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The Priestess of the Night - Night 04

Story Info
Dogannu meets a mysterious woman, Daemeeth makes a deal.
14.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/14/2020
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The Priestess Of The Night: Night 4

Hello folks, here is the fourth chapter of the most evil priestess (after the embarrassing mistake). A new character has arrived to Ashtaroth now, will she change the situation? Will Daemeeth get away and deceive the other priests to fulfill Dark Ashtoreth's will? Is Edrok ready to get assfucked? I don't know, but I think another small change could make Aalyat go crazy as she tries to fight the remains of the wicked goddess inside her. An old ghost wants to plant the seeds of distrust and hate... am I missing something else? Time to get started. Edited by FelixRyder.

The woman contemplated the distant town and started walking again slowly. The bag hanging on her left side was bouncing and hitting her leg constantly but she didn't care; the only thing she needed was a good jug of water and maybe some wine and food. As she got closer the woman watched some farmers and merchants entering Ashtaroth. More than one stared at her, wondering about her identity.

Her eyes watched everything, from the dirty homeless people to the crazy fanatics of Dark Ashtoreth demanding sacrifices. She didn't hesitate and walked with determination to the very center of the town, where seven bodies were hanging tied to posts in the middle of the main market of slaves, staring at them for a second before the woman walked away.

At home, Dogannu was looking his breakfast. Hard times were affecting all the people in town, especially Mirlya and Dogannu. He stared at his dish with a repulsed look on his face.

"Mother, what's this?" he asked.

"Burnt lobster, from the... you know, the punishment from the gods," Mirlya said.

"We shouldn't eat it, it could kill us."

"This is what we have left, I don't know what we will do after today," she admitted, worried.

Dogannu didn't add anything else and ate the burnt lobster. At least his butt was fine and now he was able to sit down properly. After eating, Mirlya went outside to pray to the gods for food and safety. Dogannu watched her praying from the inside and sighed; the situation in Ashtaroth was on the edge and he was wondering if he could survive until the last day.

That morning he planned to meet priestess Diamnith to talk about his dream. And then, he would visit Aalyat to find out her plans. Once again, doubts invaded his thoughts and that strange darkness was telling him not to commit such a mistake. Despite the creepy way they had sex the night before, he felt a connection with Aalyat and he was completely sure she was feeling the same way, although it didn't end very well and his strange vision of that creature taking over Aalyat felt so real and scary. Dogannu was concerned about the danger but, and he couldn't explain why, he was ready to assume the risk.

Taking a blade with him, Dogannu left his home and headed to the main street. As usual, he heard the insults and curses from the fanatics but one simple gaze charged of insanity made them step back. He laughed and continued walking to the temple of Sun to explain his dream to Diamnith when he hit someone's shoulder.

"Hey! Watch... out," he exclaimed but the following curse he wanted to shout died in his mouth.

A tall woman wearing a brown leather breastplate, her flat and fit abdomen exposed with a long cape, belt and sword, rusted leather skirt and a fur bag hanging on her left side was in front of him. But what caught his attention was her long blonde straight hair, her lovely green eyes and bright smile. With a bit of dust on her perfect face, she was the woman of his vision. Astonished, Dogannu opened his mouth but he found out he wasn't able to make a sound.

"Oh my apologies, I should've been more careful!" she excused and grinned.

She continued her path and Dogannu went behind her skipping and pushing a lot of the people separating them. When the young man reached her, he didn't know how to stop her and just put his hand on her left shoulder.

''Do you need something?'' the woman grinned when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

Staring at her, his face had a curious expression, like his jaw was somehow dislodged from the rest of his face.

''Who are you?'' Dogannu barely said; his excitement was huge.

''I'm just a traveler and I've been looking for a good jug of water or wine. Do you have any?'' she asked. Her smile was breathtaking, like in his vision, so Dogannu didn't answer right away.

''No... our town is poor and...'' Dogannu said but he didn't tell the stranger what was going on in Ashtaroth.

''It's a pity. I think I will have to walk to another town,'' she said, a bit disappointed.

Again she started walking again but Dogannu was nervous. He didn't know exactly what to do so he just followed her outside Ashtaroth. His steps made her look back and there she was, with her charming and perfect smile, staring at him with curiosity and self-confidence.

''I think I've seen you before,'' Dogannu mumbled.

''Really?'' she said with surprise, and then she added. ''In that case, if you don't mind, I could have some food and water in your home to recover my energies.''

''Well, we don't have much left, but you will be my guest.''

''So, for all the gods, lead the way then,'' she said and followed Dogannu back to Ashtaroth.

His heart was beating fast; he hadn't imagined she'd be a real person. Dogannu had so many doubts and questions that he wasn't sure where to start, but at least she would stay in his house for a while and maybe he could ask her some questions.

But he didn't count on the fanatics on the way back home, and after listening to some insults, the woman saw Dogannu lowering down his head trying to ignore them. When they reached the street of his house, she made a comment.

''Funny people, they seem silly.''

''Yes, you have no idea,'' Dogannu muttered impassively.

''Why are they insulting you?'' she asked and Dogannu stopped walking.

''It's a long story, basically they believe I'm the reason of their disgraces,'' he resumed.

The gaze of the woman showed a sign of comprehension.

''Wait up, is this town Ashtaroth!?'' she exclaimed.

Dogannu nodded, ashamed.

''So you are... no way! You're Dogannu!'' she yelled out. The few people around stared at them with a repulsed expression.

''Yeah, now you can run,'' Dogannu told her.

''Of course not!''



''Why?'' Dogannu questioned her.

''I don't pretend to understand the gods, like many people say they do. So, I don't know if you are innocent or guilty... besides... I'm not from here and I can't tell if you did what they say you did,'' the woman argued.

He looked around them and as he guessed, they were alone in the middle of the small street.

''So you understand the gods better?'' he asked.

''I don't pretend to do so,'' she repeated.

''I see... thank you,'' Dogannu mumbled.

''Why?'' she asked, smiling. She was more beautiful when smiling and Dogannu couldn't deny it.

''Because you're not condemning me without reason.''

''Don't mention it. The gods know you, trust me...'' she assured.

After that they just stared at each other; she kept smiling and somehow, Dogannu felt at peace.

''I still don't know your name,'' he said.

''Ha! My apologies, Dogannu. I'm Saerhys,'' she grinned and extended her arm. Dogannu grabbed her by the forearm and she did the same with his forearm.

''Well, Saerhys, we should walk again, fanatics and other kinds of people are out,'' Dogannu stated.

''I guess you are right. Thus, I'm thirsty and hungry,'' Saerhys admitted jokingly.

Dogannu laughed and guided her to his house where his mother was. She just watched the unknown woman with surprise.

''I thought you were at the temple, Dogannu,'' Mirlya muttered when she saw her son at home.

''Oh, I was heading there, but then I found this woman. Her name's Saerhys,'' Dogannu introduced his guest.

''It's a pleasure to meet you. Your son's name is very famous among canaanites,'' Saerhys muttered.

''Aren't you a canaanite like us?'' Mirlya wondered.

''Not exactly... I'm just a traveler. I have traveled for a long time, known many cultures and met a lot of people.''

''Alone? I guess you have faced a lot of danger as well,'' Dogannu's mother supposed.

''Indeed. However, the gods and my sword have been protecting me during my journey,'' Saerhys revealed.

At this point, Dogannu didn't want to listen to the same speech his mother usually pronounced by Saerhys, so he went to the backyard to sit down and think.

Trying to be rational to consider the presence of Saerhys in Ashtaroth and how it would affect his destiny, Dogannu realized very soon that his ideas and arguments didn't make sense. Snorting, he had to ask himself why the gods gave him that strange vision of Saerhys.

''If I could have learned the meaning of dreams and bowels,'' Dogannu thought aloud.

Staring at the ground, he made a deep furrow with his left foot without noticing he was doing so. He was feeling a mix of anxiety and frustration, because he knew the meaning of his vision was very important and he couldn't do something to find out by himself.

''Awaiting a sign?'' someone asked behind him.

Saerhys was standing there with her perfect smile on her face.

''Uh... well, something like that,'' Dogannu mumbled. But that question sounded a bit strange; how could she know he was waiting for a sign?

''You should consult the gods then. When something is perturbing your peace, nothing is better but to ask the gods for direction and a sign,'' Saerhys explained.

''Mmm... I guess... I guess you're right, Saerhys. Yeah, I will do that.''

''See? It's not difficult; we cannot live our lives without the direction of the gods. They created us and they rule our destiny, so it's wise to ask them about what's coming in our lives,'' Saerhys kept arguing.

Dogannu didn't think of it that way before. Actually, Saerhys wasn't wrong in her argumentation and surely her advice was turning out to be very helpful, thus, she was showing how clever and practical she was.

''So, what are you going to do?'' she wondered, interrupting his thoughts.

''I will visit the temple of Sun. The main priestess is a friend of my mother; I know she will help me,'' Dogannu said.

''Mmm... the experience during my journey taught me one thing: to be careful of the ones close to me, it could be useful to you,'' Saerhys commented and she returned inside the house.

Taking a moment to understand the meaning of her words, Dogannu stayed up without moving. ''To be careful of the ones close.'' What did she try to say? he thought. Wondering if Saerhys knew something he didn't, his doubts increased once again, unsure and skeptical. Dogannu caressed his short beard but at the end he went out to see Diamnith.

The light of the sun and the bothering heat made Daemeeth blink a couple times before she opened her eyes fully. Dry blood covered her face, hands and tunic as she had fallen asleep next to Asded-abu's body. She grabbed the knife she dropped away and it was evident the woman felt confused and thirsty. Standing up, Daemeeth walked clumsily, heading to Ashtaroth to clean herself up and continue her ruse.

At the same time she was returning to town, Dogannu stepped outside Diamnith's house and called her out with no luck.

''This is strange... maybe I should have gone to the temple before,'' Dogannu muttered before leaving.

Aalyat woke up agitated, nervous and sweaty. She could swear a familiar voice called her name in her dreams, or as it happened to Dogannu even if she didn't know it yet, the voice called her in her own room before she could wake up. Dressed and ready to start her day, she ate the breakfast her young servant Dalikha cooked.

''Is there anything else you want me to do?'' Dalikha asked.

''No, Dalikha. You may continue doing your chores,'' Aalyat responded.

The servant made a reverence before leaving her mistress alone. She grabbed a basket to buy some supplies at the market, with luck. The short brunette haired girl put her white cape on her shoulders and went to the market.

In the meantime, Daemeeth had arrived to Ashtaroth and had caused a lot of comments about what happened to her, especially from Dark Ashtoreth's fanatics whom ignored the fact she wasn't Diamnith. The evil woman didn't pay attention to any comment and she kept walking by inertia heading to the temple of Sun.

Dogannu was outside the temple; its doors were closed and he had a bad feeling.

"This is so strange... she told me to visit her in the morning," he thought and wondered what to do. He heard steps behind him and turning around, Dogannu paled.

A woman wearing a black tunic was in front of him, covered in blood and inexpressive gaze. Daemeeth didn't move and Dogannu couldn't believe it.

''Priestess Diamnith, are you ok!? What happened to you?'' he asked, worried.

But she didn't reply. Instead, she skipped him and came into the temple. Dogannu followed her inside until she stopped in front of the solar vessel, in the very center of the building.

''I apologize, Dogannu. I had a difficult night,'' Daemeeth said.

''What happened?''

''Nothing serious... I made a sacrifice last night and I guess I fell asleep. I feel so thirsty and tired,'' Daemeeth commented.

She looked over her shoulder and noticed her guest was worried. She drank a cup full of wine and quenched her thirst. Remembering what Diamnith told her, she headed to the left and invited Dogannu to follow her by waving her hand.

Guiding him to the temple's baths for the priestesses, Dogannu couldn't understand why they were going there. A circular and small pool full of water and flowers awaited at the end of the room. Daemeeth stopped at the pool's border and then she untie her belt, dropped the knife away and with a quick move she took off her black tunic, which slid down slowly and ended up on the floor, revealing her naked body.

A large ritual illustration of an unknown monster with three heads, two large extended wings and tail was tattooed in her back. The heads had red eyes and the rest of the creature was completely black. Dogannu was speechless and his mouth opened wide. The beast seemed evil and he could swear its eyes were somehow alive and staring at him. But the creature didn't attract his attention for too long, because the curves of Daemeeth were incredible and her butt was round, firm and flawless. The silhouette was all fit and curvy; he'd never imagined priestess Diamnith in such a way.

''Priestess Diamnith... w-what are you doing...?'' Dogannu mumbled, nervous and embarrassed.

''Oh Dogannu, there's nothing to hide. I have seen you naked so no need to be ashamed,'' Daemeeth said looking over her shoulder with a playful smile.

''This is inappropriate... I-I...'' he stuttered.

''I just need to clean up,'' Daemeeth purred as she sank her foot in the water slowly. ''Come over and help me, while you tell me about your... vision,'' she added with a smile and water was up to her waist.

Dogannu swallowed, very nervous, but he obeyed her command. Taking off his sandals, he was ready to join her when she giggled.

''You need to take off your clothes, there's no spare clothes for you here,'' she muttered in a low voice and bit her lip. She was sitting and the pool wasn't too deep. The water barely covered her breasts.

Nodding quickly, he took off his wool shirt, revealing his skinny tanned torso with some signs of the previous nights; a few teeth marks and scratches made by Aalyat. Daemeeth grinned and nodding her head insistently, Dogannu untied his fur belt and the rest of his clothes fell to the floor and his limp dick was exposed to her. Daemeeth stared at him, pleased.

''Perfect... now come over, Dogannu... don't be shy,'' Daemeeth grinned.

The water was a bit cold but fine. Dogannu joined Daemeeth and sat in front of the priestess. She couldn't contain a quiet giggle and then grabbing a dry rag, she sank it in the water and then rubbed her face carefully.

''So tell me, Dogannu. What is perturbing your sleep?'' Daemeeth muttered as she rubbed her arms in a way Dogannu considered very inappropriate.

''Uh... yes... eh, I... I had a very strange dream, and I'd like to know its meaning,'' Dogannu said.

''Is it a single dream, or different ones?'' she asked while squeezing the wet rag over her body, and water fell on her neck.

''It's a-a... a single dream... th-the same dream,'' he responded very uncomfortable with the situation and Daemeeth smiled playfully.

''Can you help me?'' Daemeeth said and at the same time offering to Dogannu the wet rag after cleaning her face.

Hesitating one second, the young man grabbed the rag offered by Daemeeth. Sitting next to her, Dogannu began to rub her arms and hands. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the border of the pool, clearly satisfied.

''Tell me more details of your vision,'' Daemeeth mumbled, relaxed.

''I saw a woman... beautiful, tall and she seems out of this world, completely perfect,'' Dogannu detailed.

''Very interesting... anything else?'' she wondered.

''She appears naked, there is a bright aura surrounding her... she says my name three times,'' Dogannu commented.

''Mmm... good to know. Why are you still rubbing my arms? I think you should focus on other places,'' Daemeeth suggested and Dogannu swallowed but then nodded.

Rubbing her right shoulder and neck, Daemeeth sighed and thought that after all, The Wicked One had a good hand.

''If you go a bit down, it'd be perfect,'' she whispered.

''Priestess Diamnith... we shouldn't be doing this, this is not right... the gods could punish us!'' Dogannu complained. But somehow touching her exquisite body was driving him crazy and he had forgotten the real reason of his visit; now he wanted more and his doubts and fears were a big obstacle.

''Just keep telling me more details of your vision then,'' she said and made herself more comfortable. Under the water, her dick began to increase its size slowly.

Massaging her chest right above her tits, Dogannu avoided looking at Daemeeth's face. She still had her eyes closed and her expression was of complete pleasure.

''Did the woman in your dream says something?'' she exhaled out.

''Yes...'' Dogannu mumbled.

Daemeeth took his wrist and guided his hand to her tits. Dogannu, surprised and thinking his heart would come out of his chest, looked at her. With his thumb, he rubbed her nipple and Daemeeth opened her mouth wide and sighed again.

"This is so weird, what am I doing?" Dogannu thought.

The evil acolyte of Dark Ashtoreth leaned her head to one side and rested her face against Dogannu's left arm while letting escape low moans.

''Ah... Dogannu... what... what did she say?'' Daemeeth asked, exhaling. She was very excited and water was getting agitated by her moves.

''I can't remember well, priestess Diamnith,'' he responded. The young man dropped the rag and grabbed her breast firmly. He couldn't explain why, but she was turning him on with her sexy moans and her beauty in a way he never imagined.

She was his mother's good friend and a very important priestess in Ashtaroth, or that's what Dogannu believed, but now he wanted to share a passionate and intimate moment with her. Daemeeth, like Dogannu, thought that it was wrong to behave in such a way with The Wicked One, however the urge and the previous foreplay increased her lust and now she didn't mind having Dogannu touch her body.

Passing his arm over her head, Dogannu let Daemeeth rested her head on his chest. She opened her eyes and stared at him, biting her lips and rubbing her body against his. She guided his hand to her abdomen and then to her stiff dick. The woman nodded and Dogannu stroked it slowly and she did the same to his cock.

Outside the Temple of Sun a person wearing a white tunic and hood looked around before trespassing the doorstep. Inside, the person took off the hood and the smiling face of Edrok showed up. It was the first time for him visiting the Temple of Sun, as a servant of god El, so he moved forward.

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