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The Priestess Ch. 01


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"I thought you would rape me last night," Sophia admitted.

"So did I." Sophia's eyes went wide at the frank confession. "If there had been some passion in you, some anger, then maybe I would have." Elias reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and she was proud of herself when she only flinched a little. "You were so terrified though, I couldn't bring myself to scare you any further."

"I don't understand. Why would anger have made it acceptable to you?" Sophia was surprised at her lack of fear. She was nervous of the big man, but his honestly had reassured her.

"To me, anger doesn't seem that different from lust. I could have used your anger." Elias' hand smoothed down Sophia's back, coming to rest on her buttock. It felt odd to have someone touch her there, but not unpleasant. Then, the thigh beneath her twitched. It was her turn to moan. Her face heated in shame as a second twitch caused her to buck slightly against the muscle that suddenly had her feeling hot and bothered.

"What are you doing?" she gasped, only to find that Elias was rolling over, putting her very firmly beneath him. He had somehow managed to lodge himself between her thighs, his pleasure at the new position very evident as he pressed himself against her entrance.

Before Sophia had a chance to protest, Elias was whispering lewdly in her ear: "I know how tight you are, how good you would feel. I would be gentle with you the first time." Sophia's heart was pounding in her chest. Her nails dug into the bulging arms that caged her on either side. Between her legs, a stinging stretching sensation had started as Elias tried to push the tip of himself inside her. Squeezing his body with her thighs in an effort to stop his progress only seemed to spur him on as he worked to gain entry. His generous, twisted lips met hers, stealing her protests.

"Let me, priestess," he breathed against her lips. His eyes met hers, and she could see the pleading desperation in them. Sophia remained silent, butterflies in her stomach, nausea building at the thought of the pain that was sure to follow.

"It hurts," gasped Sophia as Elias once again pushed himself against her. He froze on top of her, his eyes still gazing into hers. Sophia sagged with relief, tension she didn't know was there pouring out of her as he pulled his body from hers. She clamped her legs together swiftly, bringing her knees up as she rolled onto her side. The soldier curled himself around her. Sophia could feel the offending organ pressed against her back as he held her tightly. She had to admit, the warmth of him was comforting.

Sophia took a moment to think about the position she was in. His fingers had already defiled her body and broken through her virginity, albeit to save her from the General who had seemed like a cruel man. Elias had also killed a man in front of her. He had permission to keep Sophia for as long as she amused him, and he seemed intent on taking her with him. Yet, he had stopped when she told him of her pain, and he hadn't forced her last night, though he had insisted on washing her and being washed in return. Sophia decided that he wasn't a cruel man, but not particularly kind either.

Uncurling herself, Sophia rolled over in Elias' arms. She saw the shock on his face as she pressed the front of her body against his. She raised a hand to stroke the scar on his face, tracing it gently. It felt good beneath her fingers, smooth and silky next to the stubble covered skin of his cheeks.

"Until yesterday, I was a priestess, a virgin. I had no intention of ever laying with a man. I'm afraid of what you could do to me, but I'm grateful for your protection. I'm under no illusions that my fate could have been a lot worse." As she spoke, Sophia avoided the grey eyes that watched her uncertainly. Taking a deep breath, Sophia made the only decision that she felt she could. "I promise that I will give myself to you willingly, if you will only give me a little time to get used to you."

Elias' lips found hers. He kissed her gently, a mere brush of surprisingly soft lips. Sophia tilted her head so that he could gain easier access; a kiss didn't seem like such a high price to pay. Taking the invitation, Elias' lips parted Sophia's. She was shocked at first when his tongue swept her own, and she inexpertly tried to mimic the action. The kiss was slow and tender. She felt herself melting a little in his arms, her body relaxing completely for the first time. His hands rubbed her back, but strayed no further. Sophia found herself pressing closer to the man. She could feel a warm sensation building in her stomach, and wondered if she would become the kind of girl to enjoy a dalliance with a man. The thought made her shy. Elias released Sophia. She released that he must have been paying close attention to her reactions to have noticed the abrupt change in her demeanour.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" The question was unexpected.

"I've only ever had the temple," Sophia responded.

"I would take you elsewhere if I could. You aren't the type of woman a soldier can travel with. You spend a few months under me and you'll never be the same." His voice was gruff, almost angry.

"I'm sorry. I'll try my best." Sudden fear had gripped Sophia. It was true that she had no one to go to, nowhere to call home. She hadn't considered it, not really. She had accepted that she was a prisoner, the spoils of war, but not that she would be alone when her soldier tired of her.

"You're too sweet, too sheltered." He ran a finger gently down her cheek. "You can stay with me a while, but when we get close to where I need to go, I will find you somewhere. What did you do in the temple?"

"I was training to be a spiritual healer." Elias grinned at her. She knew that many people mocked the healers, thinking they practiced an art that couldn't possibly be real. Elias' hand trailed from her cheek, softly caressing her neck. He ran one finger along her collarbone, then down to the valley between her breasts. Sophia's nipples hardened, her thighs clenched, and once again she felt a thread of desire.

Lips met hers once again and she found herself arching her body against his. His rough hand cupped her breast, squeezing gently, before finding her puckered nipple and giving it a tweak. Sophia groaned into his mouth. She gasped as his mouth left hers, following the path that his fingers had already taken. His moist kisses on her neck made her shudder against him in pleasure. Her nerves were back, but almost pleasant. She acquiesced as he rolled her onto her back, kissing the mound of a breast, then sucking the nipple between his lips.

A large hand explored Sophia's stomach, then grasped her hip. Her other breast was being treated to the same attention as the first. It wasn't until a thick finger parted her folds that she realised she had opened her legs wide, offering herself to the man before her. For a moment she felt uncomfortable at the slick way his finger slipped around her flesh, knowing that it betrayed her surprising excitement. Her thoughts were soon disrupted as the finger brushed against her nub, sending sparks of pleasure radiating through her. She gasped, tilting her hips towards Elias in an eager request for more.

As his finger moved lower, pushing inside her, she was surprised to feel a little pain. When a second finger joined the first, Sophia writhed in discomfort. Another finger rubbed at her nub again, causing her to moan, pushing down on the fingers inside her. Elias started to thrust them gently within her.

"You're so tight, and it's been so long since I took a girl's virginity. I don't want to hurt you, Sophia." Elias' words seemed earnest to her ears. It was a shock that he was still be so sweet with her when he could easily overpower her, but more of a shock that he referred to her as a virgin.

"You broke me open yesterday," she moaned as his lips pecked down her stomach. His tongue flickered inside her stomach button for a moment making her suck in a breath. She felt divine.

"You are a virgin until you have lain with a man." His lips had stopped working as had his fingers, and Sophia found herself coming back to reality with the disappointment. She couldn't believe how fast this man had torn down her defences. Here she was, spread open before him, hips bucking in an effort to keep sweet pressure on her private parts. "Sophia, do you understand? If you permit me to have you, I will be taking your virginity. I know that is something you have been taught to value."

Sophia thought about his words. Surely having him buried in her up to his knuckles meant she was no longer a virgin. She was certainly no longer pure. She thought again about the way he had stopped last night when she asked him to, the way he hadn't forced her to touch him when she had shied away.

"Do it now," she whispered. The words had barely left her lips when once again the thickness of him was pushing against her. He lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist. She felt a delightful pressure as he slid an inch inside her. It didn't come without pain though. So slowly, he worked his way inside. Inch by painful inch, he stretched her open. Eventually, it was one quick, brutal thrust that sunk him completely into her.

Sophia was tense. She felt uncomfortably full, and the stretching wasn't pleasant. When Elias started to move she moaned, tears falling from her eyes. She expected him to be rough, but he wasn't. He moved carefully within her, claiming her mouth in a sweet kiss as he did. Soon she found her hips moving with him, eager to have him deeper. His thumb started to rub at her, once more eliciting the strange electric like pleasure that had prompted her to give in to him.

The pleasure was building, coiling. She could feel herself twitching around Elias as she panted under him. His thrusts had become jerky, bringing with them a strange pain as he slammed into the end of her. It was easy to ignore however, and Sophia didn't want him to stop what he was doing to her.

"Hurry, priestess. I can't hold on for long." Not really understanding what he meant, Sophia opened her mouth to ask. The noise that issued from it was almost a scream as her body started wreathing in earnest. Her nails scored his back and shoulders as pleasure erupted inside her. Sophia threw her head back. As she started to come down, she was shown just how powerful Elias could be. He lost control completely, hammering into her, ravaging her. Sophia started to push at his body as the pain built. It didn't last, though. He groaned above her, his hands digging into the soft flesh of her arms. She felt him shudder, warmth spreading between her thighs as he flooded her with his release.

She watched, fascinated, as Elias rolled off her. His eyes were still shut. For a moment she felt uncertain, but then he pulled her against his chest. Between her legs was throbbing angrily, and she felt raw. Still, there was a certain satisfaction that seemed to make up for it.

"I had intended to give you longer, Sophia. I am sorry." Elias' voice seemed strained with guilt. Sophia realised for the first time that he only used her name when he was serious. She much preferred it when he called her priestess; it was somehow comforting.

"If I had known it would feel so good I would have given in to you last night." Elias opened his eyes, disbelief stamped across his face. Sophia smiled, kissing the shoulder beneath her. "Well, maybe not, but I certainly would have given in quicker this morning."

"Are you very sore?" Sophia nodded, but kissed him again. Elias sighed. "It will never be this painful again." He wrapped his hand in her hair, dragging her up his body until her mouth was accessible to him. The kiss was loving when it came. "I have to go and see the General," he murmured. "Get ready to leave."

As Elias watched his little priestess wash in the cool stream his cock hardened. They had travelled further than he intended today, and it was obvious she was saddle sore. He smirked to himself as he thought about their activities this morning, and decided they must have had something to do with the way in which she was walking. He hadn't been able to believe how tiny she was. All day with her sat between his thighs on the horse he had fantasized about the way she had twitched around him. He knew he had hurt her at the end, but he had no regrets.

He admired the slender body before him. Her bottom was pert, her tits firm, and her pussy hot. Her hair shone like copper in the sun, and her eyes were a deep dark blue. Her beauty was naïve, innocent. He remembered the sweet way she had trembled under his hands on the first day when he had washed her. She had been like a little bird. He had wanted to bend her over the bed and fuck her then.

Rubbing his crotch, he pondered her reactions to him. She had touched his scar with loving fingers, and opened up to him easily enough. He groaned as he thought of the way she had pressed herself against his hand, impaling herself when he had stopped moving. His priestess would be a lusty one if he treated her right.

The whores that hung around the camp were afraid of him. They wouldn't come near him. He despised them, enjoying the fear in their eyes when he got too rough. He had enjoyed seeing that fear in his priestess' eyes, but not enough that he wanted to damage her. If he had forced her when he had first gotten his hands on her she would have broken under him.

Releasing his cock as Sophia turned to face him, Elias walked towards her. He watched as she stepped from the stream, grabbing the cloak he had given her to cover her nudity. He loved how shy she was.

"Do I have time to meditate before we eat?" she asked him softly. Elias made sure his face was kind; he even tilted his twisted lips into a gentle smile.

"Of course, priestess. I will come and get you when dinner is done." Elias watched the gratitude spread across her expressive face. He leant down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead watching her flinch as he did so. He hadn't hurt her since he had grabbed her in the temple, not really. She seemed to think of him as some sort of protector, and her flinching was becoming noticeably less. He thought it had more to do with the fact he was male than anything. It wouldn't last though, it never did.

Feeling achy but otherwise better than she had in days, Sophia knelt down in the dry grass to meditate. She wanted to thank her Goddess for finding her Elias. He had been a little cruel at first, but had been far kinder than many others would have been. Today, he had been nothing but perfect.

Sophia thought about her Goddess' sword. She hated that it had hung on the belt of the General. It was supposed to bring power to all who wielded it, making them invincible. Sophia hoped that there was a little more to the acquisition of its power than that, though. The man who had ravaged her homelands with his army was not someone who should be allowed to rule over a populace.

Slipping easily into her well-practised trance, Sophia felt the world slip away. In moments, she had received her first communication; her head filled with the image of her Goddess shedding tears over the bodies of her lost sisters. Sophia's grief was instant, as was the guilt that chased away the strange feeling of contentment she had when in Elias' company. The Goddess then showed her the General with her sword. Again she was weeping. The images became a little blurry after that. There were several of Elias looking cruel, cold. In the visions he killed many men and women in the search for something, their bodies piling up at his feet.

Sophia watched in horror as the visions once again became clear. It had never been like this before. She realised that the blurry visions were the future, the clear ones the past. This vision was again of Elias. Her sight seemed to be tinted red. She watched him take whore after whore to his bed, hurting them, choking the life from them. She gasped as time after time they died. This stopped when he met the General, and instead of killing them he settled for terrifying them.

Sophia was then shown another string of images, blurry again: the future. She was shown Elias once more, but this time she was with him. His face was relaxed, happy. He was loving towards her. He was cool towards other people, but did not kill unnecessarily. He was searching for something, still.

Even as Sophia wondered what Elias was searching for, she was shown. Like the sword, he was searching for objects of power. It would take all of these objects to bring the General to glory. Once more she was shown an Elias who cared for her. He helped her to thwart the General's every move.

Finally, Sophia's vision was filled with a brilliant white light. Her whole body filled with heat. She was shown the dead body of the high priestess, her spirit floating up out of her corpse, and presenting Sophia with the ghostly image of the Goddess' sword. Sophia accepted unquestioningly, and felt the tingle of power fill her. She had never felt it so great. Sometimes she would feel a warm rush that was similar when she healed, but this was somehow different. She was the last priestess, the only candidate for high priestess. She thanked the Goddess for the responsibility, even as the task she was presented with seemed mammoth.

As Sophia came out of her trance, she was surprised to see Elias sat opposite her. The soldier was studying her. As he raised a hand to touch her, she flinched away, falling from her precarious balance on her knees to land heavily upon her bottom.

"Easy, priestess. You were sounding pretty distressed a minute ago." A vision of a beautiful blonde whore flashed through Sophia's mind. She watched once more as Elias beat her, then brutally raped her. The woman left him with a bag of money, covered in bruises. She had thought this morning that, towards the end, he had been rough with her. Now, she cowered before him knowing what he was truly capable of. Elias' look of concern was darkening before Sophia's eyes. She tried to remember the loving way he had looked at her in the other visions, tried to remember how important it was that she stay with him, but it was almost impossible with him so close.

"I saw what some of the men did to my sisters," Sophia whispered. Elias grimaced. He held out a hand and, after a moment, Sophia took it. His touch was gentle, warm. He helped her up, pulling her close. She shuddered against him. He led her silently back the place where he had set up camp. They had a small shelter that stretched between two trees, a camp fire, and blankets.

Sophia took the bowl Elias gave her. There was hot meat, rough bread and coarse vegetables. It was seasoned and surprisingly delicious. She knew Elias was eyeing her curiously as she wolfed it down. As he put down his own empty bowl, she watched him cautiously. He came and sat behind her, shielding her back from the cool night air. With the fire before her, Sophia felt cosy.

"That was good," she said as Elias ran his fingers tenderly down the curve of her neck. She shied away a little causing him to stiffen behind her.

"What's the matter, Sophia?" The use of her name made her tremble. What could she say to him?

"It's almost time to retire. I'm nervous about what will happen when we do." It wasn't truly a lie. Would he beat her like the other women?

"Are you in pain?" Sophia nodded, forcing herself to lean back against him. She knew she was tense, and that he would be aware of it, but there was no way for her to relax. Large hands came to rest on her shoulders. He reached around to the front of the deep purple cloak he had given her, and unclipped the clasp. It fell heavily from Sophia's shoulders sending a shiver through her that wasn't all fear. Elias gently squeezed her shoulders through the dress she had put on after bathing. As his hands trailed down her covered arms, Sophia sucked in a shuddering breath. Elias' own breath was hot and moist against her ear; she remembered how it had felt upon her breasts.

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