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The Pussy That Never Got Dry

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Attractive, shapely white woman meets and befriends BM.
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Brian Jeffries
Patricia Dupont
Bill Dupont (Patricia's hubby)
Autumn Dupont (their daughter)
Renee Todd (Brian and Patricia's former supervisor)

Author's Note: I had written this and many other stories and lost the flash drive I had it on in a fire...or so I thought. Sifting thru some old photos in a box I had in storage...found the drive!! Man, that was a moment. And it suddenly came back to me. Thank you for all the messages over the years...I read each one. Honest. Like Michael Jordan once stated, "I'm back"...


Chapter 1


Brian Jeffries stepped his tall, thick, dark chocolate-colored, muscular, 6'3", and 215lb. frame into his corner office, hurriedly, and closed the door. He breathed a sigh of relief as the coolness of his office enveloped him in its crisp air. He had just finished walking around the behavioral health unit and saw that it was going to be a very busy usual. He worked as a psychologist in an urban mental health facility, which meant he was busy all of the time. As he sat at his desk and began surfing the net (which his ass wasn't supposed to be doing), his office phone began to ring. For a second, he looked at it in total and complete disgust, before glancing at the called id. He saw that it was an outside line, so he reached for the handset.

"Hello, Brian Jeffries, behavioral health. How may I help you?" he said.

"Brian! Brian, this is Renee Todd...from Triangle Academy"

"Uh...oh. Heyyy! What's going on Renee? Long time, no hear. How are you doing? This is a nice surprise. Wow, I didn't expect to hear from you again" he said. He wondered why his former supervisor was calling him.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I wish I wasn't calling. I'm sure you're busy; so let me get to the point. Do you remember Patricia Dupont?" she asked.

"Umm. Yeah! Of course, Pat-Pat. What's going on?" he said.

"I recently accepted a new position at another organization and I was boxing my things up when I came across your name and forwarding information. I was calling to let you know that Patricia Dupont had suffered the loss of her husband, Bill, about six months ago. I remembered that you and she were buddies and I was sure nobody had informed you. I'm sorry it took me so long to call" she said.

"Oh my! I'm sorry to hear that! I remember when she married him. What happened? Didn't they have a child together?" he asked.

"Well, from what I've been told, after Bill got back from the war in Iraq, he was a changed person. Apparently, they were having problems...well; I should say he was having problems. I've heard all kinds of stuff about what he put her through. To make a long story short, one night he went out and got hammered at a local bar. After he left the place, he ran a red light right into the path of an eighteen-wheeler going 90 mph. Wasn't much left of him after that, if you know what I mean. Oh, and yes they do have a child. Her name is Brianna. I've seen a picture of her...she's a beautiful little girl"

"Oh my, I'm really sorry to hear that. Listen, do you have a phone number or an address where I can reach her?" he asked.

"I have an address. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get her phone number..." she answered.

"Really? Okay, just a second...let me get a pen. Okay, go ahead," he said.

After hanging up with his former supervisor, Brian called and spoke with Patricia. She was very happy to hear from him and let him know it. He offered to come see her this weekend and she accepted. They talked for a few minutes more and Brian let her know that when he finalized his airline reservations, he would let her know. She thanked him and ended the call. He then sat back in his chair, put his hands behind his head and began to think about the circumstances that led to him meeting Patricia Dubois and the brief yet exciting history they held together...

Chapter 2


Brian had worked with Patricia for approximately six months in 2012. They had been counselors at Grandview Academy. The Academy, as it was called, was a school for wayward adolescents located in Denver, Colorado. The facility boasted a track, four basketball courts, tennis courts, Olympic sized pool, two same sex educational facilities, dormitory for students as well as two additional facilities to house staff. The co-ed buildings provided one-bedroom apartments, including a private bathroom and kitchen area.

He was originally from Pittsburgh, PA. He had been twenty-six at the time and working on his dissertation for his Ph. D in clinical psychology. The position required a bachelor's degree in damn near anything, plus the pay wasn't that bad. Being a student, any money was good money. He had decided to take a year off before completing his studies to work and make some money.

Patricia had been one of the first people he had met during his ten-day orientation at the facility. She had worked at the facility for a little over a year. On first sight, he had found her very attractive. Brian had particular taste in women and had NEVER bowed down to the mere presence of a woman... Black, white, Asian, brown; if the bitch was ugly, she was ugly...and if she was pretty, he acknowledged it. He had never dated white women because he just didn't have a strong affinity for them like his friends seemed to have. The IDEA of fucking a white woman seemed to be all his friends used to talk about. In his eyes, a woman was a woman. He never got off into the black-white power dynamic and all that 'back to Africa' talk when it came to dating a white woman. To him, if you knocked their back out, they were attracted to you, period. He was everything but the stereotypical Black man. He didn't wear his pants beneath his ass cheeks and he didn't talk down (i.e...ghetto) to get the subtle approval of whites when he was in work/social situations. Subconsciously, he knew in America, white women had a huge advantage over their colored peers...and maybe that was why he never could see himself being 'white woman crazy'. Plus, he absolutely loved ass and titties (REAL ONES), and that seemed to be in short supply when it came to the white women he had seen, up till recently.

Patricia was 23, 5'6", weighed 130-135lbs, with most of her weight being held in her 36DD's. She was a natural redhead (reddish-blonde), and wore her hair in a curly shoulder-length style. Being a natural redhead, she inherited the 'lite white' skin, freckles, and emerald green eyes. She was pretty in a way that made a man's dick start to fill with blood the moment his eyes fell upon her. She had lips that reminded one of Angelina Jolie. They weren't THAT big, but they were full and sumptuous on her otherwise delicate structured face. Her skin was clear, free of blemishes. She had a small scattering of freckles strategically placed on her soft, angled face. Her eyebrows were arched, which served to bring out the sexy slant of her eyes.

Her face and body was a mix of French and American breeding. Her breasts were pear-shaped masterpieces that hung heavy on her rib cage. Each topped with long, extremely sensitive, 1/8-inch thick, pink raspberry nipples. Brian had noticed on more than one occasion that her nipples were ever-stiff under every, single garment she wore. They stood out like mini-thimbles, CON-STANT-LY!! It was a known FACT that she made many-a-dicks hard throughout the day at the facility when she worked...and probably an equal amount of pussies wet, as well.

Her height and size of her breasts would lead one to think that she would be a lil thick in the middle, but her waist was small like a waspish white woman. If you were approaching her from the front, as soon as you caught sight of the curve of her hips, you KNEW she was packing ass. Brian found it hard to control his lustful gazes at her rather soft-looking, plump ass when he was near her. She had a tight, natural jiggle to her walk that turned him on to no end. Her legs were long, full and nicely tapered, and she had small feet.

In addition to her physical attributes, her personality was sweet yet feisty. Brian found her to be opposite of what he thought a young, white woman from Tennessee would be like. First, although she was very pretty, she wore no makeup, except lipstick and eyeliner. She didn't fawn for the attention of men, so it made her easy to talk with and be around. In his experience, white women who were uncomfortable with being in close quarters with a Black man act one of three ways: they either put the stress on themselves that they had to talk so GOTT-DAMN much you started to lose your hard-on, they totally ignored you or they kept a distance while fake smiling with dead eyes...

During his orientation, he was at the facility for the 8-4 shift, so he saw her frequently. His regular shift was going to be 12a-8a, full-time. In those two weeks, he learned that she was twenty-three years old and engaged to her high school sweetheart, Bill, who was back in Memphis, Tennessee. They had dated since eleventh grade. She had majored in psychology at Tennessee State while her boyfriend, Bill, had majored in certified beer drinking and partying. She was more of an intellectual, Bill more of a sports fanatic. She had two siblings, a younger brother who was starting his freshman year at Kansas State and an older sister who lived in Memphis. Her parents were still married and living in Memphis, also.

Patricia also got a chance to gather personal information on Brian during his ten-day orientation. He was from Pittsburgh. He had an older brother who was in the Navy and a younger brother back home. He hadn't dated seriously for about a year. He had confided in her that his last girlfriend had cheated on him. He had steered clear of women and relationships since that time. Patricia felt sorry for the pain he suffered, because, though he was Black, he was very sexy, compassionate, and easy to talk to. He didn't come off hard and brusque like she thought a Black man from Philadelphia would considering that the media portrayed ALL Black men as being steadfast counterculture and violent. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least.

Patricia found herself disappointed at the end of Brian's orientation. She had confided things about herself and he to her. He seemed to really listen when she talked. She felt in her heart that his conversations with her weren't a ploy to get into her panties. He didn't seem the least bit interested in her physically, which subconsciously drove her apeshit.

After the week of orientation, Brian did not see Patricia for almost three months due to them working opposite shifts and hanging with different people. Coincidentally, they lived in the same co-ed dormitory, but on different floors. One Tuesday morning, Brian had just come in from working the overnight shift, when he ran into Patricia.

Chapter Three

She looked beautiful, even though it was just before 8 in the morning.

"Good morning, Brian. How have you been?" she said, stepping to the side and in front of him to allow a young man to get past her and out the door.

"I'm fine. Doing well. Overnight shift is working out. I think I still have to get used to sleeping during the day, though" he quipped, while noticing how the morning sun made her hair shimmer. His eyes slyly slid to her breasts, noticing with glee, that her ever erect nipples were present and singing 'GOOD MORNING'. Blood immediately began to warm and awaken his dick.

At that very moment, internally, she stepped over the proverbial 'line in the sand' and admitted to herself that she was attracted to a Black man... this Black man. She had begun to think dirty thoughts about him at night during the time of his orientation... thoughts that had excited and troubled her. Excited because he was sexy and well-built; troubled because he was Black. White girls didn't date Black men. That had been drilled into her head from the time she could distinguish colors. Her high school girlfriends would rather be skinned alive and dipped in rubbing alcohol than be seen talking to a Black man. She didn't consider herself racist, but until this moment, the thought of being attracted to a Black man had never occurred to her.

"Actually, I was thinking about you the other day, Brian" she teased, waiting for his reaction.

"You were? Now how did that come about, Pat-Pat?" he countered, teasingly. 'Pat-Pat was his nickname for her. Her nickname for him was, 'BJ'.

"Well... I was having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine and she was going on and on about how she still hasn't met a nice guy while being here in Denver... and how the guys she has met have all turned out to be liars and losers and so on. I thought about you and the talks we had when you first started. If you're not still on your self-imposed exile from women, would you be open to meeting a friend of mine? The last time we talked, you told me that you weren't interested in meeting anyone, but I thought may-beeee you'd change your mind once I introduced you to her" she sing-songed.

"I don't know, ya know? I'm not big on being set up on blind dates, Pat. And it's not that I don't want to meet someone, I just don't want to meet just anybody. On the other hand, if she comes with your recommendation, it can't be all bad" he answered trying his hardest not to begin gazing at the curve of her plentiful hips. Fuck, it was hard work appearing to be unaffected by this woman who had the build of a porn star.

"Well, if you change your mind, I'm on the fifth floor. Think about it. I won't say anything more to my friend until you give me the go ahead. Deal?" she said.

"Deal", Brian repeated.

"Okay, well, let me get to work before they start killing each other over there" she said, trying to stave off her nervousness.

"Oh, okay. Seeing as how we work different shifts, I can't say with all honesty, that I'll talk to you later. So..." he started.

"Well, look, if you're not doing anything on Saturday, give me a call, okay? I'll talk to you later," she said, patting him on the arm before exiting the building.

Brian turned and watched the peach-shaped, bottom-heavy ass of Patricia walking away towards the girl's school facilities. He thought she might have been the sexiest woman, black or white or other, he had ever laid eyes on and he laid eyes on quite a few back in Pittsburgh and on his travels around the country. He wondered what the fuck they were feeding the white girls in Tennessee. He had been quite surprised when she had extended an invitation to call her. For the first time in a long time with a woman, he had been momentarily speechless. It wasn't that a WHITE WOMAN had hinted at hooking up; it was the fact that PATRICIA was the one who did the hinting! He hadn't been near a woman he had wanted to fuck in a long time!

Arriving at his room, he suddenly realized, like the dumb ass he sometimes was, he hadn't bothered to ask for her number! But she had told him what floor...

Chapter Four

Walking the short distance to work, Patricia, for a brief second, saw the disapproving face of her fiancé, Bill, flash across her mind. Bill seemed to have a pathological fear of Black men and their sexual prowess. She had overheard many conversations between him and his beer drinking frat brothers where Black men and their genetic propensities for crime, their insatiable sexual habits, their counterculture attitude, and irresponsibility to their families and communities were discussed often. If Bill had overheard her offer to Brian, he would have slapped the red out of her hair for talking to a Black man.

As she continued walking to work, she began to think of the next time she was going to see her boyfriend. Over the course of the last two months, he was supposed to have driven up and seen her, but something always came up. She had been hoping he was going to come see her this weekend, but he had told her that he had to go to a fraternity gathering this weekend, but maybe the following weekend. She was beyond tired of hearing his excuses. They hadn't seen each other for almost two months. He called, faithfully, every other night, to get her off. Phone sex had started off as a joke between them, but had grown into a necessity as the days passed into weeks, and the weeks passed into months. Because of her constant heated nature, Patricia craved sex. She had never been in the habit of indiscriminately fucking just anybody. No, she was a good girl and stayed loyal to the dick she claimed as her own. Whatever dick she claimed, that dick got more pussy than panties.

Patricia had given her virginity up when she was 16. She had had about 5-6 partners before she met Bill. Unbeknownst to him, she was known as one of the best dicksuckers around. She had practiced her oral skills on every young man she had dated before him. He had questioned her once about her downright slutty dicksucking skills. She had lied as all proper, modern women did when it came to a man's ego and told him she didn't have much experience pleasing a man orally, but that she was more than willing to learn. What she did have was a natural thirst/desire for dick sucking. It came natural to her to know how to please a man, orally. She had a hard time admitting to him that she loved nothing more than a warm dick in her mouth, balls on her tongue, plentiful spit, and a firm, stroking hold on a man's erect dick.

Sucking dick actually was her second favorite thing to do, sexually. Her first was her love of cum. She loved the appearance, texture, oiliness, smell, and especially, the taste. Tasting it always caused her to have her hard, shuddering mini-orgasms after servicing a guy. She hadn't told Bill all of these things, but she damn sure showed him. After only a few sessions, Bill's craving for Patricia's prodigious oral skills, like every man before him, was akin to a heroin addict's need for a needle.

To describe how fine this young woman was would be a disservice to words. To start, her ass was a major problem. You see, Patricia had a beautiful ass. A big, bouncy, beautiful ass. And everywhere she went, people wanted to fuck her in her big, bouncy, beautiful ass. Postal workers, bus drivers, and deliverymen shouting all kinds of nasty shit at her on the street. Dykes walking their cats wanting to spank her ass. Old men drooling and pointing as she sauntered by. Whenever she met people for the first time, it was the first thing they noticed and the last thing they remembered about her.

The second thing they noticed was her grape-like nipples. They stood atop twin 36DD's. Her lengthy and pink, thick nipples STAYED at attention. Any arousing event of a mental or physical nature would cause them to become blood-filled, enlarged and responsive. The constant irritation of fabric (bras, shirts, etc...) rubbing against them, thoughts of how a guy would look naked, caused them to stay ever erect and hypersensitive. At times, she took to wearing pads over her nipples to hide their erect status. Her one weakness was that if a man took the time to suck, lick, and nibble on her nipples, an orgasm was sure to follow. Unfortunately for her, Bill had not caught on yet to the relationship between her sensitive nipples and predictable orgasms.

And then there was the subject of her pussy. Her clit was large, pink and visible when erect. Her pussy lips always seemed to be swollen and ready for sex. Her box seemed to always be in a state of natural lubrication. The tiniest thought of a sexual natural would cause her pussy to become awash with natural lubrication. She kept two extra pair of panties with her when out of the house. There always seemed to be a sensation of heat emanating from her nether regions. At the age of 17, she took a digital thermometer and measured her mouth and pussy. They were 98.6 and 105, respectively. Her pussy was a hot box, in a literal sense!

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