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The Promised Princess

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Prince must take the place of his sister to save his people.
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Note: Hey! This is more or less just a boy pretending to be a girl. So not really trans or crossdressing per se. This is the second story I written in third person so it's a little rough. I find writing in third person way harder than first. And well writing is just hard in general but I do this for fun anyways. Another warning is that there is violence and fighting in this story. I hope you enjoy and if you did not I apologize.

All characters are 18+


The Kings Chambers

"My lord Myer, we will not survive an invasion from Esca if we do not abide by the treaty."

"The treaty that my father signed when he was King. I am the King now. I will not give up my daughter to that filthy man."

"That filthy man controls an army of 60,000 men, with some of the greatest horsemen in the world. We are only a city. A city of artists, slaves, and drunks. Our allies have retreated, they will not help us anymore. My King, we cannot break this treaty."

"Then we will just retreat as well. Convince one of our so-called allies to fight in open land."

"They will not help us. They are preparing their defenses already. They will not have us nor do they have the supplies to accompany our men."

Myer falls onto his chair causing a squeak due to his large weight moving the chair as he sits.

"Sy, you are my general. You must be able to devise a way to protect us."

Sy sighs and states frankly, "Marry your daughter to the King of Esca. He is the only one who will marry your daughter. I don't need to remind you of the bad omen both of your children have since they are twins. The priests have been predicting this since they were born. The people are scared because of them. Separate the two so the omen can break. We must do this."

Myer sighs and turns his head to the fireplace. "Even so, Mila will never agree to this. She will end up assassinating the man instead of marrying him."

"We must make her then. Convince her, offer her something. Ultimately, your duty as the king of Athana is to leave our city safe and ready for Maxim to rule."


"Come on you, brat. I'm going to be late. You always take forever getting ready."

"At least I put effort into how I look. Maybe someone will marry you if you learned a few things from me."

"Shut it, Maxim, before I shove this dagger in your throat."

"God, you are so violent, Mila. No man will ever have you."

"Good, I'll cut the man's balls before he lays with me. Now get your horse and ride. We are about to miss the guard shift."

Every fifth night, the twins sneak their way out of the relatively small palace they call home precisely at the time two guards by the gate end their shift and are replaced by the night shift guards. As the two guards' backs turn and the replacement guards come up from the stairs, the twins swiftly ride past the gate and into the town square.

Mila and Maxim ride with hoods covering their face, wearing modest brown servant garbs to not draw attention to their royal standing. They ride past farmers, miners, artists, priests, and medics all spending their night at their favorite tavern, indulging in the unique flavored apple and pear wine and ale of Athana.

Even though Athana is just a city-state, it has been peaceful due to the surrounding mountain ranges from the front and the sides and the ocean protecting its back. It is a bustling trading city due to its proximity and neutrality between the kingdom of Esca from the east and the collection of small, allied kingdoms from the west.

In recent years, Athana and the alliance's peace has been disturbed due to the ambitions of the King of Esca, Peres. It has been rumored that on Peres' forty-eighth birthday, his priests foretold by his fiftieth year, "A King of unmatched prowess, his might resounds, his glory imprinted upon every heart." Throughout his life, Peres was searching for any reason to conquer the small kingdoms and bring all of them under his rule. His ambitions were always bigger than just maintaining peace. This prophecy gave him all the reasons to act on his ambitions. So after a year, spies from all the small kingdoms have notified their respective kings that Peres is now on the move with his newly formed army.

But, with the way people are drinking, fucking, and partying, one would not know that war would be afoot. Not even the two twins who revel for nights like this. To escape their palace and their royal duties and indulge themselves.

After riding past the city center and houses made of stone and block, the twins arrive near a dark corridor and tie their horses near the usual tavern. They both unrobe and walk to a wooden door in the dark alley.

"Please don't die today. I still haven't come up with a reason if that were to happen." Maxim says to his sister as she reveals her sleeveless white cloth shirt and brown pants with her short dark hair. She puts on a cloth around her lower face to obstruct her feminine features. Only her piercing blue eyes were in view. She always thanked the lord that she had small enough breasts for them to not be noticeable.

"You don't have to worry about me. None of these brutes can best me." Mila replies looking at her brother put on a slave collar made of white beads. And the white slave bra and panties hid any suspicion that this boy was the heir to the throne. Or that he was a boy at all due to the perfectly layered makeup he put on thanks to the lessons he learned from spying on his sister's feminine lessons. Mila knew why men would lust after her brother, his blue eyes were seductive in nature and his straight black hair was more beautiful than her rough short hair. Mila continued, "Why do you even dress as a slave? It's so offputting."

Maxim smiled and replied, "Because these brutes fuck better when they think you are a slave."

"I question if we are still twins. How did you end up being such a girly boy." Mila responded with disdain

"I should say the same with you being so cruel. " The twins look at each other as if they are looking in the mirror of themselves. They always said their mother and the gods got it wrong when they were living inside her. Mila was supposed to be Maxim and Maxim was supposed to be Mila.

They just smiled at their usual jabs at each other and open the door to the underground establishment. The sound of drums and yelling fill their ears as they walk through the cramped hallway.

"Alright, all you degenerates of 'The Void.' Our next fight is about to begin. Place your bets, drink your wine, fuck your whores, and revel in the next contests." The master of ceremonies announces to the hundreds of men, women, and whores cramped in the small underground arena.

"This is where we part, sister. Don't die." Maxim says with a little worry in his voice.

"Never will. Go fuck your brutes." Mila replies with a sly, reassuring smile.

Mila walks down the hall, shoves her way through the crowd, and jumps into the sandy pit.

"I'm here. My stupid slave made me late." Mila says to the master of ceremonies.

The master whispers back, "Sounds like you need to beat your slave like how you beat these poor excuses of men."

Mila rolls her eyes, "I should, shouldn't I? Maybe one day. But he's too valuable even though he's unbearable. Now announce me so I can have my fun."

The master nods, smiles, and announces to the crowd, "Thank you for waiting everyone. Our next fighter has appeared. Welcome back to The Void our youngest fighter, the undefeated fighter, fighting with only two small daggers, the future champion of The Void, SoulBlade!"

Mila raises her fist, daggers in hand, and drinks in the cheers of the crowd. Ale and beer spew into the pit as the crowd cheers for her. Mila has been fighting here ever since her eighteenth birthday. The crowd has fallen for her nimble, fast moves and fearless determination. Taking on every man that comes her way and leaves unscathed but for a scar left on her right shoulder from her first fight. The whole crowd thinks she is just some small boy who can wield two daggers. And she enjoys the fact they think she's a boy. There was excitement from killing a brute while fooling the crowd.

The master announced Mila's opposition and in came a tall, large man who looked undeniably lethal. Hailed as an ex-foot soldier who was decommissioned due to killing his captain. He roared and spread his arms, with a short sword in hand, trying to impose his large stature. But, Mila just stood there and smiled behind her mask. She rapidly tapped the hilt of her dagger waiting to enjoy herself. To her, there was no better feeling than bringing down a cocky piece of shit.

At the same time, Maxim made his way to what was known as "The Prize Station" of the Void. Here slaves, whores, and free men and women offered themselves as prizes for the men and sometimes women who won in the pit. Each room had a small window where the crowd could watch the winners fuck their prize if they were not interested in the present fight.

"Ugh, my girl, you are always late! I need to have a talking to with your master, Ava." The master of slaves said to Maxim. The master tapped her finger on her cheek in a disapproving matter.

Maxim smiled hearing his girly name. "I will let my master know of your intentions. But, what room shall I occupy tonight?"

"The twelfth room, my girl. Better hurry up. The winner of the last match is already on his way to that room." The master leaned down to Maxim's ear and whispered, "I heard the man is a foreign slave. He is not used to... girls like you."

Maxim whispered back, "Then I should introduce him to one of Athana's greatest delights." Maxim kissed the master's cheek and made his way to his designated room.

As Maxim, made his way to the room, the men and women in the crowd took pleasure in grabbing his petite, perky ass that was on full display due to his small underwear. His cock ached with every touch, getting him hornier and hornier for the man he is going to please.

Maxim entered his small room which only had the essentials, a ceramic pitcher of water and wine on a nightstand and a bed. He laid down on the bed and started to rub his brown nipples and his pink hole at the thought of a man coming to fuck him. Only warriors knew how to fuck him the way he wanted it. But as he was about to get lost in his lust, he suddenly heard from the crowd, "Soul draws blood! I can't believe it!" Maxim gets up and goes to the window to try and sneak a peek at his sister fighting.

Maxim had nothing to worry about. Mila was fast, most likely the fastest fighter in the city. She overwhelmed the large brute with her constant movement and swift pace. Each dagger found a cut with each move she took. The brute could only stand there and take it as each swing of his sword nearly missed Mila by the tiniest of inches. The crowd relished at the sight. A large man being dissected by what seemed to be a small boy. After twenty cuts to each part of his body, the brute finally caught Mila on his side and landed a hard hit with the hilt of sword on the side of Mila's jaw. Mila had to step back as she visibly shaken by the hard strike.

The crowd gasped at the sudden hit by the brute. Mila was unphased. She gathered herself, looked at the brute with her wicked blue eyes, shook her head, and spit out blood from her mouth.The brute grew confident. He shouted and charged Mila that would have made any man in the crowd stand paralyzed in fright. But Mila met his charge and slid past him as she cut his right Achilles in half with one stroke of her dagger. The brute flew head-first into the wall which caused that part of the wall to rumble at the impact and many of drinks to spill on the brutes back.

His face was damaged, but much worse was how his body was dripping blood from each part of his body. Mila got up, grabbed his neck, and announced to the crowd with a voice that she tried to sound masculine but was still fairly high-pitched, "Shall I put this man away?"

The crowd was boisterous in affirmation of what they wanted. Mila made one last cut to the throat and the crowd roared in her victory. The master of ceremonies returned and announced, "Winner, once again, SoulBlade!"

After a couple of deep breaths, Mila whispered to the master, "Again."

The master nodded in approval. He was more than willing to let one his most popular attractions entertain the crowd once more.

Maxim heard the crowd chant "Soul, Soul, Soul," and he fell back onto the bed in relief that she won her fight. As he laid down, a burly man with black chest hair crossed his window which made him hot again. Then that same man opened the door and made his way into the prize room.

The burly man went wide-eyed and licked his lips at the sight of Maxim, "Looks like I got lucky tonight. I love thin, black-haired girls."

Maxim's cock pulsed at the same time. The man had broad shoulders, a large and wide core, and a body that looked like it could envelop his. He was only wearing a loin cloth so all of his big muscles and hair were exposed to Maxim's eyes. Maxim thought to himself that he got lucky too.

Maxim rubbed his tummy and his nipples and seductively said, "My name is Ava, I am your prize for the night." Maxim turned to his side showing the man his plump ass which was clear of any blemishes.

The man undid his loin cloth and simply said, "My name is Mosko." Maxim's eyes went buggy as Mosko's large cock was unveiled to him. He's had big cocks before. But he knew this expression invigorated men.

Mosko came to the bed and dug at Maxim's clothes. Mosko wanted all of Maxim. He was hungry after winning his fight. He needed to fuck. But as he got Maxim's panties off, his face went to shock from what he saw.

"What the... what the fuck is that?" Mosko stammered through his words.

Maxim brought his hand to the tiny steel cage encompassing his cock. "I heard you were a foreigner so you must not be familiar with this. We call this a slave cage. All of the slave boys who pleasure real men wear these. It is a secret delicacy of this city." Maxim rubbed the slit of his cock which was the only part that was exposed from the cage. The steel cage kept his cock small and made him and all the other slave boys need the attention of real men.

At of the many nightly parties at the palace, Maxim cornered one of the slave boys who were used by his father and the palace advisors and took the boy's slave cage for his own. He put on the cage and went straight to 'The Void' with his sister. After that night, he loved the pleasure he got from fucking with the slave cage on. It made him feel even more girly than he already felt.

"I have never fucked a boy before. We don't have boys like you from my country." Mosko said still bewildered. Maxim thought Mosko's accent was sexy and wanted to fuck him even more.

"That's fine Mosko. In this country, slave boys are girls anyways. So treat me like the girly bitch I am. Don't I look like a girl anyways? Come and fuck me. You earned it." Maxim falunted his body at Mosko and he knew his best asset was his pale, petite ass that made many fighters beg for another night with the girl "Ava."

Mosko took in the sight of Maxim and stroked his cock. Maxim brought his small hands to the man's hairy chest and laid him down.

Maxim got on top of Mosko and straddled the man's hips while taking control of his cock. "You must be tired from your fight. Rest, relax and let me please you."

Maxim ground his ass on the man's cock and once he felt the cock pulse, he brought the tip right to his entrance and teased the man to no end.

"Put it inside you Ava. Put my cock in your hole."

"Just what I wanted to hear." Maxim plopped the head of Mosko's cock in his hole. Both moaned as they got the pleasure they wanted. Maxim loved the feeling of being filled up by a real man. He moved deeper onto his cock as he watched the man's face fill with pleasure.

"I never knew girly boy holes like this could feel so good."

"Better than any woman you've had?"

"So much better," Mosko moaned as Maxim rode his cock faster.

"Let me show you even more." Maxim put all of his weight on the man's hips and holds him down as he clenches and pulses his ass on the man's cock. Mosko howls in pleasure which brings the attention of a number of onlookers jostling for position at the window.

"That girly boy has the best ass." One man said at the window.

"Makes me want to risk my life for that ass pussy." Another said.

"You would never, you scared pussy. "Another responded.

Mosko slaps and claws at Maxim's ass as his warm hole makes the cum rise to the very tip of his cock.

"Cum for me. Cum in my mouth. You deserve it for winning your fight." Maxim says as he gets off Mosko's cock and takes it in his mouth. Maxim can only take half the man's cock but he sucks hard while both of his hands stroke the other half. Mosko groans as he losses control and unloads inside Maxim's mouth. Maxim could only swallow the initial burst as the rest fell down his chin."

"I need to tell my master we should stay in this city more so I could fuck you," Mosko says as he comes down from his orgasmic high.

"Only if you keep surviving in the pit. I heard that SoulBlade is killing every man in there." As Maxim said that, the master of ceremonies once again said "Winner, SoulBlade!"

"I will kill any man to fuck you again," Mosko said with pride.

"We will see about that." Maxim got up and was about to head out.

But then Mosko said, "Im not done fucking you tonight, Ava."

Maxim smiled at the sound of his girly name and that this big man still wanted him. Mosko got up and hauled Maxim back to the bed and put Maxim on all fours. Mosko bit his lip at the sight of Maxim's gaped hole winking back at him, knowing his cock is the reason for the pulsing.

Mosko lined his cock to Maxim's hole and drove in. He groaned, feeling the boy's warm hole again. He fucked with abandon as Maxim yelped in surprise and pleasure. Maxim's eyes went doe and his mind was numb as Mosko's cock drove harder and harder until Maxim was laying flat. Mosko picked up the vase of wine and drank nearly half the vase and poured the other on Maxim's back. Maxim's caged cock was grinding on the bed and his girly moans were competing with the others being elicited from the other rooms. Mosko leaned up and grabbed Maxim's hips and fucked him with all his might as his cock hit Maxim's pleasure spot. Maxim could not help but drip pearly white cum on the bed from his cage as Mosko used his hole for his pleasure.

"Fuck, fuck, your fucking my guts Mosko," Maxim gasped and moaned

"Now I'm going to breed your pussy, slave boy." With one last thrust, Mosko filled up Maxim with whatever cum he had left in his balls. They both lay on the bed as Mosko used his hand to rub and admire Maxim's slave cage.

They both drifted off the sleep from their fucking. But it was not a long one.


They both awoke from the door being flung open and the shouts from Mila yelling, "Maxim let's go! There's a brawl happening!"

Mila grabbed Maxim's naked body from the bed and dragged him out of The Void until he had his wits back to walk on his own. Mosko got up and looked confused when the little boy called Ava "Maxim." But he stood there and punched and knocked any man trying to confront him.

Mila and Maxim rushed out with the rest of the crowd and got back to their horses.

"What... what happened, Mila?" Maxim asked in a daze.

"Someone didn't get all their money and started a big brawl. The crowd became unhinged."

"We can't go back yet. Guards will be there."

"We will have to figure it out when we get there. Looks like the brawl is about to move to the streets."

The twins put on their brown garbs and rode back to the palace. Seemed like the brawl only advanced to a small sector of the streets as the rest of the town center was still lively with only pleasure and joy.

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