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The Prisoner Wore Panties Ch. 04

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The POW trannies put on their play and attend an after-party.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/26/2019
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Chapter Four - Over The Wire

"How did you get this Intelligence. You were in his bedroom? He fucked you didn't he?" once again Steven could not control his petulance.

Danielle had been summoned to present the intelligence she had gained at the Oberst's house during the dinner the previous night. Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington had been angry with her for taking the interlude with Oberst Wessel. He was not naïve; he knew that Benny's Girls traded sex for favours with the guards and also knew that Kurt Wessel had a reputation for lusting after the prettier and more effeminate of Benny's Girls but he thought Danielle's actions last night were in very bad taste.

That said; Danielle claimed to have found vital intelligence and he was not going to say no to that.

Danielle was dressed in the brown skirt and jacket suit that she wore for many of the scenes in Clash by Night and Steven was also dressed in a civilian suit. They looked like a married couple arguing with each other as they strode across the prison compound. Danielle refused to be drawn on the matter of whether or not she'd had sex with the Oberst; as far as she was concerned it was none of Steven's business.

They hushed themselves when they arrived at the Wing Commander's hut. The Escape Committee posted a couple of 'cockatoos' outside the hut to make sure there were no guards around then bought the meeting to order.

"So what's this vital intelligence you obtained for us last night and why must we bring forward your escape to opening night?" Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington got straight to the point.

"Why is our escape being bought forward?" Steven interjected.

"I've had just about enough of you Flight Lieutenant Boyd! One more interruption or tantrum and you're off the Escape Committee," Smithy growled.

Steven glowered at Danielle but kept silent.

"I found a packet of letters addressed to Oberst Wessel from Generallieutenant Ernst Huber, Commander 17th Infantry Division Frankfurt, in the Oberst's bedroom," Danielle began and Steven grated his teeth with anger when Danielle mentioned the word 'bedroom'.

She handed over the letter she had taken from the Oberst's house.

"The Generallieutenant is negotiating with the Oberst to supply prison work-gangs to help build fortifications around Frankfurt. The way I see it sir there are two ways to play it. One is to refuse to work because it is contrary to the Geneva Convention to make prisoners work for the enemy war effort or you could use the opportunity to gain more intelligence or even organise more escapes while the men are working outside the camp," Danielle explained.

"But the pressing factor for me personally and for Flight Lieutenant Boyd is our looming escape. I believe I've found the perfect way to go over the wire, or should I say walk through the wire!" Danielle grinned.

She described how the inner security fence adjoined the Oberst's house providing no security and then explained how the Oberst or one of predecessors had installed a private gate in the outer fence.

"We will only be able to use this means of escape once; then the Germans will fix their lapse in security but the opportunity to use it at all is limited, so I say we do so on the opening night of Clash by Night."

"As Steven here said, the Oberst always puts on a party for the principals of the cast after opening night," then Danielle extrapolated her escape plan.

"Bloody good Intel Colly err Danielle! You can leave the Escape Committee to make a decision on what to do with it, but work with The Shop with the view to yourself and Steven going over the wire on opening night. Get Benny to make it the night of a new moon so that it's pitch black, we'll alert the local Resistance to set up a rendezvous and safe house for you. One again jolly good! If I didn't know it was Colly under that lipstick and powder I'd kiss your cheek," Smithy made a waving motion, dismissing the two actors.

Steven was livid at being dismissed but he held his temper; at least until they got to the theatre.

"So what did it cost you? Your dignity? Your loyalty? Your shame?" Steven pushed Danielle on the shoulder to punctuate each sentence.

Finally Danielle had enough.

"I let the Oberst fuck me! But no, not really! I seduced him! I rubbed against him like a strumpet then presented myself to him like a harlot! I wriggled my buttocks and when he fucked me I moaned like a whore and came in my knickers!" Danielle screamed at him.

The rest of cast was awestruck; they stopped what they were doing and stared, fascinated by the performance.

This time Steven didn't hold back. He slapped Danielle across the face.

Danielle's eyes filled with tears but she refused to cry or touch the red mark on her face. She kept her head held high and strode away to the back of the stage.

Benny clapped his hands loudly.

"Come on people we don't have time for real life drama; we have a play to put on. Now let's take it from act two scene four please," Benny got everyone to focus on the task at hand but he was secretly dying to know what had bought that display on.

Danielle shucked out of her skirt and jacket and hung them on the coat hanger outside of the crawl space and crawled into her hidey-hole under the stage. She was livid and her face smarted. She was so angry with Steven that she couldn't speak.

As she half-expected Steven to follow her. He too shucked out of his suit; Benny would never forgive any actor for ruining valuable wardrobe pieces. He looked ridiculous dressed in shirt, tie, underpants and socks but Danielle was in no mood for levity.

Danielle was lying on her back dressed in her slip, stockings, bra and panties. She had just lit a cigarette and was propped on her elbows.

"Look Danielle I'm sorry that I..." Steven never got to finish the sentence.

Danielle threw her cigarette away, grabbed his tie and pulled him on top of her. She crushed her lips against his and drove her tongue into his mouth. Steven was so surprised that at first he struggled but Danielle locked her legs around him and put her arms inside his shirt and held him tight while she savagely kissed him, dragging her nails across his flesh. She bit his lip and drew blood as she writhed under him; grinding her crotch against his.

Steven became tumescent despite his initial resistance and Danielle reached down and freed him from his underpants. She tore off her gaff and her own erect penis sprang free of its confines and tented her knickers. She rubbed her panty-clad cock on Steven's and he groaned and responded in kind. Then she slipped his tumescent phallus inside her panties and positioned his glans at her sphincter and drove herself upwards, impaling herself on his penis.

She slavered at his mouth while she rutted beneath him, Steven drove himself in her as deep as he could and then withdrew and then thrust again. Danielle impatiently rose up and down; her legs locked around Steve's back as she fucked him. The feeling of his rock-hard manhood scouring her unlubricated anus was at first painful, but delightfully painful; his pre-ejaculate soon provided enough lubrication and the pain eased.

Steven was astounded when she rolled him over and sat astride him, rocking back and forth on her heels; the feel of her tight anus squeezing his cock was bringing him to extremis. Danielle felt his need and impatiently freed her own penis from the confines of her panties. Steven gripped her hips and drove upward with all his might as he ejaculted deep inside her. Danielle stroked her cock and shot her load across Steven's belly, she fell forward and kissed him passionately as she ground against him, her anus milking him of his seed as her own penis gushed forth the last of her spend.

Despite Steve's desire to kiss and cuddle, Danielle pushed herself off him as soon as she had finished and began wiping herself with a towel that was kept in the hidey-hole just for such contrivances. She sat keeling with her knickers around her thighs while she replaced her gaff. Steven lay on the blanket panting; surprised and exhausted. He had never had a woman use him like that.

She threw the towel at Steven and began to back out the hidey-hole.

"Get cleaned up and get dressed; we're on stage in twenty minutes," she snarled at him and slammed the hatch shut behind her.

While she was dressing and fixing her makeup she saw Benny Benquist lurking nearby bursting with impatience to find out what had happened in the Oberst's bedroom last night. Danielle strode over to him and snatched the pages for the scene they were about to rehearse out of his hand.

"I fucked the Oberst! Is that what you want to hear!" she hissed at him.

"Well! It's not for me to take anyone's inventory. Mary fucks him almost every opening night," Benny flounced and began to walk away.

"And I just fucked Steven!" she called after him.

"Hope his bottom doesn't hurt!" Benny called back and instinctively ducked as one of Danielle's high heels flew past his ear.

The rehearsal went well; Benny didn't have to encourage Danielle and 'the drifter, Earl Pfeiffer' to engage each other passionately. Their love scenes were as equally passionate as the scenes where they fought vehemently; the actors didn't really need to act, they simply personified how they felt about each other in real life.

Steven was desperate to ask Danielle where the impulse and motivation for their torrid interlude under the stage had come from but he refused to give her the satisfaction of asking, knowing full well that she would have a flippant reply ready. Between scenes they kept apart from each other.

"Trouble in paradise?" Mary Mayne asked as they shared cigarettes out the back of the theatre.

Danielle told her everything that had happened at the Oberst's house.

"The Oberst is a randy old goat but he knows how to wield that long thick sword of his," Mary grinned.

"Apparently you have been impaled on it more that once?" Danielle's repartee was in good order.

"I'm his favourite; unless a pretty new thing arrives on his doorstep," Mary looked pointedly at Danielle.

"Well I have a proposal for you that will see us both get to parry with the Oberst's sword at the opening night party," Danielle smirked.

"A threesome? You are moving up the world Miss Bouvier," Mary was intrigued.

Danielle explained her plan to Mary but provided her with only limited information. Intelligence regarding planned escapes was kept very much 'need to know'.

Danielle chased down Benny and told him that Smithy had green-lit her and Steven's escape for the opening night of Clash by Night, and that he needed to open on the next new moon.

Benny took it like a bombshell; his lead actress and actor would be gone after their first performance.

"Look Mary Mayne has understudied my part and she will be as good as me and Steven's understudy is already far better in the part than Steven is," Danielle said.

"But you two now have the fire I need from my two lead performers," Benny was nearly in tears.

"Well I suggest you arrange a little interlude between Mary Mayne and Bob Reilly so they can ignite a flame. Knowing Mary as I do, she will certainly inject some passion into their performance," Danielle proposed.

"You know; I do love intrigue and playing matchmaker; I suppose I could get an appetite for what you propose," Danielle could almost see the wheels turning inside Benny's brain.

"Also I need you to use your influence with the Oberst to ensure that Steven, Mary and I get invited to the opening night party as the principal performers," Danielle said instantly.

"I can do that darling. It will hopefully be the last time we are together until you get to Blighty. And when I get to Blighty will I meet Corporal Daniel Collingwood or will I meet the enchanting Miss Danielle Bouvier?" Benny's eyes lit up.

Danielle just gave him a knowing smile and walked away. She then set her resolve and approached Steven.

"We need to go to The Shop together to finalise arrangements for our escape; Smithy green lighted it this morning and the next new moon is next Friday so Clash by Night will premier then," Danielle said coolly.

"I see once again I have been left out of the decision making process and am being informed by a subordinate," Steven sounded exasperated.

"Smithy told you that I am in charge of our escape. I've been over the wire before so I know what's out there, I speak perfect French and very good German, and our backstory involves me being the principal. Why wouldn't I be in charge? You've been told to leave your rank behind for this Steven. Don't you want to get back to England?" Danielle was vexed because she once again had to deal with Stevens's stubbornness.

"Go on your own for all I care! You really don't need me; your cover will hold up without me," Steven sulked.

"You don't mean that," Danielle put her hand on his shoulder.

"You know I have feelings for you but you behave like a whore," Steven hissed.

Danielle laughed abruptly.

"Oh I'm so sorry Steven but the absurdness of that statement was just too much!" Danielle began.

"I'm a transvestite and yes I have feminine feelings and feel totally like a woman the reality is... well you know what the reality is."

"Do you think I can live like this in England; live as a woman? I really want to and possibly will try to but I will eventually be exposed for what I am and my life won't be worth living. You won't want anyone to know that you were associated with me as Danielle."

"And as for behaving like a whore I do what I have to do to ensure my escape; and I will possibly have to so again outside the wire. I do have feelings for you Steven but you make it almost impossible for me to lo.. to like you when you behave so petulantly," Danielle sighed.

"You were going to say 'love'," Steven searched her eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Danielle turned away and rummaged in her purse for cigarettes as an excuse not to look at him.

"You were going to say 'love' and then you changed it to 'like'," Steven began to smile.

"You're being silly," Danielle blushed and pretended to remove a piece of tobacco from her tongue.

"You think what you want to think and I'll think what I want to think. When shall we go to The Shop Madame Bouvier?" Steven grinned.

"No time like the present," Danielle offered her hand and Steven took it.

Once again they looked like a married couple crossing the prison grounds.

"Looks like they've kissed and made up," Mary commented to Benny as they both leaned against the wall of the Oberium Theatre, smoking.

"It's like reading a cheap romance model; those two fight and then they make up, a match made in heaven," Benny quipped and they both doubled over with laughter.

Aircraftman Harry Bollard, The Shop's 'procurer' met Danielle and Steven and took them to the costume department first.

"The costumes we have made for you for the play will be adequate for your needs; you only want to carry a small suitcase each. When you finish the play we will have clothes laid out for you both to wear to the Oberst's party and will pack the clothes you wore in the last scene of the play and you're good to go. There will be underwear and a change of shoes in the cases too; please be careful with your stockings, they are ridiculously hard to come by and very expensive," he eyed Danielle.

Next they moved onto the print shop which was busy running up posters for Clash by Night. Harry took them into a small closet for privacy.

"Here are your French National Identity cards issued by the Vichy government and German travel documents approving you both to travel to your final destination at Calais. Here is a 'laissez passer' signed by Generallieutenant Ernst Huber, Commander 17th Infantry Division Frankfurt authorising Madame Danielle Bouvier to travel to Calais in order to undertake interpreter duties at the Command Post for German Forces in the Pas-de-Calais."

"That letter that you stole for the Oberst provided an excellent stencil for us to duplicate, especially the letterhead and the General's signature," he patted Danielle's shoulder.

"We will provide you with a small amount of Reichsmarks, but we expect our Resistance operatives to provide you with the rest of the funds you will need to complete your escape," Harry explained.

"Everything you see here will be put into the two suitcases and left at a pre-determined pickup point of which I have not yet been informed. Need to know and all that," Harry winked and tapped the side of nose.

"I know where that will be," Danielle replied and Steven huffed as he once again felt left out.

The opening night of Clash by Night played to a packed house which was only to be expected as it was one of the few forms of creative entertainment the prisoners had. The audience comprised prisoners of war and their guards, even those guards who couldn't speak English could follow the simple plot. The camp guard towers remained fully manned but the internal guard posts were denuded to allow the majority of the German soldiers to attend the play. All of Benny's Girls dressed up for the occasion, even though most of them were not actually in the play. They paired off with both prisoners and guards depending on who took their fancy or who could provide them with appropriate recompense.

The play was a resounding success and Benny was thrilled. Of course the Oberst and his senior staff attended, as did Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington. Smithy and the Oberst's senior staff declined the invitation to attend the opening night party however, but this expected. A select few of Benny's Girls would be invited to amuse the male party guests and neither Smithy nor the Oberst's senior officers had the stomach for watching a bunch of transvestites' flirt with the party guests. They also knew that some of them would sneak away for salacious rendezvous, which they found quite distasteful.

Wing Commander Smyth-Waddington also wanted to be ready in case the planned escape that night went awry. He also needed to be kept informed of its progress. Also, as the escape would be initiated from the Oberst's house he didn't want to be present, so that he had plausible deniability.

The Principals of the cast were of course invited and Danielle raced backstage after the curtain calls to get changed out of the suit she was wearing on stage. She freshened her makeup and slipped into the same red satin sheath-dress with sequin highlights and split up one side that she worn previously. She wished that she had something more practical to wear during the escape but she had to dress glamorous for the party to avoid suspicion. Harry Bollard himself took her suit and packed it away in her suitcase.

Props from various stage productions were delivered to the Oberst's house to be used as party decorations. The guards paid scant attention to the two small suitcases that accompanied the props; the guards simply assumed that there were costumes or such inside the suitcases to be used for decoration. Harry Bollard had been informed where to leave the two suitcases, and with almost unfettered access to the house they were easily concealed.

Mary Mayne looked almost as stunning as Danielle, wearing the same dress but in blue. She and Danielle joined up with Steven Boyd, Bob Reilly and Benny Benquist who had somehow acquired a tuxedo for the occasion. Of the English party guests only Danielle, Steven, and Benny knew that an escape was going to be attempted.

After passing the reduced security at the guardhouse to the housing compound gate they entered the Oberst's house to a standing ovation. There had to be forty or fifty people milling around which was a perfect distraction for their task. As the principals it was expected that they would mingle and talk to each of guests, which they did. Danielle was keen to get away but she knew that being patient was essential. The plan needed to go like clockwork.


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