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The Proposal Ch. 02

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The Sessions with Mr.Frank begin.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/24/2023
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I had just arrived from Mr.Frank's house, and everything still seemed bizarre to me, upon my arrival, I met with Alice getting ready to leave for college. She looked at me with a puzzled face.

- You know I've been thinking, isn't it strange to make you work for so long? are you sure they are not exploiting you? - She asked.

- Well honey, my boss said that this is a project that needs to be finished as soon as possible, It's very important and can bring a lot of money to the firm, I thought maybe if I work extra hard I will get that promotion so we can have the wedding of our dreams.- Alice seemed to buy my explanation and gave me a sympathetic smile.

- Alright, well, I hope you got some rest at least - she said, giving me a quick hug before grabbing her bag and heading out the door.

As I watched her leave, I knew I had to make it up to her somehow. For now, I decided to focus on the task at hand and prepare myself mentally for the upcoming sessions with Mr. Frank. That was when I received a call from George. "Oh great another one that I will have to lie to" I thought as I didn't want to let down the friend that had put his word for my benefit.

- Hi George, what's up? -

- Hey David, everything is fine here, I was wondering how did it go with Frank -

- Well everything went smoothly, he liked my work so much he is even paying me to do it again -

- Great man, I was worried because he is extremely picky with the people he works it, but I am glad he liked you, that's all, have a great day! - He said in a positive tone as he hang up. It was a relief to know that George was happy with how things were going, but at the same time, I couldn't help feeling guilty about the lies. I knew that I had to come clean at some point, but for now, I just had to focus on getting through the day which I decided to spend relaxing and resting as tomorrow I would probably have a full day, before going to bed I shaved all my hair, at first I was using a blade, but it was taking forever, so I just decided to use Alice's product, a kind of gel that you put on your hair and after a while, the hair falls off, this one left a smell of strawberries which I thought was very nice, I went to bed trying not to think too much of what awaited me.

The next day, I woke up early and decided to do some light exercise to clear my mind before heading over to Mr. Frank's house. I gave Alice the same excuse of the "firm's project" and went over to my session. As I walked up the driveway to Mr. Frank's house, my nerves began to kick in. I couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness that had been lingering since our last conversation. He led me to the living room where I found a maid dress with black panties, a black stocking net, and a black choker laying on the sofa, he pointed at it and said.

- Pick those up, go to the bathroom, and change for me okay - I couldn't believe my eyes, I felt raging taking over me as I shouted

- WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? YOU WEIRDO, is that what you want me to do? - I asked but at that moment I realized the mistake in my actions -

-LISTEN HERE! I was very nice to you, kept my word, and treated you nicely you think you are in a position to call me names? NO! I call you whatever THE FUCK I WANT do you understand me? - He shouted as he moved his face close to mine as if he wanted to devour me, I was completely hopeless. Not in my wildest dream I could face someone as big and strong as him, he towered over me his hand big enough to cover my whole head by itself griping my neck and making it hard to breathe. Fearfulness spread through my body, at that point all I wanted to do was get out of that situation.

- No sir, I am so-so --sorry, I didn't think, you can call me whatever you like - I said almost peeing my pants.

- NOW GO AND DO AS YOU WERE TOLD! - Releasing my neck as he said that, surprisingly my knees gave in, I fell on the ground in a sitting position, and looked at him from below, all he did was point me to the bathroom and I followed as instructed, proceeding to take a shower and wearing what he had laid out for me. I was about to leave the washroom but I saw that outside the shower now there was a wig of back hair that was about shoulder height for me. I debated with myself for a moment, because I angered him I figured it would be best to try and make him happy so I put them on. When I came out he was waiting for me.

- Good girl - he said as he looked me up and down. I never imagines that he was this kind of weirdo, but one of the worst types as he also had connections and money.

- Today let's start with the dishes -

- Sure - I began cleaning the kitchen while he sat in the living room watching basketball. When I was done I made my way to him as he led me to that weird door that was previously locked and said.

- Now it's time for the real test to begin - A weird grim emerged from his face. The room was all grey and a bit spacious, there was only a couch like the one in the living room and in front of the couch there was a medium-sized TV that at that moment only transmitted static, the room was poorly lit as the TV was the only source of light for that room, there were no windows and on the other side of the room another hardwood door leading to an unknown location. He put some candles around the floor and said

- Get down on your knees and watch the video - I got down on my knees as he put the headphones on me. Trance sounds began playing in my ears and a foul smell emanated from the candles that filled my nostrils. The TV started showing videos flashing by, and the screen seemed to cycle through pictures of girls at an absurd rate, the headphones constantly whispered something in my ears, and I couldn't figure out what it was or what was going on, and all of that combined I started feeling my consciousness fading a bit, as I was fighting to remain conscious.

After some time I was accustomed to the scent of the candles, not bothering me as much, I noticed that they weren't all girls on the screen sometimes they were trans girls and cross-dressers. Words and images flashed through the screen but I could barely read them before they were gone. As time passed, I started to figure out what they said

"Look at how good they feel"

"It must taste wonderful"

"It feels so good"

"Doesn't it look delicious?"

"You must taste it"

Most of these girls were giving blowjobs or receiving facials. It was affecting me, I was getting hard as I watched I couldn't help it. I lost the notion of time, everything seemed distant as I felt like I was in that room for hours. When the video was over only 40 minutes had passed by, I felt a bit dizzy and had a boner that wouldn't go away, I stayed in the same position, as he lumbered over and pulled me up gently. Upon seeing my boner and a wet spot on my panties he smiled and I began blushing. He pulled the top of my maid outfit down and began spreading a weird cold gel throughout my nipples, after that he had me kneeling on the ground again watching the videos, the whole experience was kind of an out-of-body experience, I was being uncharacteristically submissive as I went with everything he wanted.

The gel started to feel hot on my skin, and my nipples became erect and sensitive, any little wind that I felt on it would cause me small flinches, and with no idea how much time there was left I continued to watch compilation after compilation, I already though hours had passed by previously but now I seemed even longer, to my relief he turned off the video as he stood on my side looking down on me and said.

- Okay, the final task of the day, take off your panties - And just as he said it my body just accepted the command and began moving, I had to stop myself from doing it, "in a normal situation I would never accept being naked with a man, what's going on?" I thought as he said

- I won't ask again - Now in a more threatening and annoyed tone. I figured it was best to just comply, I had already done the worst by submitting myself through all those videos. I pulled down my panties to reveal my 5-inch penis standing there hard as a rock, I've never had a problem with its size, but all the videos I watched today made it look puny. He put a video on TV, a compilation of girls receiving and swallowing facials.

- We can't have you leaving like this, finish the job - I was already at my limit so I just complied, it didn't take long, my eyes glues to the TV watching girls being delighted at being covered in cum, swallowing like it was the tastiest thing in the word. After a few strokes, I was already cumming on the floor. Embarrassed and confused I put the panties back on, he left the room telling me to clean up the mess and leave. I obeyed, after I finished I was ready to leave, he stopped in front of me, held my neck lightly, gave me a little slap on the face, and said.

- You were a good girl today, you can leave - I didn't know how to feel or respond after that, this man was making me do unspeakable things, yet after the slap and the way he talked to me I was already erect, even after cumming earlier, I pushed back my hips so I could hide the erection and all I could think to say was.

- Okay sir - "why don't I fight back, why do I comply so easily?" I thought as I entered the bathroom took a shower and changed back into my normal clothes, there I found the $10.000 next to my clothes and felt a little bit better because, after all that happened, it was for a good cause. While exiting the house I tried avoiding any contact with him, I got into the car and left, it was 11 am Alice would be in college until 6 pm. The session left me with a huge feeling of guilt, so I bought some clothes and flowers for her trying to make my guilty consciousness weigh less. I arrived home put the gifts in place and decided to make her favorite dinner.

When she arrived everything was in place and I was standing with the presents, waiting for her arrival. Her smile upon seeing made me happy, once we hugged I showed her the presents, a pleasant surprise judging by her reaction, and sat down to eat. When I was with her all my worries truly went away, at night we started swapping kisses and hugs. As things got hotter something new happened, the erection was there strong as always but this time my nipples also go hard, and that was certainly a first.

During the lovemaking when things were at their peak I would hear pieces of the video and some flashing images in my head, although I couldn't figure out what it was. As I slept the sessions would briefly poop up, the room around me, the whispers on the headset that I couldn't understand, and the smell of the candles around me.

The next day was a rest day for me, I used it to clean up the house, pay the due rent, and even visit Alice on campus for lunch. I used the excuse that I was given a single-day vacation because of my extended overtime. For the rest of the week, I just went out searching for a new job in the same field, hoping that my reputation had not spread, with little luck. Alice still thought I was employed and going daily to work, there seemed no way to avoid all the lies without having my whole world falling around me, worse yet I was still feeling the effects of the sessions throughout the week.

Then the dreaded day arrived, 6 days after our meeting he messaged me about the second session, telling me to come at the same time, fully shaved. My mind raced with the possibilities of what he had in store for me, I gave Alice the same excuse as before and went on my way to him.

We met outside where he was waiting, he seemed impatient as he quickly told me to get inside, shower, and put on what he had prepared for me. On the counter the same maid outfit was displayed, it seemed a bit shorter, as it could barely cover my but checks, the panties were a big surprise, a white silk pantie that ended far too early, leaving my asshole fully exposed. I thought a lot about putting in on when I remembered how aggressive he got when I defied him and how scary it was, I simply just obeyed. There was also a choker, and stockings all in black, another internal fight was the new eyeshadow, blush, lipgloss, nail polish, high heels, and wig that I was required to put on. I didn't want to do any of that, I hated it!

I must have spent over an hour in that bathroom, I never had applied makeup before and I was certainly not doing it well. As I applied the lip gloss and blush I couldn't believe I had gone so far for this disgusting man. I told myself I had no choice as I exited the washroom. He was waiting for me outside, looking at his watch.

- The time you spent in the bathroom will not be counted for the session, now what do you have to say about the new gifts? - As soon as he said that I felt a fever of rage inside me, all that time inside the bathroom doing those demeaning things had built it up and his comment had just exploded it.

- WHAT DO THINK OF ME, HUN!? Do you think I am your propriety? - Again immediately regretted my actions, a quick slap came my way, it stung like hell, and his strength was apparent by how easily he pulled me close to him yelling.

- AGAIN WITH THE FUCKING DISRESPECT! Need I remind you that I am doing YOU a favor? YOU ARE FUCKING LUCKY THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE! Now I don't want to see you getting out of line again, I do not have the patience today do you understand me? - Again fear filled me as my legs were ready to give in with any incentive, I was shaking and all I could think of was ways to get him to calm down.

- Ye-ye--yes sir, it-it won't happen again - I told him as I looked down with no confidence

- Good girl - he told me sarcastically - Now, what do you have to say about your new gifts?

- Thank you sir - I said quickly, fearing saying anything else.

- That's better, now let me see you with the new outfit, do a spin for me - he said, sitting on the couch. Hating every second of it I obeyed showing him the maid dress, and how little it covered, the open-back panties, and the uncomfortable heels.

- Hmmm I love it, nothing better than a skinny bitch with a plunk and perky ass! -

- But it seems that in my rage I ruined the makeup that up had, well it was shit anyway, we will fix it later, come on, follow me - Everything he said irked me "how THE FUCK am I supposed to do a good job? I never had put makeup before, FUCK YOU!" I thought, but I had learned my lesson, and thoughts were all that they remained.

I followed him through that weird door again and there was the same setup as last time, I kneeled over the TV, and shortly after the headphones and video were on. Not even 10 minutes had passed and I was already feeling weird, the candles this time didn't seem to smell so bad, but the smell was still strong and evasive, I had another raging boner and my eyes were glued to the TV, this week the messages and videos were very similar to last time, but I notice more the cocks, they were large and some were curvier, they would splash the girls face and twitch, "why am I noticing it so much?" I thought.

- Alright I have a surprise for you - He said as he brought a chair, it was very strange looking made for you to sit down almost as if you were riding a horse, they were places for the foot, hand, and head, that seemed to lock you in place, putting me completely at his mercy.

Last week was stockings, a choker, panties and a wig, this week he added makeup, heels, and this weird chair, also the video was getting progressively stranger. What was next week going to be like? I had to gather forces to take a stand, but it seemed hopeless, something in my brain had a really hard time going against him, all I managed to say was

- I don't want to -

He sighed audibly.

- Have you forgotten our agreement? - he asked.

-Anything goes for 3 hours a session. You're telling me you want to void our agreement?-

I was sure that this was not exactly what we agreed upon, but I just couldn't figure out what part of the agreement seemed different, my head was foggy and dizzy. I tried to show no emotion as I thought about what that meant. My end of the deal was clear, do whatever he says. His end of the deal was to pay me and forget about the broken vase. The money I received last week really helped my situation, both with Alice and with my bills, I was also terrified of what he would do to me if I just decided to not pay for the vase.

- No, let's maintain the deal - I finally answered feeling trapped in this situation

- Then be a good girl and sit on this chair - Defeated once again all was left for me to do was obey, the chair was fairly comfortable, which caught me off guard, my hands were in front of my body in a plank position, as they would meet in the middle where a dildo was in place. He strapped me in and I pulled my wrist up, making sure not to touch that thing, he moved slowly and methodically to my feet then my head, then putting on the headphones and a new video, my head was pointing directly at the TV and the straps around my head gave me no room to look another way.

In this new video, the images were slower, I could focus more on what was going on. Close-ups of cocks getting close to red lips as they sucked with intention, assholes with the tip of the cock slowly entering the crack ass it gripped with force. The videos were mostly of girls, but sometimes a shemale or a trap would pop up. I could hear the girly moans with extreme pleasure as the cock would go in, my cock was ready to explode, and there was no way of touching it.

About 20 minutes had passed when I heard him leave the room, and another 5 passed until he came back, he moved behind me and I felt his hand on my butt cheek, a single and fat finger making a circular motion applying that gel on the entry of my hole. He then moved in front of me and I could see his open white robe, a chest covered in hair with that beer belly, and his cock hanging there in front of me with no same. When I saw it my eye was fixed on it for about 30 seconds, it looked wild, totally different from mine, it was veiny and a bit crocked, it also had a head that was red as a strawberry, the only similarity it shared with mine was the size, his flaccid cock had about the same size as my fully erect penis. He applied the gel to my nipples, and fixed my make up, very gently, i had to constantly remove my eyesight from his dangling cock as I kept looking back at it without realizing, after he was finished he sat down on the couch.

Another 20 minutes went on and the gel had made my ass and nipples hot and sensitive, I would feel my hole pulsating without control, my wrist got tired and my hands went down, touching the dildo, it was fleshy, similar to what touching a dick felt, shame spread through my body as I heard him say.

- Now look at that pink little ass asking for attention! I know just what do to with it - I got chill from hearing that, fearing knowing what he was talking about. Not long after I felt something no longer than a finger entering my ass, what I assumed to be a plug. It didn't hurt at all, in fact, my ass was so sensitive that upon the entry my how body gave a little shake in pleasure. It wasn't very deep, just at the entry, and it would pulsate periodically. At that point I was insanely aroused, girly moans would escape my lips and involuntarily my hands were jerking off that life-like dildo.

- Okay, time to finish this off - he said as he untangled me from that weird chair and let me finish the job, the excitement had built up so much that almost instantly as I touched my penis my orgasm came, strong and lasted more than I could ever remember it lasting.

- Clean up your mess and go clean the rest of the house, but don't take the plug out, I will call you for the last video - He had a grim on his looking at me in my own mess, I was left to do all that work as he left downstairs.


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