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The Predicament

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A predicament that could lead to self destruction.
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I found myself in a predicament as I was bound in bondage in an adult store video booth and chained by a collar to the wall facing a hole in the wall. I am dressed like a whore with thigh high boots, fishnet stockings, a short skirt, tube top with breast forms underneath, and a fishnet shirt over that. My long hair was dyed platinum blonde and I had very slutty make up on. My hands were behind my back bound in an armbinder and attached to the opposite wall. My booted legs were kept in place with ropes attached to various eye bolts that were installed on the floor which kept me in a kneeling position. As I knelt, I could feel a dildo partially inside my ass. I only had a couple of inches of the dildo in, but with the way I was secured, I couldn't pull off the dildo completely and my only available movement was to sit further on the dildo and drive it in more. The dildo was attached securely to the floor, so it wasn't going anywhere.

I had viagra in my system which forced me to hold an erection until who knows when it would wear off. My erection was covered in a cock sleeve that was attached to a pump. The pump was not the kind that men used to get off on, no this one just provided just barely enough suction to catch and collect anything that would come out of my cock. The pump was collecting the fluids from my cock into a container that sat on a pressure switch. The pressure switch was set to go off with the weight of a normal human ejaculate. I knew that if I were to cum, after not having an orgasm for over a month now, I would be setting off the pressure switch without a doubt. I shuddered at the thought of the consequences if I set off the switch, so much so that my ass ended up squeezing the head of the dildo causing me to moan aloud.

So now you ask, how did I manage to find myself bound in an adult toy store video booth staring at a glory hole?

Well my story starts one year ago, as I had reached a point in my life that I was bored with everything and wanted something else to do that played into my kinky side. I was independently wealthy as I had managed to start a few businesses and had sold them off for millions. I had just heard through the grapevine that the local boutique clothing shop was struggling and was on the verge of bankruptcy. The owner, Valerie, was in a tight spot as her store did pretty good business but ultimately she wasn't very good at managing it and had run up a lot of debt against her shop.

At first, I was her knight in shining armor, as I came to her with an offer to save her business that she couldn't refuse. I had offered to pay off all her debts and even expand the store in exchange for 51% of the business. I would even give her a 5 year contract where she would earn a $50K salary along with a year end bonus of 49% of any profits. The offer was too good to be true to her, as she was on the verge of bankruptcy and about to lose everything only to have everything flipped to having her business saved, even expanded, and getting a nice salary.

Valerie was so ecstatic that she barely skimmed the contract before she put her signature on it. As she handed the signed contract over, I just gave her a big smile as I knew that changes would be made to this place as we sat in Valerie's office or I should say, my soon to be office.

After I had bailed Valerie and the store out, I let her continue to run the operations and didn't provide any input until the end of the first month. Once the month ended, I ran the figures for the store and called Valerie to meet me in her office.

As Valerie walked into her office, she found me sitting behind her desk as I asked her to sit in one of the guest chairs.

"Look Valerie, I have been hands off during this first month as I wanted to see how you manage the store and see how the store was performing. However, I have looked at the numbers and the store is not doing well and was operating at a loss this month." I said as I looked straight at her face.

Valerie had no rebuttal, as the month's numbers were very clear to her as she already knew the store had been operating at a loss for some time now. Valerie had tried to run a few promotions this month to drum up business but in the end, she knew that it had been a failure.

"I have a plan to turn this around, so I will be taking over management of the store. I am going to start with our merchandise and do an analysis of what is selling and what is not, along with looking over our vendors and our agreements with them." I continued as Valerie continued to try and maintain eye contact with me but started to look down at her feet.

"Don't be surprised if by the end of the month you see a change in some of the merchandise we carry. I will also be evaluating some of our staffing needs too." I concluded our meeting and let a dejected Valerie leave the office.

After the 1st week of the 2nd month, I started to heavily discount our current inventory and ran some local ads touting the markdowns which started to drum up traffic. As the 2nd week came around, I had implemented my plan of transforming the store from a chic clothing boutique to a full blown adult novelty store. I started off by first ordering more and more risque clothes, the type that women liked to wear out to clubs if they wanted to show off.

I could tell right off the bat that Valerie wasn't happy with the style of new clothing that was starting to take over the showroom floor. However, as people came in for the discounted clothing, the new stuff started to sell well too. At the end of the month, I had also introduced a new shoe line, the kind where the heels were no less than 4 inches.

As the 2nd month close came to an end, I sat down with Valerie to discuss the changes to the store. She started to voice her opinion of how we were going away from the chic modern style the store had established to cater to the clubbing crowd.

I let Valerie get her complaints out and once she was finished with her rant, I pulled up the store's sales for the month on my laptop and showed her that we had managed to break even for the month. In shock, Valerie took a look at the screen and saw the totals herself.

"The new product mix that I have introduced has started to sell well, but that's not the main point of it. The cost of the new products are much lower than the previous stock of merchandise you used to sell. The costs are low and we are marking up the items by a lot so we don't need to sell nearly as much product as you used to just to break even. In actuality, we would have made money this month on the new products alone but accounting for the losses we had on the merchandise you had previously stocked we barely broke even." I said as I let it sink into Valerie.

"I know you aren't too happy with the way the showroom is getting restocked, but the store is about to turn a corner and be profitable. So, I will continue to make some changes around here and continue to introduce new merchandise. I hope that in the end you will agree with the changes made. Now I have to make some calls with potential new vendors." I concluded our meeting and dismissed Valerie from her own office. In reality, it wasn't her office anymore as I had fully taken over it and Valerie had started to take up residence in a mostly empty storage closet.

By the 2nd week of the third month, I had introduced the adult toy section of the store that was stocked with all sorts of vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, and male masturbators. The day these products hit the showroom floor, Valerie stormed into my office.

Valerie was appalled at how we were now selling adult sex toys in the store and was voicing her complaints. She had also pointed out that the clothing we were stocking was getting skimpier and skimpier and that she even suspected the new customers that had started frequenting the store were from the nearby strip joints or even worse actual hookers. She was also upset that I had let go two of her long-time employees this morning.

"Now calm down Valerie, if you just give it a chance, I am sure that you will see that the sex toys will be a big money maker for the store. I have secured very favorable terms with a sex toy distributor and we are getting the stuff for cheap and marking it up by at least 100%." I explained to Valerie as I tried to settle her down.

However, Valerie didn't care about the markups and instead pointed out that she didn't start this business to sell sex toys. She then continued that I also had no right to fire her two best employees.

"Valerie, just listen, I didn't fire the two employees. They came to me this morning after they saw the new section in the store and felt uncomfortable about working here. I told them that I understood their position and offered them a very generous severance package of 6 months pay and they took it. They were very thankful for it and we parted on good terms."

Valerie just stood there stunned, as she took everything in. "6 months severance, there is no way that they wouldn't take it," she mumbled to herself.

As she sat there trying to process everything, I then dropped another bombshell on her as I let her know that I would be offering the same severance package to the rest of the employees since they may also feel uncomfortable about working here with the changes and I didn't want them to feel obligated to stay.

"What!?" responded Valerie as my last comment brought her out of her stupor as she realized that every employee she had hired and groomed to work in the store would no longer be around once word of the severance package got out.

"With the anticipated turnover that will be coming, I will be doing a hiring search to replace the ones that have left. I will also be changing things up and offering commissions, so I will be looking to hire new employees that will be very motivated to make the sales." I told Valerie as I then looked down at my computer without even letting her respond. After nearly a minute of silence, Valerie walked out of my office.

As the 4th month started, I had hired 4 new employees to replace the 2 that had initially left along with 2 more that had accepted the severance package. It wasn't hard for me to find the new employees as I ended up soliciting some of our recent best customers who would often buy more of the risker clothing that we offered. I figured with the outfits they were purchasing, they were either strippers at the local clubs or even actual hookers, so I offered them a job. They were pretty interested in the job as it was part time during the day during the week, which was their free time as they usually worked evenings at their other jobs.

They fit in perfectly with my plans, as being strippers and or hookers, they were very flirty with the males and friendly with the female customers and were doing a great job at helping to raise the sales. Of course Valerie would come in time to time to complain of their behavior and thought it wasn't very professional, but once I showed her how much the sales were increasing, she just left my office in a huff.

By the end of the month, the new employees were fully integrated and were even wanting to pick up extra hours as they were enjoying the extra commission they were making. I was getting to the point of being able to replace the last two employees left over that Valerie had originally hired, so I started to reduce their hours.

As the 5th month started, one of the employees that I had hired, Tracy, had come to me with a suggestion. She was one of the more outgoing girls and was known to get a bit too close with customers just to help a sale. She didn't care for the current dress code (it was one Valerie instituted before I bought into the store), as the required long sleeve blouse and trousers had made it difficult to "interact" with customers and she was convinced she could make a few more sales with a different outfit. Therefore, she asked if she could wear some of the outfits that the store offered so that she could model the stuff that we were trying to sell.

I really didn't need to think about it, as it was an idea that I was already mulling around but just was trying to figure out a way to get it implemented. I told Tracy that I thought it was a great idea and that I would bring it up with the other employees and bring it up for vote. I told Tracy to talk to the other new employees about her idea and that I would deal with Valerie's original other 2 employees.

At the end of the week I had called in a staff meeting with the 6 employees and of course I didn't invite Valerie. I told the employees how a suggestion was made by one of them and it was requested the dress code be changed to anything the store sold as it would be a good opportunity to model the clothes to help boost sales and their commissions. I even let them know that not only would any clothes be bought at cost for them, but that I would even throw in a $100 stipend to put towards the clothes each week. I told them I didn't want to push anything on them, so that this would be put to vote for the 6 of them as it would affect them the most.

The vote went as expected as it was passed 4-2 with the employees that I had hired being very excited with the idea of the new dress code. I dismissed the 4 of them and had the two that Valeried had hired stay back for a talk. I told them I could see their reluctance with the new dress code and so I offered them an additional 6 months severance to put them at a year of pay if they wanted to leave. Needless to say, they both jumped at it and accepted the offer.

Once Valerie found out about the new dress code, she stormed into my office incensed. She demanded to know how I could change the code and that the code itself was unprofessional due to the style of clothing we now carried.

"Valerie, I didn't make the dress code up, it was actually suggested by the employees and they voted on it. So it was something the employees demanded and not something that I forced on them. Also, please do not put down the type of clothing that we sell as that is what our merchandise is now. How exactly is it unprofessional anyways? It's the type of clothing we sell, why shouldn't our own sales staff model it if they want to. I highly doubt the clientele we have would complain that the new dress code is unprofessional. Tracy has already told me that she has sold twice what she usually does and it's early in the day with slow traffic." I told her frankly.

Valerie continued to try and argue with me but once I brought up the sales figures and how profitable the store had become, she couldn't fight back. Especially after I reminded her how she was near financial ruin before I came along and turned things around and that she should be more appreciative of the turnaround. Once again dejected at not being able to win an argument with me, Valerie started to make her way out of my office as I stopped her right as she got to the door.

"By the way, I expect all sales staff to comply with the new dress code and that includes you. You wouldn't want the employees to think you are better than them or something if you continue to wear your dress shirts and dress pants everyday to work, would you? It would be nice if you showed some camaraderie with your fellow coworkers. So why don't you go and pick out something from the showroom floor to wear into work tomorrow." I told Valerie.

If looks could kill, I think I would be dead with that icy look she gave me before she turned around and stormed out of my office.

As the days went by, I did find that Valerie complied with the new dress code. She tried her best to find the least revealing outfits, but with the stock of merchandise that I had chosen, that was a hard task for her to accomplish. Early on, she tried to find ways to stay off the sales floor as much as possible and kept trying to find excuses to run into the back stockroom to hide herself in there. The other employees found out what she was doing and did their best to come up with reasons why she was needed out on the main floor as they found her to be a bit too stuck up and needed to be taken down a peg or two. I could tell that Valerie was hating all of this.

Luckily for Valerie, she had a scheduled two week vacation at the beginning of the 6th month of our partnership and could get away from it all. This was when I would implement my next phase of my plan for the store. Unbeknownst to her, I had leased the space next door to our store and had them renovating it for the past month. Valerie had just assumed a new tenant was coming in so she thought nothing of the construction next door.

Instead, I had a movie theater and video booths put in next door that would be showing porn exclusively. They were already built out and ready to go, as all I needed to get the new space up and running was to build an entrance to them through the wall that currently separated the two spaces.

By the time Valerie got back from her vacation she was in for a shock as she saw signs advertising the new theater and video booths on the outside of the store. As she made her way into the store, she saw that the side wall of the store was changed with new entrances to a video booth area and a movie theater. She nearly broke down because of it and a couple of the employees had to help her to my office. I had the employees leave and shut the door on the way out so that Valerie and I could have some privacy.

"You ruined everything I had built up with this store, my life's work for the Boutique is gone now and all that is left is this sleazy porn store! You came in and replaced everything, from the merchandise, employees, and even me as the manager! I have nothing left for this store! I don't want to be here anymore and I don't know why you changed everything to what it is now, but I never should have trusted you and taken you in as a partner! I quit! " sobbed Valerie.

"Now Valerie, I understand that you are upset with how things have turned out, but you have to see it from my standpoint. What you had built up initially with the boutique was doomed to fail as it was already on the verge of bankruptcy and you would have been left with nothing. I did you a favor and turned this business around."

"Now you can quit if you want to, however, I need to remind you of the terms of the contract that you signed when I bailed you out. Since, I was taking the risk of the bailing out the store and paying off the $500,000 in debt you racked up stocking it up with the crappy merchandise you picked out for it, you would be responsible for a breakup fee of 25% of the debt I paid off if you leave prior to the 5 year term and you would give up your remaining shares for nothing. So if you want to leave, just pay me the $125,000 and you can be on your way." I told her nonchalantly.

"What do you mean breakup fee?!" asked an exasperated Valerie.

"The fee that is outlined in the terms of the contract you signed when I agreed to pay off the debt, it's on page 5 of the agreement you signed. Here is the agreement, you can read it for yourself," I told her as I handed her the contract.

I let it sink in with her as she read the terms that I pointed to. Once she was done reading it, she just gave me a defeated look as she realized that when she signed this agreement she really didn't look over it too thoroughly as it was a lifeline she desperately needed to save her store.

"Let's discuss your options now. One, you can pay me the breakup fee and walk out of this office with nothing as you will be broke. Two, you can continue to work for the store and walk out of this office with a smile on your face and go out onto the showroom and start addressing the needs of the customers we have out there as the store has gotten rather popular with the new additions and the staff could use your help. Of course if you choose option two, I would expect you to change into something more appropriate as your current outfit that you walked into the store with is not per the dress code. Keep in mind, if you choose the 2nd option and finish out your contract, you will be pretty rich between your salary, sales commission, and year end profit sharing. Here are the current projections for the store after having added the new areas of the store and this is what you should expect to have earned by the end of your contract. Granted, this is based on the current projections and with even more popularity of the store, your final total could be even higher," I explained to Valerie.

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