings and sensations...opening your heart you'll discover my treasure'...'a beauty to behold is the gift you'll receive'... 'time to leave until the daybreak'...'where once more your willing devotion will be offered'.

The burst of a breeze seemed to come from the oil painting. Nigel didn't even realize it yet he was kneeling in front of the woman that had once been a Duchess. Bended knees together his hands held palm side up like some submissive being trained in the ways of posing to a BDSM Mistress.

The candle magically blew out leaving Nigel in the dark.

The morning had Nigel once more standing in his bedroom yet this time the robe he wore was made of satin not like the terrycloth one from the evening bath before. Trying to show his manly side he removed it to stand near naked as though to say 'I'm a man and not afraid'.

The brief interlude of masculinity disappeared with a mere glance by Regina. She took in the sight to see him in pair of waist-high knickers she'd laid out next to the robe. A lovely embroidering spread across the front with two tiny colored bows at the hips adding a touch of feminine whimsy.

Assertively if not motherly the woman ran her fingers along inside the panty waistband centering it more at his thin tummy. In back of Nigel he lurched on feeling her pull his penis and scrotum more between his legs.

"There's a time to excite and a time for diligent cleaning without distraction of arousal...yes a tuck does have a purpose."

The man couldn't help yet think he had the flat-front look women come to expect being in panties.

"Washed all over with it from head to toe...I see you've discovered the jar of crème I keep near the tub."

Her hand felt electric gliding along the smooth leg.

"Yes Ma'am I didn't realize it would remove all my body and facial hair...i thought it was a body-wash soap."

"It does both...cleans and invigorates but no pressing matter really...why give it a few days to adjust and you'll be absent of complaint...freely using it."

The long-sleeve top was loose yet the fabric was such it felt nice on his smooth skin. Bending to the feminine the floral pattern had a sort of hazy look to it. Holding the brush cotton pull-on's open Regina watched him step into the pair of shorts. Her hands tied the front strings into a pretty bow pulling on them to even them out as she finished. He slipped into the pair of flats near his feet.

Nigel was surprised how strong she was when she turned him to the side by the shoulders to look. Was it possible he felt weaker than her? Somehow his bum seemed fuller...wider than he remembered while staring at the full-length floor mirror.

Her hand ran down the sloping curve in back as it spread out. Her touch brought a soft whimper from him as she spoke.

"Oh I do love an attractive bottom."

"Ma'am may I ask...that picture..."

Shushing him quiet she abruptly stopped Nigel from speaking by her inquiry.

'You did light her candle this morning...correct?"

"Yes Lady Regina I found myself staring at it again...it's just...well the oil painting...it felt like it was talking to me last night when I went to extinguish the devotion candle...I kept staring ...and listening...this morning too the same thing."

"Sit at the vanity table for a brush out dear...we'll have a discussion."

Despite being near 35 years-old part of Nigel felt like a girl with her mother of an authority figure as he slid to the fabric covered bench-seat. Laid out in front of him on the vanity table was everything a woman would want in enhancing her beauty.

"Dear I think it speaks to the talent of the artist...keeping most in my attic I collect portraits"

The touch of her hand brushing his hair felt comforting. He could feel a sense of becoming more docile in her presence.

"A truly talented painter helps the observer feel a connection to the brushstrokes and gentle lines on the oil-based creation..."

"Miss Regina it feels nice when you brush my hair."

"As it should...blemish free you know your face looks so much better without any nasty masculine hair...like I was saying...back when it was drawn there was a conflict in society between the conservative church going people and the aristocrats who took a more hedonistic viewpoint...religionists always want to control and influence by heavy handed doctrine...unless one is a saint it is almost impossible to live up to the ideals...turn a little so I can get the other side dear...a proper tease can look so nice."

Knees together Nigel pivoted at the hips much like a woman might adjusting her position. A glance had him thinking his smooth legs looked shapely without any hair. Hands benignly resting in his lap he once more held quiet hoping to feel the brush or comb running thru his hair.

"Psychological or motivational hedonism claims that our behavior is determined by desires to increase pleasure and decrease pain...tell me you believe it's natural to have desires that must be satiated."

Nodding his head in agreement Nigel smiled sweetly. Regina let her hands rest at his shoulder line as the two looked into the mirror of the vanity table.

"One should experience the happiness of being loved...what better expression for that than to have the pursuit of pleasure involved in the blossoming of that...that's how hedonists view the world...tilt your head to the side dear...you know you really have such lovely volume...when this grows out it will have a more full-bodied look."

The way she said it sounded like growing his hair longer was a forgone conclusion. Regina caught him staring at the half-dozen bottles of nail varnish.

"Of course ...beauty is involved in the pursuit of pleasure...one could claim it is the ultimate expression of hedonism in its highest form...you'd like to know what it feels like...the nail varnish dear?...you'd like me to do your nails."

Nigel felt embarrassed yet also aroused if not curious. Men don't have their nails colored with polish yet now he wanted to. As Regina sat her breasts gave off a gentle wiggle.

"They look pretty don't they...my breasts honey...turn more sideways...lay your hand on my lap...I'll give you a manicure and let you feel what we women go through in highlighting our beauty so it may be expressed in the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure."

From pushing the cuticles back to lightly tapering the tips into an oval contour with a rough-surfaced emery board Nigel held still captivated by the act of feminine vanity a manicure is. Layered with red varnish the look of the nails made them seem longer moving out past the tips.

It didn't surprise Regina she knew the picture of Dorianna Grey had been activated. His body was gradually going to be taking on the look of an adult female.

"So you see what I mean...when an artist paints an oil canvass portrait it's their desire the viewer absorb some of the beauty from it...an express it in their own life...there now your nails look lovely darling."

Lifting both hands up Nigel splayed the fingernails out to look. Regina gently held him by the shoulder tips.

"Have no worries it's only the two of us here...it's likely no one will disturb us being so far from the nearest village."

Just then Nigel looked over his shoulder at the small porcelain jar holding the makeup brushes.

"You're right Ma'am...I shouldn't be concerned...after all it's just beauty...no one will ever know."

"Of course I'm right...I'm a woman... we always are... so often knowing what's best."

Lifting one of the makeup brushes up she moved it back and forth in front of his eyes.

"Shall we experiment honey?..."

He felt like a little girl whose mother was preparing for a night out. A beautiful woman who was going to allow her girl to get made up like she was to have a face awash in colorful powders and sculpted lines.

Holding still Nigel could swear it felt like there was a looseness on his chest as the woman put his makeup on. Some 15 minutes later Regina allowed him to look at his image letting Nigel turn towards the vanity table mirror.

The first thing he took note of was how Regina had teased his hair while brushing it out. It now appeared as stylish as any women might want. Drenched in mascara with its thick layered darkness the curled eyelashes had an alluring look mingling with the 3 different shades of eyeshadow that finished in a 'winged' look at the edges.

Rouge to the cheek-line added a definition previously absent interspaced between touches of both highlighter and concealer.

Regina held the tube up.

"Your 'lippy' darling...here I'll show you this first time."

The way she said it he knew there would be others.

"Carefully glide it on...yes just like that...so full...so plump...why they're so lovely colored a deep red."

Nigel was amazed...as pretty as any beautiful woman he now felt the feeling the seduction of glamour brings with.

"Enough primping...we'll suspend the discussion of paintings and oil portraits an artists for later...Honey there is housework that needs to be done...I'll have you start in the den with your favorite portrait of Lady Dorianna Grey.


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