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The Price of Freedom Ch. 01

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Alex has to do whatever he can to survive in a broken world.
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A.N. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew storyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Welcome to my newest storyline :) The Price of Freedom, another futa x femboy story with new twists and turns that will explore a lot in addition to being sexy. Themes of life, death, love, hurt, healing, and redemption. Much feels, such wow.

Enter post-apocalyptic Earth, where some kind of evolutionary war broke out after a series of genetic experimentation. The war that followed devastated the planet, and left the remaining survivors in factions. Most...not so nice.

The Following Contains: Forced sex in the first chapter, although...it's kiiind of like dub-con? As the victim doesn't want it but doesn't stop it. But I will say brace for a mean beginning, it's to illustrate the bleak situation of the world, but don't fear, you guys know me, and you'll see by the end that there is fluffy fuzzies on the way <3 But the sex consists of dickgirls with big ole' cocks and balls fucking up a slave boy.

Read along, and enter my newest story :)


The drip was driving him crazy.

Every twelve seconds on the dot, drip...drip...drip...drip...it never ended. If he could've, he would've torn a piece of his own ratty clothing to try and staunch the damn drip. But it was coming from high up above, and hitting a stone jutting out of the wall far above his head. There was no way he could reach it, so he sat huddled up in the corner, letting the madness of dripping water torture just settle in deeper into his mind.

Alex lost track of how long he had been here, it was hard to figure out when you couldn't see the sun. He went to sleep over ten times, but he didn't know exactly how many, and even so, that was only good for eight or nine hours...if he slept that long? What if he only slept for five hours? Or overslept for ten or twelve?

None of these questions were going to be answered though, slaves don't get to ask questions. Their only purpose is to serve.

He huddled up closer in his fetal position, the worn and ripped up shirt was damp and virtually thread bare, and same with his pants. The fabric doing virtually nothing to protect his bruised skin. And his messy black hair hung over his face, unwashed and unkempt, brown eyes with dark bags beneath them despite all he having to do is sleep. Bare feet against the rock floor, cold and in desperate need for some care. His slim build getting slimmer every day, stomach growling at the thought of it.

Which on that thought, if his calculation of the drips was correct, then it shouldn't be too long before the slot opens in the door. His only access to the outside world, the large single metal door, heavy latches and thick bolts secured to the rock walls around him. His chamber was quite akin to the bottom of a dry well, only the top wasn't open, and he was left in almost total darkness. Thankfully light came through the slit under the door so he wasn't completely blind.

If only he had stayed hidden, if he didn't try to run that day, he might not have been found. But he panicked, and they chased him down. They grabbed him, and his life of servitude began.

Servitude to the Women, the leaders of district F.

Finally just like he thought, he heard some clicking footsteps on the opposite side of the door. The first of the day, which meant he didn't have to cower and hide, not yet at least.

There was the screech of a latch being lifted, and jerked to the side, dropping a slot down in the lower half of the door, letting in a little bit more light from what looked like an orange torch flickering outside. Placed on the slot was a small metallic tray with two items on it, a pound loaf of bread, and a pint of water. Absolutely the most basic forms of sustenance one could be given, but he didn't care, it was food.

Quickly Alex scurried over to the door after hearing the footsteps trail off and snatched the tray up. He could barely see the loaf, but it looked like a cheaply made mixed grain, cut from the very end of a larger loaf. To Alex, it looked like a freshly roasted chicken, and he hungrily grabbed it up, shoving the bread into his mouth and tearing portions off with his teeth.

It was bland, just a slight wheat flavor, and the water was cold, but thankfully potable. He devoured the food and guzzled down the drink in a few large gulps. Hastily going back to the tray and scooping up any crumbs or broken off pieces that he could pour into his mouth.

Frankly, he was surprised he got food at all, well...at first he was. When Alex was captured, he thought he wouldn't be receiving any form of food until he was transferred to whatever labor camp he was surely going to be sold to. But then, the Women who captured him showed their true colors, and every scary story and awful rumor about them confirmed to be true...

They needed to feed him, at least bare minimum so he could perform for their buyers. Having him collapse out of exhaustion would surely upset the clients, they were paying valuable money to have fun with a human boy like himself.

It was then that the adrenaline of the food quickly faded off as he heard the footsteps clicking up to his cell again. So as fast as he could he set the tray back into place on the door and slid back on his butt. You learned swiftly here that you were only given a few precious minutes to eat, and if you didn't finish, or tried to place the tray back on the door while hiding the bread in your cell, harsh punishments would come your way. Including being deprived further meals for several days at once.

Slowly, the footsteps found their way to his cell door, and the tray was taken. But the steps didn't trail off again like they did last time, he'd eaten, which meant it was time to put him to work. And judging by the sound of more footsteps coming his way, it was fixing to be a very rough day...

"And here's our human, young and fresh, very rare and the pleasure provided is worth every penny. Five hundred cash." He heard the Mistress's voice explain his value, he'd heard this speech what felt like a hundred times. And he dreaded what always came after, "He's just eaten his supper, but our boys could always use some more protein. You two wanna give him some?"

"Two...at least it's not three again..." Alex hugged himself, he had an idea he knew where that 'protein' was going to come from and he shuddered at the thought. This was his routine, every day without fail. There was always a buyer...

The loud, 'KERCHUNK' of the metal bars on the door started to shift, and he gripped himself harder and harder. Like he was seeking a comforting hug in himself since no one else was going to give him one. He closed his eyes hearing the door screeeeek open, bracing for the brightness of outside. The light illuminated his smallish body, huddled in the far corner of his cell, he kept his eyes closed, even as he heard them come closer.

"Well ladies? What do you think?" He knew they were looking at him, inspecting him like a piece of meat they were purchasing at a marketplace. He hated every moment of it, but this as just the start, and as he slowly started to peek his eyes open, glancing up at the two feminine silhouettes looking down at him, he could make out the evil grin on the closer one's face.

"I think he's worth every penny..."

"Alright, then you know the rules, one hour, a hundred coin. Do whatever you like but no severe damage, he's still my product until tomorrow." The merchants voice spoke from behind them, causing Alex's head to perk up.

What did she mean by that? He was only hers until tomorrow?

There was some gentle clinking of metal sounds, most likely the currency being exchanged between hands before they spoke again, "Thank you very much, we appreciate your patronage, and I hope my boy gives you a good time."

Some more footsteps trailing off after that before a door in the distance could be heard opening and closing. Then just the sultry, sadistic giggles of his two temporary 'playmates.'

Before he could react, their steps hustled into his little hole and grabbed him roughly by his arms and shirt. On instinct, he tried to pull against them, just like every other time he's tried to pull back. No matter how numb he grew to the treatment, no matter how much he closed his eyes and pretended he was somewhere else, his body still tried to fight back. Almost lazily dragging his legs on the ground to try and resist, it would get him nowhere, but it felt good knowing there was still fight left in his abused body.

The two women, both tall and imposing. One about 5'10, with shoulder length blonde hair, wearing a white t-shirt with some grey blotches on it probably from repeated wear, and ripped blue jeans. And the other, 5'11, short red hair cut into just a little bit longer than a pixie cut, wearing a wife beater and some tight jeans, each having huge grins on their faces while they hauled their purchase up and into the 'play room.'

Not the worst clients he's ever had to contend with, at least they were pleasing to look at, both fairly busty underneath their tight tops, and their clothes hugged the nicely proportioned bodies like a second skin. And although they appeared a little dirty, they smelled fine, weren't overly disgusting or grotesque. He'd had some women come through here that he just knew he was in for a retching ride, but this time could at least be a little more bearable.

"Did you hear that boy? We're your last customers in this district?" The red head chuckled.

While her friend lifted Alex up by his arm so high he was off his feet, then plopped onto the nearby rickety mattress. The play room was more or less, a larger version of his personal hole. The rock was uneven in the floor and walls. Jutting out all over and only had a single torch for light, there was a few miniscule items available for pleasure purposes. Cheap body oils for lubricant since the products here weren't always the most willing. And the bed he was laid upon now, though it could barely be called such a thing. It had no blankets, the wrought iron springs were worn out and rusted, and the mattress hadn't been cleaned since the dawn of time. "Mhm! We caught your merchant at the very last second! So e get to have some fun before your shipped off to Coal Born!"

Alex's heart dropped, "...W...wha-?" Suddenly he was met with a sharp slap to the face.

"Hey! No talking slut!" The red head shot down his attempt to form words before he even got the first one out! "You'll know when we want you to open your whore mouth." She said cruelly before reaching for his own tattered clothes. Grabbing him by his pants first and yanking them off with ease.

Coal Born? That district? That's where he was going? An unrelenting sense of dread began to just bare down on the boy. Coal Born District was one of the most awful places to go if all the stories about it were true.

It was run entirely on coal power and coal mining labor, strict on its slaves and stricter on the sex workers. Perceived by many to be a dumping ground for slaves to go and die of black lung or overworking when other districts wanted to off load current slaves to retrieve fresh ones.

This couldn't be happening, why was he being transferred there? He didn't put up a fuss? And he always drew in a bit of decent traffic with his body. Being in shape as he was at his time of capture, he was sought after by many of the women of the world. Sure he'd lost a bit of weight now due to the terrible conditions and poor diet they kept him on. But that wasn't his fault at all! His merchant was the one who kept things like that!

But really who was he kidding, with the way the world was run, they'd somehow find a way to blame this transfer on him no matter what. He could've been a gold mine for any slaver out there and if they saw a better opportunity to make money, all they needed was to get rid of him to do it? He'd be in the Coal Mines with a pick in his hand and his ass stuck out before he could blink.

He didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve any of it. But this is how everything was now, ever since the war ended. This was his sad, miserable life.

The girls hands began to feel along his legs, running all the way up the long, smooth flesh until they met his worn out shirt. That was made quick work of as well, pulling it up and roughly over his head, leaving his hair tussled and even messier then before.

"Heehee, this is gonna be good. Look at this little ass!" The blonde pointed out, reaching to his hips and pulling him so he laid flat on his belly, then palmed both his ass cheeks. Kneading them roughly in her hands before giving them a good slap. "Nnnf! Fucking listen to that clap." She spanked him again, repeating the gesture several times and causing Alex to wince each time.

"Oh yeah, that's ours tonight babe." Red head stood up off the bed and moved to the small chest, opening it and retrieving the small bottle of body oil. That was a relief to see, at least they weren't planning on doing this dry. From the angle that Alex was forced to lay in, he glanced down at the blonde's pelvis. And most certainly, there was a very large bulge there. So the oil was going to be a Gods send in this circumstance.

He heard the bottle uncork and felt the slick fluid being spilled down over the crack of his ass, flowing between his plump cheeks and soaking him with a slightly honey colored liquid.

"There we go, stick that ass up in the air bitch." The red head took hold of his hips and pulled him back, forcing his body into an all fours position. Alex just wordlessly did as she said, knowing that if he obeyed, it meant less punishment. He hated it, he wanted to do something to fight back. But every slave here knew that if you tried any funny business, that meant you'd get the worst punishments imaginable.

But then again, he was being shipped off if they were telling the truth, which could be considered a terrible punishment as is! So what even was the point? Why was he bothering doing anything they said? Alex felt his eyes start to get a little glassy as he heard the unbuckling of their trouser, mixed in with their evil giggles, and the mumbles of how eager they were to defile him, to get a taste of that tightness before he was shipped off and likely to never be seen again outside of that district.

It seemed like his life was over, any hope of someday getting out of here was quickly fading away. So he started to slip into just a dubious state, not resisting but not encouraging, just letting them do whatever they wanted. And maybe it would go by faster and he could just go back into his little hole.

The red head unsnapped her pants and out flopped her thick nine inches of cock meat. Pretty average standard for all women post war. Big and thick, and as the blonde undid her pants as well, he saw her cock swing out with a hefty momentum to it. Another nine, maybe even ten inches to her length. Both of those large dicks were going to be inside him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Alright bitch...let's see how worth it you are..." Red head once again spoke and he felt her climbing onto the mattress behind him. Her knees pressing down with her weight until he could feel her looming over him. The heat of her dick closing in on his ass, she sandwiched it between his soft, pliable cheeks, and started to rock her hips. Pumping her member up and down and slicking it up with the oil. "Mmmmhmhmhm...fuck yeah bitch...ask for it...beg for my dick..."

Alex really hoped he could just mentally check out, but these terrible people couldn't even allow him that courtesy. They wanted him to participate when he just wanted to be anywhere else. And when he didn't respond right away, he felt a handful of his hair get grabbed and yanked up hard by a tight fist. "Aah!" He yelped in shock as the blonde got right up in his face.

"Wakey wakey dumb slut!" She slapped him in the face again, "I believe my friend just told you to do something?" Another slap, this time on his other cheek, earning another squeak of pain from Alex. "Beg for her fucking cock! Or we'll wait for the fucking lube to dry and stick our dicks in at the same time? How does that sound slut?"

"Nonono! Please! I'll be good! I'll be good I promise!" He shook his head violently, terrified at the thought of a painful act like that. Blinking back the tears from the sharp stinging slaps she just delivered. He nervously glanced back as far as her gripping hand would allow. "Please...please give me your cock Mistress..."

Red head grabbed his hips and pulled her pelvis back, aiming her now lubed up prick directly at his little star. "Where do you want my cock hmm? Where do you want it slave?"

Alex felt a pang in his chest, the things he was subjected to, he hated it, all of it, he just wanted to check out and not be here. Why couldn't they have just left him alone? He didn't care what they did to his body, why did they need him to participate?

He swallowed the lump in his throat, choking back the sob that wanted to come out and muttered, "In my ass Mistress, please stick your cock up my ass Mistress..." His voice trembling on the tail end.

Her sickeningly white teeth glowed in a pearly white Cheshire grin, "As you wish, hehe pathetic whore." And he felt the tip being pressed to his entrance. His hands quickly reaching into the mattress below him, trying to squeeze it with all of his might. Anything that he could hold onto would help, since he was being held up by his hair, he couldn't bite the fabric of the mattress, so it would have to do.

She pressed her tip firmly onto his little hole, and he could feel the insistence of it beginning to weaken the barrier to inside. His teeth started to grit tightly and his fingers grasped, his toes curling, body bracing for the incoming penetration. And after a few agonizing seconds, his anal ring started to part, opening up and allowing the tip of the red head's spear to push inside. Parting his tunnel and sinking in the first few inches.

But quickly after her tip was inside, with his resistance breeched, swiftly the rest of her rod followed after. Plunging down and in his velvety smooth insides, enveloping her long cock with his tightness and sweet, sweet heat. Alex's eyes shot open, as did his lips in a sharp gasp, followed by a cry of shock at the intense piercing sensation.

"Ooooohhh fuck yeeeeeah babe. Just as tight as advertised." Red head chuckled, once again delivering a smack to his pert ass cheek.

Blondie in front of him giggled herself, "Good." Then took advantage of his open mouth to shove her face forward and force him into an unwilling kiss.

"Mmh!" Alex moaned in surprise, and on instinct, he wanted to turn his head away. But her grip in his locks and on his chin held him there. Feeling her lips crash onto his own and her tongue stabbing into his moist cavern. It was like she was raping his mouth with her own dominant tongue. The appendage swiping and batting around inside while she savored his taste.

She let out her own long, throaty moan as Alex started to feel the red head behind him starting to pick up a rhythm with her own movements. Thankfully he at least got a second to adjust before she started fucking him. But now she was pulling her cock out to the tip and pushing it right back in. Her pelvis tapping his naked rear as the two almost fully clothed women started to violate the young boy from both ends.

"Mmmmwhah!" Blondie made a loud kissing sound as she released Alex from her grip, his head dropping down low for a moment, only to be picked back up again by her, "Hey, where do you think you're going baby. I didn't say you were done!" Her hands found his neck and she aligned him with her own crotch, positioning herself on the bed to be directly across from red head.

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