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The Practice Pt. 19: Nicole 02

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A new leader emerges.
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Part 19 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2016
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Nicole was growing irritated with Hannah. Everyone wanted to see Emily, but Dr. Wilcox said she was still recovering - no visitors, and that was that. Clear enough, right? For any normal girl, sure, but not for oh-so-special Hannah. So she spent her days moping and sulking around the Island instead of helping... instead of leading, like she should be.

Nicole performed the secret knock and waited for the sound of sliding furniture before shoving the door open. "And on top of everything else, I need to wait on you."

Heron's eyes ran up and down her body and Nicole blushed in spite of herself. He was plenty handsome and had seen her naked - and worse - more times than she could count, but at heart Nicole was still a proper young lady. Nicole laid out the tray of absconded breakfast foods and barely caught herself before she curtsied.

"Thanks sweetie," he said, sitting again and diving into the meal. "I know you don't mean it, but when you say things like that, well, it hurts."

Nicole rolled her eyes dramatically and fought off a grin. Her days on the Island were spent training the new girls and marrying them off as fast as Dr. Wilcox could churn through the ceremony. Appropriately, this step was called Romeo. The grooms were all... ok... but no one felt good enough for her family. Heron was a bit of cad, but he had a lot more spirit than most of the men she'd seen.

"Bringing you was Hannah's idea, not mine. If she wants a puppy, she should take care of it herself," Nicole said.

Heron nodded, "I know, what a bitch. Want to sit on my lap and talk about it?"

"Do you see how I'm rolling my eyes?"

Heron shook his head. "I'm not really looking at your eyes."

Nicole gave an exaggerated sigh. "Does this routine ever work for you, cool guy?"

Heron shrugged and kept eating. "I get to see lots of naked chicks."

"Seeing and touching are worlds apart."

Nicole had already met her husband: Roy. Rrr-oi. Roy. An annoying name, but a nice enough guy. They'd be married soon enough, but what would that even mean? A cock for herself. Getting knocked up. A soulmate? But Hannah said Shaper would eventually come to the Island, so they couldn't stay here forever in wedding bliss. She said Dr. Wilcox was taking them all Away, whatever that meant.

Heron asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I hate that question," Nicole said.

"Want to know what I'm thinking about? I don't want to get left behind, that's what. Dr. Wilcox has used me for years, and Shelly meant to ditch me in that war zone. I'm one of the good guys, I'm part of the team, I've done things for them that you wouldn't believe. I deserve to go."

Nicole surreptitiously squeezed her boobs together with her arms and she leaned forward over the table. "Go where?"

But now Heron was looking in her eyes. "I don't know, but I'm going with you."


Nicole stood with her hands on her hips at the top of the winding stone staircase cut into the side of the plateau, checking in on the students hauling heavy stones up from the forest floor far below. Standards were definitely slipping. Oh, the girls were all gorgeous - was it a coincidence that "special" girls were all shapely and intelligent? But they were so lazy. To be fair, there just wasn't time for proper training these days, and the new girls weren't getting the full benefit of Dr. Wilcox's time... but Nicole was doing her best.

A naked blonde with big boobs, covered in sweat, huffed to the top of the stairs and dropped her stone right on the path. The girl behind her stumbled and nearly tripped over it, and the blonde collapsed into the grass nearby and sat down to take a break. A break!

"And on top of everything else, I need to deal with lackadaisical students like you?" Nicole thundered, looming over the blonde. The sweaty, aching girl scrambled to her feet and muttered something, but Nicole cut her off. "Grab your ankles."

The blonde glared at Nicole, but the lines of authority had been painstakingly drawn over the past couple of months, from the compound under the hanger to the Island. What the hell was this girl's name? It would come to her.

"You, Alyssa," Nicole called to the girl who had nearly tripped. "Put that stone down on the pile and come here. My arm is tired. Take this switch and apply it to that ass."

Alyssa was breathing heavily from her climb and covered in dirt and sweat herself. She tentatively took the switch from Nicole and hefted it in her hand, looking at the upraised butt of the blonde. "Um... how many times, Nicole?"

The blonde continued scowling up at Nicole, even bending over lazily. "I don't know, let's see how many strikes it takes for her to straighten her legs and show some humility. You're the one she tripped, I'm sure you'll be fair." The blonde began to protest, but Nicole smacked her ass with her hand.

Alyssa gave the switch a few practice swings and it wooshed through the air. "This is my first time doing the swinging."

"Don't worry, it's all in the wrist. Just aim for the upper thighs, up to the top of the cheeks, and move around so you don't hit the same place too many times," Nicole said. By now a small crowd of students had gathered, trickling up the stairs and watching the fun. The blonde looked around at her audience and clenched her jaw.

Alyssa lined up the switch, pulled back her arm, and swung, landing a solid blow across the blonde's ass with a crisp snap. The blond grunted.

Alyssa smiled and asked, "Do you think I should take into account Lauren's general bitchiness and bad attitude?"

Ah, Lauren! Right. Lauren turned her head to look up and said, "That's not fair, I -", and Alyssa swatted her again with a grin.

Nicole glanced around. "Obviously we need to keep her mouth busy if she's going to learn anything. Come here and eat my pussy." Nicole threw a picnic blanket over a log by the trail and laid back on it, spreading her legs for Lauren. The big-boobed blonde knelt down and put her face to Nicole's pussy, but Nicole smacked her on the head. "Get your ass back in the air. Put your feet together, straighten your legs, grab your elbows behind your back, and bend over at the waist. Quit being so lazy."

Lauren did as she was told and put her mouth to Nicole's pussy lips, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. That was a good start. Nicole relaxed and enjoyed the girl's ministrations for a minute, feeling Lauren's tongue tease in and out of her hole. It would be so easy to lay back and close her eyes... but there was work to do. She owed it to Lauren, and all the other students watching.

Nicole lifted her head up. "As for your question, Alyssa, we all know that life is much more enjoyable for everyone when we have good attitudes. This may be a great opportunity for Lauren, and the other students, to learn the value of kindness and humility."

The crowd tittered and Lauren stared up, peering over Nicole's pussy with wet eyes - obviously the other newbies approved of the idea of learning vicariously through Lauren. Alyssa nodded seriously, mimicking Nicole's demeanor, and began swinging. Every crack of the switch left a line of red on Lauren's ass, brought a smile to the crowd, and sent a pleasant quiver into Nicole's pussy.

After a few strikes Nicole asked, "How will we know when Lauren's obedience has improved?"

A few students in the crowd offered suggestions. "When she's crying like a baby? When she does her share of the chores? Look, her pussy is already wet from the switching!"

Alyssa paused and said, "When she is thankful for this instruction."

Nicole smiled. "Good girl! You've been paying attention. All we've gotten so far from her mouth are complaints and mediocre pussy-eating." Looking down to Lauren she asked, "Do you like the taste of my pussy?"

Lauren's tears were dripping down her cheeks now, mingling with the juice from Nicole's pussy. She nodded, sniffled, and managed to say, "Yes Nicole."

Alyssa resumed the switching and Lauren began to gasp with each strike. Every girl there knew that the intensity ramped up as the blows piled on top of each other. Lauren fidgeted and strained to stay in the bent-over position, trying to focus on Nicole's pussy while enduring the switch on her ass. The transformation that had come over her face was delicious: from stubborn arrogance, to anger, to resentment, and eventually to submission. Nicole could feel the progression channeled from Lauren's heart through her mouth, and when Lauren finally unleashed a great heaving sob Nicole allowed herself to climax and wrapped her thighs tightly around the blonde's head, holding her close.

When Nicole released her, Lauren continued nibbling softly, completely submitted and at peace. Nicole held up a hand to stop Alyssa and asked Lauren, "Do you have anything to say?"

Lauren's face was drenched in tears and pussy juices when she turned her head to Alyssa, her ear now resting on Nicole's lips. "I'm sorry I tripped you. Thank you for teaching me humility."

Alyssa was stunned for a moment - surprised to see how effectively the training worked, despite having been on the receiving end of it herself. She said, "Well, OK... you're welcome."

Dr. Wilcox would be pleased with the result.

Nicole stood up and kissed Lauren on the cheek. "Good work, I'm proud of you." Then she reached down and picked up Lauren's stone from the path, walked to the edge of the plateau, twisted, and hurled it over the edge into the forest below. "Alyssa worked up quite a sweat for your benefit. Lick clean every inch of her body, and then find your rock, bring it back up, and pile it properly."

Lauren nodded as she wiped her face and eyes dry with the back of her hand. "Thank you, Nicole."


"I don't want to go," Number Nine said, and the other handmaidens looked on apathetically. None of them cared, until it was their turn.

And on top of everything else... Nicole held her hand and nodded patiently. Everyone was kind to the handmaidens - they'd already been through a lot, and no one knew that better than Nicole, who had captured most of the girls here. "I know, dear, I know." She spoke softly and slipped her hand onto the girl's bare leg, slowly working it up her leg while she murmured comforting words. The handmaidens were already dead, in some way, and didn't care about anything except not going to the weddings.

"I'm not going," Number Nine said.

Nicole held one arm around her shoulder while the other hand slid up her thigh, under her white cotton dress. The handmaidens were the only girls on the island who wore clothes, and the only virgins. They usually fought tooth and nail to avoid their fate, but sometimes they could be persuaded sexually. Nicole's hand pressed against the girl's thighs where they met and they spread for her of their own volition, allowing her fingers to burrow into the warm crevasse between the handmaiden's virgin lips.

"You will go, one way or the other. You know it." Mrs. Hapne stood in the corner nearby, as restless and awkward as ever, twitching and grunting.

Number Nine barely shook her head and buried her face in Nicole's shoulder as Nicole's fingers pressed into her intimate wetness. The handmaiden's pussy was soft and yielded easily to Nicole's fingers. Nicole found the source of her wetness and gently traced a circle around her unexplored hole, drawing a muffled moan from Number Nine and a flood of moisture. Nicole slid her fingers upward to spread the slickness to the girl's clit, and then began swirling slowly around the hardened nub. Nicole could feel Number Nine's body quiver as she rubbed her pussy, comforting and soothing the girl.

"I'm going to give you an orgasm, and then we're going to go," Nicole whispered into her ear.

Number Nine whimpered indecipherably and hid her face, but her warm, soft body squeezed into Nicole's. Nicole moved her finger a little faster, slowly building up, reading the handmaiden's reactions to her touch. Her finger danced between Number Nine's hole and her clit, eliciting growing moans and bringing her right to the edge.

"Please, please," Number Nine whispered into Nicole's neck.

Nicole's finger sped up ever-so-slightly. She had grown quite proficient at playing a girl's body like a fine musical instrument, and she knew just the touch required to send Number Nine into ecstasy. She backed off, and the girl moaned loudly, frustrated, so close. Then Nicole twisted her finger and flipped the tip just-right over the girl's clitoris and she exploded in Nicole's arms.

The other handmaidens watched impassively, returning their eyes to their inscribed books as the crescendo declined. Number Nine trembled delicately for a minute, cuddled up, while Nicole's fingers continued to rub her pussy and slowly brought her down. Nicole's hand was soaked with the handmaiden's juices, and when she lifted it out from between the girl's thighs she considered it carefully: no different than any other girl's.

Nicole stood up and pulled Number Nine to her feet. The girl was hesitant, reluctant, but the panic and fear were gone. Number Nine's legs were still shaking from the orgasm when Nicole led her to the elevator and up into the sunlight.


When Nicole returned to Bag End none of her friends were around. The place was filled to bursting with newbies and students who curtsied as she poked around the various tunnels and bedrooms, but there was no sign of Ashley, Elizabeth, or Hannah.

Which meant, of course, that they were squirreled away with Heron. Nicole made her way deeper into the tunnels, leaving behind the dozens of girls bunking above and delving past now-stocked storage rooms. These rooms had been vacant the last time she'd been to the Island, but now they were overflowing with food, clothing, medical gear, and even scientific equipment. One room held nothing but crayons, paint, and children's art supplies. If she went down far enough she'd find The Door...

But she wasn't going down there. When she reached the door to Heron's hideout she rapped on it and waited. No sound came, so she pushed the door open and was greeted by quite a surprise: Ashley was tied down on a table with her legs spread, gagged and writhing, while Elizabeth's head bobbed between her thighs. Ashley's head spun towards the door and she yelled something muffled by the gag, and then her head flipped back in pleasure as Elizabeth redoubled her intensity. Hannah stood next to Ashley and petted her check, while Heron looked on over Elizabeth's shoulder.

Nicole glared at her friends. "What's going on?"

Heron spoke first. "Did you bring dinner? The girls have been eating all day, but I'm famished. The stockpile food is lousy."

Nicole's eyes widened. "You've been at this all day?" Poor Ashley looked exhausted, and her eyes pled with Nicole for help. The small girl's breasts were flattened on her chest, and her limbs were splayed in every direction.

Hannah gripped Ashley's head and turned her face back towards the ceiling. "Ashley knows where Emily is, and she's going to tell us." Hannah lowered her face to Ashley's and whispered, "And then she can have the best orgasm of her life. Edging for twelve hours must be exhausting. It'll feel so good to finally come, don't you think?"

Heron touched Elizabeth's shoulder and mumbled something in her ear, and the brunette's tongue slowed down. Ashley cried out in rage and squirmed in her bonds, pushing her pussy down towards Elizabeth but accomplishing nothing.

"Glad to see you're using your powers for good, not evil," Nicole said.

Heron shrugged. "It's quite a challenge to keep her right on the edge, but Elizabeth really is an artist. Plus, they threatened to rat me out."

Tormenting Ashley was wrong, but Nicole also wanted to know where Emily was. Emily was part of Nicole's family now, and if Ashley knew anything... Nicole approached Ashley and gently laid her hand on the girl's tummy, right over her womb. Her muscles were rock-hard, and her skin was slick from exertion. Elizabeth's tongue swept over Ashley's clitoris relentlessly. "Ashley, my love," Nicole began, and Ashley's eyes met hers. "Do you know where Emily is?"

Ashley shook her head - but too slow. Maybe she was tired, frustrated, distracted, horny... but no.

"You do," Nicole said. Simple and final.

Hannah rubbed Ashley's cheeks and grinned. Hannah was looking pretty rough herself; presumably she had spent as many hours between Ashley's legs as Elizabeth had. "Everyone knows you know. Be a good girl and tell us." She held Ashley's face in her hands and stared straight into her eyes.

Ashley's body trembled and squirmed, but she was outnumbered and there were no reinforcements coming. She gave a single nod. Hannah pulled the gag out of her mouth and bent down close, kissing her friend on the lips before she could speak. Ashley hesitated before returning the kiss, but then gave in.

When Hannah pulled her lips away Ashley spoke with heaving breaths - Elizabeth was still gobbling her pussy. "She's beneath the Treehouse. There's a hidden door. It goes down. The raw earth blocks..." She trailed off.

Hannah whispered, "Blocks what?"

Ashley moaned and struggled to form words. "She's not ok, Hannah. Shaper... changed her. The earth blocks his power."

"You will show me the door?"

"I can't, Hannah. You can't go down there. Shelly is working on her, trying to heal her. Let Shelly."

Hannah didn't hesitate. "You will show me the door," she said, staring into Ashley.

Ashley shut her eyes. "Yes."

Hannah looked down and nodded at Elizabeth, who was peering up from Ashley's pussy. Elizabeth turned her face down into Ashley and ate her hungrily. No one could eat pussy like Elizabeth, and just watching her work made Nicole's pussy throb and moisten. Within seconds Ashley was wailing and thrashing on the table, and Elizabeth didn't let up. Ashley's back arched against her restraints and she howled with pleasure as Elizabeth's tongue worked its magic. Every muscle in Ashley's body thrummed and twitched, until she finally screamed and passed out from overstimulation. Only then did Elizabeth lean back and take a deep breath, her face covered with Ashley's juice and a wide grin of satisfaction.

Hannah nearly glowed with energy. "Here's what we're going to do," she began, laying out her plan.

"On top of everything else...", Nicole sighed under her breath.

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