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The Principal's Wife


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Easier said than done. Even her nightly dreams had been invaded by the depravity that Kettle had subjected her to, and his leering face, and--horror of horrors!--his rudely engorged penis seemed to pop up in front of her every time she closed her eyes!

After Kettle had released her last Saturday, Caroline had tearfully gathered up her clothes and rushed home, and knowing that her husband would be out playing golf, she had showered twice and then run a long hot tub. More than anything, she had desperately wanted to get the smell of the disgusting pervert off her body. But as thoroughly as she had cleansed her pale skin, the emotional scars remained deeply embedded within her.

The things he had forced her to do had simply been beyond the comprehension of a woman of Caroline's upbringing and social standing. Forcing her to strip naked in front of him and then belittling her with his crude and insulting comments about her physique had been soul-destroying enough, but the rest of the afternoon had then descended into a hell that she could hardly bring herself to think about!

The ridiculous bunny ears, the pen with pom-pom attached that he had actually inserted into her rectum, the whiskers he had drawn on her face before forcing her to hop around like a rabbit, and then--dear God, just the thought of it!--the large carrot that he had violated her with!

But then her worst nightmare had transpired when he had inevitably ended up copulating with her! She still couldn't believe that she had actually taken his disgusting thing into her mouth and then allowed him to penetrate her! It had all been so sick and sordid that she found it almost impossible to accept that this had really happened to a virtuous lady like herself!

While bathing, she had used up an entire bottle of mouthwash as she had painfully recalled the sensation of his hot member pushing around the inside of her mouth, and then after thoroughly dousing out her vagina to remove any traces of his semen, the terrifying thought had occurred to her that he might possibly have impregnated her!

In a panic, she had rushed out and bought a pregnancy detection kit and a box of contraceptive pills--both for her daughter, as she had blushingly explained to the pharmacist. The latter purchase had been the more emotionally difficult, as they served as an unpleasant confirmation that she had already accepted there would be a lot more unprotected sex with Mike Kettle before he was finally through with her! She would obviously do everything in her power to discourage the despicable man but if the previous Saturday was anything to go by, he undoubtedly had many more hideous experiences in store for her in the future!

As the week had progressed, she had anxiously checked her messages in the vain hope that she might possibly get a reprieve, but on Friday the dreaded reminder that she was due for a second detention had arrived.

So now she crept along the deserted corridor toward her homeroom, and with each step, the humiliations she had been forced to endure the previous week became increasingly vivid in her mind. At one point she almost lost her nerve and turned back, but she already knew deep down that wasn't going to happen, and drawing a shuddering breath, she opened the door and braced herself for whatever abominations were to come.

Kettle was already seated behind her desk poring over his tablet, and the disrespectful pig didn't even glance up when he said, "Lock the door and come over here."

His offhand manner was just another reminder of her subservient position in their new relationship, but keeping her counsel, she nervously approached the desk. After making her wait a moment, Kettle finally gave her a cursory glance and said, "Get round here and take a look at these."

Barely able to hide her distaste, Caroline inched around the desk, taking care to keep a decent distance between them. Now she could see that Kettle was scrolling through some photos, and her heart leaped when she recognized her face in one of them--followed by an obscene close up of the most intimate part of her body!

"Remember this?" Kettle grinned up at her.

How could she not? These sick memories had already been burned deeply into her mind, and now she was seeing them all from Kettle's viewpoint in high definition color! Blushing, she looked away, and Kettle said, "What's wrong? Can't stand the sight of your own stinky cunt?"

Oh, you insulting little shit!

Kettle continued scrolling. "Still, your huge tits have come out well in this one. I'm sure they'll get plenty of likes on the internet!"

Caroline was still so incensed at his prior rudeness that it took a second for his comment to register.

"The internet?" she gaped at him.

"Why? Would that be a problem?" Kettle asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Y-You know it would! You promised that this would remain between us! We had a deal!"

"Indeed we did," Kettle said, leaning back in his chair. "And as I promised, I won't break it provided you continue to do as you are told."

He reached down and placed a shopping bag on the desk top. "And on that note, here is your uniform for today's detention."

Still off balance from his implied threat of publicly releasing the photos, Caroline looked dumbly at the bag. "Uniform?"

"That's correct. We're at school, after all. I'm the teacher and you are the student in detention. So I will be requiring you to wear the uniform I have selected for you."

He patted the bag as Caroline again struggled to digest his words. This was a modern American high school! The kids didn't wear uniforms here! What the hell was the sick man up to now?"

She started to peer into the bag, but Kettle said, "Nu-uh! I want you to put it on in the bathroom down the hall. And that means removing everything else you have on, including your underwear, and dressing only in the items I have provided in the bag."

Caroline stared at him incredulously. She hadn't known exactly what to expect today, but this definitely wasn't it! Did he seriously expect her to dress up as a schoolgirl? Apparently yes, because he nudged the bag toward her and said, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Making no attempt to pick it up, Caroline stammered, "C-Can't we just--?"

Kettle raised his eyebrows.

"Just what? Fuck? Like we did last week?"

Caroline flushed with embarrassment and anger.

"No, I didn't mean that at all!"

"Well, what did you mean? Would you prefer to serve your detention naked instead?"

Good God! The man is relentless!

"Of course not," Caroline said desperately. "I just don't think I can--dress up for you."

"So you would rather be exposed to the world as a thief and a sexual pervert, is that what you are saying?" Kettle asked, tapping the tablet with his fingertip.

Just as she had discovered the previous week, Caroline realized that there would be no negotiating with this man, and defeated, she picked up the bag and headed for the door.

"Don't be long," Kettle called after her. "We've got a lot to do today!"

As she trudged miserably along the passageway towards the bathroom, Caroline tried not to dwell upon what exactly that might entail!


Mike scrolled through his blackmail pictures one more time as he waited impatiently for his student to return to class. Although he had only been teasing her about posting them on the internet, the significance of his words had obviously made an impact judging from the unmistakable glint of fear he had spotted in Mrs. Lambert's eyes. That was why he had said it, because even though the pilfering pictures had already evidently done the trick, his additional plans for the principal's wife today might just require a bit of extra leverage!

What he had in mind was quite risky at this early stage, but he figured that having allowed herself to be degraded in such a humiliating fashion the previous week, the respectable Mrs. Lambert would have no option other than to continue along the downward spiraling path Mike had laid out for her.

Of course, bringing in additional witnesses to her debasement might just prove too much for her to handle, but with the mounting photographic evidence he was accumulating, what choice would she have but to carry on?

He checked his watch and glanced at the classroom door. She had been gone twenty minutes which was plenty of time for her to get changed. Perhaps the frigid bitch was stalling for time. Mike had allowed for a further hour alone together before the others arrived, during which time he wanted to get her accustomed as much as possible to her naughty schoolgirl role. He was about to get up and go looking for her, when the door opened and Mrs. Lambert tentatively poked her head inside.

Mike was relieved that she hadn't bolted, but he made sure that he didn't show it. "Well, come inside then, you silly girl!"

If it was at all possible, Mrs. Lambert's face was even redder than it had been the previous week as she mumbled, "Please, Mike--Mr. Kettle, this is absurd. I feel so--"

"Stupid?" Mike finished for her.

Still hiding behind the door, Mrs. Lambert lowered her eyes and nodded imperceptibly.

"Well, that's because you are. Not only are you a thief, but you are a bad one at that. And now you have been caught and must accept your punishment. Now get in here this instant!"

He was playing the role of a pompous schoolteacher not just to add some authenticity to their role play, but also because it excited him. He suspected that Mrs. Lambert's stealing was the result of an unwanted mental or emotional condition, and that she was anything but proud of it. Now looking at her crestfallen expression as she inched her way around the door, he could see how much his previous words had hurt her! He felt his cock stiffening as he realized that he could exploit her obvious sense of guilt, and more tellingly, how realistic these punishment sessions could become!

Head down, Mrs. Lambert finally revealed herself and slowly approached the desk. Mike's erection quickly intensified as he surveyed the uniform that he had purchased online. He had guesstimated her size while attempting to err on the small side, and he was delighted to see that he had got it just right--at least as far as he was concerned!

Mike had opted for the catholic schoolgirl look, keeping it simple with a plain white blouse and short tartan necktie, plaid skirt, white ankle socks, and shiny black, buckle-up shoes. He had deliberately denied her a bra, and he was pleased to see that Mrs. Lambert had obeyed his instructions precisely by not keeping her own one on. Unfortunately for her, the blouse was so small that it hugged her generous breasts tightly, making her puffy areolas plainly visible through the material. After covering her prominent bust, there was not enough material remaining to tuck into the skirt, and Mrs. Lambert was forced to leave the hem hanging free just above her navel.

The skirt was also ridiculously small for Mrs. Lambert's ample ass, and as she shuffled closer, Mike caught a glimpse of the gray knickers he had chosen for her. Again, these were way too small, and from the self-conscious way she was moving, he suspected that they had already disappeared up into the crack of her fat ass! That would all be checked out in good time.

When the red-faced woman was standing in front of the desk, Mike fished into his pocket and produced two pink satin ribbons. Having forced Mrs. Lambert to participate in her own humiliation by dressing herself so absurdly, this part he wanted to do himself. He stood and came around the desk, and when he reached for Mrs. Lambert's hair, she flinched and drew her head back.

"Stay still," he growled, and then proceeded to pull her strawberry blonde shoulder-length hair out into little bunches and secure them tightly with the ribbons. "There," he said, satisfied with the overall look. "Now that you look the part, we can get started on your detention."

Chapter Seven

As much as she tried to avoid it, Caroline couldn't help but catch her reflection in the glass cabinets, and the sight made her cringe with embarrassment. There were mirrors in the bathroom where she had changed clothes of course, but after examining the idiotic uniform, Caroline had willed herself not to look at herself as she had first stripped off her own clothes and then wriggled herself into the undersize garments. By refusing to acknowledge what he was making her look like, Caroline hoped that perhaps she could mentally distance herself from the humiliations that would surely follow.

But after inadvertently glimpsing her reflection, it was too late to ignore the ludicrous picture she presented, and quite suddenly she really did feel like the naughty little schoolgirl that Kettle wanted to turn her into. She was here after all because she had done wrong, and although Kettle was abusing her in the most immoral ways, a tiny part of her felt that she almost deserved it.

"Take a seat," Kettle said, gesturing to a single chair and desk that he had moved into a space at the front of the class. There was a thick stack of paper on the desk with a pen beside it. Caroline wasn't sure, but it looked suspiciously like the same pen that Kettle had anally violated her with the previous week! Wretchedly she sat, feeling the inadequate skirt riding up as she squeezed her ample buttocks into the seat. At first she was puzzled that she should have such difficulty fitting herself in, but then as her knees bumped up against the underside of the desk, she realized to her disgust that the awful man had somehow procured a chair and desk apparently designed for the fourth grade! Not only was she looking more ridiculous by the minute, but the tight space had added to the discomfort of the restricting blouse and the skin-hugging underwear that was painfully riding up her crotch.

Grinning sadistically, Kettle moved around behind her, and then to her horror she felt him tugging the back of her skirt up and tucking it into its waistband, thus exposing her buttocks. Inexplicably, Caroline suddenly pictured a whole class of kids laughing at her from behind, and she felt another rush of blood to her cheeks before hastily dismissing the image from her mind.

Kettle meanwhile was now rummaging around in his sports bag. Next, she watched with growing dismay as he produced a thin bamboo cane, which he flexed a couple of times before laying it out on the desktop. Now very much aware of why her scantily covered rear had been exposed, Caroline's heart began to pump a little faster.

Kettle then turned his back to her, picked up a piece of chalk, and started to scribble on the blackboard. Jammed into the little chair with her knees raised, and fully aware of how vulnerable she was from behind, Caroline was more concerned about the vicious looking cane on the desk than the sentence Kettle was putting up on the board. For a moment she looked helplessly around at the classroom she had been teaching in for the past three years.

The surroundings were exactly the same as ever, yet she felt as though she had been transported to a fantasy schoolroom from hell!

"Right then," Kettle said, snapping Caroline out of her daze. "I want you to write out this sentence one thousand times. You have an hour to complete your task. I expect the neatest of handwriting, and if you pause at any time whether due to writer's cramp or just plain laziness, if you misspell any of the words or even so much as look up from your work, you will be caned very hard across your ass!"

At first, Caroline just stared at him in disbelief. Last week she had been sexually abused in the most depraved ways, but somehow being treated like a recalcitrant child today seemed that much worse!

"Perhaps you didn't understand me!" Kettle snapped, and before Caroline had gathered her thoughts, he had picked up the cane and walked quickly back around behind her. In a sudden panic, Caroline scrambled for the pen, but her trembling fingers only succeeded in knocking it over the edge of the desk onto the floor.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Caroline tried to lean down to retrieve it, but her adult frame was firmly wedged into the cramped space between the desk and chair. A second later, she heard a sharp crack, followed immediately by an agonizing burning sensation across her buttocks.

"Aah!" Caroline wriggled in her seat, her legs jerking out in front of her.

Kettle picked up the pen and placed it back on top of the stack of paper.

"Now get started before I really lay into your wobbling ass!"

Caroline resisted the urge to reach behind and massage her burning cheeks, and this time managed to pick up the pen without dropping it. Sniffing back a tear, she finally focused on the blackboard, and her misery was now compounded with another flash of outrage as she processed the insulting words that the vulgar little man had put up there: I am a thief, a liar, a dirty cunt, and I deserve to be punished.

As she began to write the devastatingly humbling sentence, the full shame of how she had managed to wind up in this awful predicament finally struck her like a hammer blow.

'I am a thief--'

She was going to have to write it over and over, and even if the other two declarations were patently untrue, there was no way she could deny the first part. Hating herself as much as she did Kettle at this time, Caroline set about her monotonous and soul-crushing chore. Here she was, an educated and dignified woman, a respected figure in the local community, dressed up in an ill-fitting catholic schoolgirl uniform, writing out lines in her very own homeroom!

An unbidden tear landed on the page, and immediately the ink began to run. Caroline instinctively glanced up to see if Kettle had spotted it and in doing so she unwittingly sealed the next part of her fate. He was sitting at her desk again, reading his tablet, but even as she hastily lowered her head, she heard him say, "Good God, woman! Can't you even obey one simple instruction? I told you not to look up until you were finished!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Caroline whimpered, anxiously watching him pick up the dreaded cane. "It won't happen again, I-I promise!"


Mike stood behind Mrs. Lambert and surveyed his inviting target. As with the uniform, he had tried to estimate the correct size when he had borrowed the chair and desk from a friend at the local elementary school, and again he had been very lucky. Mrs. Lambert's plump ass cheeks spilled over the back edge of the seat just enough to present a perfect shot. And jammed in behind the low desk, there wasn't even the slightest possibility of his victim squirming away when the stinging blows landed.

"I don't want apologies," he snarled. "I want obedience! I will turn you into a good girl, even if it takes all year!"

Without warning, he whipped the pliant cane down across her butt cheeks, and then watched in delight as a red welt appeared across her tender flesh. Mrs. Lambert's shoulders tensed and her head came up as she shrieked in pain, but she was well and truly trapped in her chair. With his cock now rigid in his pants, Mike dealt her two more blows in quick succession, reveling in the sound of Mrs. Lambert's cries of anguish echoing around the empty classroom.

"You can stop that sniveling right now and get back to work," he said, admiring the angry stripes that crossed her pale, quivering cheeks. The undersize knickers that he had selected for her had ridden neatly up her ass crack, leaving the rest of her butt effectively naked. Right then, Mike wanted nothing more than to bend her over the desk, pull her underwear down, and give her a good hard rear-end fucking! But there would be plenty of time for that over the coming months, and right now Mike was thoroughly enjoying his stern teacher role--even if Mrs. Lambert wasn't!

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