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The Prisoner Wore Panties Ch. 03

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Trans prisoner attracts the attention of the camp Commandant.
6k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/26/2019
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Chapter Three - Oberst Kurt Wessel

"For god sake will you two at least pretend that you like each other," Benny was exasperated.

Danielle and Steven both had their roles down pat and had mastered all of the scenes, especially the scenes where they argued or fought, but their love scenes were awful. They held each other apart and pecked each other chastely.

"I've told you that I'll fire you and put in the understudies unless you two give me at least one convincing love scene," Benny threw his script on the table and stared at the actors on the stage defiantly.

"Let's try it again please," Benny huffed.

Danielle saw Steven roll his eyes but she had had enough; she was determined to inject some passion into the scene.

When they next kissed Steven was astounded when Danielle pressed herself against him and wrapped him in her arms. She was diminutive and he tall so she had to stand on her tippytoes in her high heels and even then he had to lower his face to hers so that their lips met. Her scent was provocative, her lips soft, and her body inviting. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and he was so bewildered that he immediately reciprocated and kissed her back. She tasted sweet despite the numerous cigarettes they had smoked during rehearsals.

Kissing Danielle was like kissing the sweetest girl he had ever kissed back home in England only twenty times better. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed himself into her and kissed her deeply.

"Finally!" Benny sighed.

"Ok, ok, enough you two, that's scene," he called up at the stage.

They either didn't hear Benny or chose to ignore him as they continued to kiss each other fervidly; their bodies moulded together.

"Ok scene! Cut!" Benny called.

The other actors and lighting technicians stopped what they were doing to watch.

Danielle felt Steven become tumescent and he made no attempt to hide it from her; in fact he pushed the bulge in his trousers against her body. She was glad that she was gaffed because she too was becoming aroused.

Who would have thought this arrogant arsehole would be such a good kisser; she loathed him, but at the same time he excited her.

They finally broke the kiss after what seemed like an eternity; they were both breathless and blushing. They blushed and then flushed redder when everyone in theatre began to applaud; one scallywag even whistled.

"Bravo! Wonderful! Now that's what I've been waiting for! I want that passion during all of your love scenes," Benny beamed.

"Ok; break for lunch then back for another run through," Benny called out to his team.

Danielle turned her back on Steven Boyd and strode away from him before could speak to her. She was confused. She didn't understand how a man could make her feel this way; especially that man! Mary Mayne wasn't required for the rehearsal and was nowhere to be found so she couldn't approach her usual confidant to get advice.

Danielle checked their favourite hidey-hole under the stage but Mary wasn't there. Danielle wanted to be left alone until she could discuss her dilemma with Mary but Steven caught up with her behind the stage. They were alone in the theatre.

She looked down and kicked at the floor with her shoe, unable to meet his gaze and not wanting to talk.

"What was that; just then?" Steven murmured.

Danielle remained silent, looking at her feet.

"Talk to me Danielle," Steve lightly shook her.

"Is that an order sir!" Danielle snapped, glaring at him.

Steven had realised how beautiful Danielle was before the love scene this morning but he couldn't see through the fact that Danielle was Corporal Daniel Collingwood. Now he could see nothing of the aircraftsman, only the beautiful, feminine, seductive creature before him.

"You know I can't order you to kiss me," Steven replied diffidently.

"But I wish I could," he sighed.

Danielle suppressed a grin.

"I still might not let you," Danielle replied impudently but was unable to suppress a smirk.

"What if I just took one?" Steven responded graciously.

"Then I suppose I'd better let you; I wouldn't want you getting into trouble," Danielle simpered.

Steven stepped into Danielle and put his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her softly at first, tasting her lipstick and inhaling her scent then he drew her close to him and slipped his tongue between her lips, probing her mouth. Danielle became light headed and clung to him, responding to his kisses.

She felt him becoming erect and she smiled.

"You think it's funny, the effect you have on me?" Steven chided her blithely.

"Oh no sir; I was merely being responsive to your order," Danielle grinned at him, her voice heavy with sarcasm

"So you will obey me?" Steven played along.

"As your subordinate and your wife I am duty bound," she replied coquettishly, batting her eyelashes for effect.

"You're taking the piss out of me aren't you?" Steven put his hands on her waist and lifted her up and put her on a nearby stool; she felt as light as a feather. Danielle crossed her legs demurely and smoothed her skirt.

"There young lady; now you can be comfortable while we talk," Steven grinned.

"Am I expected to be here for a while then Steven?" she glared at him.

"Not if you obey orders," he grinned back at her.

His eyes sparkled and Danielle was once again taken with his handsomeness.

"I always obey my husband," Danielle said factitiously.

"Then sit up straight," Steven demanded.

Danielle complied, smiling as she did.

"Salute me," he grinned.

Danielle gave him an exaggerated mockery of a salute.

"Look up and then look down," Danielle complied again.

"Uncross your legs," he ordered.

"Why?" she asked.

"So I can make sure you sit up straight and pay attention to me," Steven said sternly.

Danielle did as he was told, reticently uncrossing her legs but keeping them firmly together.

"Open your legs," he said with a dry mouth.

"Why?" she responded.

"So I can run my hand up your thigh," he replied.

Danielle gasped because she had automatically complied with the order and Steven had put his hand under her skirt. Instead slapping his hand away she sat perfectly still.

"You're in breach of regulations sir. We are both technically on duty and you have your hand up my skirt," Danielle remained immobile.

"Only halfway up," he gently stroked the soft skin above her stocking tops.

His fingers fluttered against her skin sending shivers through her.

"Well I still think you should stop sir," Danielle whispered.

Steven stopped stroking her leg but his hand stayed under skirt, his fingers toyed with one of her garter snaps.

"You know you tasted so sweet when I kissed you," he put a finger on her lips.

"That's my lipstick," she bit his finger.

"Well you taste lovely and you are so pretty, so feminine; I can't believe I never noticed before," he started absentmindedly stroking the welt of her stocking again.

She felt herself tremble; she held her breath.

"I asked you to stop sir," Danielle murmured.

"Is that what you really want," he slid his hand further up her skirt.

He explored the soft pale skin above her stocking, then the crease where her thigh met her torso, and finally his fingers slid across the front of her panties.

Danielle gasped.

She put her hand down there and stopped him proceeding any further. She could see the puzzled look on Steven's face, he had obviously expected to find a package in the front of her knickers. He had no idea what a gaff was.

Danielle took advantage of his surprise, as Steven stood stock-still.

She reached out and unzipped him.

"There seems to be something missing from inside your underwear," Steven said; his mouth dry.

"I seem to have found something inside yours," Danielle slipped her fingers inside his flies.

She brushed her fingers against him. She could feel him though his cotton underwear, he was turgid and he gasped as she applied firm pressure to his manhood.

He took his hand from under her skirt and gripped her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her but Danielle turned her face to one side and wouldn't let him. He tried to pull her closer but she wouldn't come; she sat stiffly on the stool, staring into his blue eyes, watching him closely for any reaction as she held him though his underpants.

She squeezed him tightly and Steven began to shake; he thought his knees would buckle. She could feel his penis pulsing as he leaned into her and this time she allowed him to nuzzle her neck.

He tried to put his hand under her skirt again but she closed her legs chastely and wouldn't let him.

"Please?" he begged.

She smiled spitefully as he tried in vein to open her legs.

She stroked his turgid penis; she could feel it quiver, the front of his briefs were wet with precum. He was shuddering and close to release. He was on the edge, nibbling and licking at her earlobe and her neck. His eyes rolled back as his orgasm approached.

Danielle whipped her hand away from him and dropped down off the stool.

"Back to work I think Steven; we still have a lot of rehearsing to do. Are you coming?" she skipped away from him looking back at him over her shoulder and giving him a beatific smile.

As soon as she was out of sight Steven took out his penis and finished what Danielle had started; spilling his seed on the floor, his knees buckled and he held onto the stool to stop from collapsing.

Steven could hear her ringing laughter from the front of the stage; she'd caught up with Mary Mayne and they were talking loudly, probably about him.

"Bitch!" he hissed; but he was smiling as he cleaned up with a handkerchief and put himself away.

There were quite a few love scenes to rehearse before the afternoon was up and Danielle and Steven performed very much to Benny's high standard. If anything, their kisses became even more passionate. At first Steven remained flaccid but by mid afternoon he was hard again; it was a good thing he was wearing baggy trousers. As for Danielle; the crotch of her knickers was soaked by the end of the day.

"It's confusing," Danielle said to Mary as they lay in each other's arms on their blanket under the stage.

"I hate that man so much but I'm infatuated with him," Danielle sighed.

"As your understudy I'm prepared to sacrifice my dignity and let him shag me senseless to save your honour," Mary replied sardonically.

"You're no help," Danielle punched her shoulder.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again; the lady doth protest too much, methinks," Mary chuckled.

"Oh fuck off!" Danielle pouted.

The next day involved more love scenes, which Danielle and Steven performed admirably but outside of their acting on stage Danielle refused to engage with Steven despite his repeated attempts. Steven was becoming frustrated, even a little enraged as Danielle rebuked his every attempt to address her. There was little he could do as the theatre was crowded so it was impossible for him to get her on her own.

When the lunchtime break was announced he looked around for Danielle expectantly but she was nowhere to be seen.

After searching the front of stage he went behind it. Hanging on a coat hanger next the little doorway to the under-stage storage room was Danielle's suit and blouse; her shoes neatly arranged underneath the coat hanger. Two little stockinets filled with rice were stuffed in her shoes; she'd removed her breastforms.

"I thought I'd find you in here," Steven grinned as he opened the hatch and crawled inside.

Because the space was so small he was so tall he had to crawl on his hands and knees.

"What are you doing here?" Danielle was lying on the blanket dressed only in slip, knickers, stockings and bra reading an old magazine.

"I'm looking for my leading lady who seems to have disrobed and crawled into a storage locker for some reason," Steven scooted up and lay down beside her.

"I like it here. It's quiet and I can relax in peace," she said pointedly.

"Relax in your underwear?" Steven replied sharply.

"I have taken off my suit and blouse so as not to wrinkle or smudge them; that really pissed off the costume department," Danielle lit a cigarette.

She did not offer one to Steven.

"Why are you here and more importantly and why are lying beside me uninvited?" she blew smoke at the boards above her head.

Steven took the cigarette from Danielle's fingers and crushed it out. He turned side on and stroked her hair.

"I had this thought yesterday but today I'm going to vocalise it. I've been a bloody fool. I didn't realise how beautiful you really are, not only are you beautiful, but feminine, delightful and intelligent. And I've been such a boor," he continued to stroke her hair.

"Well that's stating the bleeding obvious," Danielle could not meet his eyes.

"You're making this very hard for me Danielle," Steven sighed.

"Is that an attempted double entendre? Are you making a joke at my expense?" Danielle griped.

"No! No! Look I am trying to be contrite. Smithy told me that rather than looking at down my nose at you maybe I should ask you about yourself. I'm trying so dash hard to apologise and I'm afraid I'm ballsing it all up," Danielle grinned at Steven's fumbling attempt to defend himself.

"I don't want to talk about my past. I don't want you to think of me as anyone other the Danielle, your mistress in the play and your wife when we escape," Danielle turned to face him.

"Done," Steven's smile was almost irresistible.

"No! Not for that reason! We need to remain in character so that we don't make any mistakes," Danielle pushed him away as he tried to kiss her.

But Steven had seen a smile cross her face and he pressed his advantage. Despite her struggles he pulled her to him and kissed her. Danielle ceased to struggle and responded, slipping her tongue into his mouth. She lifted her leg over his and his hand went to it, he smoothed the satin slip up and down her stocking-sheathed thigh and she gasped into his mouth. When his hand found her knickers she pushed it away.

"I'm sorry; I've been presumptuous and gone too far," Steven sighed.

"Hurry, we don't have much time," Danielle fumbled at his belt, hastily unbuckling it.

She helped him shuck down his trousers as he kicked off his shoes. His briefs followed his trousers and Steven was naked from the waist down. Danielle took his erection in her hand and squeezed it as she kissed him.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked as she slid under him.

"Oh god yes," Steven groaned as he rubbed his erect penis on the front of her nylon panties.

His hands found her little breasts and flicked her already erect nipples.

"They're tiny," Danielle moued.

"They're perfect; just like you," Steven lowered his face and kissed her as he stroked her flat chest.

Danielle sensed his urgency and guided him inside the leg of her knickers and pressed his glans to her puckered bud. She locked her arms around his shoulders and rose up, impaling herself on his rampant phallus. It was long and thick and it slid all the way inside her. She had prepared herself for this eventuality.

"What about?" Steven gasped as she locked her legs around him and began to rock back and forth.

Danielle was gaffed; she didn't want Steven to have to worry about her. She didn't want to see the look of disgust on his face when her felt her penis become erect in her knickers. She kept it taped between her legs, it was turgid and a little painful but it didn't matter, this was all for Steven. She wanted to be a woman for him; nothing else.

They kissed as Danielle mewed and whimpered beneath him and Steven fucked her with long slow strokes. His cock felt wonderful inside her and she squeezed her anal muscles and her sphincter as Mary had taught her to do to increase his pleasure. Steven's glans pressed on that special place causing her to leak pre-ejaculate into her already wet knickers.

"Oh my god!" Steven moaned and Danielle felt him ejaculate.

She held him tight and kissed him as he climaxed; filling her with his warm seed. Steven shuddered and groaned; closing his eyes in a paroxysm as his orgasm peaked.

The lovers lay in each other's arms and allowed sublime feelings of contentment envelop them, they kissed and caressed and said very little.

"We need to go," Danielle whispered in Steven's ear.

"I don't want to. I want to stay here with you forever," he languished in her arms.

"Don't be silly," she pushed him away from her.

Steven's penis slipped out of the leg of her knickers; it was still erect despite his recent orgasm. With difficulty he pulled on his underpants and trousers and sat crouching as he tied his shoes. Danielle wiped between her legs and rearranged her underwear. Steven scooted out of the hatch and checked that the coast was clear. He wanted to stay and help her dress but she shooed him away.

"I think it's in both of our best interests if we keep this a secret," she said as she pushed her breastforms into the cups of her brassiere.

Steven nodded.

"When can I see you again? You know... like this I mean?" he was like a love-struck schoolboy.

Danielle made another shooing motion and gave him an angry look. He knew better than to press her.

She had nearly finished dressing and reached behind her for her jacket only to find that Mary Mayne was holding her jacket open for her.

"Having a little lunchtime nap were we?" she carped.

"Something like that," Danielle put her arms into the sleeves and began to button the jacket.

"Your knickers are wet," Danielle instinctively put her hand under her skirt to check.

"Gottcha," Mary winked at her friend, turned on her heels and sashayed away.

Oberst Kurt Wessel was the Officer in Charge of Stalag Luft Oberursel. He was a handsome man in his forties and had an affinity for the prisoners in his charge. Unlike the Stalags run by the Wehrmacht, Oberst Wessel insisted that his prisoners were not brutalised, were well fed within the bounds of the victuals available, and were kept occupied with useful activities.

He was also a fervent supporter of the Oberium Theatre and had a penchant for the prettiest of Benny's Girls. He had heard that the new lead in Benny's latest production was quite a dish and decided to find out for himself.

"Attention!" Aircraftman Harry Bollard ordered when Oberst Wessel and his adjutant entered the theatre during the afternoon rehearsals.

"As you were," the Oberst spoke very good English, which was one of the reasons he had been selected as OIC of the camp.

"Carry on please," he waved at the actors on the stage.

Benny Benquist pranced over to the Oberst.

"You're not doing a musical number this time Benny?" the Oberst sounded disappointed.

"Something contemporary sir; an American play 'Clash by Night', a romantic triangle drama," Benny explained.

The Oberst watched the actors rehearsing; he was particularly taken by the actress playing Danielle Wilenski and said as much to Benny.

"Yes she's quite a find sir; would you like to know which airman she is?" Benny knew what the answer would be before he asked the question.

Many of the admirers of Benny's Girls did not want their fantasy ruined by knowing whom the man was inside the woman.

"The Oberst shook his head," but remained captivated by Danielle.

"Bring her to dinner tonight along with yourself. Adjutant! Send Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington my regards and invite him to my house for dinner tonight," the Oberst ordered, never taking his eyes off Danielle.


"Exactly what we didn't want! Danielle has been bought to the attention of the camp commander and his officers," Flight Lieutenant Steven Boyd said sulkily to the gathered Escape Committee.

"On the contrary. I see this as an opportunity to our advantage; we might gain valuable intelligence. If the Oberst is unaware that I speak German who knows what he will let slip during the dinner," Danielle countered.


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