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The Prince and the Fairy Pt. 06

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A Transvestite, foils a terrorist plot, but at what cost?
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Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/13/2020
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This is a story of a young Transvestite, set in the 1980's with the backdrop of the near civil war ongoing in Northern Ireland. I try and tell the story over a number of chapters.

It is a work of complete fiction.

Although it is a piece of erotic fiction, there are scenes involving torture, i would like to advise you that this is not part of the Eroticism.

Chapter 6 -- Bon Voyages

This was it.

I knew the end was nearing.

The relative smoothness of the tarmacked road was replaced by the pot holes of a dirt track. We had left the main road and were driving to where my grave had already been dug.

It wasn't long ago that I was sunning myself on board a super yacht somewhere off the Mediterranean coast, with my husband to be, his Arabian boyfriend and his long-suffering show wife.

Now I was in the back of an old van, wearing only the tattered remains of what was supposed to be my wedding night lingerie, in a pool of piss, shit, blood and vomit. Two egger security services officers standing guard delivering kicks and punches whenever they saw fit.

I am not a religious person, despite coming from a conservative catholic family in west Belfast, my love for my neighbour's son Patrick made sure I had no place in my heart for an imaginary friend, but I found myself praying for a quick death. I was praying that my mother and father would not have to answer for my deeds.

I sold the man who brutally raped me to the IRA, who promptly picked him up, they tortured him for information on my then lover Sir Geoffrey Hamilton. Who was the Queens advisor on Irish Affairs. Jenkins was ex-military and offered up no information, so he was executed and buried in a field not unlike the end I was currently facing.

MI5 had been surveilling the two IRA terrorists that I spoke to. Soon after they acted on my information on Jenkins, they were rounded up and interrogated. Unbeknown to me the Irish Republicans, had offered me up as their commander. Despite being nineteen years old the MI5 agents chose to act on this information before it became public knowledge that the woman vetted and approved to marry the eleventh in line for the throne of England not only was born male, but she had links to Irish Republicanism (My Father was interned only a few years earlier and had been held in the Maze prison since without trial).

So, as I prepared for my big day I was kidnapped and subsequently disappeared.

An odd calmness washed over me as I prepared for my death. I had been much more nervous going on my first date with my future husband.

I woke one morning and my sponsor (or lover, depending on his mood) phoned me. This was odd in itself as he normally had his PA call. "Geoffrey is everything ok?" I was worried. I needn't have been, as he sounded as giddy as a schoolgirl.

"My Darling Stephanie, Henry is taking you away for the weekend. Jenkins has gone missing, so one of my other drivers will pick you up around three and take you to the airport. Kim has already prepared your bag. Good luck and knock him dead sweetheart."

I spent the day preparing. Pampering and pruning myself. I had the wax girl come by and wax me, I had my nail girl come round and she did my nails, my hair guy arrived and did my hair, despite having nearly five hours to get ready I just about made it.

It was a private airport so there were no questions why my passport said that I was a nineteen-year-old boy from west Belfast and why I was dressed as I was.

We landed in Greece and I was transferred to a helicopter. After a twenty-five-minute flight we landed at the docks of a little town. A smart looking speed boat was waiting, which sped me across the sea to a mammoth white yacht. It looked impressive with the blood red sky of the setting sun reflecting off the crystal clear still waters of the sea.

I was welcomed aboard by the French captain of the boat and shown to my quarters. I had a massive room, with a queen-sized bed, on suit bathroom that you could fit most of my house in Belfast into. There I waited to be called upon.

The call never came. Sometime later I heard music and laughing from the deck above my room, so I decided to explore.

I dressed in white linen trousers a pair of wedge heels, and a simple red camisole top. I arrived at the party and henry was dancing with a dark man rather intimately, a young woman with long dark hair wearing a black bathing suit, and a large white wicker hat sat watching them dance and two other men completely naked and covered in oil writhed nearby.

Henry and his partner didn't break a stride as I approached, so I ventured to the girl sitting in her bikini facing the dancers.

"Hi," I offered.

She looked up and asked, "Who are you?"

Her accent was strange, I would find out that it was Arabic.

"I'm Stephanie, Henry asked me to join him."

She smiled as said, "Ahh you are Henry's Mukhannathun."

"Muka what?" I wondered.

"Boy with tits." She offered before saying, "Yela, sit, drink with me."

She introduced herself as Noora, her husband Tariq was a prince in an Arabic state, but he preferred boys to girls. So, in much the same way that Henry and I were to be together, Tariq's father had found Noora and made them marry.

Noora and I got on very well. I didn't speak to Henry or Tariq they finished dancing and left along with the two oily performers. Soon I felt a little too drunk so I made my excuses and went to bed.

Noora woke me around ten am to go snorkelling off a nearby reef. We once again connected and talked the whole way to the reef and the whole way back. It was obvious that she was not happy, Tariq was supposed to give her a baby, but in the two years they had been together he had not made love to her once.

I wondered what it would be like with Henry. It was obvious that he wouldn't be satisfied with a T-girl like me, he seemed very much in love with Tariq. I wondered if my life would be like Noora's.

Noora and I ate dinner together, still no sign of the men. Eventually around eleven at night Henry who was obviously off his face on cocaine joined us at the dinner table.

"Noora, would you excuse Stephanie and I please?" gracefully she stood and left us.

"We are to be married next week. I cannot stand the thought of it. They promised me a boy who could pass as a girl, for the media. Not you. Not this charade. I refused to live like Tariq, I refuse to pretend to be in love with someone."

"You are lying. You both are."

He stood up indignant, "How dare you."

"It's not that you refuse to be someone you're not. It's that you refuse to give up this lifestyle. You and Tariq could move away somewhere, to America, there you live together be together out of the spotlight. But you would be giving this up. The yachts, the dancers, and the unlimited resources your families provide you. I am not into spoilt little fairies like you and Tariq. I want a real man. It's telling that Noora is the manliest person on this ship. I would rather spend my life with her than listen to how unfair it is that you have to pretend to be normal."

"So, the weddings off?" he asked timidly.

"You haven't even had the balls to propose to me yet. You needed to be off your tits on coke to even talk to me. I'm going to bed." I left him.

I heard the screaming and the crying throughout the night. It seems that Tariq and Henry were not pleased at how I talked to Henry, and they were plotting their revenge. I was to be tossed overboard. It made me chuckle, that these two drama queens would be able to do something so dramatic.

After a while Noora joined me in my room. She was upset, not with me though. She was upset that the two 'men' were taking so long to be men.

"I always thought that in a gay couple there is a boy man and a girl man." She said, "But I cannot imagine either one of these two being man enough to have a hard cock." We both laughed.

"Maybe their lesbians?" I asked she nodded "Maybe."

"Does your cock work?"

"It works." I sniggered

"Do you like to fuck or get fucked?"

"Both." I sniggered again.

"What about you?" I asked her, confused she answered

"I don't have a cock." We both laughed. "I bet yours is more useful than Tariq's," She joked again, she wiggled her Pinky finger to mock the prince's Willie.

"I am a virgin!" I was shocked when she said it.

"He never?" She shook her head,

"Not even on your wedding night?"

"We spent the night, but he couldn't even get hard. I used my mouth, my hands I even gave him my asshole but he was too soft. He asked me to play with his ass, so I did three fingers in him, still nothing. He went into the bathroom and masturbated."

I cuddled her, it wasn't sexual in anyway. She had become a friend and she need consoling. She embraced me in the same way. She was well aware of the life that lay ahead of me.

She slept in the same bed as me. We woke and went for breakfast. Tariq and Henry were already there. "Morning boys. Thank you for not tossing us overboard last night." They both acted like two school boys caught with a dirty magazine.

Tariq spoke first. "We have talked. And decided that you should get my wife pregnant only then can you marry Henry." I am not sure who shouted an obscenity first, quite possibly Noora. But I was probably the loudest; "You want me to fuck your wife? What kind of man are you Tariq?"

"I will not be talked to in this way. You need a husband to control you." He turned to his wife "Control this Mukhannathun or you will feel the back of my hand." For three or four minutes Noora yelled at Tariq in arabic. His attempt at being masculine faded away, and the little poof prince was left.

I whispered into her ear "Your hot when your mad." She shot me a look that suggested that she was in no mood to be fucked with then spoiled it by saying "You'll see later." I recoiled in surprise and my boy clit stiffened in anticipation!

Henry got up off his chair, dropped to one knee and asked the question every girl wants to hear a prince ask them, "Stephanie will you marry me?" Noora nudged me in the ribs.

"Henry, we have had two conversations with each other. You were high during both. What kind of life will I have? Will I be stuck on a boat watching you and Tariq fucking? Or will you look after me?

"I have spoken to Grandmama, she has some grounds in Canada, and we are to reside there. I have three elder siblings, each of them has children of their own so I am too far down the chain to worry about the media the spotlight on me is not as gruelling as can be for my brothers. That said they do love to catch one of us doing something stupid, so we will need to be careful. We are to make three appearances every year, so other than that you can live a normal life."

"You have it all planned out then? I am to be hidden away in a castle in Canada while you cavort around the world making a fool out of me?" Noora and her husband left Henry and I to talk. We spent hours ironing out the details of our relationship, on how I could pass for a normal girl, who wasn't a commoner but from aristocratic stock. With a broad Belfast accent.

In the end my life would not be too bad. He promised to look after me, he promised that we could make it work, and offered that it was possible that I could be happy.

What choice did I have? I would look odd going back to west Belfast now. There were not too many openly gay people on the island of Ireland Never mind transsexuals walking around the Divis flats.

Sometime around lunch, Noora and Tariq returned, and we started drinking. For the first time since I arrived on the Yacht I had some fun. We were all able to let our hair down. There was singing and dancing. We all enjoyed ourselves.

As the sun was setting over our heads, I was very drunk. Noora saw that I wasn't the party animal that she and the rest of my hosts were and offered to take me to my room. I gladly accepted and the two of us left.

By the time we got below, my head was swimming in a pool of gin. I struggled to stand, I entered the room and threw myself onto the bed, fully dressed. Followed by my concerned friend.

"You're a mess girl, I thought you Irish could hold your liquor?"

When I was approaching puberty I already knew that I was different. I knew that I wanted to kiss boys. But I assumed that this would pass and that I would straighten out so to speak. That was until my cousin Orla showed me her hairy fanny. She was eighteen and very odd, even for nineteen eighties Belfast. That put me right off girls, I thought there would be no going back, the look, the smell revolted me.

Then only a few weeks ago the unthinkable happened. I had sex with a woman, well Stephanie had sex with another woman. It was joyous, beautiful and mind blowing. Since that drunken evening with Niamh I had found myself fantasising about sleeping with women.

Don't misunderstand, I hadn't been turned. I still preferred men. In my mind I was a girl. It was just now I realised that a woman's touch was a beautiful thing.

Noora was beautiful. Her smooth olive skin, jet black hair framing her super model like face, her massive eyes lined in dark kohl. Her pert b cup tits matched her equally pert solid ass cheeks, which had long slender toned legs easing all the way to the floor. If I were slightly more sober I would be considering doing unspeakable acts to this Arabian princess.

Alas sobriety and consciousness were not my ally on this particular endeavour.

I woke several hours later with Nora lying next to me. I had dreamt about her. I had dreamt about fucking her. I reached out and caressed her back, she was naked. I gently rubbed my hand up and down her spine.

I was as naked as she was, so I rolled onto my side and we spooned. My rock hard clit found itself a home between the cheeks of her lovely arse. I went back to caressing her belly and massaging her lovely breasts. I started to nuzzle her slender neck. Her aroma was very different to my previous experience with a woman. I couldn't get enough of it.

After a few moments i felt her bottom push back into my crotch. She was awake, she softly moaned her appreciation for my touch. My hand drifted down between her legs, without a word she opened them slightly allowing me access to her hot wet pussy.

I found her clit and began to flick it gently with my finger, she groaned louder, her ass grinding back into my own clit.

She reached back and held open her bottom and lifted he leg a little higher giving my dick access to her pussy. With little or no trouble I entered her. She winced as the pain of me taking her maidenhood washed over her. The sting soon passed and pleasure began to build within her.

We gently spooned, she was tight and I was young but this was never going to bring me to climax. However that was ok, I wasn't fucking her to cum, I was making love to her. I wanted her to cum. Between my cock gently massaging her hot spots and my fingers teasing her engorged clit, her orgasm began to take her by surprise.

"I need the bathroom." She urged

"Noora you don't need the toilet, let it go." I whispered

"I don't want to soil you!" She tried to get up, but I prevented her holding her tightly, gently increasing my pace. She yelled something in Arabic, before whispering "Please, I need too pee."

Second later she screamed as her first orgasm washed through her. The walls of her pussy clamped shut around my cock.

We lay there as she calmed down. Soon she released her grip on my woman hood and rolled round and we kissed.

"Shukraan, shukraan, shukraan." She repeated between deep passionate kisses.

Henry and Tariq burst into the room alarmed by my lovers howl of ecstasy. Misplacing it for a cry for help. But the presence of her husband and my fiancé did not deter Noora from straddling my still erect cock. She began to ride me, bouncing on top of me like a star in a porn movie.

I sat up to take a nipple in my mount and notice that the two men had joined us in bed. They were watching us fuck, while stroking each other's cocks. Noora was right Tariq was pitifully endowed. My future husband was not much bigger.

I have not got a big dick but it was mammoth compared to the two so called Men taking part in the orgy.

Pretty soon I came deep within Noora. The boys took turns to clean my cock. Noora was spent so she sat on the sofa and watched as I fucked both Tariq and Henry's ass's. I was still a teenager and I had stamina to burn.

My lasting memory of the night, was having the three of them on all fours. I was fucking Henry's tight asshole, while I finger fucked Tariq's butt with one hand and finger fucked Noora's cum filled pussy with the other.

As much as I loved fucking these three princes and princesses I wished one of them was man enough to fuck me.

We spent a few more days on the boat, before Henry and I left to make the preparations for my wedding.

Noora agreed to be my Maid of Honour. We all agreed that my wedding night would be fun.

As the two security agents lifted me out of the van and tossed me into my shallow grave, it was safe to say that this would be a night to remember.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

this is starting to go on too long and bounce all over

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